How Do You Know?

With stuff on my post on men and boys; with stuff on how bad things are out there; with all of this, the question is: How do you know?

I realized my idea that every woman was the predatory partner in a divorce was mostly (MOSTLY. I’ve heard of a few others, but not that bad) one woman who has divorced either six or seven times. And yeah, she knows how to manipulate the court system and some of what she did was unconscionable. (Note she’s staying anonymous to protect the guilty.) And she has single-handedly shaped my perception of divorce court in the US. And yes, I’ve known of predatory males who got away with stuff too, but less often.

Here’s the thing, though: how do we know? My perception is that the skew is maybe 60% of predatory females. Is it? Or is it that there are a few bad females, and males keep marrying them? Partly because males can get protective aroused off a good sob story. Partly because males prefer the intersection of hot and crazy to the point of making it a joke.

I do know a lot — a lot of conservative/normal/well behaved girls who never found someone, or who found someone really late.

Now, it is irrefutable that most of officialdom right now from the schools on out is prejudiced in favor of women. Anyone who had kids in public school in the last 20 years, knows and a few are even willing to admit it.

But why does anyone assume — as one of the commenters did — that “this is what women wanted! Women created this system” — which is hilarious posted on the blog of a woman speaking up in defense of men and boys and in answer to a female commenter who is a regular here? What sense does that make? The worst “you can’t treat my little girl that way!” when trying to punish a girl or young woman for blatantly BAD behavior is always from men. Sure usually relatives, but men. The worst, most out of touch “being a white male is the easy mode of life” feminists are ALWAYS male.

So where does the idea all females support this come from? Ah, well, it comes from interviews with female actors/directors. From female talking heads. From angry-feminist-politician.

But why in G-d’s green Earth (or out of it) would you thing ALL women are represented by those figures and loud mouths? As well believe every rich person is a thief, every male is a rapist/evil, every white person is racist. Because those are the same images projected from the exact same sources. So, why would you think they are right? Or that most women protect them.

But then, you say, why are these women not “speaking out!” Gestures at blog. Obviously some of us are speaking out.

Why aren’t we in the movies/TV news/interviews, then?

Well, yes. That is the question you should be asking yourself. And the answer would be “Because that’s not the image of women that the officialdom wants to project.” Partly because they think if women think all women are feminists, women will fall into line (they haven’t met some of us, obviously.) And partly because they want men to not trust women.

They also want women not to trust men. Hence the same sources portray every man as the deeply wounded but seriously out of touch man who came here to advocate all women should be beheaded. Because that keeps women away from men. And makes women fall for bullshit like “Should trust men not to rape.” As though most men WOULD automatically rape.

In the same way I’ve heard people ranting about other races. “They want this!” How do you know? No, seriously. How do you know? It wasn’t black people burning and looting for BLM. If you ever encountered any of the Buy Large Mansions crowds in the flesh, you’d see they were mostly white, and frankly mostly young college women, at the age when they still believe the lies TV and their elders tell them. No, not because most women are leftist, but because young women are the most group-influenced creatures in the human race. So, they are, you know, trying to be liked by doing what they’ve been told is approved.

But out news managed to project the idea that the people burning and looting were black so much that even now a lot of people believe that Kyle Rittenhouse killed black men.

So, how do you know most black people support it? More importantly, if they do, how many of them — like the very young women — do it because they too have been lied to? Do you know how many black people in our communities I’ve met who are defensive, until they realize I’m not carrying any kind of racial animus, and in fact I normally don’t actually NOTICE people’s color. (Which the left will tell you is racist. Yes. And you should ask yourself why they tell you this.) In fact, the black people I met who weren’t deeply suspicious until they knew me better are the exception. Because as badly as you’ve been propagandized, they’ve had it a million times worse. And most of what they’ve been lied through is the supposedly public education, sanctioned by our federal government, which teaches them raspers like that the US was founded FOR slavery. Or that only black people were ever enslaved and only by white people. Or– Some of those lies were perpetrated with the best possible intentions, like “to build up their racial image” (though how they thought that worked, is something else, unless you understand they consider there is inherent value in victimhood) but they are still egregious lies, and in the end, they turn one race against the other. And here keep in mind that race in the US is a phantom. Most of the self-identified black people in the US look completely white to my foreign born and educated eyes. It’s literally like looking at the far side cartoon of Penguin bathrooms, with two identical images on the door, and “Only they can tell the difference.” But they’ve been convinced if they have the one drop, everyone who doesn’t hates them or — pass Whoopy Goldberg who is dumber than most boxes of rocks and possibly even dumber than Occasional Cortex — wants to enslave them. Because they were taught there. By our schools. Paid for and supported by our tax dollars. And fed approved teachers, created by our system of accreditation.

But if that weren’t enough, they are now also being fed a completely fantasy version of history, by our entertainment in which black people were always 50% of every population, including in regency England, and there was a system of apartheid like in the old South Africa, and everyone lies about noblemen and QUEENS not being black, because that’s how much we hate black people.

Are they defensive and a little crazy. Sure. But that’s because of what they don’t know but think they do. In the same way that college feminists might approve of the crazy feminist initiatives in our society and institutions but that’s because they think they know things and they don’t. And they were fed that by the establishment.

Mostly we run into this under the guise of “everyone went along with the lockdowns. No one protested.” While that is a confusing issue because as many people on the right as on the left fell for it, a lot of us were protesting to the limits of our ability. And a lot of bigger people than I were protesting, and were silenced, threatened with the loss of professional licensing and worse.

In the same way, when people were saying “People are staying home because they’re getting money from the government” when in fact, if you looked at the money most people got, it wasn’t enough for anyone to stay home in even a pretense of comfort. Mostly the persons I knew who chose not to go back to work were pink collar workers who suddenly realized they would rather be homemakers and look after their own kids and made the appropriate cuts. Or younger people who were forced to move home for the lockdowns, and couldn’t find jobs after. (So many of them.)

Which brings us to the “kids these days.” First there is the notion of the student loans and how many people on the right — almost all commenters but me — go on about how the loans were legal, therefore must be paid, and also how forgiving them benefits “doctors and lawyers.”

There are two huge fallacies in that: we always have punished predatory lenders, nor their victims. And this is the epitome of predatory lenders: someone who loans money for something that everyone tells someone very young and naive they “have to have.” Even though it’s ridiculously expensive, the goods are tainted and the lender is the American government. Also, these young people –kept naive and without jobs by law until the date they get the loan — know –not just are told — that you do in fact have to have a degree, because even fast food places require a BA or BS to let you do anything more than serve burgers.

Second the “doctors and lawyers” is a nice — surely planted — bit of leftist cant and envy mongering. Sure, some doctors and lawyers do very well for themselves. And most doctors and lawyers have huge loans. What you are missing — perhaps — is the ten to twelve years of study before they earn ANYTHING following by five to ten years of practice when they are objectively paid less than minimum wage per hour. Followed by yeah, some years of relatively high wages, but not as high as it used to be. In lawyers’ case because there have been a lot of them graduated. And in doctors’ cases… well, HB1 visas, eh?

But beyond all that, how do you know it’s “doctors and lawyers” benefiting from loan forgiveness? The ones I know, none of Biden’s skivvy forgiveness has even begun to touch. And if you forgave 10k or their loans they wouldn’t even feel it. So, how do you know?

Well, it’s what everyone says, isn’t it? And though you see it mostly on the right, isn’t that whole envy thing a lefty talking point? And where did it first come from?

I bring all this up because recently I came across a “Biden is gaining on Trump on the polls” and the usual right wing barking seals either go “it’s because this was the” (leftist mondo brains. Who even believes in those) “plan all along. Trump can’t win, because Truuuuuuump” and the others are going “Oh, people are that stupid and actually want socialist slavery.”

And no one asks the obvious question “What polls? How structured? And BTW what has Biden done, suddenly to increase his popularity?” Or are these polls being manipulated to hide the theft already in progression?

For years I’ve watched right wing sites change their whole approach on the assumption that elections were clean and people wanted socialism, even though it’s blatantly obvious they weren’t.

And please, let’s not get wildly optimistic about November. As much as Biden stinks on ice, they have not only infinite votes created by crooked machines, but they are now giving illegal invaders papers at the border advising them on how to vote. For Biden, of course.

So here’s the thing, they’re preparing the fraud, and they want you to turn against all your fellow Americans, and think they want the destruction of the country.

And therefore with everything, you must ask yourself “How do you know?”

I don’t remember the statute, but apparently there was something that forbid our agencies propagandizing our own people, and using the same techniques they used to “build democracy” and opinion abroad.

Well, that was completely lifted by Obama, but it was already being not-respected under Clinton.

You are being propagandized. The intent of the propaganda is to turn American against American.

While you’re waiting “All women who want this” and “All men who are all rapists” and all “people who tan they want this” “people who don’t tan, they want to oppress me”, while you’re telling the young they should suffer like you did, while most of them are being squeezed like lemons to the last drop and see no future…

Well, if you’re turning the old against the young, the young against the old, and every possible group against each other…

None of us are turning against the real culprits: the power-pigs who have infiltrated our institutions, who concentrate more and more power into their hands, who bring in foreigners to eat out our substance, who in fact are killing us so they can enrich themselves.

And that’s what they want.

So when you hear that some group is bringing your misery, don’t be a fool. There’s only one group doing that: those (mostly Marxists) in charge of our bureaucracies, supported, aided and abetted by the corrupt educational establishment and covered up by the media.

And even there, remember it’s the ones in charge. Not the poor slob trying to do some good and earn a pay check. Yes, some of those are corrupt, but I know a lot of them, and they’re doing the best they can in a corrupt system and often with their hands tied. (And before you say they shouldn’t take that job, have you looked at what jobs are actually available, now?)

This was brought home to me again by Bill Reader asking how Europe is doing. Are they starting to feel their yoke and rebel? And I had to tell him i don’t know. It’s even worse there, because they don’t have a first amendment and therefore no blogs.

How do we know?

We don’t. And the reason we don’t know is deliberate. You can kind of sort of sometimes see the outline of the truth, by what is selling or isn’t, or through family gossip and a feel for things.

But in general?

Spit out the propaganda. It’s poisonous.

The enemy are those with the boot on your necks. Sure, some of your fellow Americans might have been lied to enough to go along with them. Doesn’t mean you should, also, just to make up the weight. If all the other mammoths jumped off the cliff, would you do it too? What, so you could be butchered at the bottom?

Be not afraid, be not credulous, and be not stupid. The last most of all.

Remember they are lying to you. Don’t let them in your head.

140 thoughts on “How Do You Know?

  1. One black (on another site) was stuck in the 70’s and believed that current day America was just as bad racially as it was in the 70’s.

    Personally, I believe that people like him don’t THINK, they FEEL. :twisted:

    1. They are taught not to think by the government schools, especially the ones in big cities. If they dare to think anyway, they are punished.

  2. “I do know a lot — a lot of conservative/normal/well behaved girls who never found someone, or who found someone really late.”

    Sarah, there’s one more thing that skews the perception: most men see / saw women in the corporate workplace as opposed to outside, and that population seems to select for women who have been told that to succeed, they have to be just as competitive as the men…. and if that means clearing away perceived rivals with accusations, oh well, the evil patriarchy deserved it.

    Also, there were obvious preferences in hiring, promotion, etc even then.

    And no, I’m not saying you haven’t been working…. but I don’t think you were in an actual office environment either.

      1. 93/94 is when I remember starting to get lectures and mandatory training on “harassment”.

        1. Harassment training never teaches you how to do so, just tells you not to. Lousy training if you ask me.

          Now anti harassment training might make more sense.

          /innocent look

          1. I though it quite negatively entertaining when one of my nieces talked about ani-bulkying traoning in her school, and how the bullies learned to use the techniques they were taught.

        2. They got rid of those in my state.

          And the racism training too.

          It’s awesome!

        3. Had a big briefing on it back in the AF in 85-86 or so. I remember that the “definition” of harassment they gave was “whatever the victim thinks it is.” And I remember thinking “this is not going to end well.”

          1. Hewlett-Packard started doing the anti-harrassment lectures some time before 1 mid 1986. They featured some very early adverts for HP equipment that today likely get the instructor canceled for life if he showed one, even as a bad example.

            OTOH, I don’t think it was weaponized broadly for several years.

          2. As I pointed out at the time, in the 90s the definition of “sexual harassment,”in the Federal civil service was, “any superior/subordinate sexual relationship, by definition. Therefore, the President of the United States was automatically guilty of sexual harassment, by the government’s own definition. That did wonders for worker morale (not).

        4. The Clarence Thomas hearings freaked the Silicon Valley semiconductor industry c-suites right the heck out, basically because all the stuff that was thrown at him was meek and mild compared to what those c-suite guys had been regularly doing 80s and prior, so early 90s everyone started getting the full-monty workplace harassment training curricula as mandatory repeating training.

  3. “The ones I know, none of Biden’s skivvy forgiveness has even begun to touch. And if you forgave 10k or their loans they wouldn’t even feel it. So, how do you know?”

    The people it would help are the ones who took out loans, went to college for a semester or a year and decided it wasn’t for them. And now they’re working whatever job they can find, which might not make it easy or possible to make payments.

    But they’re still on the hook for the loan they took out – because those aren’t contingent on graduating – and don’t have a “degree to repossess”, as other Instapunditeers are wont to suggest.

  4. Media sells the illusion of expertise in two-minute segments. You can’t get any decent knowledge of anything in that time frame beyond basic info (such as “the town of Paradise burned down in the Camp Fire and was the deadliest wildfire in the US until Hawaii.”) And even then, half the media sources will try to make a story out of it instead of just giving specifics.

    1. It usually takes about 2 minutes to convey what facts they have. Everything after that is just time-wasting repetition, or asking people whose lives have just been turned inside-out how they feel about it.

      “I’ve just been through a f*king disaster, how do you think I feel about it, asshole?”

      1. Nightly news these days is 30 minutes of proclamations that the chocolate ration has been increased to 4 grams, that we have always been at war with Eastasia, only science deniers don’t believe 2+2=5 and The Party is always right. 

        The majority of cable news is the same thing 24/7/365.

        1. Local news weather here on the left coast also includes mandatory declarations about sea level rise, often while showing photos of the sea level at exactly the same height on coastlines, or the 100 year old ferry terminals still somehow oddly using their original docks, or those pesky 80 year old bridges blocked so consequence-free by team-baby-beheading, the concrete pilings of which are still somehow above water just like they were when built.

          Who you gonna believe, the friendly evening weather guy or your lying eyes?

          1. Never mind that the bulk of the changes in sea level that has actually been documented is due to subduction caused by plate tectonics, and not the sea level rising per se. The climate alarmists cite changes in places that happen to sit on the edges of plates that are being slowly pushed down underneath the neighboring plate and into the Earth’s mantle. 

            Of course, the left never lets facts get in the way of their will to power.

            1. Well, they assume ‘Climate Change!’ causes volcanoes and earthquakes, so why not subduction? “Eeevul Fossil Fuels caused the ground to sink!!” They’d probably blame ‘Climate Change!’ if a meteorite hit.

              1. Well, since at least one idiot (Congresscritter? One of the “View” morons?) claimed that the eclipse was caused by Climate Change (TM)… 😒

  5. The thing which sent my teeth grinding in the early oughts – and my daughters’ teeth as well – was the cheery assumption – that since we were female, then OF COURSE we would be voting for and supporting Hilary Clinton. You know … just because.

    No. Aside from her other many, many, many failings as a human being and as a public (spit) servant – I will not vote for a woman just because she was married to a successful male politician. And that goes double for a woman who merely sexually-serviced a successful male politician.

    1. Yeah, that one got to me too. Why am I expected to vote for someone who holds views just about diametrically opposed to mine? Or do these types think I share her views BY DEFAULT, when I’ve never expressed such stupidity?

      1. I got the “being a woman you are voting for Hilary. Right?” too. Me? Just walked away. Wasn’t worth dealing with them. Let them think that. One vote they couldn’t nullify by cheating.

      2. I still remember a discussion thread, where — to be sure, buried among other comments, so it was not in sequence — this string of replies:

        Liberal: Why did women vote for this guy, against their interests?
        Woman: After due reflection, I considered he would better serve my interests than the woman.

        Different liberal: You’re selfish.

        1. Then there is the thing that everyone suddenly knows is TRUE that giving women the right to vote was the beginning of the end for the Republic. 

          Because all women are stupid and vote in lock-step manner.

          How do they know? Because the media, who lies about every single thing, tells them all women agree with them.

          What people fail to see is that it’s a young dumb person problem. Because young men also tend to vote liberal. Grown adults with jobs, families, businesses and responsibilities are smarter and vote smarter.

          The suburban wine mom phenomenon is a rather new twist that is promulgated by propaganda and the fact that they are the ultimate creatures devoted to social status and it would not DO to attack the narrative.

          1. I’d argue more that it’s not the vote, it’s the assumption that upper-middle-class women, as the arbiters of morality and weilders of soft power, would “uplift,” and “refine,” politics, lifting it to a higher level of honesty and courtesy. A definite, “Be careful what you wish for,” lesson.

          2. all women are stupid and vote in lock-step manner.

            Nope. Solemnly typing: I have it from reliable sources that married women vote the way their husbands declare they should, and all young women still living under their father’s roofs vote the way their fathers tell them too. Heard it from the witch’s lips myself.

            FYI. Do you know how hard that was to type? Seriously.

            1. I was literally told I only voted for Trump because Dan told me to!
              Also, if that’s true, why do they want vote by mail, where men can tyrannize women?

              1. I was also told I voted for Trump because hubby and son told me to.

                FYI. I just walked away. Someone else asked if I was going to respond. My response to them was “I don’t respond to idiots.”

                Yes I am capable of pissing someone off without actually engaging them.

                Hubby and son’s response was “leave us out of this!” Well would have been if they hadn’t been playing deaf. Or too busy laughing. Depends on interpretations.

          3. A liberal friend once told me that men shouldn’t be allowed to have guns because all the mass shooters were men. I responded that we should take guns away from all liberals, because all the mass shooters were liberal.

            For some reason we never discussed gun control after that.

          4. In the US (as opposed to in the UK), it was almost entirely Republican women who lobbied to have the vote, and Republican men who voted to let them have it.

            Unfortunately, Democratic women then became fodder for the Democratic machines. Then the whole “reverse the real story” thing made school history books say (or just imply, without actually lying outright) that women’s suffrage was always a liberal Democrat issue.

            Same thing with civil rights, of course.

        2. Theologians can debate the nature of sin, but I think Sir Terry hit on a pretty good definition: “What happens when you treat people like things.”

          Thinking anyone is an interchangeable widget is just wrong.

          1. It’s the reverse side of the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule says “do to/for others what you would want them to do to/for you.” If you do that, you’re automatically going to treat other people as people rather than things, because you’ll be considering their feelings by putting yourself in their shoes. Whereas things don’t have feelings, so when you treat other people as things, it makes it impossible to follow the Golden Rule.

            Jesus said it better, but for those who don’t know what he said or refuse to listen to him, the formulation that Pratchett hit on gets to the same thing, or close enough at any rate.

    2. $SPOUSE was still a registered D when the Hildabeast was running in the Oregon primary. She got a call from the relevant HQ wanting her assurance that she’d vote for Cankles. Haven’t heard such laughter in ages. Very confused and disappointed boilerroom caller.

      (Shortly after that, the household gained a registered Republican. We did our part to disrupt the GOPe RINOs, particularly the guy who lost the R primary and then ran as a D. And got trounced at the general election.)

    3. I’m not convinced that she ever did sexually service ol’ Bill. (Maybe on occasion in the early days…) Her real purpose in that relationship was to destroy all the women he found to be…inconvenient. Because being a woman, she could get away with doing just about anything to anybody. We really dodged a bullet in 2016. As bad as things are now, that creature in the Oval Office would’ve been even worse.

        1. The difference is that Shrillery is amoral and probably murderous, but clever and devious. The Cameltoe is neither clever nor devious, and would probably be just as much a puppet for those who are both, if Brandon kicked off, as he is. Assuming that’s relevant to what you meant.

      1. Eh, Chelsea looks like her.

        As I understand it, their marriage was fairly happy until Bill got into the oval office. I can’t imagine the public sexcapades were great for her mental health.

        1. That may be true (about their marriage), but with some of his exploits while Governor than have come to light since 2000 or so she would have had to be as stupid and unobservent as Kamala to have failed to notice. And whatever else she is (and she definitely is), she’s neither stupid nor unobservent. I suspect her “will to power” overrode every other consideration.

    4. Yeah, the feminist assumption that all women are born owing allegiance to feminism and are traitors if they don’t just makes me so angry.

      1. Well, I’ve read a feminist (Talks With Plants, for those of you who remember her) whose charitable theory was that women who disagree with her were hollowed out masks that men were really speaking through. So it was never ever the woman’s fault.

        And she really allowed no deviance. It was amazing how clearly she was projecting.

    5. I worked at Office Depot in 2016. One day that summer, a woman came in wearing a shirt that said, :This election is all about Hillary.” I told the woman, “Yes, this election is all about Hillary.” And she assumed that I meant I supported Hillary. AS IF. I let her have her delusion. It wasn’t worth the fight, and I was at work, besides.

  6. Divide and conquer has been their playbook from the beginning. I really want to suggest this series from the Epoch Times – the episodes are short, and condense a lot of history into a few minutes but it helps. It helps A LOT. Watch it, share it, make sure others see it. This is where it ends or we all lose:*45tdaj*_gcl_au*ODYxMzU4ODU2LjE3MTIwOTgyNTc.*_ga*NTUxNDI5MTEwLjE2OTY0NDE4Mjk.*_ga_RD0QM5H02Q*MTcxMzQwMzc3My4xNy4wLjE3MTM0MDM3NzMuNjAuMC4w

    1. Speaking of divide and conquer, I recently read a review of pre-marx class theory. Which was very interesting in that the “classes” posited were those who produce (quite broadly defined) vs. those who take, which was primarily government, and people who petition the government for special favors.

      This relates to divide and conquer because it pointed out that providers of labor and owners of capital are actually natural allies since they both work to create more value in the world, and all benefit from freedom, as opposed to Marxist separation.

      It really struck me because as I read it, I had the epiphany that this is exactly why Trump resonates so well with the working people. We can tell that he is a person who builds value in the world just like us, as opposed to so many politicians who are firmly in the taking class.

      1. It’s a better paradigm than “laptop class” vs. blue collar.
        I work on a laptop, but I produce something. So does husband. Even if our product is abstract words/numbers, not solid objects.

      2. The true distinction is between the productive class and the parasite class. The ones that create no value, but only leech off the ones who do. The ones that get rich off graft and influence peddling.


        The primary use of government seems to be taking money from people who earn it, and giving it to those that do not.

      3. Likely the only reason this “Makers vs. Takers” division isn’t well known, widely taught, maybe even almost taken for granted is, of course, that whole Marxian wholesome proletariat vs. evil capitalists philosophy/fable/scam that (these post mid-1800s days) you have to dig through, first, before you can get anywhere else.

        Sort of like the ideas-and-discussion equivalent of that cloud of most annoying blowflies that somehow got into the restaurant where you’re trying to eat a good meal in peace.

        Or like the “Outer Space Treaty” that says people/nations can’t own any land (i.e., solid matter) in space they didn’t bring or make… which we’ll have to get through/past to “legally” do much of anything (far less John-Locke-esque homesteading) in space, *anywhere* beyond Earth. (Gee-yah, what a mess the Cold War 1960s made of that.)

        1. As one of my characters puts it:

          “I’ve read your treaty. I noticed that there are no limits in it. Do you really believe that scrap of paper, written and ratified by a civilization that has barely reached its own moon, gives you jurisdiction over my home planet? I assure you, it does not.”

  7. And OT but interesting, Israel is apparently retaliating against Iran. I suspect their missiles are much more accurate than Iran’s, and there’s a lot less “air defense.”

          1. One of John McCain’s better moments was when he was singing, “Bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran.”

              1. HA! When I was in high school in the 70s-80s transition, I had that on a 45. Listened to it a lot 😀

                1. You know what else just occurred to me: “Let It Glow” to the tune of “Let It Go.”

                  Fallout never bothered me anyhow.

                2. The Capitol Steps performed Bomb, bomb, bomb!/Bomb, bomb Iran! during the Iranian Hostage Crisis in 1979, on (of all places) NPR. Those were the days! Before anti-Americanism became a Positional Good.

  8. “You are being propagandized. The intent of the propaganda is to turn American against American.”

    Yes, this, and indeed. Although I’d add, “And to turn all Americans against America” — the point holds as-is.

    Anytime, really, any time at all you hear something that rings false or seems off or just makes you feel (even a little) like ‘all is lost’ — maybe ask yourself, “If I do believe this, who gains?” (Or as the Romans used to say, Cui bono? … and likely they weren’t the first ones to ask it.)

    Chances are, the ‘they’ who gain are both obvious and undeserving of your belief, and most especially of your despair. But you do have to look, first, to see it.

    Especially in a post-Covidiocy world, where we now know ‘they’ knew that the not-a-vaccine was neither safe nor effective, but quinine and ivermectin were both; where they knew masks didn’t do magic and the six-foot gap was just made up, and the evil virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan after gain-of-function work funded by Tony Fauci — and all the collusive malinformation to the contrary was a government-led plot (see: Missouri vs. Biden)… shouldn’t that simple, prudent skepticism and (again I’ll co-opt their word) ‘resilience’ against malignant (if often clumsy) psy-oppery be a habit we all want to cultivate and enjoy?

    We’re *already* the barbarians inside their gates, right now. What we do with it is (as always) up to us.

  9. Dear Mrs. Hoyt. You’d be a good resource for sussing out the female socio-sexual matrix. Dr. Rachel Fulton Brown in the Dragon Common Room* is working on it. She calls it a hierarchy, because, like you she thinks we’re social apes. I’m more at C.R. Hallpike’s position**

    The thing of it is, the male SSH is loud and obvious allatime. The FSSM is invisible when it’s working and only noticeable when it’s not.

    Hence that “60% of females thing”.

    Hope you’ll take a look. As a freak of nature with a science training I’m barely useful for the project. What’s needed is non-borked academic women like Dorothy Sayers to figure it out.

    I know it’s stupid, but we do have to reinvent the wheel. I’ve been paying for my nursing training teaching in the public schools. Dear God in Heaven we need to reinvent the wheel.

    *It’s a Telegram thing. Not something I’ll do.

    **He’s the first anthropologist I’ve read who got both the biology and metaphysics right. And by “right” I mean not moronic and/or self-contradictory. It’s a low bar. Happy if anyone can link to others.

  10. For years I’ve watched right wing sites change their whole approach on the assumption that elections were clean and people wanted socialism, even though it’s blatantly obvious they weren’t.

    This, plus all the NeverTrump soft-right sites like NRO, has had me nearly speechless since 2016. Damn it, so-called conservatives (not the ones around here, who are better described as USAians), are you really that happy in opposition? You had a guy in the catbird seat for four years and all you did was work against him, when he was literally saying all the stuff you claimed to care about after Reagan. And yeah he had some lefty issues, like some of his dumb stances on gun control, but he literally wanted to drain the swamp. But for “mean tweets,” you abandoned your champion.

    I swear I think the so-called conservatives will be spouting “Never Trump!” until they are literally being marched into the cattle cars. Which to me just means in the future there will be fewer but better USAians. And hopefully no commies at all. (A guy can dream.)

    1. Trump -bigly- upset the RINO grift. They hate him harder that the Donkuloids.

      I suspect that a second Trump admin is going to further expose and prosecute those treacherous shitbags. We could have done so very much since Reagan, archived so much pro-American gains. Instead, they repeatedly sold us out.

      Which is why the -RINOs- are going to try to prevent Trump 2.0. Watch for a last-minute collaboration with the Donks to prevent his election.

      1. Already happening. The resignations in the House are setting the stage for them to deny certification of the results, probably on a “bi-partisan” basis.

      2. They are happy being opposed to something, but they (gasp) don’t want to actually change anything to fix it! Why, what would they do if the thing was gone that they oppose?

        Thus the flailing R folks from the eternal opposition when Newt took power in the House back during the First Dark Time, the Time of Bill. They didn’t have any idea how to be in charge, only spout off the right oppositional words, and then still get invited to the right cocktail parties in DC and never get their insider trades investigated.

        1. Subotai Bahadur, who comments now and again at Chicagoboyz, had a great formulation for the establishment Rhinos – the Vichy GOP.

          Yes, the collaborator regime in WWII France. I plan on using that term now, referencing the Trump-hating go-along-to-get along GOP.

      3. Last minute? Oh ye of faith. The knives are already sticking out of Trumps back. So many it is impossible to tell if from Doinks or RINOS. People already see it.

    2. They are the people of decorum, the people of norms and good manners. If they just keep it up long enough, people will realize how valuable norms and good manners are, and vote for them. They know it.

      Trump makes them uncomfortable.

  11. in my profession, people who survive always ask “why am I being told this and why am I being told this now?” truth and falsity come later since they are, sadly, secondary in the short term if not the long term.

  12. And on the recurring “nitpick on the perfectly acceptable AI art” theme, I personally also always wear two trench coats when I am PI-ing, one under my leather utility belt and another over it to the belt and utility items don’t get wet.

  13. I can’t wait to urinate on the graves of every Liberal Democrat or Rino in Congress/Government. And someone should deliver a ton of pig manure to John McCain’s grave, weekly.

    1. McCain is buried at the Naval Academy – so that won’t happen. Nice thought, but we military folk will not allow it. Too much splash on the worthy dead.

  14. The aim of modern propaganda is no longer to modify ideas, but to provoke action. It is no longer to change adherence to a doctrine, but to make the individual cling irrationally to a process of action. It is no longer to lead to a choice, but to loosen the reflexes. It is no longer to transform an opinion, but to arouse an active and mythical belief.”
    ― Jacques Ellul, Propaganda

    one of the most important books I ever read. you can get a copy on archive.

    1. Ellul is endlessly quotable, but my favorite: 

      “Naturally, the educated man does not believe in propa­ganda; he shrugs and is convinced that propaganda has no effect on him. This is, in fact, one of his great weaknesses, and propa­gandists are well aware that in order to reach someone, one must first convince him that propaganda is ineffectual and not very clever. Because he is convinced of his own superiority, the intellectual is much more vulnerable than anybody else to this maneu­ver, even though basically a high intelligence, a broad culture, a constant exercise of the critical faculties, and full and objective information are still the best weapons against propaganda.”

      Full disclosure, he was a Christian Socialist and that does creep in , but he was a man of enormous integrity who saw the world, mostly, as it was.

  15. The media works on so much confirmation bias that the confirmation bias is the confirmation bias that they think is what is important.

    It’s the “Versailles Effect” in a nutshell. Their entire world is this narrow pocket of big cities, with the goal and the dream being hitting one of the trifecta-New York, LA/Hollywood, or DC. Anything smaller-even big cities by most standards like San Francisco or Portland or Seattle or Atlanta or Boston-are not The Show. They’re AAA ball and you won’t ever be in The Show.

    And you’re willing to do anything to stay in The Show, to stay in Versailles, that you’re willing to ignore everything and everyone that will take you out of that zone.

    And if that is the truth…well…you’re in Versailles…just before the peasants break down the gates.

    1. Re the “Versailles Effect”: It should be recalled that the entire reason for the French King building that monstrous palace and running court there basically continually was to pull in and lock up all the pesky nobles, forcing them to spend money on clothes and shoes and ship-hair, thus preventing any free time away from prying eyes and consuming resources that could fund any effective conspiracies, protecting the King.

      The prior English alternative that Elizabeth I used to vacuum up resources from any real threats in her nobility was to conduct royal visits.

      Anyone these days naively thinking they can go to DC and effect change should keep in mind that it’s much the same idea, with the permanent bureacracy in the role of jailer/protectee.

      1. Louis XIV was just doing what centuries of Byzantine emperors had done: bring all the provincial magnates, strongmen, military leaders, etc., to Constantinople, give them a salary, and induce them to compete for offices and honors at the capital.

          1. I’m going to put on my History Major hat and argue that the Deep State, in the form of an unaccountable bureaucracy-military-magnate consortium, was an inevitable outgrowth of the centralization of all European nation-states in the Early Modern period, driven mostly by the massive crushing expense of constant gunpowder warfare that necessitated regularization of taxation and greater intrusion onto their subjects’ lives than had been previously acceptable, and that each state had its own distinctive version.

            (How’s that for a paragraph-sentence? 🙂 )

            1. Needs to be more grammatically complex, with fewer verbs, to really achieve Germanic academic verbosity.

              (The record I’ve personally encountered thus far was two pages of print that were one sentence. I wondered if there had been a departmental wager about who could do the longest sentence-paragraph.)

      2. And to stay in the good graces of the court in Versailles, you have to take more from your provinces, which causes them to lose money and then you have all those issues…
        You can’t seem to win for losing.

  16. Feminazis on Chinese TikToc, misogynistic men running the MGTOW on YouTube and elsewhere, honest and not so honest people encouraging the “Passport Bros… 

    And so much more.

    The enemy often dresses as an angel of light, using plausible lies aimed at our weaknesses and unguarded strengths to misdirect our attention from either our pocket being picked or a knife being slid into our left kidney.

    May the Lord save us from ourselves and our other enemies.

    And may God bless America.

  17. Sarah, I personally blame you for my inability to watch major media (nightly news, TV series, documentary TV) without spotting all the flaws, untruths, propaganda, and so on. And for knowing that when all the political news blogs and sites agree, something is up in DC that all sides thing the American people should believe/think/know.

    Shakes clenched paw in the direction of Undisclosed Locationville

    1. “Ignorance is Bliss”

      Knowing, however, that you wrecked the SOB has a certain charm….


  18. There’s also the assumption that whenever crimes, disasters, economic collapse, etc. occur in a blue city or state, the residents are all “getting what they deserve” because “they voted for it”, never mind that even in deep blue cities and states there are red pockets/regions, plus, even in deep blue cities at least 20-30 percent of the electorate votes GOP or something other than Democrat. That is at least 1 of every 5 to 1 of every 3 who didn’t “vote for it”.

        1. Note this “electoral irregularity” only made the press out here due to a to-the-knife blue-on-blue conflict under the jungle primary rules for which blues make the cut for the general election in November.

    1. Then he said, “Oh do not let the Lord be angry if I speak just once more. Suppose ten are found there.” He answered, “For the sake of ten I will not destroy it.”

      Genesis 18:32 NRSV

      (Hey, if the Devil can quote Scripture for his purpose, there’s no reason I can’t. 😀 )

    2. If people don’t want to be collateral damage, MOVE. The Chinese/Iranian/Russian cyber infrastructure attacks will turn off power and utilities in all the major urban areas. After a week or two, the cities will be burning. The refugees may find succor some areas with a surfeit of the historically ignorant, but I assure you many areas will NOT take in the Blues and their illegal/criminal contingents. And they’ll make that point forcefully.

  19. Not to mention the corollary “conservatives who live in blue states or cities should have moved out yesterday, so anyone who doesn’t deserves what they get”.

    1. *Insert cranky not-fit-for-family words here.*

      There’s such a thing as being broke. As having neighbors you care about. As not being sure where would be a better place to go that you can still support yourself. As having helpless dependents whose custody may not be entirely yours to choose. Pick any or all of the above.

      Some people are stuck, and it is not their fault.

      1. Also- since when, exactly, do the folks who are still fighting magically become the enemy as well?

        Just because it happens to make things easy for the folks who cut and ran already?

    2. The Reader notes that in 2021 only 22% of the electorate voted in the mayoral election. In Chicago in 2023, only 35% for the mayoral election there. The voters in the blue cities who don’t vote deserve what they get.

        1. The Chicago voting rolls do not discriminate against breathing status.

          1. “Oh, no, you can’t call them ‘Brain eating zombies’! They are partially ambulatory formerly-living persons with limited vocabulary and specific dietary preferences.”

              1. ”wait, how do you know they only eat Vegan brains?”

                ”Oh, those never shut up about it.”

      1. We saw this coming in the early 1990s, so we moved to the rural/exurb line. Then we were healthy, DINKs, kids were grown or almost. Now, I’m a widower, one income, raising a granddaughter, mediocre health. And I still should move, because too many stairs, too high altitude. This is not going to be fun. At least the property has “quadrupled” in value – overvalued, IMO, but the multimillion dollar homes that popped up on 5 acre lots around the corner added value. And the city suburbs have moved a lot closer. I am loathe to move, as we have a whole house generator, access to well water.

        So I see the problems people have moving. It’s hard.

        At least the near suburbs are in a conservative county. El Paso County, CO. Enormous military population. Downtown COS is where the Marxists congregate, as is their wont, and Denver Metro far to the North. And COS Utilities have one of the best cyber-infrastructure programs in the US, but I don’t depend on them.

  20. For some reason this post resonated with me after I picked up this book to read. It’s “Cabins in the Laurels” by Muriel Earley Sheppard. It’s written as a non-fiction account of the region and its peoples by the NYC born and bred writer upon finding herself in the heights and depths of Appalachia right where my paternal family had lived for more than 200 years. She got there when my Dad was 10 or so. Apparently the modus operandi of journalists (which she considered herself to be) have not really changed much in 100 years. The photographs are staged, avoiding any modern dress or conveniences, as is the story, spun out of whole bullshit from her liberal excuse for a brain. It’s basically a city person’s cartoon of mountain people. There are certainly truths and reasonable facsimiles of places and events, but you have to detangle them from her clouded perspective.

    The initial reception in literary circles was positive, but the people of Mitchell and Yancey County were rather hostile due to her lack of objective veracity in her descriptions and failure to disclose the liberties with reality her work dispensed. Of course, when republished in the 90’s sixty years after its original publication, the UNC penned forward claimed it was now embraced by the locals. I can tell you that’s about as honest description as a Biden Press Conference might offer.

    Anyway, interestingly, she and her work were apparently in part responsible for my father’s early interest in writing and the arts, as well as his desire to get the heck out of the mountains ASAP. Yep, they lived in the same town.

    How DO I Know? Dad left me the book with a few passages tagged.

  21. And on this subject- I just posted the following on my Facebook ancestry group:

    It may not be the shortest marriage I have on my tree, but a 5th1X cousin DNA match I just added was married in Aug, divorced in Dec. Just out of curiosity, I looked up his first wife- and found immediately 4 marriages in 7 years- with attached divorces… Didn’t look any further.

    I believe (without double checking) that the record number of marriages I’ve found for a female distant relative is 7- without nearly as many divorces. Late 1800s/early 1900s. Several states… For males I think it’s 5 or so. My father only had 3- and he was the bad guy.

    I have a nephew currently in divorce court hell. As another family member put it- “Who’d of ever thought he’d be the sane one if they got divorced!?”

    1. The world records for most marriages and divorces were set by Glynn “Scotty” Wolfe (1908-1997), with 31 marriages and 26 divorces (to 28 women), and Linda Taylor (1940-2009), with 23 marriages. His last marriage in 1996 was to Taylor and she outlived him. After his death, none of his wives claimed his body or showed up at his funeral, nor did any of his (reported) 19 children.

    2. They say that over 50% of marriages end in divorce, but they never bother to specify how many of those ended marriages are by repeat offenders.

      1. The “50% of marriages end in divorce” statistic is based on the fact that, generally, since about the late 1970s, there are about half as many divorces as marriages in any given year (for example, if there are 2 million marriages in a particular year there will be around 1 million divorces). What it doesn’t take into account is that the divorces represent marriages that took place in past years; they don’t all come from the “pool” of marriages taking place that year. It is sort of like assuming that if there are 2 million births and 1 million deaths in a given year, the infant mortality rate must be 50%. Statisticians who have drilled down farther into the numbers say that only around 25% of first marriages end in divorce but for second marriages and beyond it is over 50%.

      2. There are some stats about “chance of first marriage ending in divorce,” but they have a higher rate of divorce listed than the total number of first marriages that end before age 60-65 or so.

      3. Yep. By those definitions, hubby and his siblings, the four of them have a 50% divorce statistic. Six marriages, three divorces. Two divorces are for one person. Add in my sisters marriages, and it drops down to 3 divorces out of eight marriages. Add in one SIL’s, and it is now 6 divorces out of 11 marriages (married 4x’s, divorced 3x’s, but one of the marriages is already counted in the prior count). Gee, now the average is over 50%. Because of two people. “There are statistics, damn statistics.”

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