Only Nazis by Bill Reader

Only Nazis would oppose the systematic rape and murder of Jews.
Only Nazis would oppose people who want to exterminate all Jews.
Only Nazis would oppose people who want to subjugate the entire western world, especially America.
Only Nazis would oppose segregating people by race.
Only Nazis would oppose treating people of one race as inferior with no reference to their merits or character.
Only Nazis would oppose censorship.
Only Nazis would oppose covert surveillance.
Only Nazis would support the individual right to bear arms.
Only Nazis would oppose arbitrary expropriation of property from enemies of the state under color of law.
Only Nazis would support election integrity.
Only Nazis would, in particular, demand that election laws not be altered at the last minute by illegal means.
Or ask for an audit when suddenly election tabulation happens in a way it has never happened in the past, resulting in multiple objectively implausible upsets at the last minute.
Only Nazis would question a vote where the poll observers were kicked out in the middle of performing the count.
Only Nazis would advocate for objective reality over the ever-changing whims and fantasies of the party and the state.

All these things and more you are told only Nazis would do. Of course it makes no sense. It’s not just untrue, it’s the opposite of true, like serving a person a cup of flaming gasoline and calling it ice-water.

It is time and long past time to speak truth. The Democrats are the Nazis. In every meaningful respect they are a 1:1 reflection—they are viciously anti-Semitic, power mad statists, no better than the ones America put down 80 years ago. History will eventually view it as an indictment of the breathtaking gullibility of man that the successors to the Nazis waltzed so easily into the corridors of power simply by insisting at every turn that they were not what they plainly were.

I will repeat again how this simple and stupid ploy managed to play out this way, in the prayer that maybe this time the signal will be heard. The “U shaped” political spectrum is a lie. It has always been a lie, and it’s a lie that serves the interests of the Left every time you repeat it.

Nazi is short for National Socialist German Worker’s party. They were named that because the Nazis were socialists—they were never, by any measure, excepting maybe the fucked up standards of Europe, “right wing”*.

The reason that “everyone knows” that the Nazis were “right wing” is because the main opposition to the Nazis in Germany as they were rising to power were “international socialists”, known otherwise popularly in America as communists—and more correctly and precisely, in their place and time, as advocates for Soviet hegemony of countries that communists organized in. In the years preceding World War II, what occurred in Germany was a fight between International Socialism and National Socialism. National Socialism won out in Germany proper—in no small part because Germans did not, in the main, want to become a Soviet vassal, and the Nazis were the most coherent opposition to that fate. But that wasn’t the end of the story, for two reasons. The most important of those was that Hitler and Stalin had a falling out. Their alliance up to that point, it must be emphasized, made perfect sense, because despite the fact that Hitler’s domestic political opponents had largely been pro-Soviet, the two totalitarian, statist societies had much more in common with one another than the Soviets had with any member of the allies. The other was that Germany was not the only place that far-left extremist groups had Soviet sympathies. Both Europe and the United States had the same problem, and such groups followed Soviet propaganda closely.

The standard smear that Soviet communists used against their opponents was to call them “right wing” (Like all Soviet propaganda the relationship to the truth was tangential at best— most right wing people did, in fact, oppose Soviets, but opposing the Soviets doesn’t at all imply that you are right wing. Note that modern day Leftists, by the old Soviet standards, would be considered rabidly “right wing” for arming Ukraine.). And shortly thereafter, American conservatives who opposed American Leftist groups that were heavily financed by, and compromised by the Soviets, began to be equated to the Nazis. That is why you may have heard Walt Disney accused of being a Nazi, for example—because Walt Disney opposed extreme Leftist union members who were not just Marxists, but Marxists with ties to the Soviet Union. In point of fact, Walt Disney was not a Nazi, and the accusation doesn’t even make superficial sense, but there was also no attempt to make it make any sense. It was simply repeated enough by Left wing groups that people assumed there must be some kernel of truth in it.

So of course your political spectrum looks “U” shaped. Both of its poles are left wing! That’s not some deep political insight: that’s you trying unsuccessfully to make sense out of competing propaganda. Nor is it an indictment of the “far right”, so much as an indictment of your historical understanding.

“Right wing dictator” in American terms is a contradiction in terms, a nonsense phrase. The joking tagline of this blog, “Taking over the world and leaving it ruthlessly alone” is exactly why.

To be a dictator is to centralize all power in the person and agents of the person. All dictatorships are statist in nature.

Yes, there have been examples of countries rocking back and forth between “Left wing” and “Right wing” dictators, but the latter are simply the effect from above writ large—a combination of unimaginative one-note Leftist attacks of Soviet pedigree, and people getting so tired of the Leftists presently in power that people who oppose them begin to call themselves “Right wing” without remotely resembling the American conception if it. In such countries, both sides end up cyclically redistributing each other’s wealth through and to the state, imprisoning each other’s leaders, and imposing overbearing laws targeting each other’s supporters. Those dynamics are best understood as competing factions of Leftists. Your precious “U shape” was drawn with only half the graph. A more accurate depiction would be:

 It was precisely because of the work of these groups that Europe went on to learn exactly the wrong lesson from World War I and II, embracing socialism and attempting to divest themselves of nationalism. Soviet-aligned groups—international socialists, remember—saw nationalism as one of the great obstacles to their success, and Europe fell for their bullshit, hook, line, sinker (rod, reel, fisherman, boat).

This despite the fact that both the socialist nation they stopped from conquering Europe by force, and the socialist nation they belatedly allowed to join the alliance to assist them in doing that, were examples of Hell on Earth—socially repressive, tyrannical, and eventually, genocidal (speaking of Ukraine).

That mistake has resulted in Europe as it exists today, lying on its deathbed, unable and unwilling to defend itself even as a war is raging closer to them than war has been in half a century. Their only pretense of defense is to whine that Americans are defending them inadequately—they will not shift a penny from the socialist state that they have built on, first, an ironclad belief in the accuracy of dusty Soviet propaganda, and latterly on simple corruption, cupidity, and avarice. Their farmers are strangling to death under the weight of repressive legislation and still their governments import every idiot third worlder with working legs to further overburden their collapsing welfare state.

None seems to dare admit the obvious— that on long enough time scales, anti-nationalism and socialism, as ideologies, are not survivable, nor sustainable, nor even meaningfully sane; as well they shouldn’t be since they are aggressor ideologies, meant specifically to ripen up countries to be conquered by an empire that ironically collapsed under its own weight decades hence. T

he violent third world Muslims who are toppling the old, sick, and weakened European countries pay no homage either to socialism or to nationalism, will certainly not practice “cultural humility”, nor will they care about the complaints of those who have turned such things into a secular religion. Europe’s “progress” will end in their lands and descendants beholden to the mores of the 7th century, and all this they will tell themselves is for the best, because at least they didn’t repeat Nazism.

They will sacrifice all they have, all they have ever had, all they could have been, in return for a nod of approval from the ghost of Stalin. And the monsters that breed in their corpses will become the existential concerns of our children—but I digress.

Remember all of this. The person who calls you a Nazi online today is admitting implicitly that he or she is the inheritor of a party that was so compromised by the Soviet Union that it is still repeating its nonsensical slanders a century later. McCarthy was an optimist.

And Left wing puddingheads: don’t attempt to counter with laughable “white supremacist” groups that are supposedly right wing in the modern era.

The vast majority of these consist of three FBI agents and two men who are products of an American school system that isn’t even pretending not to be an indoctrination factory anymore.

There is an overwhelming chance that any “white” person participating in such groups has as many black ancestors as the average black person in America. (I remind you of the supposed kidnapping plot of a governor that, when all was tabulated and exposed, was composed of mostly federal agents).

The highest profile groups—like the very appropriately named Patriot “Front”—are almost certainly entirely composed of feds. To the extent that any of these groups are something besides yet another inappropriate and stupid use of Federal money, it’s a combination of ignorance about what Nazis actually were, and the same problem South American countries exhibit, cited above—namely, the Democrat party being so hostile, stupid, and evil, that some people actually begin to consider that an ideology that resulted in the death of millions might have a point, simply because the Left repeatedly assert that those are their opponents. Which is to say, that American Democrats self-consciously emulate the aforementioned suicidal ideology of Europe but lie more about doing it.

A gaggle of suspiciously crew-cut people in masks and professionally printed uniforms that by some strange coincidence include government-issue pants is not an example of Nazism, it’s an example of my tax dollars being wasted by an agency that stopped having a reason to exist after Prohibition ended. American college students coast to coast calling for Jewish blood in between advocating for Socialism—that is Nazism. That is obviously Nazism.

To my conservative readers, I will conclude with this thought:

2016 became, famously, the flight 93 election. I put it to you that this election is the Battle of Britain. We are going to decide in November whether the Nazis get to take over, by force, the bastion of freedom that they have relentlessly assaulted.

I invite you to consider it in that light when you are donating, campaigning, and voting—and to bear in mind that no incarnation of the Nazis, be they German Socialists or American Socialists, has ever cared much for conceptions of fair play or honesty. Do not assume, when you are making your plans, that such things will be sufficient. Leverage every ounce of power you hold over the Left, do anything you can to stop the corruption they are assaulting our system with. Be weary of dirty tricks, because they will certainly attempt some. You face a ruthless enemy who represent an existential threat.

But the horrors they will commit in the war are nothing compared to what they will do if permitted to win.


*That is also true of fascists, incidentally. Benito Mussolini was a socialist before deriving the political theory of fascism, which he saw as further articulating and perfecting of the principles of socialism. In fact the fasces (that’s fah-sees, not the plural of face), the eponymous symbol of fascism, is an axe with a bundle of sticks as its handle, chosen specifically because it symbolizes the strength of the collective bound together in service of the state.

171 thoughts on “Only Nazis by Bill Reader

  1. Very well said!

    FYI, it’s “fasces” not “faces” and although the modern American pronunciation is as given, the correct classical Latin is “fah’-skays.” It was carried by the lictors, bodyguards for judges, tribunes of the plebs, and consuls. I’m times of peace, the ax heads faced inwards, but were exposed in times of war. The rods, or axes in extreme situations, could be used for instant punishment should one of those officials see a crime taking place. Most often though they symbolized that punishment could take place if needed.

    Yr. friendly neighborhood Latin pedant.

    1. A bundle of sticks may make a pretty picture and allegory; but to be honest, only an idiot would try to make an axe handle out of a bundle of sticks. They twist, they bind, they pinch your hands, they’re lumpy, and they don’t fasten well to the axe head.

      1. “A bundle of sticks” is also known as a word that the leftoids have deemed verboten and probably shouldn’t be written here out of fear of WP getting uppity about it. Also a common slang term for a cigarette until a few years ago.

        1. Okay, now you challenged my overweening curiosity so I just have to test the theory that WP won’t allow the use of the word, “faggot”.

          1. I don’t know that WP won’t allow it so much as it’s something for the censors to pick up on and start kvetching about the people associating with this blog.

            1. Then please refer such kvetchers to me for the Mike Houst’s version of Reader’s Digest, Ways to Enrich Your Word Power. Seriously, the Ministry of Truth is really doing a bang-up job in destroying English language instruction in our public school systems.

      2. No, no, no. Two axes, surrounded by a bundle of wooden rods. Axes symbolize lethal authority, rods symbolize lesser corporal punishment. 🤦

      3. No, sorry, the fasces would be utterly terrifying in its original Roman context. It was a bundle of rods, with an axe inside, tied up by twine, signifying the power of the officeholder (the bigger your office, the more Lictors you were allowed, hence the more fasces on hand; each Lictor carried one) and of the power of the State … the twine would be undone, and then you would be beaten with the rods (aka flogged) and then, if needed, beheaded with the axe. The Fascists absolutely chose knowingly when they made the fasces their symbol.

    2. He knows that, and heck, I KNOW that. Gah.
      The Roman story about not breaking a bundle of fasces was in my elementary school book and in my first year Latin (all I ever had) book.
      Blame it on my running spell checker AND my blinding headache last night.
      And thanks for catching it.

      1. ‘Tis a most excellent post and I’m the Latin nerd. In my next life I’m going to be a proofreader, should there still be employment as such available.

      2. There’s an interesting illustration about this point that you can do with a pack of spaghetti. If you take a bundle of spaghetti and try to break it in half to fit better in a small pot, you will, of course, fail.

        But if you twist it, you can actually break it comparatively easily. (And get little spaghetti bits all over, because it certainly doesn’t break cleanly.)

        There’s a useful analogy there somewhere. Hasn’t quite gelled yet.

  2. Trotsky was considered Too Rightwing. Benito was a Marxist who realized Marx was an idiot (well the Marxist kicked him out and he felt they were, so Marx must be [and was]), and tried to make Socialism without Marx. Our leftoids toss it with ignorance and impunity. though occasionally someone on the leftoid side realizes that Neo-Nazis and the KKK want much the same thing as the leftoids do, and are shut up right quick.

    1. Benito decided to switch from communism when he realized that an “international” appeal wasn’t going to play well with the average Italian. So instead he recrafted socialism with Italian themes and appeal.

      1. He got into it with the Marxist folks he was in with, in part because he knew internationalism wasn’t gonna sell well with his fellow countrymen and was arguing for lessening that in favor of Make Italy Great Again (pardon), hence dropping as much marx as possible in his flavor of Socialist. Germany was a similar attempt to get it to work (they knew how well it was in Russia/Soviet union, and that was “Not well at all”) and actually help the average German (but only Germans) instead of rule over the proles. Like ever, it didn’t work.

    2. The Left always accuses its opponents of being right wing or fascist (which the Left also conflates.) Trotsky was accused of being right wing by Stalin–who was busily engaged in eliminating his political competition, which included Trotsky. Trotsky considered himself as being opposed to Stalin from the left.

      Years later, an interesting conversation took place between Whittaker Chambers, by then a Communist apostate, and Old Bolshevik Walter Krivitsky.

      [Chambers said to Krivitsky: “The Soviet Government is a fascist government.” Later on that night, Krivitsky told me that if I had answered yes at once, he would have distrusted me. Because I hesitated, and he felt the force of my struggle, he was convinced I was sincere.

      When I answered slowly, and a little somberly, as later on I sometimes answered questions during the Hiss Case, Krivitsky turned for the first time and looked at me directly. “You are right, and Kronstadt [the 1917 Left populist uprising against the Bolsheviks] was the turning point.”

      Don’t forget, Communism had an over 10 year head start over fascism in the propaganda and subversion war against the West; in the CPUSA and its fellow travelers the USSR had huge influence in Hollywood and the Roosevelt administration and made inroads into public and higher education.

      True, Mussolini was very popular among progressives for a while, though that faded. The NDSAP wasn’t nearly as popular in the US as it was in the UK, particularly among the aristocracy and County.

  3. This is where I leave three thoughts:

    Firstly: There is not the slightest doubt in my mind that the only reason the American public was united behind the Second World War effort is because we were fighting partly in defense of the Soviet Union. If the Nazis and Soviets had maintained their alliance, there would have been a large and very active propaganda-and-sabotage fifth column in these United States.

    Secondly: In an irony that would have befuddled Jonathan Swift himself, the prime, at this point the only, beneficiary of European Holocaust guilt has been the worldwide Islamic Ummah.

    Thirdly: As far as most of the world is concerned, “the lesson of the Holocaust” is that attachment to one’s own group identity, and the consequent assertion of the prerogatives of nationhood, is the font of evil, and must be eradicated … beginning with the practice of such by the Jews.

    Just saying.

    1. We know. And it’s mentally slow. Tribalism is a problem. Nationhood not so.
      However it’s only the nationhood and “tribalism” of “nominally white” people and nations that are a problem.
      This is suicidal. It’s like “Only whites can be racist. No. All humans can be and are racist. If you forbid racism, you forbid racism (Which frankly I think is one of the wonders of America, but it has to be universal.)

      1. It’s like when one notes who exactly is “aboriginal” to Britain, Scotland, Wales or Ireland.

        1. The Picts? Certainly not the Saxons (invaders from Germany, named after the Saxony region) nor the Normans (invaders from France). The Irish and Scots have a lot of Viking in ’em from all the sacking and looting that took place over the centuries.

          1. Sure. Let’s face it, all humans are colonizers, or we’d all be under the sea. (Insert song) BUT Marxists have decided only Europeans have no right to exist.
            I don’t believe in racism. Against anyone.

              1. Eh, Marx and Engels held there were “world-historic” peoples who were to bring about the Revolution, and non-world-historic peoples whose task was to “perish.” There’s been some revising of the lists, though; they celebrated Mexico’s being defeated by the US for just that reason.

            1. Made up things are easier for tiny minds to latch on to, maybe? But only the simple ones, which is why their narratives are so utterly brokenly dumb.

              Races don’t exist therefore racism is made up shenanigans. We can talk about culture, heritability, and twin study trends, but the only use of race is graft and politics and other such tomfoolery.

              It’s a useful distraction for them whilst they loot the country blind. That, the corruption both moral and legal, the lies, and the naked greed (another term they try desperately to conflate), those things are far more important than divisive lies and anti-intelligent (the only real AI) pogroms. 

          2. A majority of white English are derived from the Celtic inhabitants. It looks like the Anglosaxon invasion was more on the scale of the Norman than the replacement that people thought it was.

        2. Actually, if you go back far enough, humans are only ‘aboriginal’ to central Africa. We wandered everywhere else, and then adapted to local conditions.

            1. That’s right, we are all descended from slaves, and from slave owners. Any ‘reparations’ would have to be paid by everybody, to everybody. It would only benefit the government, and the shriekers.

              1. Imaginos, I have been saying that for literally DECADES. (Just over two, matterafact.) We are ALL descended from persons who were bought and sold. Just sometimes the slaves were blond/e.

                I have also been known to snark about reparations due my mother’s lineage from Rome. Since she’s descended from Germanic stock.

        3. According to woke historians, the indigenous Britons were black. Sorry, Black. The same people also say that the Ainu of ancient Japan were Black.

            1. Something something blackness something something white supremacy something something.

            2. I’m inclined to think Adam & Eve were middling-brown, with black hair, like much of the population of Mexico.

              And Brazil (both imported and indigenous).

              And India.

              And the greater Middle East.

              And Polynesia.

              And New Zealand.

              And pre-settlement North America.

              And most Americans with a “white” and a “black” parent each.

    2. …a large and very active propaganda-and-sabotage fifth column in these United States.

      There was a significant isolationist “don’t let those imperialist Brits drag the US into another European war” effort, most notably headlined by Charles Lindbergh, active in the US before the Hitler-Stalin alliance fell apart. Lots of Hollywood memoirs talk about the whiplash when Hitler invaded the USSR and the local Hollywood cadres received new orders from Moscow directing the 180 degrees reversal to what they were advocating for last week.

      It still took the Pearl Harbor attack to actually get the US actively into the war, but the internal orchestrated opposition was long gone by then, changing to “We have to help kindly Uncle Joe!”

      1. Orwell saw that very thing happening from across the ocean, or saw it in miniature in his own beleaguered country. That’s how he produced the scene in 1984 where a Party orator inveighing against Eurasia is handed a note and begins denouncing Eastasia in the middle of his sentence — “without breaking the syntax,” to use Orwell’s excellent turn of phrase. (He must have seen consistent excellence of grammar as the acme of skill.)

        Lindbergh, as I recall, suffered from a bamboozling he should have been smart enough to see through. He was taken on a tour of Germany in the mid-to-latter 1930s, and was given a great show of military might (probably leaning on the aerial for obvious reasons) that nicely obscured problems with the actual substance. Lindbergh’s advocacy against war with Germany was at least partly based on belief that the German war machine would prove too great a match for America. (I was reminded of this credulity by Tucker Carlson’s unfortunate recent trip to Russia. With the added example of the Potemkin village in its native land, he really should have been more on his guard than he was.)

        Republica restituendae, et, Hamas delenda est.

        (What’s Latin for “and soon, please?”)

        1. I’ll add that when the US did finally go to war, Lindbergh fully supported the war effort, and helped train new pilots.

          1. I also heard that while Lindbergh was touring Nazi Germany, he was working with US Military Intelligence people.

          1. It is so useful to have a Latinist around.
            My plan even ten years ago was to go back to college when the boys were both moved out, study Latin and Greek and pursue a doctorate in Classics. For me.
            Now I find I don’t really have the patience, and because of illness am really behind on the writing that must be done before I die. (Some is optional.) And so, I must let go of that dream.

    3. Our politicians greatly admired fascism along communism. Socialism became a popular cause during the dustbowl days and the mismanagement of the Great Depression. There are still vestiges around, at least here, with Minnesota’s Democratic-Farm-Labor party and North Dakota’s Democrat-NonPartisan League party, along with North Dakota’s State Mill and State Bank. The influence of such parties varies, with Minnesota being heavily DFL, especially in urban areas, while the ND Dem-NPL can barely field candidates and haven’t had a candidate win a statewide race since 2012. I’m sure there are other areas that have similar associations, but these are the ones in my area.

      From what I’ve heards about the German Jews, they considered themselves German before they considered themselves Jews. But they’re a common scapegoat, even though they were pretty well integrated into local society. It seems like “the lesson of the Holocaust” that many of our leftist friends, and Islamic adherents is – didn’t go far enough to complete the mission.

      I weep for our country some days.

      1. Fascist Dictator Roosevelt cribbed most of his speeches from Mussolini. Right up until fascists became unfashionable. Now the Democrats are the fascists, while calling everybody else fascists and screeching that Trump is going to do all the horrible things he spent 4 years not doing when he was President.

        1. And FDR *hated* Germany. My personal belief is that FDR’s pre-War opposition to the Nazis and Hitler was due to FDR’s hatred of Germany, and not any particular form of moral principle.

            1. Yes. He hated Germany when it was still nominally democratic, and he hated Germany after Hitler rose to power. Who was in charge, or what kind of government they had didn’t matter. He just disliked the country.

      2. Funny, but races for town offices in Barrington, NH are non-partisan as far as the ballots go. Democrat, Republican, Independent, Communist, Nutcase, or whatever, they’re all listed on the same ballot. Doesn’t mean that the parties that exist don’t provide support for one candidate or more, or the other. But conservatives and independents have a rough row to hoe in this town; because the party of Leave Me Alone, doesn’t do a good job of coming out to vote to have people leave them alone, like the party of “Let’s Control Everything (and see who we can screw over this year)”.

      3. It was worse for the Romany. They considered themselves so German that the only ones that escaped the Holocaust were the bottom 1% of the population. The entire upper and middle classes were wiped out, and most of the poverty class. It was the literal homeless and criminal classes that survived.

    4. Like what the French had to deal with. The pro-Soviet factions of French labor were reportedly sabotaging French military hardware at the manufacturing stage during the von Ribbentrop pact.

    1. Agree. Not enough coffee to comment.


      1. Okay then. Auto sets me to be able to post. But have to hit the settings box to get to “Email me new comments”. WP quit changing things. Dang it.

  4. I ran across this.

    So far I’ve only read the sample, but the argument that Woke is getting traction because of how bureaucracy has interpreted things like the Civil Rights Act, and that we need to badly disembowel said bureaucracy and executive orders supporting it…. anyone with a better head for law than me want to poke this?

    1. There is pretty clearly some commonality of effort between decisions by bureaucrats judges and lawyers about various laws are to be interpreted, and woke.

      The basic practical problem is that they have in doing so undermined the original justification for the underlying law.

      They buy into the ancient super conspiracies of critical theory, and conclude that struggle sessions are the only way to wishcast an alternative into existence.

      One of the core premises of affirmative action is that it is a remedy for a previous set of conspiracies. I believe, historically, that segregation was a set of criminal conspiracies, so I understand that as a bit correct.

      Pragmatically, the critical theorists have a broader theory of conspiracy, and believe that colluding to disenfranchise Republican voters under color of law is not going to be understood as an unusual act or a real change in professional behavior. This is a problem for them because their model of how long verbal tricks and such work may be precisely opposite of reality.

      One conclusion is that it could be time for critical MAGA theory, and affirmative action to correct the discrimination against MAGA Republicans.

      An alternative conclusion is that all affirmative action, and special meddling in election laws and hiring, must end. As a change this would of course be a sucky legal situation difficult to fully foresee the consequences of. But, possibly we could then have a path forward to restoring legitimacy of elected government and the formal legal system.

      Very hard to tell.

      I am not a lawyer, and do not have special knowledge there.

      I do have special knowledge of a different occupation, that I believe to be impacted, but my understanding there could be entirely catastrophism, and is not based in any experience.

      Garbage research done by critical theorists at universities is laundered through bureaucracies, lawyers and judges, regulations, and HR staff. By the time it hits HR everywhere, they beleive that not doing the bullying struggle sessions would open them up to legal liability.

      This may have also happened with covid, and is an element of trans. (Trans also involves gross negligence by the American Psychological Association, and the American Medical Association. (AMA is also involved in Covid, and credentials all med schools.)) (ABA credentials all law schools, and can apparently dictate or arrange a lot of behavior at those.)

  5. Before the Nazis, or Russian communism, or even Marx, the Democrats were the spiritual (and in some cases literal) heirs of the old Southern plantation owners and slave masters. They believe it is their right to be lords over great masses of slaves.

    Now, of course, they run the Nazi playbook page for page, while calling their enemies Nazis. Fortunately, so far they have managed nothing but Reichstag Fizzles, and their attempt to turn Brian Sicknick into Horst Wessel fell equally flat. There wasn’t even a song.

    Today’s elitist rulers have done absolutely nothing to earn their positions of extravagant privilege. They are more useless than the 18th century French aristocracy they unthinkingly mimic.

      1. The songs the Democrat Party produced are the slave spirituals, sung by their victims.

  6. It appears now that the symbol of Naziism, the swastika, is no longer a universal symbol to be despised if used in the right context. Such as a pro Palestinian march. That is according to the Scottish police. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose, ne?

      1. Yes. A Jewish woman complained about it to the cops, and was basically told to get over it.

          1. Nah. Just confirms the obvious. Besides, when the enemy doesn’t bother to hide, it is much easier to respond. 

          2. R.I.P. Lieutenant Commander (Ret.) Lou Conter, USN.

            Our last surviving member of the crew of USS Arizona has passed.

          3. Sarah, these clowns were advancing the idea that Holocaust survivors had “white privilege” 5 years ago. Nauseating doesn’t cover it.

        1. Thank you. I was going to post that one, you beat me to it.

          Yes friends, important safety tip, the Thin Blue Line is not your friend unless you are a member in good standing. The above posted idiocy is what you hear every time you talk to a cop about anything. You’re not “In” so they just lie.

          At the extreme end of the scale, we have the Chinese Death Van, or Execution Van. Look that one up if you like, the People’s Republic maintains a fleet of vans that run around and execute people. They -advertise- the existence of this government operation inside China, and deny its existence outside the country. Visitors to the Chengdu Worldcon probably saw a few cruising around.

          Being Canadian, I fully expect to see MAiD vans in the next five years if we don’t shift from our present course. They’ll be marked with some form of slogan and little maple leaves etc. so everyone knows how compassionate and caring it all is. Currently a case is before the Canadian courts to allow MAiD to a young woman who has nothing wrong with her apart from autism and ADHD. (Specifically the suit was brought to force the father into going along. She wants to be killed at home in the living room, you see.) Because they’re so compassionate and caring.

          Proving once again that Pinochet’s Helicopter Service was not an over reaction.

          1. No helicopter service which gives free rides to leftists (i.e., communists and their fellow travelers, many of whom tend to show up in comments here regularly) is an overreaction.

    1. OK Scotland what the <expletive deleted> happened to you? You say the Swastika (of the Nazi Party flavor) is devoid of meaning and must be viewed in context, and that actually stating a homo sapiens with a penis and delusions of femininity is a male is a hate crime. So far the only one standing up to the hate crime law is J.K Rowling. Whoever had billionaire female Juveniles author and notable liberal has more testicular fortitude than the whole of the Scottish Parliament on their bingo card for April please come and turn it in you’ve won.

      Meanwhile William Wallace, Robert The Bruce and Bobby Burns are rotating in their graves so fast that Glasgow is experiencing Richter 3-5 level tremors at a nearly constant rate.

      1. Also, why does it seem that all the highest elected officials are Indian/Pakistani or other ethnicity than British, Scottish or Irish? Do the political parties favor virtue-singaling, are the immigrants just really, really good at working the system, or is it embrace the power of “and”?

        1. Considering every couple in British TV HAS TO BE mixed race, I think the parties are under the illusion the newcomers are a much bigger part of the population, and being another ethnicity is “just cool.”

  7. You can tell they have no real ideology because they have absolutely no consistency. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, rape is a horrible evil becuase Trump said grab ’em by the pussy, but the mass rape on October 7th was a legitimate act of resistance. They will say and do anything for power and can’t stop.

    1. This. This is the whole ball of wax for me.

      There are some acts that are evil no matter what.

      If you can’t condemn evil no matter who it’s done to, there is something morally wrong with you.

          1. What’s “interesting” is that those people who insist that “evil doesn’t
            exist” are very often the same sort of people that think “Nazis are the
            ultimate evil” and believe that anybody that doesn’t support the
            policies that they like are “Nazis”. 😉

            Paul (Drak Bibliophile) Howard

    2. It is my humble opinion, based solely on what I see and hear from people, that October 7th was the day the scales fell from a lot of people’s eyes.

      The Lefties in seizing on this particular issue have finally take that last step too far. Nobody is down with it. Everybody knows the Pallies are lying.

      Will this finally be the straw that breaks the Normie’s backs? I guess we’ll see.

        1. For me, it was, “You know what? Think my give-a-darn’s finally busted.”

          I mean, I’d thought it was in pretty rough shape after various relative shenanigans, but October 7th….

          Rubble. Bounce. Sounds like an extremely good idea.

        2. For me, the shock wasn’t that the Dems would support Hamas over the Israelis even after the heinous acts that Hamas itself documented. It’s that the White House took as long as it did to openly start siding with Hamas.

          1. As usual, what drives the Turnip in chief (or at least his puppeteers) is votes. Their coalition with the assorted Islamic types in Michigan depends on those folks staying on the team. They wouldn’t vote for Trump, but if the turnout looked tiny in certain large Michigan urban areas it gets harder to fraud things in that state and other cities. The ersatz islamist Black Muslims hate the Jewish people even more than the Suni or Shia do (if that is possible) and they are large portions of cities such as Philidephia and Atlanta that are critical to controlling those states. Again without large turnout the fraud goes from 8 point Helvetica to 72 point Comic Sans. The Squad types are using this to get what they want from the more traditional kleptocrat arm of the Democrat Party.

  8. Having been (briefly) a high school history teacher and having a strong interest in the era of WWII I found this post to be one of the very best I’ve read in many years – finally getting the political picture correct (I was going to say ‘right’ but…).

    The whole political development in Germany and the NSDAP “Nazi” party rise to power is a fascinating study. Much like what went on there back then seems to be going on here, now – however the nationalism element is way off. Back then in Europe it was Germany for Germans and Germans need more living space. Here it’s all about the political theater and the fools in charge that seem to think the huge influx of “others” from abroad will automatically support them. Uh… they are much more likely to support their own tribal/origin fellow travelers and TPTB can go pound sand. This ain’t gonna work out like expected. 

      1. While you are correct – “mentally slow” may not be a good enough descriptor. I would submit the term delusional for them. Maybe even Bat-shit-crazy? 

        1. Why not all of the above?
          But thinking the rest of the world has no race bar (sometimes between people that look identical to us) is very, very (very) stupid.

          1. YES! This stupidity is also what gives me hope that the rational and sane will come out winning in the end. Likely with some pain and sorrow but winning overall. 

            1. I hope (and strongly suspect) that you’re correct. Rejection of reality is usually a severe handicap for any endeavor involving reality, which means the leftists are starting (actually “continuing”) the race with one foot nailed to the floor. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group. 😡

        1. Yeah, but they think they are identifying with the others and will be eaten last. Most of these people bought the “white race so oppressive.” Which means they know nothing of world history.

            1. They are the “good” massas who takes proper care of their darkies.


          1. Plus they have the warm feeling of standing tall, denying themselves and their ” privilege,” to lift up and support the oppressed. Thereby, of course, modestly highlighting their moral and spiritual superiority.

            We had that in the struggle session that tore our SCA household apart. I feel bad about saying it. Tthe couple involved sincerely had no idea that’s how they came across – to me, at least – but it’s worth noting the pronoun-friendly, anti- “homophobia,” household that split off from us wanted nothing to do with them. And they’d cut themselves off from the rest of the group. I feel rather sorry for them.

          2. And they can’t see why everyone outside The Movement stares in awe and wonder* when they loudly proclaim that blacks can be white-supremacists and that People of Color are not racist but are acting out internalized white supremacy.

            *”Aawww cr@p, I wonder how bad it’s going to be this time? Pass the white-cheddar popcorn, please. Thanks.”

        2. Charles Manson wanted his murders to start a race war between blacks and whites. He believed that since the blacks were greatly outnumbered by the whites, the blacks would call on him to lead them.

          The thinking on the left often has… issues.

          1. The Left has more Issues than the entire runs of National Geographic, Nature, and the Times of London combined.

          2. Junior compared to the current “Leadership” of the Democrat party Charles Manson was the epitome of rationality and reason…

      2. Make that “All other races will unite against bad white people. Not me, of course, I’m a good white people, acknowledging my ingrained racism and serving as an ally to the People Of Color.”

        “I won’t be killed or enslaved. I’ll continue on in my life style just as I do now. In fact, it will be even better than now, because the enlightened People Of Color, my allies, will share with me the fruits of True Socialism after the evil white Capitalists (and their few Uncle Toms) are given their just deserts.”

    1. Margaret Thatcher famously said that the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money. Nazi Germany went broke improving Aryan lives and rearming. Then, with Teutonic thoroughness, they robbed and murdered their way across Europe to keep the whole thing going:

      . . .while Jews and citizens of occupied lands suffered crippling taxation, mass looting, enslavement, and destruction, most Germans enjoyed an improved standard of living. Buoyed by millions of packages soldiers sent from the front, Germans also benefited from the systematic plunder of Jewish possessions. Any qualms were swept away by waves of tax breaks and government handouts.

      From the Amazon blurb for Götz Aly Hitler’s Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State

      1. Yep. And this is why it won’t work here. We’re too big and too used to living well for even robbing the rest of the world to keep us going more than a few months.

  9. This is also why I argue that we need to differentiate between radical conservatives and radical anti-leftists.

    Radical conservatives are the get off my lawn crew who militantly whoosh to be left alone.

    The radical anti-leftists are the folks who been burned by leftism, rejected it, but are still using the same tactics and state power to fight it.

    1. As long as there is going to BE a state, someone will control it. And if the last 30 years haven’t taught us anything else, it’s that you can scream get off my lawn as loud as you like, and the Left will laugh at you before taking the lawn.

      James Madison said it very well: If men were angels no government would be necessary. And until the Second Coming transforms men into angels, there will be government, and we have to deal with that.

  10. Breathless Newsie: Argentina’s Right-wing dictator has gutted the government and has asked for more power to shrink government and reduce its power until the next election!!!! Horror!!! And people like him! Arrrrgh, conspiracy, fake news, find protestors STAT!

    Get-Off-My-Lawn types: Daaaaang. Now that’s a “dictator” I could actually support.

      1. Love what he’s doing. Take a chainsaw to the dead wood, and mulch the results. Go Mielei!

        I can tell you that pretty much everything keeping Canada f-ed boils down to government. Either not doing their job as with catch and release policing, or doing things that shouldn’t be their job like literally everything else they do.

        That, and the tax burden they impose. It bends everything out of shape. A house should not be the only viable investment one can make, but right now it is. That’s -all- down to taxes.

        In their infinite wisdom they’re actively trying to destroy real estate as a viable investment now, despite it being the last refuge of the middle class and most of the upper class. The USA is not quite that bad yet, you can still start a business with some hope of success, but the window is shrinking.

      2. The memes about Milei saying/doing something to remove gov’t deadwood followed by the televangelist prayer about “Lord, I see what you’re doing for other people and I want that for me too…” will never not be funny.

  11. Regarding smart people making stupid arguments, there’s a video of Elon Musk in an interview making the argument that Israel shouldn’t be attacking HamAss in Gaza because that just makes more HamAss followers. He argued that each retaliation creates more HamAss than it kills.

    I watched the interview and my instinctive reaction was that he was wildly wrong, but it took a while for my slow brain to percolate the idea through all the little logic gates.

    The argument pre-supposes that Israeli oppression is what created and maintains the hatred of HamAss. If that’s true, then it is all a numbers game as Musk suggests.

    But for that to be true, the creation of a terrorist must be a quite mechanistic operation. Perform atrocity A, and N number of newly radicalized victims will be created. If that were true, Germany and Japan would still be the enemies of Japan.

    Also, and equally so, why are there not hordes of Jews screaming for Pallie blood all over the world? Where were the crowds of Jews dancing in the streets and giving away candy every time a HamAss guy got whacked?

    It doesn’t work that way. And to make that argument, you have to be either intellectually lazy or just plain lying.

    Musk’s subsequent trip to Israel and his about-face on the issue indicates he was intellectually lazy and had a big Red Pill moment.

    This is true of basically -all- arguments put forward by socialists. They do not track Reality at all. Gun control being the one I’ve researched the most, every single Socialist argument regarding what they call gun control is essentially victim disarmament. They pursue it because they want to do things moral people will shoot them for. That’s the bottom line.

    It all gets back to Death Vans in Communist China. Socialists love Death Vans, its the quintessential expression of their utopia. Something like it inevitably emerges in every single Socialist regime, one way or another. If you don’t qualify for the bundle of sticks, then you are the enemy of all that is Good, and you get to die.

    I’m not a fan of that. Just putting it out there, Socialists. Not buying the Death Van thing. Oh, and get off my lawn.

    1. Third option, he was misinformed about the culture.

      He knew that Jews and Christians wouldn’t so the “they only hate us because we wronged them” thing, but for generations folks have been assuring us that Islamic cultures do.

      So he went and actually looked…and realized that no, they don’t have a complex because they’re victims, they have a self-victimizing complex that interprets EVERYTHING as them being unjustly victimized, including breaking their own fist when punchign someone.

      1. Well, it’s more like “I’m the rightful slavemaster of all of you, and therefore breaking my knuckles when punching you is you committing treason against me, you meanie!”

      2. Musk seems to be a guy who went along with the gag for a long time, but lately too much is happening that’s too stupid for him to swallow.

        Not for nothing that he’s the CEO of Tesla, the biggest virtue signal out there. You want to show you’re a good little environmentalist hipster tech-dweeb, you buy a Tesla for the wife/significant whatsit to tool around town in.

        Why is Tesla successful? GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE. He’s the -only- guy outside the Big Three making cars in North America that doesn’t have a huge off-shore car company holding him up. He played the socialism support card, talked government into putting their thumb on the scale for him, and won.

        He also made a good car, they probably hate him for that. I don’t like the Tesla, but I can’t say it isn’t a good piece of engineering.

        But, red pill time, he can’t believe the hype anymore because he will persist in demanding performance out of his assets, because he wants to make a good car. Too often he’s getting to the bottom of something and finding there’s no “there” there. Nothing but swamp gas.

        Buying Twittler was his biggest move that really ripped the sheets off. There’s all kinds of skeletons falling out of closets now because he did that. Go Elon. And I say that as not an Elon fan.

        1. With Tesla, Musk went after the only segment of the EV market that made any sort of sense: Sporty toys for the well-off, with poor energy efficiency taking a (cough) back seat to sportiness. Because EVs are energy-inefficient coal-burning vehicles.

          1. They really, really should be energy-inefficient nuclear-powered vehicles. Maybe we’ll get there someday.

            1. Yeah, but the Usual Suspects hatehatehate! nuclear power. At least partly for the same reason they hate hydroelectric: It doesn’t forward the goal of making us revolting peasants and deplorable kulaks suffer and die in the dark.

              I remember the claim by one of them, some decades back, that if “cold fusion” panned out and ended up providing huge amounts of cheap power, it would be (in his view) a terrible disaster. And if rainbow farts from magical unicorns were to somehow become a practical large-scale energy source, those magical unicorns would immediately be condemned and banned as a dangerous invasive species.

              1. Twenty-five years ago when the Global Warming hysteria was just getting spun up (and the East Anglia CRU head was saying things like “Why should I give you my data, when you’re just trying to find something wrong with it?”, thereby proving that he wasn’t doing science, he was doing politics), I thought that at least one good thing would come out of this CO2 hysteria: more support for nuclear power, the least environmentally damaging and yet most reliable power source around. (Unless built and overseen by idiots; see Chernobyl). I hadn’t yet realized that to the left, the issue is never the issue, the issue is always more power for them.

                So NOW, their continued opposition to nuclear plants makes sense to me. At the time, I didn’t realize their actual motivations.

              2. Had to dig a bit to get the title – but the next to last story in Pohl’s Midas World universe was “Lord of the Skies” – where fusion power made so much heat that it rendered the Earth uninhabitable. Scientifically possible, true – but a major suspension of disbelief is still required to read that story.

        2. Must really really really really wants off-world colonies. And in order to have off-world colonies, you need electric vehicles. There’s no oil on Mars, and it would be expensive to ship up from Earth. Ergo, the obvious solution is vehicles with batteries that can be charged.

          If he can get the government to spring for it as he develops the tech, you’d better believe that he will.

          I suspect that he even has plans for X that tie into his vision of what will be needed off-world. Though at the same time, I think his initial offer for Twitter was an impulse thing. There’s a rumor that one of his exes (that he’s still close with) may have triggered his decision to buy after telling him that the Babylon Bee (which he had recently done an interview with) had just been banned by Twitter.

          1. For added hilarity, the ex in question played Mary Bennet in the Keira Knightley version of Pride and Prejudice. So there is a Jane Austen connection to Musk’s takeover of Twitter 🙂

    2. What is embedded in Musk’s brain is Marxism. To be fair to him, it’s embedded in all of our brains. but that idea that violence is what causes radicalization and oppression is what causes violence, etc. is a Marxist idea.
      It’s a denial of human AGENCY let alone good and evil. It’s all mechanistic actions. But we were all taught this bullshit at very young ages and it’s a bugger to bring it out and examine it.
      For instance, most of our policies and studies thereof hinge on the idea that poverty begets crime. Though it would be more accurate to say absent external factors — which are never fully absent, of course — criminal mind set leads to poverty. Or that a certain type of mind begets both poverty and crime. But the characteristics aren’t even coupled. The rich can be criminal as well, and most of the poor AREN’T CRIMINAL.
      These pairings are bullshit spewed into our brains by credentialed Marxists.
      Again, it’s a bugger to get rid of it, though.

      1. Absolutely. “Guns cause violence” is the quintessential Marxist argument. “Poverty causes crime” is another one.

        Lately my favorite is “Whiteness causes oppression!!!” That one really gets down to brass tacks.

      2. I think “poverty causes crime” is quite illustrative of the evil we are up against. As you say, it completely disregards human agency, and in a particularly destructive way.

        It is particularly galling to me, since I have had the experience in life to deal with both poor people and people who looked down on the poor (oddly, they snobs tend to be middle class, the rich I have delt with were less concerned about such than the middle class). I have been friends with people who had very little in material terms, but were extremely rich in character. Quite a few of such people have been important in my life.

    3. Palestinians hate the Jews because the Jews exist. The End. They are taught that hate from birth, in schools sponsored and staffed by the U.N. Ham-Ass are just the most ambitious of the haters.

      The radical Islamists hate us because we exist, we don’t submit to their particular brand of insanity, and worst of all, we prosper. Unforgivable!

      I hope the Ham-Ass supporters commit fully to waving their swastikas. Maybe that will finally impress upon the NPCs what they really are.

      I know the swastika was an Asian symbol of good fortune until the Nazis appropriated it, but they ruined any other interpretation. Swastika == Nazi in the eyes of the world now.

        1. And the reaction to that (got the meme-creator arrested) made such an interesting shot/chaser to when the police told the Jewish lady that the swastika at a pro-Ham-Ass march was no big deal.

          Apparently (as in all such things with the progtards in power) it’s only offensive/illegal when the wrong people do it. #smh

      1. Unfortunately, yes. Though it’s also worth noting that the traditional symbol usually is straight instead of tilted, and sometimes the “spurs” are pointing in the opposite direction.

        The Nazis weren’t the only ones to use the swastika as a symbol during World War 2. The “good guy” Axis nation – Finland – which only fought to defend itself against Soviet aggression, also had the swastika on its planes. It was officially abandoned after signing the final peace agreement with the Soviets, though it apparently still pops up occasionally in Finnish military insignia. And, unsurprisingly, it’s common on Finnish WW2 monuments, and in museums with aircraft from that era.

        It’s an interesting symbol, and a part of me is curious whether I would appreciate it if it didn’t have its Nazi baggage associated with it.

        1. It is a very powerful symbol that goes way back. The Germans gave it a bad name, maybe the reversed version can be rehabilitated as it has significance in a lot of traditions, most not Western.

          1. The clockwise version associated with the sun in some belief systems; I wonder if the Nazi use has any connection to Himmler’s black sun nonsense.

        2. Finland removed the swastikas -last year-, 2023.

          They were the only Axis-aligned country not occupied after WW2.

          The ones I have read, or spoke with, are not at all embarrassed.

    4. Doesn’t that mean the Hamassholes are making more dedicated Israeli opponents, dedicated to destroying the Hamassholes? All of them.

      Oh, wait. They -did-. Good! My money is on the Israelis. If the Hamassholes insist on the rules being “genocide”, “from the river to the sea”, then so be it. The good guys will win, and Israel will be safe “from the river to the sea”. Bye-bye Hamassholes.

      Tsk. Guess perhaps “laws and customs of war” had a survival purpose, eh Hamassholes? Bit late now. Stock up on asbestos underoos.

      1. “Doesn’t that mean the Hamassholes are making more dedicated Israeli opponents, dedicated to destroying the Hamassholes?”

        Well, if it were true then yes, that’s what would have happened. But really, it didn’t happen, which puts the lie to the proposition. The IDF continues to be extremely careful not to kill civilians, Israel being the only nation in the world subject to international audits every time they raise a hand in self defense.

        I love that they blew up the Iranian embassy in Syria. That was a beauty.

        1. The Israelis have just been accused of deliberately blowing up an ‘aid convoy’, killing 7 ‘international aid workers’ (the ‘sainted’ part is only implied).

          Wonder what the real story is?

          1. Occam’s Razor? Hamass was moving military goods / personnel disguised as “aid”, as is their customary practice (the actual war crime of Perfidy), the Israelis got wind of it, and exercised their absolute right under international law to blow it to hell. Those committing Perfidy are not allowed to benefit from it.

            The international aid workers were there as “human shields”, either because Hamass arranged it, or because they were stupid enough to volunteer (50/50).

            Here’s where it gets messy by current “standards”: their presence makes no difference as far as the letter of the law is concerned. Either the Israelis were unaware of them, or the contraband being moved was of sufficient value for them to act anyway. The deaths of the aid workers are Hamass’ responsibility by legal standards; however, under the JOOish Exception to international law, Israel should have let the human shielding work.


          2. As snelson says, HamAss is well known for using ambulances and “aid convoys” to move military assets. Plenty of “ambulances” were deployed for this purpose on October 7th 2023. There’s video of them doing it, helpfully supplied by HamAss.

            When the enemy defies the established laws of war and uses humanitarian markings on their military assets, then you rocket anything with humanitarian markings. When they fire on you from the windows of hospitals, you shoot back. Because you have to. No choice.

          3. It’s possible that, this time, the international aid workers were actually innocent. Although at least one was a local, so I suspect it was their usual game of “run and hide behind clearly marked Don’t Do War Stuff Near This buildings and vehicles.

            I have to give Catholic Relief Services credit, their response to other “humanitarian” groups pulling out is “um, it’s a war zone, yes people get shot. We’re upping our activity to make up the gap.”

            (Also impressed it wasn’t put out as a funding request, it was simply a news story.)

  12. What’s really sad is that we can clearly identify the Nazis.

    And the “Antifa” people are the ones who want to be wearing the jackboots and stomping people into the mud.

    At the end of the day, we’re fighting people that think they are a “natural” aristocracy (don’t even have the decency of being fighting bastards on horseback, just…bastards) and nihilists looking for their next fix of violence and cortisol.

    Both of which we so do not need around, unless they can be aimed properly. Which they can’t, not really.

  13. Another thing you can add is “only Nazis would demand journalistic integrity”. Ever since 2016, every time time the Left brings up Nazi Germany (daily) they take time to add “attacks on the press” to the litany of fascist crimes (often to to exclusion of the whole “hating the Jews” bit). Because, as we all know, Adolf Hitler left a hostile press at his back. It’s not as if the Nazi Party took over the news media and denounced anybody who didn’t believe what it said . . .

  14. Well said!

    Unfortunately, for too many, the idiotic “right wing nazism” doctrine has become a matter of faith. And no reasoned argument will shift them.

  15. What pervaded Europe in the post WW I era was the experience of that disastrous conflict. The cultural and political impact has been described by some contemporaries as “the socialism of the trenches.” This alluded to the camaraderie and common purpose of the troops supplied, fed, and equipped by the state.

    The Germans actually referred to the organization of the economy for war as War Socialism. The Bolsheviks saw this as very effective (it was not) and tried to emulate it when they took power.

    The experience of the war affected both Mussolini and Hitler in similar ways. Hitler rejected the Marxist belief in economic determinism and the class struggle as the engine of history and replaced it with a biological determinism and the naive Darwinian conflict of racial groups.

    Mussolini was less concerned with race or Marx but focused on the nation state as the driver. His economic views were more Corporativist harkening back to the traditions of Guild Socialism which had roots in the Latin south of Europe.

    While these totalitarian notions all failed in the end, the experience of WW I and later WW II embedded in the culture of all the participants including the democracies the belief that the state could and perhaps should take a hand in controlling the economy for the good of society. This belief has slowly poisoned and warped Liberalism with the slow leprosy of totalitarianism.

    I have always felt that a similar process makes college students susceptible to socialist thinking. They live in an artificial environment (like the trenches) surrounded by generational peers; the work is typically not to onerous, and room, board, recreation, and camaraderie are all provided by a distant benign authority – be it the state or the Bank of Mom and Dad.

    1. Not natural. Sorry. I grew up with remnants of the propaganda. And Nationalism truly wasn’t guilty. WWI was caused by the INTERNATIONALISM of unaccountable super-national entities, the royal and imperial families.
      HOWEVER the fact that people wanted to defend their homelands really disappointed the Marxists, so that’s what they focused on.

      1. Let me start by saying I read your views via Instapundit with great pleasure.

        However, I have to disagree here – at least in terms of the historical conditions that led to the first world war. The internationalism of the pre-1914 dynasts and elites was paper thin. Each was far more dedicated to defending and expanding their own power and prestige. Europe was unstable because you had quasi medieval dynasts ruling powerful industrial states.

        The stupidity, greed for power, and paranoia of the various contending elites led to the outbreak of the war, but internally each regime immediately appealed successfully to the patriotism of the population to support the war.

        And, yes, the Marxist true believers were internationalists and were terribly dismayed when the people rallied to their respective flags. Tellingly, most tucked in their tails and supinely followed the mob into the abyss. (The Bolsheviks were a real exception, but their day had not yet come – and they would change their tune once Stalin held the reins.)

        The upshot post WW I was the realization by the shrewd men and women who espoused totalitarian ideologies of any sort was that any such program must be based upon and implemented through control of the leviathan state. Ergo, nationalist propaganda was an intrinsic part of each established totalitarian regime (e.g. Stalin’s policy of “socialism in one country”). Internationalism was a creed preached for the “auslander”; love of the father/mother land was the creed at home.

        So, I do agree with you that anti-nationalist notions are pushed by the wannabe totalitarians seeking power, as one tool to undermine the people’s attachment to their country – and in the US this means attachment to our republican, constitutional order.

        But, mark my words, if they win, patriotism based on devotion to the new order will become obligatory. They may play footsie now with the anti-western NGOs and WEF globalist swine, but if you believe for a minute that once in power they will defer to these useful idiots in any material way, you will be quickly disillusioned. Any threat or encroachment on their power or ambitions will be savagely rebuked.

        I am sure we are on the same side – just different views of historical events perhaps.

        Best regards.

    2. Old school socialisms were to at least some extent, at least in their propaganda, proposing gradual progress to a utopian future. As such, they were fatally flawed in that, historically, the more your politics seeks to immanentize the eschaton the worse the outcomes.

      Today’s totalitarianisms and wannabe totalitarianisms mostly aren’t that. They’re nihilistic. I think a better model is the emerging thinking about the multiple intersecting neo-Marxisms that emerged from the mating of Marxism and critical theory and which are–deliberately–wrecking the West.

      Eeyore at put it like this:

      [T]he trans-thing as a political movement, which is 99% of the trans-movement, is intentionally provocative so that those who object to what is created specifically to be objectionable, can be silenced at the least, and punished harshly more likely.

      The italicized text linked to the following:

      We posted a little hastily written prose the other day speculating on the tactics of the left/Islam. About how they create provocations which attack our deepest taboos and most cherished beliefs and customs, and then attack anyone who steps forward to defend them. It has worked, spectacularly well. People who a few years ago would never have considered castrating their young son because a teacher talked them into it, now sue their ex marital partners for trying to get them to wait till they are old enough to know how those parts they want to remove, actually work. . . .

      Here are a few more rather brilliant examples of the same tactic at work.

      In Aukland NZ, a public roadway was covered in Graffiti that was in the form of a ‘trans-sexual’ modded gay rainbow flag. It has no safety value, nor does it offer parking or other information for transportation. It is purely a provocation against the general public who would be arrested immediately if they covered the road in whatever the symbols of their own unrelated causes are. Lets have a look at the way the enemy propaganda media handles it.

      The basic Marxist dynamic of oppressor/oppressed (aka villain/victim=favored) classes continues, as does the necessity for healing effusions of blood when the victims rise up. But while the capital/labor dynamic is still there for old school revolutionaries, now we have a growing multitude of favored classes both contending for power and allied against a growing multitude of villain classes.

      The issue isn’t “fairness.” Or “diversity,” “equity,” or “inclusion.” As the saying goes: For the Left, the issue is never the issue. The issue is the Revolution. As the “demonstrators” at Stanford and other elite institutions used to chant, “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ has got to go.” The rubes thought they wanted input on the curriculum. Fatal error.

      The Church of Woke and the jihadis both want to finish off what’s left of western civilization. Both are willing if not eager to shed oceans of blood to do it. They will work together for now.

      I’ve occasionally started the thought experiment of “what would happen if the 16th Amendment were repealed?”

      By then the IRS will have over 100,000 full time agents, some of them armed. Then there are the part timers, and a whole lot of tax lawers, CPAs, tax preparers, software vendors, consultants and programmers whose often middle class or better lifestyles would vanish. Talk about a recipe for trouble.

      Or run a similar experiment and eliminate all DIE educators, administrators, consultants, etc. And remember that they have been teaching gems like “silence is violence” and “violence in the right cause is speech.”

      I don’t think there’s a way back.

      1. Bah. The way back is already initiated.
        People are NOT sliding into this. See middle class parents revolting.
        They have maybe ten to fifteen percent of exceptionally crazy people.
        The more they provoke the more people wake up and resist.
        Stop dooming. It’s annoying and stupid but MOST OF ALL it’s a lie.

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