95 thoughts on “These Memes Are Made For Posting

  1. Regarding “How 2 prevent Mass Shootings” I absolutely agree that you should be able to get them through the mail. It would reduce crime like nothing else I can imagine except perhaps a proper justice system that hangs rapists, murderers, thieves, tyrants, and terrorists.

        1. One should accumulate death threats online so that you can plant an exploding package on your porch as bait with plausible deniability that it’s yours.

      1. They’re politicians and bureaucrats. They’d mail you toy guns, just like the fake ballots.

        Of course they’d bill the government for real guns.

    1. How? Be prepared to make up to 50 yard shots, on demand, with the sidearm you carry every day. 100 yards if you can.

      You now -way- outgun most yahoos.

      A close relative demonstrated 100 yards with a J-frame Smith and Wesson. (Snubnose .38 Special, 5-shot pocket revolver)

      Starting out? 5 yard head shots on demand, 10 yard body. You can use dessert-sized paper plates as the “head” training target. Dinner-size for body shots. (The ElCheapo target company thanks you.)

      Push the dinner plate out as far as you can get first five rounds all on the plate. Pay particular attention to making the first one on target. That’s your envelope. Keep pushing it out and getting back on.

      Note, you will likely solve the defensive problem, or not, with the first round, certainly in the first five. Make that first round -effective-.

  2. After sleeping until noon, I didn’t need to see that first meme. [Grin]

  3. Too many good ones to choose this week. I’ll go with the Tesla road trip and the Planet of the Apes redux.

  4. “Magically Fix America” – in the sense that a pet dog or cat gets fixed.

  5. This is weird, on the same computer I see 6 memes on Safari, and about 40 on Firefox. Most of them aren’t showing up in the E-mail, either.

    So, how long did it take you to recognize the Monkees? 😛

    1. Gary Lewis and the Playboys.

      (I know I am wrong, just going with the meme)

    2. I tried to think of Beetles songs and all the Monkee,’s ones kept coming up, even though I knew who was there. Man the brain is weird.

    3. Best Beatles songs that are not “Bohemian Rhapsody”:

      1. Day After Day
      2. Mr. Blue Sky
      3. Allright/Not Quite
      4. Never Been To Spain
      5. Listen To The Flower People
        1. Wouldn’t Want to be like You
          She’s Just My Style
          Pipe Line
          Walk Don’t Run
          Woolly Bully

      1. I always wondered if ELO had to sell all their souls to Lucy to acquire all that Beatles mojo, or just one or two of them…

        1. Or maybe it’s an artifact, something the boys found in those underground night club venues in Germany, then John lost it one day when he was stoned, and the ELO guys eventually found it along a road outside London…

      1. ”I’ve told you before, Rom, these hoo-mans can’t handle their Romulan Ale – the limit is TWO!”

        ”Sorry, brother.”

    4. There was a fellow I encountered some years ago that every time he saw me (or anyone else..) he’d ask “Who is your favorite Beatle?” and go on about the Beatles.. and on.. and on. Once, having had quite enough, I replied, “Peter Tork.” He didn’t ask me again.

  6. German government – “We’re going to ban the right-wing AfD political party!”

    Also the German government – “Kiddie p*rn is a misdemeanor now.”

    1. Also the German government:

      (Arabic) “Get on the truck, subhumans.”

      Too soon?

      1. “These are improved, ventilated passenger train cars. Without seats. Just ignore the smell. You won’t notice it where you’re going, anyway.”

  7. Another Saturday, another Fanboi Squeee! that some of mine made the cut again this week.

  8. That Russian bookshop had an Anthony Boucher hardcover!! It is right under the black and red Shakespeares.

    I couldn’t make out the title on my tablet. Maybe I can get a clearer picture on another computer.

  9. FWIW: L. Neil Smith attributes that quote you said is his to T.D. Melrose.

      1. Greta was last seen in Sweden protesting fact that a girl younger than she is was allowed to enter a singing contest.

        1. For now. I just keep seeing her 65 years later being overweight, frumpy, tired, and in a faded dress of pastel flowers, with a scarf over her thin gray hair and tied under her double chin.

          1. She’ll still look nicer than Greta.

            Also she’d probably have grandchildren, which Greta wouldn’t.

  10. We need a new game show, ‘Hunting Commies for Mommy’ Rednecks get to hunt down Commies in their native habitats. I can’t wait to see the urban Ghilley suits.
    Or ‘The Press’ every time you find a lie or plagiarism in Journalists record you turn a giant handle and the Journalist gets squashed a little more until flat.

    1. To quote Major Michael O’Neal in John Ringo’s Hell’s Faire:

      “This is what happens when you let rednecks play with antimatter, boss.”

    2. Being a proud redneck from waaaa-y back (the New Yorkers were surprised we were wearing shoes) and having my own share of experience with boom, if we ever should meet in person I’ve got stories that are officially and legally not true but verifiable in nearly every other sense about the things we hillbillies got up to back in the day…

  11. I laughed a bit hard at both Mossad memes.

    One addition. “Mossad. Not guilty. Going to be blamed anyway. You’re welcome.”

    1. Several years ago, the Saudi and Jordanian governments had to tell people that birds with leg bands were NOT specially trained by the Israelis and DON’T shoot or capture them to turn in to the government for spying.

      1. I can’t wait to start another one, hmmm, Let’s see what can we come up with?
        “The lines on the road are for aerial targeting purposes from jets and drones”
        “Cell phone towers are for spying on you”
        Feel free to come up with better ones and pass them along.

    2. You may have pre-wriiten the epitaph for Tehran.

      Although the signature block might be “IDF”.

        1. Anyone else think Lot’s family was horribly dysfunctional? Guy offers his young daughters to a crowd just so they leave his two guests alone. His wife doesn’t pay any attention to warnings and gets a-salted. And his daughters get him wasted and have incestuous relations with him. If those were considered the actions of a righteous man, then Sodom and Gomorrah must have been almost as bad as California.

  12. At SETI headquarters:

    “We just got a message from Zarkon VII. They’re highly offended at the implication that Klaus Schwab is one of theirs. They demand an immediate apology, or they’ll warp Davos into another dimension.”

    “Can we get them to wait until the next WEF conference?”

  13. On the ‘tank suppressor’ I’m pretty sure that’s a Paladin 155mm mobile howitzer. I know, I know, it’s an armored tracked vehicle with a huge gun, but it’s not considered a tank.

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