Something Wicked This Way Comes

Sorry, today will involve a lot of reading, some of it published on this blog years ago. But if you don’t do it, I’ll seem to be making castles in air and it won’t make much sense.

First let’s get some stuff out of the way. Yesterday I posted this in comments:

The further context for this is what the Bidentia has done and plans to do:

The further context to this is that Afghanistan has basically been taken over by the Taliban, to whom Bidentia left a lot of weapons and pallets of cash. I think they were to buy slave-soldiers to invade. (Am I paranoid? Most of the time not paranoid enough.)

The further context to this is the writings of Gramsci who rescued communism from Marx’s philosophical hole. Marx believed the works of the world were natural communists and internationalists.

And then those humans, who never play to communism’s script refused to be internationalists when WWI hit, which is why the left is still howling it was nationalism that caused it. Because it’s due to nationalism that WWI didn’t result in world communism. (Face palm. Their dreams would be cute if they didn’t require so much blood sacrifice.)

Now, go and read these and refresh your memory of what these hordes are and who is behind the recruiting etc.

For those of you who won’t refresh your memories, because you have jobs, or something:

These are posts from 2018, when the left was talking its head off about children in cages, and the superbowl had commercials of little girls scaling the evil wall, to be handed American flags.

Then as now, most of the hordes coming in were young men of military age, and not being very bright, they were stupid enough, often, to unfurl their country’s flag and sing their anthem as they passed the border.

What the articles makes clear is that these people are not “peasants seeking a better life.” Oh, there might be some, here and there. But the truth is that the vast majority are committed communists (Yes, all communists should be committed. They are insane and enemies of mankind, but that’s something else. And yes, I know the left will be outraged at this. Prove me wrong. Come up with a policy that doesn’t destroy humans, you vile commies.) They are also of military age. They are in fact, foreign fighters being imported by a vile, tiny minority that has got control of the levers of power in our society by skullduggery, indoctrination, crooked laws and the tongue-laving services of a compliant and submissive press.

Except their hold is breaking. Part of this is that none of them are very smart. Part is that they’ve all been indoctrinated into what amounts to a cult. They’re full believers in the arrow of history. They’re full believers in Communism being inevitable and the future.

In the last few years they had a few bad shocks. Trump’s vote totals after all they did was one of those. Heck, Trump winning in 16 scared the crap out of them. Our not disavowing the Jan 6 political prisoners was another. Only the senile and the brainwashed even believe that the best armed group in America tried to have an insurgence without guns. Our not disavowing Kyle Rittenhouse was another. The lack of riots — and I suspect, in REAL vote count, the lack of women running to the polls — when Roe vs. Wade was upended, except for their curated and paid for groups horrified them. They still think “the youth” and “the educated” are the same scum-sucking idiots they commandeered during the Vietnam war. That they’re something quite different terrifies them, because it might mean the arrow of history is wrong.

The measure of their fear is their armoring DC and calling all the national guard units. They really expected us to march shoulder-to-shoulder and tear them limb from limb.

It never happened. It never was going to happen. Listen, we’re all more soaked in narrative than we should be, but the left tends to be soaked in CINEMATIC narrative. (Partly because it’s easier to tell lies with images. You can have a barely coherent set of ideas and beautiful visuals, and people will remember the visuals and selected words, and not that none of it made any sense.) So they always imagine the “shoulder to shoulder” thing. Partly, because that’s their own lie about both the French revolution and the Communist revolution. they think the people “united” marched shoulder to shoulder for righteous retribution.

In fact these revolutions are always the work of propagandists and intellectuals, supported — in the case of the communist revolutions — by foreign money.

Keep that in your back pocket. It’s needed to understand their major error in judgement.

It didn’t’ happen, because that’s not how these things happen. They happen in sullen resistance, which Lord knows we have, and only turn to outright shooting and destruction when the powers that be make it untenable for people to survive. Or when they threaten the women and children, which they’ve started doing. (And with the invasion it’s going to get massively worse.)

People — real people, with jobs and families, not brainwashed intellectual-class commies — don’t fight until things get very dire. Americans if anything, culturally (and some of us have acculturated exquisitely, thank you) are even slower than that. We tend to do the right thing when it’s almost too late. (Looks at Governor Abbot, though frankly, it has been said and might be right he was waiting for the result of the Attorney General impeachment to make sure that the Bushes influence in TX had waned enough for this.)

So, what is the Bidentia (like rodentia but dumber. Even squirrels are smarter) trying to do?

Ah. Well, see, they are starting to feel the shape of things. It’s all gone sour. It’s all playing against them. They started out terrified in Jan 2021. And in the way of the guilty and corrupt, the fact there was no immediate backlash is playing hob with them. Plus the sullen resistance. And to be fair, Simon Jester (Look up The Moon is a Harsh Mistress) dancing n front of their eyes with FJB, Let’s go Brandon, etc. going viral. (Do more of that.)

They’re stupid. Their followers are indoctrinated. None of them are very bright. And they haven’t managed to do the one thing they need to do for their “revolution” of “the people” to succeed: confiscate our guns.

They’ve tried. Oh, Lord, they’ve tried. Night and day they’ve tried. And Obama tried before them. But every time they try the gun industry goes brrrrrrt and another mega quintillion of guns are bought by the population. (And inevitably lost in tragic boating accidents. Look, it’s not our fault. Americans are lousy boatmen, true. But the guns so love a trip by water. Who are we to deny it to them? It’s just humane enrichment for the poor things. We never let them shoot those who richly deserve it.)

Despite their debasement of our armed services, I think they’re starting to get the feeling the rank and file isn’t with them. And their attempts at bringing more of their kind by having a drag queen do recruiting haven’t worked. (I TOLD you they don’t understand people.)

But they’re afraid. And also, they want to establish the reign of however many years they have left before their senescent leadership goes to their eternal punishment. (The young ones like AOC or for that matter the very insane Obamas should be aware that the oldesters don’t care if the young and stupid stay behind to have their necks stretched in the inevitable backlash. They aren’t. They are that dumb, truly.)

These people have committed crimes that would grace a demon’s resume — we know, because what’s come out so far is probably the least of it — and stolen from us more than any gilded age pirate could dream of. They’ve done themselves very well indeed, while indulging appetites that would make Screwtape go “Whoa, that’s going too far.”

And they’re terrified it will all come out. Despite their stomping, and trying to control all the information, things keep coming out. And they have all this lovely money. And they’ve given it to their children, their lovers, their retainers. And they don’t want to answer for their crimes before death comes for them. (The crazier ones might be playing with things to stave off death. More scientific than the Chinese Emperors had, but oh, boy, the side effects, still. And yes, I’ve heard rumors, and will hear more when this is published. And some not so rumors.)

They want to overwhelm us with force, to make us go quiescent, like every other population terrorized by communists, that gives up and starts obeying them.

The problem is a) we’re Americans. b) they’re out of time. No, seriously, even Europe is starting to turn against their insanity. Their out of time.

What they’re trying to do is an old style communist revolution. Which won’t play well against our immense territory, our well-armed populace, our fractiousness.

So…. in their minds, they’re bringing in an army.

Do you think it is a coincidence that the Federales cut the razor wire in TX the day before the vast contingent of military age men showed up? Or do you think the traitors knew the invasion was coming? I give you two guesses, and the first doesn’t count.

Do you think it’s a coincidence that Biden created the Hitler Climate Jungend just before the “volunteers” showed up? Or that he passed laws allowing them employment, when honestly there is no employment for anyone right now?

Pull the other one. It plays jingle bells.

Now, this looks very scary for us. Or very inevitable victory and short and victorious war for them.


Remember, they believe in Gramsci. They believe that the vast “dispossessed” hordes of the world (remember, they’re Marxists. The economy is a fixed pie, and we just slice it. This is why some idiot comedian recently said America shouldn’t leave that well, if others live that badly. These complete lackwits think all humans have done is pass around the same bits of “wealth” since the stone age. This is also why they think reducing the population will make everyone rich. They could benefit from EVER having run an honest or even only mildly crooked business. (Hello, Mr. Trump.))

Remember also these people — all commies — are consumed by a nostalgie de la boue. The dirtier the more authentic. The most evil, violent, unruly, the strongest and those who will inevitably win. If you read their literature (listen I have a degree in the stuff, for my sins) you’ll be unable to ignore that.

To them the fact that these third worlders are violent and criminal means they’ll win.

They’d profit from a real history about how the West conquered the world. Not their histories who make the defeated enemies into Noble Savages and peaceful nature worshipers. Real ones.

Barbarism and undisciplined violence is the natural condition of mankind. It is not, as it appears to these pampered, terminal stage soy-boys, a kind of super power.

When undisciplined barbarians meet the civilized, the result is that the barbarians commit a lot of unimaginable atrocities. Women and children are slaughtered and raped.

This is the way of tribal humans, way back. Look, when fighting other tribal societies it worked. It was even humane. If your hunting party trespasses on another hunting party’s territory and is slaughtered and eaten, the gnawed bones sent back to their people, you’ll stay away from that territory.

But we’re not tribal. In fact, Americans, for all of the left’s efforts, are the least tribal people in the world. Their race war propaganda has only influenced the same people who bought into the Covidiocy hook line and sinker: the soft-headed academics, and the inner city pets. Who are not only a far-smaller part of the population than they think, but also the ones likely to be eaten FIRST as we’re seeing in NYC.

We’re sort of distilled essence of Western Civilization.

Our reaction to atrocities (they’re coming) will not be to surrender (yes, they think it will. Remember, they believe their own media, who is always eager to surrender. Remember all the kneeling to BLM? And yet, they didn’t dare even fan out to the suburbs, because that didn’t go well.) but to lock and load. It’s going to take a few shocks to get people pissed off enough, but once they’re pissed off enough it’s Kathy bar the door.

Look, I don’t want this. I’m still praying this cup passes us by. But the left is being insane. And they’re going to make this hurt. And there might be no escape.

It won’t be civil war. At least at first, it will be a convulsion, to get rid of the invaders. A lot on our side will get hit, because Americans can’t tell the difference between well… me and my kids and Mexicans. (Trust me, the difference is obvious.) Or American blacks and Hatians. (Again the difference is obvious. Not once have they spoken to me in Spanish in the Mexican grocery store.) And trust me too, there’s a lot on our side who tan. (Yeah, older son and I can pass, if we stay out of the sun long enough, (though the number of times we’ve been asked our ethnicity!) Younger son can’t. As his fiance has found out, he tans with a regular lightbulb. And he’s darker than both his father and me. In fact as dark as my dad.) Heck, there’s a lot of Mexicans on our side. Those who’ve been here for three generations and have businesses and are looking at the invasion and going “Oh, hell, I got away from that.” Heck, there’s that in the back of my mind, too, because Portugal isn’t the same but is close enough.

There’s a lot of us who always planned to immigrate legally and did it. (No, not the marriage. That was fortuitous and happy. It took me ten years to confess to husband that when I accepted him, I turned down an offer of employment for which the employer had already done all the work. I had planned, I had applied. It can be done. It’s difficult, but it can be done.) We’ve always disapproved of illegal immigration. And we’re furious at the invasion. Only partly because we fear for ourselves and our kids. As do a lot of people who’ve been here almost from the beginning and whose kids tan.

The left thinks of course that external looks mean “solidarity” and that if we tan we must be on their side.

But we’re not responsible for their insanity, nor should we credit their propaganda.

What I’m trying to say is: It’s going to get ugly. It’s going to get very ugly. They’re messing with the men who just wanted to be left alone. They’re guided by a myth that has no contact with reality. They’re importing people they don’t understand who, to them, are just widgets marked “exploited dark skinned person.”

It’s going to go sour. It’s going to go sour fast. And yes, it’s going to cost some of us everything, either because we’re caught in the initial atrocities or because we happen to look — to people who are scared and angry — like invaders.

Get out of the big cities if you can. If you can’t, please, for the love of heaven, have a place you can run through if the rough music starts. Get to metaphorical high ground, before the storm drowns you.

Have a safe rendez vous for you and yours. Have ways to defend yourself. Have what you need to get through a time of supply disruption.

And be not afraid. The West has won every one of these confrontations. The idiots coming in, and the idiot commie from Mexico who thinks he can threaten us with Russia (Russia! It’s like he’s living in the 80s when Russia looked like less of a paper mouse) and can always kiss up to China for help (China, my dude, is imploding. You’re a dumbass. That’s why you’re a communist.)

As for the cohesion of these idiots “army” — bah. It’s at best a self-murdering rabble trying to make a buck and steal. They’re already seeing this in NYC where the invaders are fighting each other in the street. (In Italy too, for that matter.)

Note I’m not even talking about civil war. Just stopping the aggression. And yes, it might come to civil war. And yes, I’m still praying for a miracle.

The truth is even in limited clashes, and a rounding up and returning the invaders to the sender, a lot of us will not get to the other side. None of this post is what I want. It’s what I predict from the game pieces at the moment. And it’s terrifying enough.

But if I don’t make it to the other side, it’s enough that America does. (Though I’d like husband and kids to make it.) That is my victory condition. We restore the republic and get rid of the occupiers.

It’s going to take time. Their very stupidity and fear makes them dangerous. And they’re determined to provoke violence. And violence is going to hurt all of us.

But in the end we win, they lose.

Prepare, prepare, prepare. Think through the dilemmas ahead of time.

And be not afraid.

You got this.

270 thoughts on “Something Wicked This Way Comes

  1. “he was waiting for the result of the Sec. of State impeachment ”

    Ken Paxton is Attorney General, not Sec State.

        1. Doesn’t it though?

          Meme for tomorrow? ‘He was doing fine, until he decided to withdraw the codfish’.

          No, that’s terrible …

  2. The folks coming here illegally are not an “army”, for they are for the most part not “soldiers”.

    That requires organization and cohesion. Skills are nice, but do not themselves create those essentials.

    Sure, mobs are dangerous. Until folks get tired of mobs. Then mobs are extinct. 19th century Los Angelenos grew weary of their crooks and mobs, organized quietly, and “stretched” them until order was restored. It got seriously ugly, then burned out when they ran out of hardcases to slaughter.

    Note the Kyle Rittenhouse effect. And he was a -solo-. Yeah, he would possibly be an Infantry asset, assuming he can play team sports. But he whacked three armed opponents and drove off a bunch of others. Had he had one decent buddy, or better yet a squad, there is no reason they could not have stacked scores if not a century.

    Those illegals are also probably riddled with folks as sick of Marxoids as we are “yeah, yeah, power to the People. Revolucion! And.. Where are they hiring? I need to save up to buy a cab.”

    Odds are some just think queues are for suckers, and I want my American dream now, not when allowed by princes.

    There are a whole bunch of us vets that are -far- more going to influence any upheaval. LOL. They don’t want to. They prefer tidy self-made order. So when that gets effed, they are going to eff-itt. Even assuming 90 percent of them are mouthy wannabees, the remainder, especially the very quiet ones, are… not.


    As morale booster, read this evaluation of the “win” over the CanuckTruck protests. It will warm your heart on a Yukon winter.

    And remember FJB screws up darn near everything he does, so any grand scheme? (Sound of falling anvil. Sign held “yipe”) Yeah, no


    1. “The folks coming here illegally are not an “army”, for they are for the most part not “soldiers”.

      That requires organization and cohesion. Skills are nice, but do not themselves create those essentials.”

      Note, the idea they’re an army is OBVIOUSLY what the left is thinking. Not US. The left has only nominal contact with reality, remember?

      1. They’re not an army, but they are an invasion. Of course, this Congress can’t even organize an impeachment with a truck load of evidence of felonies. Heck they can’t even make a damn budget and stick to it.

        1. Mutually Assured Destruction.
          Most Congresscritters deserve to hang, and know it.

          Biden won’t go down without taking everybody he can with him.

          They’re more afraid of him than of us.
          If things go pear-shaped, that stability could quickly evaporate.

          1. I saw a clip from Triggernometry where Scott Adams said that one possible reason all the politicians are ancient is that they need to stay in place to cover their crimes. If they were to leave their replacements would find evidence of their corruption right away.

            1. Once Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon and managed to make himself a candidate before he was prosecuted he had to stay in office or running for office ALL THE TIME.

              Last nail in the Republic’s coffin.

          1. The Mexican cartels can’t even work together and not backstab inside of their own organizations, much less cooperate with other organized crime for long– do you really think a grab bag of everywhere else on earth is going to manage to form an army?

                  1. The Taliban is a lot closer to a single cartel, and wasn’t a bunch of random international guys of roughly military age from different cultures and countries, speaking a range of languages.

                    America is weird in that not only did we form a new culture of America, we are able to turn folks from all over our country into a military force that’s fairly well organized.

                    (Yes, the sailor just admitted that the Army is, on an international scale, fairly well organized. This may be a sign of the end times.)

          2. Not an army ever. They are pulling in hoodlums who’ve been inducted to crime gangs with demonic religions (Santa Muerte for one). These are not even mobsters as the Mob is governed by the Capos, these guys are out to kill, steal and destroy. Hmmm… what does that remind me of?

            1. Again, the US military has allowed enlistments of foreign nationals with non-citizen resident alien status; and the cartels have taken advantage of that; multiple confirmed incidents.

              1. Granted. Worse, recruits in recent years are the product of the public indoctrination system and are thereby corrupted. It isn’t going to be easy.

                1. The public indoctrination system didn’t work for the first fifty years, why do you think it’s magically working now?

                  Especially working so well that it’s literally worse than cartel infiltration of the military?

                  1. It’s still not working. Millenials are just terrified of speaking out. Partly being debt slaves a lot of them. Partly because they are acutely aware of cancel culture.

                    1. I was one of the folks too dumb to know not to say anything in class, but mom had a good half dozen of my classmates (that’s about 10%) come up to her and tell her how much they’d admired how “brave” I was.

                      I usually didn’t know the teacher was fully aware they were full of fecal matter!

                    2. I KNEW when I moved here, which is what allowed me to have A career briefly.
                      Dan came from a lefty family so it took him forever to see cancel culture. Heck, a lot of our people, even righties, aren’t socially clued in enough to see cancel culture. The younger generations do, but not mine, or people ten years younger.
                      Part of the reason people tend to think the younger generations are commies.
                      I only know differently because I know A LOT of younger people. but because of the circumstances, most of those younger people think they’re alone.

                    3. I was class of 2001, and it was considered obvious that the more they assured you a survey was anonymous, the less likely it was to actually be.

                      That’s not even just the obvious ones, graded by classmates– we’d all heard about folks who admitted to something an admin would find “troubling” and got pulled out of class to talk about it.

                  2. Socialist infiltration into the ranks from HS graduates is a thing, you might remember the guy in West Point who was an open Communist known to his peers and not reported. The purpose of modern public education is to radicalize the youth, who then infiltrate everything. They’ve infiltrated the corporate world, they are assuredly in the military as well. Creatures like Gen. Miley come from nowhere.

                    Worse than cartel infiltration? Six of one half a dozen of the other. Cartel people are more acclimated to violence; radicalized Americans have an easier time with their cover, but will quickly learn violence when the time comes. It is addictive, after all.

                    1. That’s him. Photo courtesy of a classmate.

                      Bear in mind that the Services are composed of all kinds of people. I met people that I greatly admired and others that should have been strangled and dumped over the side, and everything in between.

                    2. :laughs: I was actually in the building for being sent to boot camp, during the Navy’s lovely 18-ish hour hurry up and wait, when another gal tried the conversational gambit of being in the Navy to upend the patriarchy or some such nonsense.

                      … I responded I was there to be a sailor, thank you, and went back to sleep.

                    3. I went and double checked, too– he wasn’t out of high school, guy was infantry enlisted in Afganistan.

                      “I consider myself a revolutionary socialist,” the 26-year-old Rapone told The Associated Press in a series of interviews. “I would encourage all soldiers who have a conscience to lay down their arms and join me and so many others who are willing to stop serving the agents of imperialism and join us in a revolutionary movement.”

                1. The ones that got the furthest were the ones that killed Marine Sgt. Jan Pawek Pietrzak and Quiana Faye Jenkins-Pietrzak, because he’d married a gorgeous black woman and that pisses off organized crime types.

                  They didn’t get away with it, in part because the stupid psychos couldn’t just hide it as a robbery gone bad. They had to try to make it look like anti-black racism, and commit outrages.

                2. And the ones that go back are likely to provide the latest example of that phrase “Stiffening a bucket of spit with a handful of buckshot.”

                  But that handful of buckshot could do some damage if employed correctly.

              2. I processed quite a number of information requests for citizenship from foreign people enlisted in our Air Force and assigned to my squadrons. Most of them from the Philippines, but several from various other countries. 9 times out of 10, these are good people, and superior performers. Unfortunately, INS are slow, unhelpful, and in my opinion, horribly biased external genitalia who managed to screw up 20% of those applications.

      2. We also know how an elite inviting the barbarians in because barbarians are simple and easily manipulated usually turns out.

          1. Indeed.

            People get the wrong ideas from the fall of the Roman Empire. They think Rome fell because the barbarians invaded. Actually, Rome fell because the Roman people were disarmed by law around the time of Diocletian – except for the legions, who were formed into a hereditary caste at that time.

            The legions got massacred by barbarians at Adrianople in 378, and there were no Romans handy who knew a gladius from third base; so the emperors did the best they could, and hired the barbarians who did the massacring. That worked just about as well as it always does when a country depends exclusively on mercenaries for its own defence.

            Rome had been allowing barbarians to immigrate ever since the time of Augustus, but it didn’t do any harm as long as the Romans were an armed people. Verbum sap.

            1. The Legions were largely recruited Outland of Rome. For centuries. The Legions Romanized the Legionairies, who when discharged elsewhere to their old homelands then Romanized their new homes.

              Social Engineering, that worked. They were the ones that Romanized Europe, not the folks back in the city.

              When the Legions fell apart, so did Rome. The quality was gone, burned out in endless civil wars.

              Suggested reading: Stephen Dando-Collins

              Ceasars Legion

              Nero’s killing Machine

              Legions of Rome

              That last one is a one volume guide to the entirety of the Legions.

              1. I think this is a specific “at the time of the fall.” I think Tom knows all that.
                And honestly, so do I.
                My only reason to suspect my family started out as legionnaires is that dad’s immediate answer to a toddler crying when hurt was “Legionnaires don’t cry”. Which sounds like something fathers said to sons for 2k years.

              2. By ‘Romans’, in connection with the fall of the empire, I mean ‘people of the Roman Empire as opposed to foreigners’. I do not mean residents of the city, or even Italians.

        1. The liberal elite of Iran thought they could use the bearded religious barbarians to overthrow the Shah and then planned to get rid of them once they served their purpose.

          We all know how well that worked out.

        1. Is it schadenfreude if they deserve it? I mean, that’s not misfortune, it’s just…fortune. Aren’t his kind fond of saying things like “the arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice?”

          1. Q: How do you identify a Young Pioneer?
            A: They’re the ones with the Arrow of History in their backs.

    2. That got me wondering; easy way to sneak an army in to our country, mix them with the other criminal aliens.

      They may not be mostly soldiers but how many are enough? Of the over eight million criminal aliens now in our country say 5%, shucky darn say 1% are trained, infiltrating agents acting in accord with an enemy countries interests.That would be a force 80,000 strong, eighty battalions.

      Such could wreck much havoc in our nation if there were folks somewhere in the world that wished to do so.

      Just a thought, I admit unlikely but….

        1. Most of them suffer from poor leadership, not a lack of guts. Assuming decent leardship, things get spicy.

          1. True. The left has people on the ground who know insurgencies and how they’re run. (Not all veterans are on the side of light.) And they’re good at it, as ongoing conditions in Portland and Seattle and incidents such as the chop/chaz zone attest. Things could get VERY spicy if or when they decide the time is right.

            Of course, we also know there’s a good reason why only a couple of cities have an ongoing antifa problem. It’s the same reason why Black Lives (don’t) Matter didn’t extend its mobs into the suburbs. That bullshit only works if people are willing to put up with it. When the populace is armed and really wants the insurgency to go away, then go away it will, whether it wants to or not.

              1. The Seattle police chief just advised people to hand over their car keys if they get carjacked. Driving through the city was, ahem, stressful. (Only went through one neighborhood with tents on the sidewalk, but that’s one too many. Maybe there’s a reason we were utterly wiped after getting back to the RV).

                1. Back when we were in the blob, they fired a cop for misconduct.

                  He enforced the law about public smoking,… on potheads.

                  Was fine when he did it on cigs.

      1. You also forget all the actual members of the Peoples’ Liberation Army that are already here, as ‘students’, paid for by their government.

        Add to that the tens of thousands that have crossed the Border illegally and, yes, it is an invasion by trained forces.

        As to the forces of South and Central America, or Warlord forces from Africa, or from the Middle East, the definition of ‘soldier’ is ‘someone who is on my side with a gun.’ Training is lacking other than mostly ‘don’t point that thing at me or I’ll shoot you’ and ‘bomb goes there, not here.’

      2. The Chinese are sending over thousands of trained men. They will wreak havoc, then be hunted down and returned to their ancestors.

      1. Well, it’s not exactly in the government’s, or their media lapdog’s, interest for you to know that, eh?

        It might encourage the masses.

    1. Given what happened to Terry McAuliffe in VA in 2021, this should be played against Biden and every Congressional Democrat running next year.

  3. Sorry, haning off on the shoulder to shoulder thing: that really bothered me in Batman Rises. At the end with all the cops showing up to march shoulder to shoulder on Bane’s forces, in a world with machine guns and armoured fighting vehicles should have turned the entire thing into an abattoir, not some heroic revolution.

    Ok, rant mode off now. Resuming the regularly scheduled reading.

      1. “Hey, how did we get here, and why do I smell burning sulfur?”

        The well crafted ambush is a thing of beauty.

    1. But… it did turn into an abbatoir…? The bad guys rolled up in the cannon-armed tumblers (which hadn’t been seen by the civilians up until that point), and gunned down all of the marching cops.

      1. It did. But the screenwriters assumed the cops would be ignorant enough to go marching in, shoulder to shoulder, blindly expecting the show of “solidarity” wouldn’t be an abbatoir in a world with armored vehicles and machine guns.

        We learned that lesson in WWI. But that’s a little recent for commies, whose mode of thinking is stuck in the 1800’s, and unable to see problems that were already being fixed or obsolete in the area Marx described when he wrote his screed.

        1. My recollection is that scene was the first time that anyone other than the bad guys knew that they had the tumblers. So up until then, the armored cars didn’t enter into anyone’s thinking.

          The assault rifles were another matter, but it’s possible that there was a plan in place for those (that we didn’t see because armored cars were used instead).

          Of course, it’s also worth noting that a good chunk of the movie is basically showing what happens when the communists and fascists win. So it’s also possible that the scene was handled that way as a “no, solidarity marches against real authoritarians usually don’t work” reminder.

          1. It was police in dress uniforms (yes, retarded, just like the rest of the scene) vs criminals.

            Then the criminal tumblers arrived.

            Then Batman destroyed the tumblers with his hovercraft.

            Then plot stuff between Batman and Bane.

            Then as Bane left in another tumbler he casually killed everyone on the street.

    2. Not just “a world with machineguns”. The criminals HAD machineguns. Which they shot at the ground a bit and then ran into melee…..

      ….that is another hated trope. Hollywood thinks the entire purpose of fixed defenses is to be a place to look cool charging out from.

  4. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m thinking marxism isn’t really the right root name for it. As near as I can tell, it’s really just envy and doctrines that allow it. Marxism is a doctrine run by envy, as is DIE, intersectionality and at least a dozen other doctrines, and they all function largely the same way, but I think that has more to do with them all being built around envy, than it does any direct intellectual connection to marxist theory.

    This does have a couple of really critical correlaries we need to be aware of

    1: just because it looks like marxism doesn’t mean it’s actually related
    2: just because it’s not related doesn’t mean it matters: if it’s envy dogma it will do exactly the same thing.

    And, given envy is a real, basic human emotion, and given envy has no use in a free market economic system, the implication is that envy dogmas will always arise, regardless of whether marxism exists at all, and completely independent of the guy.

    I think it pops up everywhere in academia is because precedent is ‘validating,’ and a loose speculative connection let’s one weasel word one’s way out of just about anything.

    The ramification is, I think we need to find a better more basal description for all these green eyed ghouls who are fueled solely by their envy at anyone who has ever achieved more than they did. Because it isn’t really that they have been indoctrinated into anything; rather for many, they have been given a justification for an emotion they were already stewing in.

    That may also mean that logical arguments aren’t going to ever work because it isn’t that marxism type things are what’s causing the resentment, but instead it is being used to validate the envy that already exists. Instead we may want to target the idea of envy itself, show people how tearing down your neighbor’s house doesn’t help you or make you happier at all, and they’ll just drop the dogma on their own.

    1. I think this is spot on. It really is envy, all the way down. Everything in the leftist “philosophy” is driven by it. The Shakespeare scholar Harold Bloom recognized it as such back in his day at Yale, when he characterized the contingent of academics who thought the only valid modes of criticism were deconstructionist and post-colonialist and wanted to remove Shakespeare and most of the western canon from literary studies as “resenters.”

      I only differ in the final prescription, because it’s not possible to impress on people in the grip of envy that tearing down what someone else has isn’t going to make them happy. It will in fact make them very happy…for a few short moments. They’re not capable of recognizing how fleeting such joy inevitably is, and it’s a logic they won’t employ.

      What might work better (maybe?) is reminding them that nobody is exempt. What’s stopping your fellow travelers from turning on you and taking everything you have? Nothing. The second the easy snacks are gone, you’re on the menu. The revolution always eats its own. I’m not actually sure anything will work; there’s never any shortage of footsoldiers in the envy wars.

      1. I can see that working too. And really, I’m arguing that we need to target the envy first, whatever way or ways will finally break through it, because I’m thinking the philosophy is rooted in the envy, rather than the envy being rooted in the philosophy.

        1. C. S. Lewis understood this
          “Now this useful phenomenon is in itself by no means new. Under the name of Envy it has been known to the humans for thousands of years. But hitherto they always regarded it as the most odious, and also the most comical of vices. Those who were aware of feeling it felt it with shame; those who were not gave it no quarter in others. The delightful novelty of the present situation is that you can sanction it – make it respectable and even laudable – by the incantatory use of the word ‘democratic’.”

          From –

          If you haven’t, the Reader urges you to RTWT.

        2. Yes. It seems like there could be a lot of people just reflexively going along who might break out of it if they were prompted to think about what’s behind the high-sounding philosophy and where all this envy leads.

      2. There are a lot of inner city residents currently learning this the hard way as Pedo Joe gives the “migrants” their jobs, their government benefits, and their neighborhoods.

    2. Yes. Depending on what you are reading, I’ve seen bits and bobs of Gramscii’s writing that make sense*. Like Naomi Klein’s “disaster capitalism” which heyo! 2021-2 Big Pharma vax mandates and the mass transfer of wealth from the middle & bottom economic folks to the top are waving their hands and saying “call on me, Prof!!!”
      But teacher won’t look because she has guilt and loyalty and spite bound up in Not Seeing.

      So yes, my money is on de-Christ-ification. Canceling Christendom. Because everyone has a vice they do not want to get rid of and hoo-boy does Marx justify and institutionalize both the stupid and them what exploits it

      (*along the lines of the state-military-corporate axis in Canada frex, that forced doctors to write confessions, promise never to write a medical exemption for toxic “vaccines” and pay for their reeducation)

  5. I don’t usually flag the typos, but this one seems to change the meaning –

    “Look, I don’t want this. I’m still paying this cup passes us by. “

  6. I understand that Abbot sent that letter to Biden declaring an invasion 10 months ago, in November 2022. Why is it suddenly news now?

        1. Because Abbott got busted with one of his major donors quietly establishing an extremely large Reaervation for illegal aliens just North of Houston.

          1. Yeah, I saw that story. What I haven’t seen is any actual evidence that the developer was a) a major donor and b) that Abbott could have stopped it. The Federal Government set up the mechanism to make it legal for illegals to buy property. How, exactly, was Abbott supposed to stop it without having the federal bureaucracy override him?

            Add to that the simple fact that the TX government is set up to have the weakest Executive Branch of any of the 50 states, and the TX SCOTUS ruling two years ago that the State AG cannot file independent criminal charges unless the county DA agrees to it, and I’m surprised Abbott has been able to do as much as he has..

              1. Not something that the state would likely be looking at. A state is extremely limited in the actions that it can take against illegal aliens. A state attempting to deport them on its own would run afoul of the Constitution. Yes, this is the case even if the Feds are clearly derelict in their duty, as is the case right now. The most that the states are allowed to do is cooperate with ICE on raids, and to alert ICE when known illegals are about to be released from custody. You’ll notice that the actions of Texas have been focused on making it more difficult for illegals to enter the country (via physical barriers at the border), and taking willing illegals currently in the state to other parts of the country. If someone illegally in Texas says, “I don’t want to go,” then there’s not much that Texas can do unless the illegal is caught engaged in some other form of criminal activity.

                Also, conducting a raid against a community made up almost entirely of illegals (such as Colony Ridge) in order to deport them all would be terrible optics. Better to avoid that sort of situation to begin with.

                  1. ?

                    I’m not sure what that has to do with states not being able to take direct action against illegals. The Constitution grants all power to deal with foreigners to the Federal government.

                    1. It is not “power” to be exercised whenever the whim takes them, it is a duty they are required to fulfill.

                      So, when they fail to fulfill it, onto whom does the duty fall? And from whom does all power derive, per the Constitution? There are answers, and they are not difficult ones to discern.

        1. Like I said, I’d be happier (in one sense) if he’d ordered State Guard, because there’s no other path than naked force to stand them down.

          But as Captain Mancuso put it, “The hard part about playing chicken is knowing when to flinch.”

          1. I’m guessing that you’re concerned about the Feds “calling up” the National Guard, much like Ike did in the aftermath of Brown v Board of Education?

            Might be an oversight, or it might be intentional as a way to encourage the Feds to carry their escalation along a predictable path.

  7. I’m still kind of surprised that Epstein’s main squeeze, Ms. Maxwell, is still alive. But that points to one thing to me. She’s got the entire list stashed in several places that the government and elites haven’t been able to dig out as her insurance policy. She dies, the list goes public and all the bad guys and girls get outed.

    1. This is almost certainly the case. And it means that anyone who could kill her would be doing the world a great service. (I’m not capable or willing, and I’m not trying to urge anyone into it; just making an observation.) An alternative scenario is that she has the kind of knowledge that makes her more useful alive than dead; maybe she’s the only one who can tell certain people how to apply specific leverage to certain other people.

    2. I am waiting for the day that list comes out. The media (God damn them to hell) is worried that the list would disrupt our institutions “too much”. If our institutions are that correct they deserve to burn and if the list is who we think it is, those institutions will burn.

      1. I 100% agree. I fully approve of any and all disruption of any institution if it’s the result of exposure of these (or any other criminal.) Doing nothing to stop the evil, when you can, is just as evil as the acts themselves.

      2. It’s like the ever popular refrain in corrupt churches of “How DARE you accuse a Maaaan of Gaaaawwdd of such crimes!?”

        uh, dude, if he did that he ain’t no Man of God. Or perhaps he is, but not the one he claims to serve.

        1. Christ and the Apostles warned us repeatedly about imposters, even miracle working ones. It wasn’t going to end well for them or their followers.

          1. Judas was one of those sent out to heal the sick– imagine what the folks who were healed at his hands experienced when they found out his betrayal.

            But their healing didn’t go away.

    3. I am beginning to think that the “list” is not the worst info. Tell me what their ACTIONS were and ARE.

        1. Maybe I’ve been reading too much horror, or too much news; but death in sexual acts with minors comes to mind. Sex trafficking with young girls (or boys) who permanently, and oh so conveniently, disappear. Brrrr

  8. I work in the footwear dept. at Cabela’s in North Idaho (Post Falls). You can tell the ultra MAGA (aka normal people), and I have at least two or three conversations with people that begin with something like “I don’t know when it’s going to blow, but it’s going to blow, and we’re ready.” then they list the provisions they have–mountains of weapons, ammo, cash, supplies–and we talk a bit, hug (which is them, not me, I rarely touch people), and we commit to keeping our heads up and fighting no matter what.

    Most of us just want to get something started on the deportations, the pushback, the cleansing of the Republic.

      1. Oh heck yeah. Still a financial struggle but masculine retail is much better than the norm.

        I love you.

          1. Yeah, the entire store is designed for men, most of the people who work here are men—hunters, fishermen, outdoors guys.

            What we offer for women is much less than for the men.

            I called this masculine – I can’t think of another word for it.

            1. Having frequented the local Cabelas for assorted items, I agree with Kathy. The store has a very ‘for guys’ feel. That said, the Reader’s better half has bought clothes there.

              Good to see you here, Kathy.

              1. 2008 Cabellas nearest Spokane Falls had the most HILARIOUS thing I’d ever seen…

                Hot pink camo bikini.

                It was in the camping supplies.

                I almost bought it– I have never had a bikini body– just because that was hilarious and awesome.

              2. We do have some of the craziest stuff ever, for the ladies specifically. I can offer you a pair of slippers that are camouflage on the uppers and pink on the insole and interior. Yes. To match the bikini. 🙂 I sold a pair just the other day.

              3. I have so struggled for connection, especially after the move to Idaho, but it’s always been an issue. I know I’m not the only one here with that , either. 🙂 You’re such a blessing, you and the others.

                I should be here more often now that the schedule is settling down. The times they are so crazy I have to have this sounding board just to know I’m not completely black pilled or filled with hopium. I seem to go from one end to the other if I’m not careful.

                Anyhow, it’s good to be here and to see you. Thanks!

                And we have pink rifles. And pink compound bows. Dear me.

                1. I’d tell the group what Sue (my more rational half) says whenever she sees a pink handgun, but I’m afraid it would get me banned… 😉

                  And BTW, long time no see; welcome back!

                2. My daughter is the girl those things are made for. She has been hounding me for a PINK (or purple, she will accept purple) Sword with unicorns on it. So she can chase her big brother around our acreage. (probably while wearing a dress)

            2. But they do carry so e women’s stuff. I have a very nice flannel-lined denim short and my only complaint is they haven’t carried more of them so I could stock up.

              1. Oh, yes. I just reread my comment and I did sound as though the whole place was exclusively for men. We’ve got a ton of stuff for women, and it’s usually patterned on the men’s gear, with a feminine esthetic. I get a 50% discount on store brand stuff, so I’m lining my wardrobe with camouflage ladies gear from our She Outdoors collection.

                She Outdoors also has gear specific to women. Not just camo, but backpacks, game packs, etc. We’re encouraged to offer design/product ideas, since many/most are outdoors people.

  9. sees article header image

    Kefka in a space-suit. Alrighty then.

    omnicidal psycho clowns IIIIIN SPAAAAAAACE!

  10. This essay captures the situation nicely. I would like to also remind us that this sort of insane effort has never been tried on Americans. What the commie fools don’t get is there is the huge majority of “want to be left alone” people out there who are an unreal nightmare if ever tipped over. An example of how Americans act – a good reference is from WWII and LGOP – little groups of paratroopers.

    If the situation ever does go to truly kinetic responses it will be like nothing ever seen before. The movie Patriot with Gibson in it comes to mind…

  11. their revolution would be over in an hour if we instituted “leg shots” for the first 10 “peaceful protestors’ who throw a brick or rock … and if that doesn’t work “head shots” for the next 10 …

    1. I suspect guns that fired great big globs of quick-drying glue at their feet would work nearly as well

    2. Since when have the fanatic hardcore Communists ever really refrained from gunplay, eh? Ho Chi Minh ring a bell?

      The AnarchoNinja fools of 2020 are -not- their main forces. Those were a distraction, expendable, and meant in part to lull us into a false sense of overwhelming superiority.

      Please review that last point and keep it firmly centered in your planning.

      All war is deception.

      I assure you, the follow-on Marxist forces are gunning up as much as the average MAGATexan. You can even look some orgs up, “John Brown Gun Club” for example. Expect during the next mayhem-fest at least one instance of serious hardcores doing serious mass-casulaty damage with AKs or equivalent. It too much a central play of the Maoist playbook. I am a bit surprised 2020 didnt go there, but that was really a pickup game. No one expected Covid. Most of 2020 was panic improvisation.

      The Marxoids learned from 2020, count on it. Insane/Evin does nto inherently equal supid.

      1. Not to mention that we’ve had a program in place for 20+ years to offer a path to citizenship by joining the military, and the cartels are known to have taken advantage of it.

  12. Look, Sarah, if you guys need a place to hide…well, the altitude where I am is even worse than Denver’s, but you would be welcome. I even have a house, sort of–we gotta get the plumbing fixed for it to be livable, but the rest of is, if not cosmetically attractive at least livable 😀

    And we can probably get you on oxygen–we have several still-full oxygen bottles from my grandma. Getting new ones might be tricky, but….

  13. “You can have a barely coherent set of ideas and beautiful visuals, and people will remember the visuals and selected words, and not that none of it made any sense.”

    This is really the only reason why I can think Avatar was such a megahit…

    1. I saw it pointed out that “Avatar,” spawned no imitators and contributed no memes/sayings to the common language.
      I’d still like to know if the hero was threatened with having his original body killed so he couldn’t go “home,” and then threw in his lot with the aliens anyway. I didn’t see it, but that looked like the logical way for the plot to go.

      1. Didn’t see the sequel either, but just occurred to me that his “native avatar,” was fully fertile, since he has kids. Hmm.

      2. He was already living almost all of his life in the avatar body, so having his consciousness transferred permanently and letting his crippled human body die wasn’t much of a leap.

        I still wonder if they saw the incongruity of making a computer animated back-to-nature flick. 😀

        1. Ah, but that’s Irony! That’s, “You will sell us the rope we use to hang you,” irony, to them.

  14. If one believes in a Creator God who is actively involved, one has different views on what all this means than one who does not so believe. How you believe, dear Reader, is between you and God, not between you and me.

    I think we are on a tipping point; but I am not a prophet. I just see so much stress around me.

    I think we, “the good guys”, can still screw things up for ourselves; but I believe the bad guys will start falling very soon—and in increasing numbers.

    I hope for none; but am not optimistic about how much shooting will occur. As I don’t have firearms, I plan to avoid painting concentric circles on anything I own. Wars are terribly messy affairs and innocent people are always affected.

    Numbers 6:24-26 (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)

    The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you;

    The Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you;

    The Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (tranquility of heart and life continually).

  15. There’s also the possibility that they’re knowingly letting the invaders in so they can save us all.

    1. If “they” are, “they” haven’t let the Biden* White House know.

      Nobody in the Biden* White House wants to call it a “crisis”.

      1. The invading army they illegally let in, of course — whom only the psychopaths in charge are powerful enough to defeat/control. (Never mind that they won’t be controllable and won’t behave anything like an army.) The Democratic party makes a sudden law-and-order about-face, and unlike covid, people are frightened enough of the illegal “army” to welcome any authoritarian solution that gets put forth. Heck, they could probably get enough Republicans to go along with it that they could even call it bipartisan.

        1. Ah. I get it. I find it hilarious they’re putting the illegals in CAMPS. And the illegals suspect NOTHING. Seriously. People, don’t they teach history anywhere else?

          1. Well, they don’t teach it here any more, either. Tell a Leftroid about FDR putting Americans in concentration camps and they’ll just look at you funny. Or screech at you.

            1. ….huh?

              Attempting to draw a moral equivalency between Japanese internment and the Holocaust camps was the majority of what we were taught about WWII.

              They just didn’t focus so much on FDR being personally (executive order) responsible for it.

              1. Show me where I wrote one word about moral equivalency. It’s about telling Leftroids that one of their Great Heroes was an evil, tyrannical, bigoted asshole and their likely reaction.

                1. You were claiming they didn’t mention the WWII internments.

                  I pointed out that the largest one was basically the only thing they DID teach about WWII.

              2. They also never brought up Governor Earl Warren’s involvement in those camps.

                I wonder why…


  16. Our book club recently read “Empire of the Summer Moon,” about the Comanche in the 1800’s and their horrific stone-age barbarism. They were outstanding warriors who engaged in rape and torture and slaughter just for fun, babies and women definitely not excluded. They were defeated by the Texas Rangers, who adopted their warrior methods although not to the raping and torturing part. (Though there was some of that, I’m sure.)

    The problem with the settlers in the west during that time is that they were civilized men and women, clashing with a stone-age society that had no moral code whatsoever.

    I fear we’re about to see the same kind of clash.

    1. Actually, the Commanche and others had highly developed moral codes. Almost any human band does. And in understandign the opponent, one gains the means to defeat them.

      “Not yours” is not the same as “none”.

      Our Pacific Theater Marines and Soldiers became nearly as savage as the Japanese they were fighting. We humans tend to become much like our enemy. Thus we should choose a foe wisely.

      1. The Comanche were people who left a fairly orderly tribe, the Shoshone, with a fairly ordered society and morals, and then went out and tried to take over the world and grab horses.

        So yeah, it wasn’t Stone Age at all. It was a political/economic movement, partly by choice, partly from hard times.

      2. The Comanches “highly developed moral codes” included smashing babies skulls, raping women to death, and stabbing helpless men, women and children to death with spears. I’m not sure what “highly developed moral codes” you’re familiar with, or what you accept. I wouldn’t call the Comanche anything but stone age barbarians who reveled in rape, torture and murder.

        They rode horses really well though.

          1. The Comanche had no moral code. There was no council of elders, no rules, just warrior bands who excelled at murder, torture, and rape. They murdered settlers with ferocious savagery, but they also slaughtered Navajo, Apache, and every other band they came across. Their culture, such as it was, centered around conquest and murder. The reason they came to prominence was because the Spanish left horses behind, and the Comanche figured out how to use these horses in their constant warfare.

            Like I said, they were awesome horse riders.

            Ultimately, will I accept moral relativism? “That was their culture, to rape little girls to death and laugh, so it’s okay.” No, I don’t accept it. There were some fairly peaceful native tribes, like the Navajo. But the Comanche were as evil a culture as I have ever read about, and I’m glad civilized men defeated it. Thank you, Texas Rangers.

            1. Ultimately, will I accept moral relativism? “That was their culture, to rape little girls to death and laugh, so it’s okay.” No, I don’t accept it. There were some fairly peaceful native tribes, like the Navajo. But the Comanche were as evil a culture as I have ever read about, and I’m glad civilized men defeated it. Thank you, Texas Rangers.

              And thus you demonstrate, again, your failure at reading comprehension.

              Try again.

    2. It wasnt just the Comanches. On two different branches of my family settlers were scalped by the “peaceful, civilized Cherokees” as I was taught in school.

      1. Hint: the reason the Amerindian tribes were genetically swamped WAS rape, but it wasn’t always or even primarily Amerindians raped by white settlers. It was that they would kidnap any girl older then 8 and make them concubines or ‘wives” or well, sex slaves.
        Don’t get Foxfier wound up on this.

        1. I’m more likely to get wound up in defense of folks like my ancestress who went “hm, stay here and be property, and not super valuable property at that, or go marry that guy and live in a house, with medical care that at least equals the horses.”

          She chose ‘at least as valuable as the horses’.

          My mom grew up around a gal whose mom barely survived her first pregnancy with her (Oregon) tribe, and decided that being in a turn of last century rural logging town as a single mother with another on the way any day now was better than staying with the tribe she was born into and having another “authentic” birth, squatting over a pit.

          ….the daughter she gave birth to did Indian art. You did not want to start on any 80s style Oh Wonderful Indians stuff with her.

          1. (Note that these women– girls, some of them– could only do that because the culture they moved to, the Christian one, has a baseline that they are fully human and worthy of dignity, so no you don’t get to come and steal her back even if your culture does think she is your tribe’s property. Young guys who left the tribe had a similar protection, though more inherent ability for physical defense.
            It’s a point of contention between the cultures.)

  17. “You can have a barely coherent set of ideas and beautiful visuals, and people will remember the visuals and selected words, and not that none of it made any sense.”

    It’s called a meme. Ten words and a picture encapsulates all anyone needs to know about any topic.

        1. “…indicative of just how smooth their brains are.”

          Oh, that’s a good one! And given the state of education today, it would almost certainly sail right past them. Kudos! 🙂

  18. I’ve thought it over, being that me and mine are on the outskirts of a largish urban area in Texas … about a bolthole in the country, should things turn “interesting” and I am of the opinion that staying where I am, in an outlaying suburb with neighbors that I know and trust may be a bit safer. A lot of my neighbors are military veterans and retired military, and I think if anyone tossed the suburb development for weapons, there would be enough to outfit a small European country,,,
    I know that I hear a lot of grousing about Governor Abbott being a softy and a squish … but my impression is that he goes carefully, and acts decisively and without bombast once his ducks are all in a row,

  19. “Do you think it is a coincidence that the Federales cut the razor wire in TX the day before the vast contingent of military age men showed up?”

    They have satellites. Of course they knew.

  20. I’m having enough trouble already with my life, my employment, and dealing with the fallout of my Mother’s death.

    Can we just have that Ceaușescu Christmas happen and soon?

    Especially since I’m getting the feeling that the media is trying to both prop up and be ready to throw Biden off the ice-floe as soon as possible.

    1. With Ceaușescu it was easy, there was clear indication who was in charge.

      If we were to do that successfully now, who would we target? All of BlackRock? All the universities? Those in control have been very careful to bureacratize (i.e., make the actual holder of responsibility impossible to identify) this time around. And the cancer is so widespread that I don’t see how to end it in that fashion without mass graves.

      Which is not what we do.

      1. No, but we do rent wood chippers in bulk…

        And I hope that we can encourage the current office holders that are there to retire and stay retired, or they can face trial and prosecution in full.

      2. The Reader wonders whether it is possible to generate a preference cascade within some of those bureaucracies so as to minimize the mess once the oncoming unpleasantness arrives . It will need a shock strong enough to wake them up but may reduce the number of holes that need digging.

        1. If things get ugly, we’re more likely to have to deal with the folks in there who have “always” been with “us,” and want to be super brutal to … basically everybody else who was in the various questionable groups.

          That seems to be their primary mode. If you see someone screaming to kill them all, get really freaking cautious.

          1. Keep your eye on those who want to define “pedophilia” as “any desire for a human under thirty years old” and talk long and loud about dropping all pedophiles into woodchippers. They are starving for blood, and will keep redefining “bad term” until they can define thousands by that term and kill in job lots with impunity. (There are others too, but those are the most obvious ones right now.)

            1. Folks here know ShadowDancer/CuteLilDrow, right?

              Lady from the PI, now Australian citizen, has some adult kids as well as littles?

              She had someone insist her husband is a pedophile because she is “minor coded.”

              … she’s definitely got Asian ancestry, she isn’t the jersey milker league like me, but she is not in any form looking like a kid, unless someone is very warped by incredibly unrealistic expectations.

              And someone said this, and wasn’t instantly treated like the obvious moron he is.

              Yeah, there’s insane attempt to stretch “pedophile” into the 20s, and beyond.

              1. It’s been coming for a decade or more. And, again, this is only the most obvious excuse that has been cultivated on the right for killing off Bad People in job lots, to the acclaim of the masses.

                And the real psychos are Very Sure that it’s a kafkatrap, because if you question them, they can then smear you as a pedo and dismiss anything else that you say.

                1. What bugs me is that it’s from teh same folks who told me I was super weird for being a virgin at 13, and were actively shaming me by 15…that is NOT healthy.

                  (it does suggest a desire to have an excuse to destroy anyone, though)

            2. Did you catch the furor over ‘Uzaki-Chan Wants To Hang Out’?

              Hana Uzaki is 20 years old. Legal drinking age, in Japan. She’s in college. She’s got huge…endowments. But, because she’s much shorter than the male lead and acts somewhat immature, it’s a loli-fetish show you perverts! Of course it is! And all the fans are closet pedos! And so are you if you point out the obvious!

              But the real pedos, the ones indoctrinating your 6-year-old in weird sex fetishes, aren’t.

              1. Missed that one, but the pedo hysteria has all the hallmarks of a mass hysteria like we’ve seen so many times. No actual pedos will be targeted, because that’s not how these things work.

  21. I can’t fight, but I ain’t running.

    Grandfather on bio mom’s side spent WWII in occupied Europe listening in on Nazi wire transmissions. God willing, I can at least emulate that.

      1. Some of us fight by dropping seeds, either into young ears (if they take out their ear buds!) or into imaginations through stories. Some of us are the ones inside the besieged city, encouraging the fighters and doing what we can to help in little ways, be it singing songs, telling stories, or watching pans of water in the cellars, looking for the tell-tale ripple that warns of sappers undermining the walls.

  22. The most evil, violent, unruly, the strongest and those who will inevitably win. If you read their literature (listen I have a degree in the stuff, for my sins) you’ll be unable to ignore that.

    Hell, just look at North Korea Jemisin’s short story “Those Who Stay And Fight”, an “answer story” to LeGuin’s “Those Who Walk Away From Omelas”. The entire point of the story was that Good People figure out who is “fucking evil” in utopia, and murder them with impunity. She hates people who disagree with her, and wants them dead. Because persuasion does not work. (Of course, if you’re a commie, it cannot work, because reality is against you.)

    1. Yep. That’s what we’re up against, they’ve convinced themselves that we’re so evil, they can attack us by “any means necessary” (which includes mass murder).

      There are none capable of more evil than those who are utterly convinced they are good. Those who believe they are always unassailably good are the devils children.

  23. @ 11B-Mailclerk > from your link –
    “They HAVE to play off the Truckers as a failure… Trudeau had to declare victory then cave on every single individual policy…. because they can’t let people see what it was:
    A premonition of the great Class War to come.”

    The victory of the Truckers was sweet, indeed, and NOT published in the American press that I can recall.
    However, I fear the Left learned a lesson or two that Biden Inc. has been engaged in implementing.
    I believe that the greatest advantage the Canadian patriots had was in the suddenness of their actions.
    Again from the link: “And all the actual action took place in 1 month, on the coldest days of the year, with a movement who’s [sic] key members had to drive 4000-5000km (~3000 miles) along treacherous northern roads being greeted roadside by supporters who stood out in minus 40 to give them coffee food and support.”

    The people were sympathetic, and the Regime was unprepared.
    Since that time, the entire weight of the US Democrat machine (politicians, press, culture, foundations, universities, etc.) has been to plant, in the minds of their followers, the certainty that the Patriots (the American “truckers”) are dangerous domestic terrorists, worthy of immediate destruction during any analogous “insurrection.”

    If Trudeau had only had that foundation, he could have instituted even harsher measures, kept them going because the House and Senate would have supported him, and probably gone full Bolshevik on the protestors — instead of the comparatively temperate bullying, bad as it was, that did occur.

    The current American government has already shown that they do not intend to make the same mistake.

    1. Then they will make a worse one, which will probably end with people being killed in batch lots, including them. Especially them. There are many millions of people in this country who hate them…but we don’t actually want them all dead. That can change.

    2. You’re forgetting a major weak spot of the Left.
      They do not believe in objective reality.
      So there’s a huge tendency to buy their own propaganda. Especially when they’ve successfully squeezed out counter narratives.

      I’m afraid the lesson they’re that going to take is to simply to go faster and harder.

  24. “The current American government has already shown that they do not intend to make the same mistake.”

    No they will most likely make a completely different mistake.

  25. Public pushback, seems important to me. In times past and other places people used to scrawl their dissent on walls. We don’t do that (homies in the hood don’t count). I have made and daily wear shirts supporting the American cause, mocking our opponents. No one has screamed at me, no one has hit me, though some people look mighty unhappy. Mostly I get positive comments.

    For what it’s worth, they are here Feedback, good, bad or indifferent would be appreciated.

    1. The giant F JOE BIDEN flag on i-80 headed west into Maryland is a pretty big public protest….

      Between DC and Des Moines, avoiding Chicago, we saw roughly equal numbers of FJB (uncensored) and Trump flags.

      No flags or signs for Joe, one for Nikki but it’s been there since I think ’19, and one Obama sticker on a car. ’08.

      1. Sure is. How widespread is that flag? It is in one place and many see it and have their spirits raised (or raged, as may be). I argue (as a raging introvert) that many (call ’em) patriots still feel outnumbered and are cowed to silence.

        There is a reason the Good Book says that we ought not hide our light under a basket.

        1. There’s also that saying something is Making Trouble– it’s a hold-over from the training started by Rules for Radicals, which hijacked good manners and dumbed it down so that the option to remove those who didn’t behave was gone, but kept ‘the only thing worse than bad manners is drawing attention to someone’s bad manners.”

          Since we’re some fifty years into one side, and one side only, being able to say whatever and throw a fit if you contradict them– speaking up has a higher cost.

          So it’s good that those who can pay it, do, and reassure those who can’t that no, they’re not actually alone.

          The Obnoxious Uncle effect, just without the modern twist of Liberals Only.

          1. A perennial problem of civilization confronted with barbarians. Good manners are contra-indicated.

          1. I don’t see a lot of that here in Shaky Town. I still say connecting the message to a human face generates courage. It heartens our friends, dismays our foes, guides the uncertain and enlightens the ignorant (or at least clues them to something going on).

    2. My only criticism would be that some of the messages are a bit long for the medium, but on the whole, they’re great. Several of them I’d be happy to buy and wear. Bookmarked the shop and will plan to return. (Have you thought about taking advantage of the “no step on snek” meme?)

          1. Did you know some sillies are trying to claim the “no step on snek” thing is an attack on the Gadsden flag?

            :is literally wearing a coral snake variation ATM:

            1. Actually I wouldn’t be surprised. Like other “slurs” in history, we adopted and made it our own. 2 that spring to mind are Yankee doodle, and the Retards R Us meme.

  26. My wife and I just moved to a ranch/farm out about 35 miles from a big blue city, up in the hills, lots of narrow, windy roads that would be easy to block. Kids are all either out much farther away, or within a 40 minute drive. So we at least can hunker down if needed. Stocking the freezer and canned goods; planting a big garden; supposed to get a couple beef cattle in about 5 months, fixing up the very nice chicken coop.

    If we can hold off on the unpleasantness for about 5-6 months, we should be good. If sooner, well, still should work shorter term.

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