You Can’t Get There From Here

This ain’t no paradise. This ain’t no garden of Earthly delights. And you can’t get there from here.

Time and again when reading history, we come across some horrible act of violence, some terrible event, and historians from the safety of their offices and the height of their theories ask how this was possible? How could humans do this beastly thing? How is it even possible that civilized man, civilized, I say, could do this or that or the other.

The truth is that humans, despite all our striving to do better, are creatures where our violence and the ability to dream up and execute horrible atrocities are as much part of us are our dreams, our moral thinking, our thirst for knowledge and our theories.

I will admit the events of October 7 in Israel shocked me. Which is a measure of how soft and “civilized” I’ve become, how convinced of the predictability of the world and my fellow man. which is stupid.

Because this ain’t no paradise. And we can’t get there from here.

And because Israel has always been under attack, since it was founded, and because its neighbors are vile savages, marinated in hatred. (Fight me!)

But that is part of it. Humans have, with great effort, with discipline, with careful raising of their children and with philosophies that value life — be they Judeo Christianity or our national creed — raised themselves above the petty cruelty, the wanton sadism of the not-so-noble savage. We can, in places, in times, given enough abundance, enough time, enough luck, and enough investment in certain ways of living, raise ourselves above creatures that kill innocent women and children. We can even rise above creatures that make the bodies of horses and young men into art installations.

The beast inside isn’t gone. It’s not vanquished. It’s quiet. And kept quiet by ideals and thoughts, by our front brain repressing the impulses of beast.

However, this is never universal. This is never everywhere.

The silly people who think humans can be made perfect with ‘education’ — by which they mean only information — and that humans will never behave like beasts, unless they have been given reason are wrong.

Their cries of ‘teach man not to rape’ are no less silly, but perhaps slightly less infuriating than their belief that the uncivilized are a sort of innocent children, who will only strike out if they’re “oppressed” and they have “Suffered.”

Teaching men not to rape is of course the aim of every civilized society — in uncivilized ones, women don’t have the power to say yes or no to sex — but there will always be men who refuse to learn. It’s not a lack of knowing that rape is wrong. It’s that they enjoy raping, and they’re going to do it as long as they can get away with it. They will lie and tell a sob story of what drove them to it if it will allow them to continue doing what pleases them with no punishment.

And of course, there are entire civilizations of this type, by either self-selection or culture.

The point is that those poisonous cultures kill because they believe they are entitled to kill. They enjoy it, and they will continue doing it, and lying to avoid punishment, so long as there’s no punishment coming.

It is important to understand this.

Humans aren’t born innocent and perfect. There doesn’t need to be evil committed against them to teach them to commit evil.

Humans are born wishing to do whatever brings them pleasure. And if what brings them pleasure hurts others, they’ll still do it as long as they can get away with it.

Yes, temperaments vary, and evil tendencies can be trained out of some. Others will never have the tendency with that strength. I can honestly say I never wanted power over others. It strikes me as scary and somewhat tiresome to have to make decisions for adults. (I wasn’t that happy making them for children. In fact making decisions is something I had to learn and force myself to do.) Other people obviously are driven to getting it.

However, we all have things we really like to do, and will do if we can get away with it, even if we know it’s not good for us or others. And that’s us, people who were trained fairly early on in a society that values respecting others.

But when the culture goes sour, when savagery is encouraged and when it’s believed a source of strength, and mindless violence against others is treated as proof of worthiness and power, be it in the Gaza strip or amid our ante-fa, it must be met.

There must be no excuses. There must be no “more sinned against than sinning.” There must be no excuses.

Because if the civilized won’t stand for civilization, savagery wins.

And when savagery wins, all men must perforce become savages. there is no safe refuge for the weak, the meek, the small or the old. There is only blood and death, and paradise, or even that little counterfeit you can find in an historian’s office, recedes a bit further.

The problem of course, is that to stand for civilization, civilized man must eschew its illusions, be it the idea of dialectical oppression, the idea of the noble savage, or the idea that it can all be solved with information.

Humans must, in final instance, defend civilization in the only language the uncivilized understand: by making it hurt, and making it hurt badly enough that the savage stops doing that which brings it pleasure. It won’t be reformed. It won’t love you. You won’t win hearts and minds. But it will stop savagery. And given enough generations, the savagery recedes, and it might come to accept your rules.

The illusion that violence begets violence; that making the savage hurt makes him more savage; all of it is part of the false gospel of Marx, who among his other many charming characteristics, had a complete and utter inability to understand humans.

Hence, his having re-feralized civilized man, and unleashed unparalleled savagery upon the world.

It’s time to shed Marxism, that illusion of fools. And it’s time to shed Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s stupidity. Savages are savages. They live a miserable life, and create misery and death. But they will do it, as long as they’re allowed to.

We need again the confidence of our ancestors, and the certainty that the West — the civilization that fed and healed most of the humans in the world, and lifted them from vile and dread need — is best. We have our civilization. And there’s nothing the howling savages who kill defenseless women and children and howl for the blood of those who never hurt them can teach us.

Except that it is sometimes needed to unleash our inner savage to defend civilization. And then to chain him again, so that our children don’t need to know his horrors.

We have lived too long with our illusions, and our safety. Among us there are those who think we are now in paradise, with a new man and a new woman (and a new fifty flavors of sexes unknown) and that they can, with their minds will everyone’s happiness forever.

And they will do very horrible things, and empower very horrible savages because of this delusion.

Like their pets, they won’t stop until and unless they’re made to.

It is our duty, our honor, and our tragedy to be the generation that must stop them.

May G-d have mercy on our souls.

253 thoughts on “You Can’t Get There From Here

  1. May G-d have mercy on their souls. Marxism, like the monster in those cheesy horror movies, is never dead; only healing after the drubbing it receives by honorable men. Thinking about this sorry situation in Israel, my first thought is that this would be a good time for Thunderdome. Some will squawk about how much stronger than Gaza the IDF is. I don’t care. Masterblaster was supposed to be much stronger than Mel Gibson. what I expect to see, unfortunately, is that the UN, standing safely on the sidelines, will try to shoot an arrow into the larger contestant, to get the outcome they desire. (Judenrein anyone?) Come to think of it, that scene seems to be quite apt for this situation. Funny how life imitates art, huh?

    1. Actually, only Blaster fought in the Thunderdome. The dwarf didn’t go in. He wouldn’t have been much use there, anyway.
      “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls…dyin’ time’s here.”

    2. I seem to recall that when the Tamil Tigers were cornered and on the point of being destroyed by the Army, the UN pleaded forbearance lest there be no one with whom to negotiate.

      1. The point of war is not worrying about who will negotiate. You destroy your enemy, and if there is no one left to negotiate, that’s a plus.

  2. The only reason October 7 shocked me (and considering that word, I’m not sure it really describes my feeling at the time) was because it seems Hamas really thought the Israelis would roll over and do nothing except maybe lock Gaza down again for a while and then relent because of external pressure — as they have done many times before but with much less provocation. I firmly believe Hamas (and Iran, their sponsors) unintentionally bit off more than they could chew, and they are now reaping what they’ve sown.

    “From the Jordan to the Sea, Palestine shall be free” — of so-called “Palestinians”, before it’s over, at least if the Israelis have any sense at all. Time and past time to clean up this 75-year-old mess.

    1. There are claims that Hamas thought they could depopulate the border communities, rush Palestinians in to live in the now-emptycommunitues,, and then accuse the Israelis of genocide and/of ethnic cleansing when the Israelis more in to retake the communities.

      1. That would be… even stupider and more insane than their usual crap.

        Not that I don’t believe they would think of it, mind you…

        1. But we already knew that. 😛

          On a more serious note, given how absurdly their apologists have acted in the past, I can see why Hamas might misread things so badly.

          1. Never forget that they think God is on there side. What is that saying they live by? Inshalla? If god wills it. It don’t look like God willed it. Instead he willed wanton destruction on the scum in Gaza. Sucks to be them.

            1. That would be guaranteed to make heads explode:

              “Will Israel destroy Gaza and kill everyone who supports Hamas?”



      2. Unlikely. It contains no realistic strategic logic. I have heard it noised about that the Scarlet Sinos, who provide Hamas with massive funding and skads of weapons is trying to kick off a second tar baby for Uncle Sugar so he’d be to busy to prevent an invasion of Formosa.

        1. Successfully stealing a chunk of Israel from the Israelis is all the strategic logic that they need.

    2. Yep, & to paraphrase Trump’s note about himself; It isn’t the Jews in particular they want rape, kill and destroy, it’s you and me, all of us unbelievers, the Jews are, Israel is, just in the way.

    3. I wasn’t shocked that the attacks happend, just at the breadth and severity of them.

      I agree the barbarity displayed was a miscalculation on the part of Hamas and their backers.

      Yes, it may have emboldened those being recruited, but it hardened the hearts of those attacked.

      I don’t recall seeing the Israeli people pull together like this in my lifetime. They seem to all recognize the level of existential threat they face.

      However, while I wish it hadn’t happened, now that it has, I would like more of my fellow Jews in the United States to recognize the threat and pull their heads out of the sand.

      I’m not exactly hopeful on this point.

      1. What shocked me was that the defensive positions were empty, likely as a result of a stand down order issued at about 0400 that morning. There is larger game afoot than at first appears.

        1. I am resisting to determine what your implications might be about a ‘bigger game’; it matters NOT one speck.

          It is the criminal who commits the crime.

          It was both Hamas and a number of the people of Gaza who crossed into Israel, murdered, raped, tortured and burned. These things they did of their own free will.

          It is time to eliminate Hamas for generations to come.

          1. Eliminate Hmas, no question. But also root out and eliminate the traitors inside Israel that deliberately and with malice aforethought neutralized the border defenses on that day making the attack possible.

          2. There was quite a bit of discussion on how both Israeli and US Intel agencies got “surprised” by the attack.

            It’s a fairly well known fact that there’s an Israeli “Deep State” faction that hates Netanyahu like ours does Trump. We KNOW ours was willing to take actions that harmed the US to get rid of Trump, and historically Israeli PMs who are “surprised” by hostile action get replaced.

            The theory is that they deliberately dismissed or understated the threat; but were surprised themselves by the level of atrocity. Based on what we’ve seen here in the US, can you really dismiss the possibility???

    4. Yep. Paraphrasing Trump’s note about himself; It isn’t just the Jews they want to rape, murder destroy, it’s you and me, any and all unbelievers, the Jews and Israel are just in the way.

        1. For what it’s worth, if you post in WP and it doesn’t show, wait a few minutes for the WP gerbils to get around to the message. I think it’s dependent on how busy the server is at the moment–TRS80s have their limitations. 🙂

            1. I forgot the proper name for the -80. Had a Heath H8 at the time; it had its own set of quirks, but I missed out on the dubious pleasure of the Radio Schlock offering.

      1. According to Sharia law, it is also okay to do that to the wrong flavor of believer, or indeed to any other Muslim you feel like doing it to, if you are on jihad (or for several other “good” reasons). Because it is an honor to be a Muslim killed by a Jihadi, and there should be no hard feelings. (I believe it is supposed to make the dead Muslim a jihadi also.)

        Same thing getting raped, whether married woman, maiden, your own daughter, boy, baby, corpse, or livestock. Normally the rapist should not afterward eat the livestock, but it is okay if you are on jihad or think you really need to.

        Sharia law supersedes the Quran and the ahadith, btw; and is not supposed to be accessible to ordinary believers but is now online in many cases. Which has caused all kinds of stir. There are a few Quran-only sects now, generally out of disagreement with Sharia. Not necessarily an improvement, but it is a change.

        1. I seem to remember reading something like under Sharia law one shouldn’t eat the livestock after intercourse, but it’s OK to send the goat to the next village to be eaten.

  3. Israel should reclaim the name Palestine and Palestinian. And then they can say they that Palestine has already been set free, as of 1948.

    Yes, I understand it was named that by the Romans as an insult. But prior to the creation of modern Israel in 1948, Jews referred to the land as Palestine. I’ve even seen a flag of Palestine from an old dictionary appendix of flags, showing that flag with a Star of David in the middle.

    1. Too late for that. “Palestinian” and “Palestine” are epithets and nobody in Israel is interested in having those words in their mouths. Besides which, it comes from “Philistine”, and the Philistines were mortal enemies of Israel.

      1. If the Old Testament is correct, part of the issue might be that they disobeyed God’s decree to exterminate everyone in the Promised Land when they first came there. Mercy is always a risk, especially when given to people who don’t share your value system.

        1. I think the Palestinians are all descended (or are) Arabs who moved into the region within the past 150 years or so. I don’t think they trace their ancestry back to the surviving Canaanites.

            1. From the online “Jewish Virtual Library”:

              “With a gradual decline in the quality of Ottoman rule, the country was brought to a state of widespread neglect. By the end of the 18th century, much of the land was owned by absentee landlords and leased to impoverished tenant farmers, and taxation was as crippling as it was capricious. The great forests of Galilee and the Carmel mountain range were denuded of trees; swamp and desert encroached on agricultural land.”

              The place was a largely deserted wasteland. There were people living in Jerusalem and a few other settlements, but the numbers were very small. It wasn’t until the second half of the 19th Century that the population started to increase, and the newcomers started to reverse the damage to the environment. Just as most of the Israeli Jews are descended from immigrants, nearly all of the Palestinians are similarly descended from Arab immigrants. The Bedouins are the only group in the country that might not be majority recent arrivals. They were reportedly sympathetic toward the Palestinians, but are apparently pretty upset after they were also attacked on Oct. 7th.

                1. They’re apparently living primarily in the south of Israel, which puts them in and around the areas where Hamas attacked.

                  1. My vague recollection is that the Bedouins are one of the groups in Israel that isn’t subject to conscription. But the ones who do serve in the IDF are generally well-liked and respected.

                2. There’s a clip on Twitter right now of Hamas gunmen capturing an Israeli Bedouin bus driver, interrogating him in Arabic (so they knew he was Arab and Muslim), and then executing him in cold blood. They mostly want to kill Jews, but any Israeli will do in a pinch.

                  1. The Bedouin leaders were on camera being pretty hot against Hamas, ie in a blood feud way, for all sorts of Oct. 7 valid reasons.

                    They had no expectations of being spared, and already were generally offended that the PA is worse than Israel. But now they are enthusiastically angry.

          1. Well, ackshually…

            From 2020: “Study finds ancient Canaanites genetically linked to modern populations
            Today’s Jews and Arabs in Israel, Jordan and Lebanon get half their ancestry from Bronze Age Levantines”

            And in just the last few weeks, I ran across this Twitter thread addressing the genetic distances between various modern MENA populations and their ancient equivalents. TLDR: Palestinian “Arabs” are barely Arab at all, but are almost identical to ancient Levantine Jews, because they’re the ones that converted to Islam after the conquest.

          2. Hey Sarah, I had another reply to this comment but committed the cardinal sin of two (!) links in one comment. Can you un-moderate?

          3. Repost to avoid moderation:

            Well, ackshually…

            From 2020: “Study finds ancient Canaanites genetically linked to modern populations
            Today’s Jews and Arabs in Israel, Jordan and Lebanon get half their ancestry from Bronze Age Levantines”


            1. (continued)

              And in just the last few weeks, I ran across this Twitter thread addressing the genetic distances between various modern MENA populations and their ancient equivalents. TLDR: Palestinian “Arabs” are barely Arab at all, but are almost identical to ancient Levantine Jews, because they’re the ones that converted to Islam after the conquest.

              1. “, but are almost identical to ancient Levantine Jews, because they’re the ones that converted to Islam after the conquest.”

                … so… they’re converts still trying to prove that they are really truly Muslims by being more Muslim than anyone else?

                That would explain a lot.

                1. Well, if you think that kind of thing can last for 1500 years, I suppose.

                  No, the point is that they’re essentially two branches off the same root. They’re different populations now, but they’re very close to each other, and the Palestinians are not Arabs-from-Arabia even if they speak Arabic.

            2. Not in the least bit surprising. Interesting tube video here:

              By a Jewish scholar. He’s very careful to note what is disputed about how a local tribal warrior-storm god of a small southern Canaan people evolved into the Abrahamic God that we know today – but they all pretty much agree about the origins.

              The basic theme is that these tribes extended their influence into the north of the Levant over many centuries, accreting other gods of the loosely organized Canaanite pantheon (particularly “El” the somewhat senior god), and evolving into the people of the “One and Only God.” Particularly after the disruption of the Sea Peoples, they moved back from the highlands from which they raided during the chaos, taking over the fertile parts of the region – converting and mixing with the Canaanite tribes already there.

    2. That would be a rejection of who the Jews are. The Jews are the remaining known descendents of Israel (Jacob), who the Lord made covenants with. Renaming themselves after Palestine would be a rejection of that.

  4. Time for that dog Islam to get a muzzle and lease permanently put on. Or maybe that doggo is too rabid and needs to be put down.

    If any, ANY, adherents of “the religion of peace” had actually policed their own culture and faith and after 9/11 said, “no if you try terrorism, we destroy you” then maybe the religion could reform. But only tiny, nearly invisible minorities have done that. The rest of Islam just lies to us like their book allows (you know that book that tells them terrorism is ok against non-believers too) and silently condones the evil.

    1. Dude, you need to reality check the outrage and smitey desires.

      Why on earth are you believing the news about what folks are doing? They didn’t even cover the BLM protest in Des Moines, which comes to mind because a big chunk of that was the local Islamic group. When the imported guys threw frozen water bottles at the cops, the guys on either side of the idiot grabbed him and dragged him over to the cops.

      Even if you assume the news is telling you the truth, what kind of a hole in your head do you need to think that trying to destroy a religion is going to work?

      There are groups that have worked to fight the rabid revolutionaries currently running like a cancer through Islam– Iran has to fund a bunch of nonsense because it isn’t organic. Yeah, the middle east has a bunch of super-toxic cultures in it, even for tribal cultures. They don’t function well. That’s why they have to be propped up, and why they lose.

      Think about how Saudi Arabia? Some of their gazillion princes funded terror. Part of why the current crown prince is supposed to be hated by everyone is that he’s actually stopping those idiots. A lot of it’s very ugly, that “Turkish journalist” that got dead was one of the terror supporters.

      I think that the philosophy of Islam is at best toxic, but not only is it stupid to try to wipe out a group on a false claim (“if any, ANY… had policed their own culture”) it is flat out evil to try to go after thoughts to forcibly wipe them out, rather than showing the strength of your beliefs and fight thoughts with thoughts, and actions with actions.

      1. Ok, then, well, the alternate path, as I mentioned, is the reformation of Islam. There is huge opportunity here, but it seems to be fought by forces that dig in and insist on what’s happening now being the only thing “allowed” (and yes the accursed media seems to be pushing this). But how the ever-loving hell is the response to terror attacks on Israel resulting in mass protests in favor of the TERRORISTS!!!

        Maybe, and there is some sign of this, Islamic countries like Jordan and Saudi Arabia can push back and openly disavow Hamas (which shouldn’t be hard as they’re backed by Iran), but they’re kind of silent right now. Again this is because the media (spit) is promoting the pro terrorist protests. These idiot children marching on the streets are backing a force of unchecked violence. If they take action around the world (see their day of rage) it’s gonna get real ugly.

        It’s past time for the “moderate muslims” to take down the terrorist fellow travelers in their midst. They’re putting everyone in danger and we’re past sick of it.

        1. But how the ever-loving hell is the response to terror attacks on Israel resulting in mass protests in favor of the TERRORISTS!!!

          Because they’ve got rats in their heads, and we DO know that– how the heck are public employees, funded by you and me, giving extra credit for tearing down posters with kidnapped babies on them?

          Like Sarah’s pointed out before– the story in their head is wrong. IT’s BAD. It’s broken and non-functional.

          So, we have to deal with that, too, just like Israel has to deal with the neighbors thinking that not murdering them wholesale is a weakness, rather than basic human decency instead of choosing to act like a rabid animal.

          Maybe, and there is some sign of this, Islamic countries like Jordan and Saudi Arabia can push back and openly disavow Hamas (which shouldn’t be hard as they’re backed by Iran), but they’re kind of silent right now.

          I’ll take actions over words, and even if they’re doing it for the “wrong” reasons– a lot of those folks are opposing HamAss.

          Heck, the Yemen idjits are shooting at Israel, and the guys they oppose are basically going “Oh? Israel shot back? Gosh, that’s too bad… nope, not an act of war, FAFO dude.”

          1. Right now, the issue I see, is it seems to have no non-destructive thing it can do with zealots. Until that religion has an option for that, it will always be that like this.

            And I don’t think that’s really something we can impose on them. The dynamic sort of reminds me of the American settlers vs the more violent American Indian tribes, really, complete with the remote elites who can’t understand why everyone just can’t get along?

            1. Right now, the issue I see, is it seems to have no non-destructive thing it can do with zealots. Until that religion has an option for that, it will always be that like this.

              Pretty much.

              I’d suggest scholars– in no small part because right now, the reaction to information someone else puts forward you disagree with/don’t believe is kill them, rather than beat the information with your own.

              There were times when they honored scholars, too, so there’s a route for it.

              1. There was, for about eighty years, and it was mostly Persians doing it. But then the religious authority types declared that studying the physical world and — gasp! — trying to integrate Aristotle was blasphemy, because the concept of natural law suggested that Allah was restricted in some way and was not constantly creating the universe in every instant. (No, seriously, that’s what they argued, and their explanation of why things always fall down was “Allah’s habit”. Seriously.)

                That was a thousand years ago, and they haven’t ever used that “route” since. And about the same time, Islam also “closed the door of Ijtihad”, meaning that no more independent reasoning on Shariah would ever be allowed.

          2. Why are Catholics scorned? in addition to being “Western” and “Christian” and “White european”, there’s a nugget of corruption in there: They wouldn’t police their own, and actively hid the predators and retaliated against those trying to hold them accountable. They became accessories after the fact.

            The same thing with the police. Long before BLM started their nonsense, there were a number of issues with policing, but their unions fought to keep Qualified Immunity, and across the board, union members refused to hold their fellow officers accountable, becoming accessories who were minimizing and rationalizing the abuse that some officers were doing.

            Rinse and repeat with the DoJ, Immigration, K-12 unions, Antifa, etc. At some point of indifference, they’re culpable and complicit. Maybe not to a Nuremburg trial level, but there’s a stain, none the less. The bad actor melts into their midst, and the crowd denys, minimizes and rationalizes, then joins in to play the victim, DARVO style.

            This is where Arabs and Islam are at, and the global demonstrations cheering on the murders and atrocities only confirm it.

            Chastising people for having a rational dislike for the behavior of this group, both the minority doing it and the majority enabling it, is what’s hamstrung the british police from dealing with their problem. Gosh, someone might call us racist if we investigate and prosecute and have the wrong mix of melanin in the final outcome.

            1. Catholics are scorned because they make the reform-social-norm progressives feel bad.

              They cause guilt, simply by existing.

              So, when some organizations of the church responded to a much smaller than social norm abuse problem, in the manner the rest of the culture insisted was the Modern And Correct Method, against the desires of the majority of the group and against the teachings of the group, the entire group is suddenly to be scorned for not stopping it.

              Just like they were to be scorned when they opposed the idea that you rehabilitate and move a predator.

              Note that technique is still being used in public schools.

              And that is the same as the police– folks hate them for an entirely different reason, and find any excuse to justify the abuse they wish to dish out.

              Because that group is in the way.

              That you then jump in with groups that are questionable, and then some that are absolutely inverse, suggests you may want to hold off on looking for a set of tweezers and going for the eyes of others.

    2. Part of that problem is that there are nearly 2 billion people following that religion. People who don’t follow a New Testament concept of the Golden Rule applied to everyone.

  5. “The silly people who think humans can be made perfect with ‘education’ … are wrong.”

    Not just wrong, but self-aggrandizing grifters. Everyone in academia, the whole teachers’ demographics, and every government propagandist alive touts Education as the cure for all ills and evils. They use it to sell everything from Ivy League universities to PSAs on TV and billboards, all of which benefits them and their pervo buddies. This so-called Education never includes skills, logic, values, or even common sense. And pretty much none of it works on anyone except the True Believers already primed for the message. For those disinclined to listen, the only effective “education” is swift and painful. Maybe even fatal.

  6. I remain a leaf, waiting to fall.

    In the meantime, it is best not to dwell upon what the demons do. Sufficient to understand what they are, and where they are. I do appreciate the way they are all self-identifying lately, very helpful.

    If you pay too much attention to their atrocities, they suck you in and you become one. Hating them as they richly deserve only damages -you-. They are already demons, they’ve fallen as far as they can. Now they are quarrying bedrock to get lower. Nothing you do to them will be worse than what they’ve already done to themselves.

    Vengeance is Mine sayeth the Lord. And there is a REASON it says that. We are only Humans, we can’t bear that weight.

    And to be blunt, it isn’t our job. We were not put here to provide eternal torment to the guilty.

    Our job, God help us, is garbage man. We clean up. Best we should get on with it, or the work will pile up.

    1. Interesting sentiment. Well stated.

      The utter frustration of watching evil march unchecked is maddening.

      But then again the idea that things will work out per what Gods plan and intention is is why they call it faith.

      But that “leaf waiting to fall”, that is a powerful metaphor about where so many of us are at right now. Especially while petulant idiot children (of many ages, their mindset is childish) are out there shaking the tree.

      1. You can’t stay strong and ready if every little thing they do enrages you. That’s why they’re doing it, to blunt your edge. Currently they’re out of reach, but they’re coming closer.

        While we’re waiting, the thoughtful man will clean up all the garbage in his life, do all his maintenance, and make sure all his cutting edges are nice and sharp.

        1. OT, but did you post those pictures of the walking canes? I tried clicking on your avatar and got a blog page, but no links to see anything else. (I am just barely competent at the basic use of WP).

    2. “ best not to dwell ”

      Been reading some english language foreign press.

      There was a story yesterday about how one Ham-Ass guy was luckily a communist party member early on when they were in Beirut, so he was part of the group that eventually took control of the whole organization and rose with the rising tide.

      Another story noted the Ham-Ass guy who just went to Moscow was currently a member of the Ham-Ass politburo.

      As I noted here the other day, If you stare too long into Stalin, Stalin stares back into you.

      1. They met with Hitler in the 1930’s 40’s as well, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, for now.

        1. “Met with?”

          Himmler –> Grand Mufti of Jerusalem –> Muslim Brotherhood –> Hamas.

          Hamas is arguably the last operational remnant of the SS

      1. God can’t get vengeance until they are standing before him. Not apposed to assisting them getting there should it be me/mine and you/yours, or them. Won’t go looking for a fight (because I wouldn’t be doing our side any favors, and would just get in the way. That old person in my mirror …), but corner me and “how big of an honor guard do I need?”

        1. I dunno, mene mene tekel uparsin seemed a really effective vengeance. The subcontractors just don’t always realize they’re subcontractors.

        2. Oh, God can do the vengeance thing quite easily without making them stand before Him. Didn’t need to drag the Egyptians to Heaven to start punishing them. Didn’t need to drag the Israelites in front of Him to punish them for failure to obey His commands. And Sodom and Gomorrah showed that He can bring them to Him without any of our intervention if He wants to.

      1. That’s what I wanted Luke to tell the Emperor: “I don’t need to hate you. I merely have to recognize that killing you is necessary.”

        Or as one of my characters puts it: “I wouldn’t be much use as a soldier if I couldn’t kill the enemy.”

    3. Clean up, but also protect the innocent. Sometimes that means going into the lion’s den so that the lion can’t come out and grab anyone else.

            1. All the proles are still alive at least enough to still get in the way of their servants.

              1. I heard that the CDC has announced that another booster will be needed for anyone who survives the first two.

          1. Dr. Joondeph in American Thinker linked an article from a Steve Kirsh that clearly states that the vax was 3.5 times more deadly than covid. Totally believe that as the behavior of the vaxers seems bizarre. Especially hiding the data and insisting on the vax and punishing the questioners.

          1. That seems to be the percentage of apparently healthy people wearing the face diapers. FWIW, there’s a concentration of such in the 20-30 year old female group.

            (I disregard mask wearing among the very old and those in obvious ill health. I don’t want to catch anything they have to send on, and “helpful” medical advice when unsolicited pisses me off, so I won’t do the same.)

  7. “The silly people who think humans can be made perfect with ‘education’ — by which they mean only information”

    I was told in another boards comments that my argument there wouldn’t change any minds.

    Anyone at this point who thinks someone on team-baby-beheading-and-corpse-raping will read an “argument” and say “Oh, well, I was wrong then. All better now!” Is nucking futs.

    It’s way more complicated to successfully do that level of re-education, really a re-wiring of the brain. I know it’s possible because I have known several individuals who were real fully brain loaded Nazis, one a teen and one a bit older, who went through that deprogramming in the denazification programs after the war ended, coming out human again. And it requires that the other side be fully and completely defeated first.

    But there remains a cult that thinks words are all powerful, and if they just find the right words paradise will break out. These are the Perfectable Human sect, also know as the commies, and their way leads to mass graves every time, as it must be the hoarders and wreckers and kulaks that are preventing the paradisical eruption, gotta break some eggs, but there’s never any omelet…

    1. They’ve broken 100 million eggs without producing even a trace of omelet. Proving rather conclusively that they’re using the wrong recipe.
      Communism and socialism do not create, they only take, and they collapse when the kommissars run out of things to steal.

      1. First job I had out of college one very senior coworker had been drafted into the Wehrmacht, handed a rifle, and sent to go fight Russians on the eastern front, survived that, and when thing were falling apart managed to get to where he would be captured by Americans, did the denazification thing, got to the U.S… just in time to get drafted, handed a rifle, and sent to go fight Chinese in Korea. After that he got advanced degrees in nuclear physics on the theory that with that kind of knowledge in his head he would never again be handed a rifle and sent to another really cold place to get shot at by more communists.

        He said when he looked back on the political stuff he bought into back when he was a kid in Germany he just couldn’t believe he was that dumb, but when everybody is telling you the same thing, you can believe the most crazy stuff.

  8. So… being a sort of history geek – The ‘idea’ of Judaism shows up around the Bronze age and is what produced that group. Then, along about six hundred years after the period of Christian thinking gets started, you know, the Jesus stuff that springs from Judaism about two thousand years ago, we then get the idea of Islam. The Christian effort was well underway by then and Islam was the newest thing while Judaism had been around for a “long” time. Well it seem that the three don’t mix well and there is a bit of nasty “issue resolution” and things called the crusades between Christians and Islam around 1100 give or take a few decades in there for it to conclude. The time of the middle ages (remember that during all this Jews were off and on discriminated against) then runs up from there to say – 1500 or a bit less and then there is Renaissance and then the Age of Discovery or something like that which morphs into modern history. Yeah, there is a lot of opinion there but it works as a frame for thinking about this stuff for me.

    In recent history, World War Two, the Jews, with no actual country just a tradition and culture, get declared non people all legal and proper like in areas of Europe and the results are horrific. After the war ended there was a bunch of political and international messing around which resulted in a chunk of (mostly British controlled) land in the mid east where a bunch of Jewish people went and established themselves. Ironically the area was where they traced their beginnings to and thus, with lots of international politics involved (1948) you get Israel. So, from that point to today there has been all kinds of “unrest” in and around Israel. Near as I can tell there have been brief periods of civilized behavior in all that time but more of the savage behavior for most of the time.

    All this brings me to here: Behavior of a civilized nature produces the “best” results for humans and allows prosperity for all – see history. However, it takes a lot of work to produce and maintain such behavior and all to often there are pockets of savage and uncivilized behavior. Over history, from my view, the solution that works is for those supporting prosperity and civilized behavior must crush the savage and not tolerate such. An example is post WWII the “Nazi” (NSDAP political party) culture and philosophy was outlawed and vilified. That didn’t totally kill such ideas but made it much harder for it to flourish or survive. We are always going to get the savage and when found, the civilized must, in self protection, defeat, diminish and isolate savage behavior in any and all ways.

    I too remain a leaf, waiting to fall.

    1. The crusades were a counter attack after several centuries of Islamic incursion into previously Christian lands. Including much of what is now the Islamic world. The condemnation of the crusades as Christian aggression are just more of the same old leftist lies.

      1. The Seljuk Turks had begun beating up on Christian pilgrims, enslaving Christians and Jews, and not staying bought (bribes had been used before, but this was different.) And attacking the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and other sites. (A series of horribly cold drought years in the early 1000s had weakened the Byzantines and opened the door for the Seljuks).That led to the Crusades, to reclaim the land from Islam. It worked for a while, but long supply lines, politics, politics, and a few other things allowed the Arabs and other Muslims to force the Crusaders out. Then the Ottomans beat up the Seljuks and …

    2. “Well it seem that the three don’t mix well and there is a bit of nasty “issue resolution””

      Not so much that the three don’t mix, as Islam can’t seem to get along with anyone. I’m not going to pretend that Christianity hasn’t been used as an excuse over the centuries to start wars. But Islam has had violent conflicts with pretty much anyone and everyone that its come into contact with over the centuries since its establishment. It’s been in contact with nearly everyone in the Eastern Hemisphere, and it’s actively fought against all of those contacts at one point or another.

        1. I was always kind of charmed by the interview I once saw of Hindu Nationalist who characterized Islam and Christianity as demons, Islam as a violent and destructive demon that would kill them all, and Christianity as a gentle and kind demon that would seduce good Hindus away from submitting to the karmic destiny they deserved.

        2. Might have something to do with Islam’s habit of razing Hindu and Buddhist sacred temples, building a mosque on the site, and declaring that it’s an ancient Islamic holy site.

            1. And, you know, the Temple Mount, which is supposedly the “third most holy site in Islam”, despite the fact that the location had been left to languish up until the Jews started coming back.

              They do it everywhere as their way of “conquering” other religions. But the specific topic was Buddhism and Hinduism. And short of launching a new crusade to “free Byzantium”, the West has solidly retaken what it was interested in retaking.

      1. Well I’ll be damned. Apparently Word Press is censoring the name of the “gotta catch ’em all” show; and dumps me back at the top of the blog. Weird. And Halloween is over.

  9. I will admit the events of October 7 in Israel shocked me. Which is a measure of how soft and “civilized” I’ve become, how convinced

    Civilized yes, soft no.

    I was shocked and I was saying only ethnic cleansing of one side would end this 25 years ago.

    Not being shocked isn’t hardness, it’s traumatized.

  10. This ain’t the Garden Of Ee-ee-den
    There ain’t no angels abo-o-ove
    And things ain’t what they used to be
    And this ain’t the Summer Of Love…

    — Blue Oyster Cult, 1976

    Your first few sentences just reminded me of the first track on Agents Of Fortune, is all.

        1. Just about exactly a decimation of the reported Gazan population.

          Of course to be a real decimation they’d need to be beaten to death by other Gazans.

        2. I’m not a mathematician, but 200,000 sounds about right.

          And what a tragedy if it comes to that.

          1. Susan, this wasn’t a tragedy, something that couldn’t be helped.

            It was an atrocity, committed by barbarians who thought they could get away with it.

            1. snelson, true. Sadly true.

              The absolute horror of all the innocents cry out to G-d.

              How have these fiends been able to avoid Sodom and Gomorrah’s fate?

              His ways are not our ways. I get that

              But I also have questions.

          2. Some might say it would be a good start. Not me, as I know they’re all mad, as in the balance of their mind is disturbed. They’re raised on hate from the moment they’re born. I don’t think, short of Divine Intervention, that any can be made to work for the betterment of their people. I base this on 20+ years experience with so-called “Palestinian” Arabs in my college days (on the west coast) and after. They’re normal folks on every subject but one. Give you the shirt off their back. But mention Israel and all bets are off. Then they’re frothing at the mouth.

              1. There’s only one way to deprogram a dog with rabies. I know, neither the dog nor the terrorist is responsible for their condition, but that doesn’t fix the problem.

  11. The biggest lie ever told was that Man was somehow not an animal. I am afraid we are still very much animals, our actions seem to prove it.

  12. [blockquote]
    You have built a world of paper and wood
    Culture and cult and lies;
    Has the cobra altered beneath his hood,
    Or the fire in the tiger’s eyes?

    You have turned from valley and hill and flood,
    You have set yourselves apart,
    Forgetting the earth that feeds the blood
    And the talon that finds the heart.

    You boast you have stilled the lustful call
    Of the black ancestral ape,
    But Life, the tigress that bore you all,
    Has never changed her shape.

    And a strange shape comes to your faery mead,
    With a fixed black simian frown,
    But you will not know and you will not heed
    Till your towers come tumbling down.

    –Robert E. Howard

    (Naturally, he’s got a bunch on the theme of barbarism. He wasn’t a fan, and had few illusions about it. But he also knew it wasn’t going away, and thought we’d all be better off if a number of intellectuals would be left to their “tender mercies”. Check out the lines he wrote about G. B. Shaw for an example.)

  13. I don’t want to reach the current Darkest Timeline.
    But our choices are becoming either dealing with barbarism on our terms, or barbarians dealing with us on their terms.
    “On our terms” is better, because for the most part we aren’t cruel and wish for this task to be done with as much dispatch and mercy as possible. We may save the young women and children.
    They won’t, for the most part.

    My fear…something is going to break. It’ll break bad. I think many Jews are realizing that their alliance to the current Democratic party is a Devil’s bargain and that they will be thrown to the Islamic mobs the moment the first calls for a pogrom happen. I suspect that Israel will decide at some point soon that if the Islamic world wants to kill them…kill them first. Especially if Iran tries to make sure the 12th Iman comes out of his well like Punxsutawney Phil to ensure Shia Islam domination of the world.

    Will we see French-style “Islamic youth” riots in the US? Probably in the big cities that are in Blue territory for a while. Which is why I’m thinking we’re having a rerun of the 1970’s, with a vengeance.

    1. Any Paris-style riots in the US will probably be much more limited. Islam is a much less potent force in the US. Such riots would suck if you’re in urban Minnesota. But trying to pull that in LA would likely be much less effective. They’re not a big enough chunk of the population.

      1. But it wouldn’t just be American (and resident) Muslims: Antifa and BLM and all their fellow travelers would join in as well.

            1. The difference is that France draws its immigrants primarily from Islamic countries. In the US, those immigrants are a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the overall immigrant population. So, yeah, some communities might be burning. But there aren’t going to be very many of those communities burning as an overall percentage of the population as a whole.

              People talk about how terrible the 2020 riots were in various places around the country. But unless you lived in very specific areas, you saw no sign of it. I live in LA County. I never saw any BLM or Antifa protestors. I never saw any riots. I never saw any buildings that had been attacked and damaged by rioters. I never had to make any changes to my schedule or plans as a result of the riots. The damage from the riots got attention, and it sucked if you were in the middle of it, but it was extremely localized.

              1. Also France — and all of Europe — really is more urban. Everything is squinched together.
                Yes, I know they way we’re eighty percent urban. That’s because they count “towns” of 2k people AND THE AREAS AROUND THEM as urban.

              2. Well, they only had a small number of rioters, that they had to shuffle from city to city. A hundred arrests without bail would have shut most of it down.

              3. I have 3 nieces in greater Portland Metro. Two all but downtown. All 3 work at Nike. They report that the riot coverage was blown way out of what happened (despite the video otherwise). Will grant it was extremely localized and they didn’t hear or see any of it. Not that it didn’t happen (again, choose to believe my lying eyes watching the video. Now was the camera work manipulated? Probably.)

              4. I have 3 nieces in greater Portland Metro. Two all but downtown. All 3 work at Nike. They report that the riot coverage was blown way out of what happened (despite the video otherwise). Will grant it was extremely localized and they didn’t hear or see any of it. Not that it didn’t happen (again, choose to believe my lying eyes watching the video. Now was the camera work manipulated? Probably.)

              5. I work in NE Shaky Town. Saw lots of BLM folks on parade. Once they got everybody in my office’s neighborhood to board up they just ran caravans to more entertaining areas.

        1. You mean a whole bunch of enemies of Liberty are going to congregate in dense formations, while terrorizing the populace?


          Stop. Don’t. Seriously. Don’t.

          (Kzin grin)

      2. I think that the Rooftop Korean’s attitude would resurface right quick if things got too sporty. Note that cities where armed locals greeted the wandering BLMs during the Summer of St. George of Fentanyl actually did have peaceful protests. My understanding is that the Rodney King riots did not damage LA’s Koreatown because of the Rooftoppers.

        Civilian armed response to riots seems to be an American thing, not available in Europe.

        1. Re the LA riots, the fixed defensive Rooftop Korean positions could deal with what they could see, but mobil defenses also played a part, and it is fair to say there was a lot more ammunition expended by National Guard units on patrol than was reported as expended to unit logisticians thanks to “local self-funded resupply efforts” by enterprising small unit leadership.

          Lots less paperwork when a unit returns the same number of full mags as they were issued when they left.

            1. Not so, per

              There were delays due to, well, logistically challenged logistics planners in the CANG planning cells, plus a fair amount of load helo-these CS grenades are expired!-unload helo-mess around-reload helo, but ammo was eventually moved by CH-47 to Los Alamitos and issued.

            2. Brian Suits, a talk radio host, was in there– they were issued very little ammunition, I think he said something like enough to reload once?

              They… er… acquired more, because WHAT THE WHAT WHAT DON’T WANNA DIE was in effect.

              1. LCol Schlichter from over at Townhall and the author of the Kelly Turnbull novels was a green CANG junior officer who was activated for the LA riots and has written about his experiences. He has written the first day individual guardsmen showed up only armed with individually owned weapons, which being green he neglected to bring, but eventually arms and a small loadout of loaded mags were issued.
                Smart NCOs found out via the grapevine the grilling their units would incur if said issued ammunition were not returned unused, so they acquired their own ammunition and magazines, securing the issue ammo so they could innocently return same no matter what they had to deal with kinetically on their patrols through gang-controlled areas.

                    1. And this is how I know Democrats are serious with their protesting that we’re not rubber-stamping new star rank officers but don’t mention the bleeding of NCOs.

                      It used to be two stripes, four stacks and the military did just fine. Lose the NCOs and Warrant officers and thinks stop working.

  14. I don’t want to reach the current Darkest Timeline. *

    Christopher Wray, Director of the FBI, was recently testifying at a congressional hearing. When asked how the various groups coming across our border were impacting our national security he very helpfully admitted that there was no way to know what kind of terror events would happen here in the next few years because, “There are gaps in our intelligence”. But he does expect several in the near future.

    Top. Men.

    I will point out that no one in charge seems particularly concerned about the prospect of terror attacks on the people they are supposed to be defending. The US can absorb these attacks they assure us.

    You all know where to keep your clothes and necessaries in the dark.

    1. At first glance I read that as ‘terror attacks on the people they are supposed to be defrauding.’

      Which I suspect is closer to the truth… 😦

      1. *At first glance I read that as ‘terror attacks on the people they are supposed to be defrauding.’

        Which I suspect is closer to the truth… 😦*


        “We don’t HAVE to defraud you. It’s just another fine service we offer out of the goodness of our hearts!”

  15. “The silly people who think humans can be made perfect with ‘education’ — by which they mean only information — and that humans will never behave like beasts, unless they have been given reason are wrong.”

    What’s ironic — if by now utterly unsurprising — is that many of the people who spout the sentiment expressed above also spout the notion that humans are nothing more than (maybe) higher-functioning stimulus-response animals and that free will is an illusion.

  16. I am reading a biography of Neal Ellis, the South African mercenary. He talks about some really, really barbaric stuff. And it doesn’t even surprise me all that much, having read accounts of other activities in Africa and the Middle East. And I do mean vile stuff. Straight up cannibalism would be an understatement

  17. So apparently the Jihadi supporters here are telling FICUS that if he doesn’t get a ceasefire soon, they wont vote Donk. And Brandon has a five decade track record of epic fail.

    Ever notice how bad is the timing of the hardcore moslem? What would be the worst possible outcome for the hardcore jihadi in November 2024? (Paging Mr Trump to the orange courtesy phone….)

    Really, to dot the i and cross the T, they have to stage some sort of mindlessly violent outrage here in the USA, right before the November 2024 election.

    1. “…if he doesn’t get a ceasefire soon, they wont vote Donk”

      I believe that initially was the source of that ditz diversity hire press sec’s “mishearing” the antisemitism question and answering with “FICUS is totes opposed to Islamophobia”.

      But then someone called in to the west wing and did the arithmetic for them, as they surely could not do it themselves: How much does the Jewish community donate to D candidates each election cycle, and how many votes do they deliver? And how much does the Islamic community donate, and how many votes do they deliver?

      Then the big question: “If you are going to lose fifty to seventy five percent of one group’s money and votes, which group do you want to lose?”

      Suddenly, all public WH pronouncements are full Israel support, all the time, in stereo, with the occasional baloney about “protecting innocent Gaza civilians” inserted by The Foggy Bottom Boys.

      One thing The Big Guy (or lets be honest, Frau Doctor Jill) pays attention to is dollars flowing to the bottom line.

          1. The polling from urban Michigan and Minnesota obviously looks really, really bad.
            With the national margin of fraud so thin, they obviously have modeled that the nationwide hit from losing the Jewish vote is less impactful to the electoral college totals than losing specific urban areas from the Islamic votes and tipping multiple states.

            1. Which makes sense – it’s not like they are going to lose NY and CA no matter how many traditional Dem voters stay home there…

            2. Here’s an interesting relevant graphic, showing most spoken language after English and Spanish by U.S. state:

              Note the politically relevant states of Michigan, Ohio, and Iowa (plus Tennessee!) where that language is Arabic.

              1. For Iowa, I wouldn’t take that one too deeply– the Arabic speaking folks I’ve seen are usually military-associated, and they’re not in even Filipino-style neighborhoods or groups.

                A further conflict is how many folks flat refuse to fill out the Census beyond the mandatory. 😀

                1. Firsthand knowledge beats infographics every time, but something caused the multiple neck snapping u-turns in WH messaging lately, first all-Islamophobia, then full support-Israel, then “humanitarian pause”.

                  I figured it had to be from internal polling, but where were they suddenly losing the election even including their margin of fraud? And for the last u-turn, what problem counters the fundraising aspect?

                  It is a puzzlement.

                  1. I think part of it is the pile-up of them being “pro peace” meaning “Israel can’t fight back” vs literal freaking terror invasion targeting a rave for Gaza peace and all the self-posted horrors from the terrorists.

                    Then there’s stuff like how the BLM movement Minnesota had a lot more to do with tribal politics than “race,” because literal entire villages have moved over here.

                    Oh, dear, just thought of another issue– the noncitizens.

                    The graphic won’t even TOUCH the folks who aren’t American citizens at the time of the census.

                  2. The Reader noted elsewhere that this is not the Clinton administration and attempts to triangulate between Jewish Democratic donors and Muslim votes in swing states was going to produce a pretty ugly dance.

              2. Maps like this can be misleading by painting a whole state one color, such as showing Arabic spread all across Michigan. Most of the Muslims in Michigan are in ONE CITY, Dearborn. They’re a tiny minority in the rest of the state. Around here, I know of two middle-eastern Christian families, no Muslims.

                1. The margin of victory in the totes honest 2020 presidential election in Michigan was 154,188 votes, so what the WH is doing only makes sense if the Muslim voter polling shows shifts which, added to the reported other vote shifts polling is seeing, exceed that and results in flipping MI.

                  But it has to be more than Dearborn flipping MI, as just losing MI does not change the national results, only subtracting 16 electoral votes from his total, and Brandon “won” by 74 electoral votes.

                  There must be something else going on in the polling that is freaking them out while giving the anti-Israel creeps within the Brandon administration the upper hand on messaging.

  18. I just got back from the mall, where two entitled Karens were stopped in front of a big truck screeching at the truck driver to back up more than a hundred feet and ‘get out of our way!’ Other folks said they’d been there for more than 10 minutes already.

    I yelled at them, “Do you stupid shits have any clue how hard it is to back up a big truck like that?”

    Because I do know, having driven heavy equipment.

    Such a shame it’s against the law to just run over them… 😛

  19. The Arab leaders scream and gnash their teeth at Israel, so long as they don’t have to die, nor the people who give them power. The Hamas on the other hand, they are fine with them dying, and any of their people who want to join them in death that is also fine. Culls the herd of the really stupid and gullible, leaving good slaves behind. That is why communism appeals to them, both view their own people as slaves.

    1. Hamas top-dogs live the high-life elsewhere.

      Looking forward to Israel demonstrating deep strike, done right.

  20. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 King James Version

    “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.”

    This is the time to kill Hama, to break down their support systems, to rend and cast away the stones they used to build their hateful infrastructure. This is the time to hate their evil deeds and finish the war they started by murdering teen, children, and the aged.

    Later, if there is a later, we can built, heal, and mourn. Later, we can build and heal; but not while one member of Hamas draws breath.

    1. “…a time to love, and a time to hate…”

      I’ve maintained for some time that there’s a valid and highly useful role for hate in the panoply of human emotions, and those who tell us we must not allow it are grossly misled and causing more than a little bit of harm. Like any other emotion, it shouldn’t be directed at the wrong targets and cannot be allowed to run amok and rule one’s life. And like all emotions, it has a useful role to play.

      Hatred is protective. It’s considered the opposite of love because it’s the emotion that arises when love and trust have been violated and when you’re in existential danger. It’s normal and proper to hate the source of continued violations and threats. Unlike anger, which can’t be maintained for long, hate provides an enduring and necessary reminder that its object is dangerous and must not be tolerated.

      It’s good and proper to hate what that evil death cult has done and everyone who is part of it. It’s necessary to destroy it, because it is inimical to our culture and refuses to leave our fellow-men alone. And then, once that’s done, as Christians and civilized human beings, we’ll start working on forgiveness and mercy if any are left to receive it.

  21. A big part of the problem is that the inhabitants of civilizations have a code of civility, which makes living in their neighborhoods pleasant and safe. Barbarians have a different code which prizes other attributes and regards civility as a weakness to be exploited. Ordinarily there are in civilized societies rough men who have a natural aptitude and/or training to set civil behavior aside and unleash their controlled violence on the exogenous barbarians. In our own times our rough men are constrained because the guardians have been suborned and are protecting the invading barbarians.

    My sense is that those enabling the invasion of barbarians imagine that they can control their shock troops one they are unleashed and that they will be able to bring them to heel once their purpose is achieved. Certainly they were able to do so with BLM, Antifa and the other anarchists in 2020. If they bugaloo kicks off I doubt very much that the shock troops will stand up to the armed citizens as well as expected, and I expect regaining control of the monster will not be possible at all.

    Mopping up will be a bitch.

      1. That kid is one half of the way.

        Then he is followed by an older kid who emptied the bowl in the first place who doubled back and emptied the bowl again.

        Or the guy who put out an empty bowl in the first place to scam his neighbors.

        What are the parents of the first kid (and everyone delighted by his kind heart) going to do about them?

        That also is the Way.

  22. Interesting. A helicopter with Marine One colors and an accompanying pair of helicopter gunships just flew over my house heading north. I wasn’t aware that Der Fuhrer Der Wahnsinnige was visiting today.

      1. The white-topped Sikorsky helicopter. Although it could also have been carrying the Kamel instead of Mr. Dementia. Also, could have been a rehearsal flight, or the decoy flight. After all, the feds DO know who I am, and where I live. If I were really paranoid, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that they could be trolling for me and my ilk to blow a fuse and take a shot at them, thereby giving them the opportunity to make an example to discourage the others.

  23. Apropos of modern savages

    “…laptop Brahmins who got paid to stay home while shifting the burden of enforcement to working class Shudras who suffer aftershocks that pummel every facet of their existence to this day. COVID brahmins expected Shudras to deliver their food, pick up their trash, keep tap water flowing and light bulbs glowing while teacher’s union’s withheld education from their children by coercing the CDC to ignore scientific norms and locked millions of children out of classrooms.”

    Modern aristos. RTWT:

  24. I seem to recall someone saying during the 2003-2017 Middle Eastern Extended Combat Session “they have one book, only one book, and they all read it.”

    “Literacy for Fun and Profit,” I guess, but it points out the value of a single unwavering message in creating a culture.

    That culture seems to speak, primarily, violence, and just as the burgeoning Criminal Class in America does, assumes entitlement to certain things and has decided that violence is a reasonable means of achieving those things. Value is placed on “stuff” whether that stuff is a car, shoes, attitudes or land.

    I’m at a loss as to what the Paletinians, and Hamas, their storm troopers, thought the result of October 7th would be. I have little doubt that it, and everything preceeding it, was, if not driven by influencers outside Palestine seeking turmoil, at least strongly supported, that didn’t have their obvious fingerprints on it. Not that Palestinians (as well as certain social groups on the U.S.) don’t have a prediliction toward that behavior, so it didn’t take much coaxing to accomplish; wind-up toys rarely require much.

    When one speaks primarily, and sometimes, only, violence, the sole response that will get their attention is violence in return and the pain that comes with it.

    As Curtis LeMay once said “If you kill enough of them they stop fighting.” With a culture so deeply ingrained with myopia and cultural brain fog, “enough” in this case may wind up being defined as “100%.” “Carthago delenda est” in another time, at which Modern Civilized People who have been trained to react in such manner recoil in horror and revulsion, but it worked where nothing else did.

    When a mugger threatens your life or safety there is no negotiation process that will be successful, despite what made-for-TV movies tell you; and after-the-fact reconciliation offers even less; instantly responding with massive, unyielding, overpowering violence will, and if you are not physically capable of doing so you need to be skilled in the rapid and unhesitant employment of technology that enhances your capabilities.

    Which is as true for states as it is for the individuals who comprise them.

  25. Never forget: The atomic bomb was designed to annihilate large numbers of socialist anti-Semites in a single blast. It should be used for its intended purpose. Boom goes Gaza, boom Harvard…

  26. It is ironic, no, that a woman wrote this and yet it is women who make the excuses prohibiting the necessary punishment for the evildoers? Sure, people, both men and women, will do what they are allowed to get away with, but when the empathy vote is supreme – as it has been since 19A – the excuses and lack of punishment will rule the day. If women want a safe street for themselves and their kids, if they want to be able to compete freely in sports, if they want to BE women in a world of “What is a woman,” women must start voting FOR, rather than AGAINST their own interests – or must be prevented from voting at all as they are too important for us to allow them to destroy themselves.

    1. Oh piss off with the sex nonsense. Don’t be more pathetic than you must be.

      When your argument is so weak you have to reduce yourself to going “we guys would be fixing this but oooh guuuuurls are just to much on empathy to let us do what we should” you are just embarrassing.

      Woooo, in theory, a slightly higher percent of females vote for stuff you don’t like than males do; gosh, let’s pretend that representative.

      Yeah, that’s the ticket.

    2. Huh. *Someone * here seems to think in group identity terms, and it’s not Sarah…

    3. what the actual fuck? This is the first time I’ve been informed that Biden, Obama and Carter, and oh, yeah, Newsom, and Justin Castreau are all women.
      Show your work.
      And stop talking arrant nonsense. Unless you’re a communist, stop lumping people into vast groups and saying we’re all the same.
      A woman wrote this? Oh, fuck off twinkie. I wrote this, and yeah, I’m a woman, but I’m not so agile as to write this with my vagina.

    4. Seems to me that if men are going to continuously enable and acquiesce to ignorant women despite knowing better, then they themselves are ignorant and unqualified to wield the political authority of free men.

      1. Amazing how women must have their agency removed because they don’t adjust to their own best interests as he figures– but men, who are also failing to do so, are juuuuust fine.

        (Again, ignoring that the claimed sex division for 2020 was something like 8% more females voted blue than males did.)

      1. Lol. He doesn’t want to help women. He wants to deride them and pound his non existent chest in a show of his — also largely non existent — superior manliness.

        1. For sure, that’s what he’s actually doing. I still find great amusement in the fact that he tries the whole “it’s for their own good” line.

        2. For sure, that’s what he’s actually doing. I still find great amusement at his attempts to push the line of “it’s for their own good.”

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