Deep Shifting

On 9/11 it took some two weeks before my liberal friends started beating their chests and saying that it was all our fault for… existing, I guess.

After the horrendous events of Saturday in Israel, twitter is already full of idiots, most of them, yes “liberals” (in newspeak, since they are totalitarians at heart) doing the two step of “Israel brought it on themselves” followed by alleged (they’re not. Well, they’re maybe European right, which is national socialist at heart) right-wingers doing the “let them fight” two step.

I’ll just say it right now: if you can look at the wholesale slaughter of civilians, including grandmothers and babies, and say they had it coming, you’re a monster. And if you think it’s nothing to do with us, and both sides are wrong, you’re a monster and an idiot. An idiot at a level that I can’t begin to describe. I’m surprised you can breathe and walk at the same time, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you have to repeat at the back of your head “move foot.”

Those who condone monsters are monsters. And those who think that throwing the baby off the sleigh will keep the monsters away are stupid monsters.

If you think the monsters are only coming for Israel, and don’t have America — and all the West — on their sights, you’re an infant, and not worthy of speaking where adults gather.

Like the left, these people believe they deserve mastery of the world and all in it, and stew in rage that you haven’t yet rushed to give them everything and subject yourself to them. Any country that does better than their shitholes must be punished, because of course, they’re supposed to reign supreme. Don’t do them the injustice of believing they don’t believe their own religion. They do.

Which means they’re everyone’s problem. And the left, the other cultists sure they should inherit the Earth due to their ultra specialness and the power of the arrow of history has done their work for them. Look at what happened in Israel and look to our open borders.

A week or a little more ago, I warned here that I had a sense of very bad things coming. Very bad things close up. This sense, btw, probably has buggerall to do with prophecy. I am, sadly for my sanity, a compulsive reader of news and well… everything. And I have the type of brain best described by Heinlein in Friday, when the boss calls Friday in the middle of the night and asks her when the Bubonic plague will hit again, and she answers, though she’s not sure where the answer came from. She’s been processing things at a very deep level, and arrived to conclusions that have nothing to do with her conscious.

(Yes, you can get me to give that type of answers if you wake me up, and they’re often accurate. Fortunately (?) the people who have access to me when I sleep prefer to either ask me funny questions or implant novel ideas. Yeah. That sort of person.)

Most often though, I just wake up at 3 am and “know” something. Sometimes I can backtrack logically and tell you what I know and why, which is why I went from worried about Covid to coldly sure it was bs. And I knew what I’d seen that prompted that certainty. (For all the good it did me to scream in the desert.) Or take when I knew the 2020 election would be stolen. It was obvious no one would run Biden, or the campaign Biden run, unless they had unimaginable amounts of fraud sewn up, so that they could defeat practically anything short of a major landslide (which caused them to fraud at the last minute and visibly.) This did not much other than depress me and make me frantic. Again, no one else seemed to listen.

So, I don’t like these “hunches” and I dislike them more when they are vague, unfocused and of the “something wicked this way comes.” Which is what I had.

A lot of you have pinged me to ask me if the events in Israel were what was triggering it. Maybe? Though I don’t think it was that specific, there was a certain easing of the “now there’s nothing we can do” sort Saturday night. (What my subconscious thinks I can do, I don’t know. It has an inflated idea of my importance in the world, I think.)

BUT — and it pains me to tell you this — we’re not done. The first pebble has fallen, but the avalanche is not started yet.

If you ask me, I suspect the two-steppers — because these people think twitter is life — are encouraging the left…. and others.

The amoral, excitable elements among us looked at what happened in Israel, and they liked it. Oh, they liked it. They smell blood and they want them some.

Who? you’ll say.

Oh, we’re spoiled for choice, and it’s a devil’s choice. We have our national malcontents, who think if only we let them go Stalin on us, they will have paradise. Hillary wants to re-educate us, but let us face it, most of the left just wants us dead. Some cartoon character I no longer remember was talking last week of killing all Trump supporters. So, you know. They want blood. They want to let the beast out.

Then there is the open borders. Even in the best possible situation, when you let carefully vetted foreigners in, there is hostility. I saw it as an exchange student — and distanced myself from my fellows because of that — when day two of gathering the students from all over the world at a NY university for “orientation” (Mostly how to buy things, how to write a check, what is considered polite. That sort of thing) the students were talking about how horrible the Americans (Volunteers who had given up their summer to help us) were. I don’t want to rundown my fellow exchange students. This wasn’t universal, just a majority. And even those who were blaming all their difficulties with… being in dorms? in a university? on American horribleness became saner when separated (as most of us were) from those of their culture or adjacent cultures.

I think it’s instinctive in humans, in a new situation, to try to bond by denouncing the strangers. And the strangers to denounce were the Americans, because this was their country. So, that’s what they were doing. (No, I wasn’t doing it, but that’s because a) I didn’t really bond well with my countrymen — Odd, you know? — and b) I realized, having the self-consciousness of a snail, that it was unhealthy to turn against America when we were here for a year. Yes, there were things that annoyed me during the year, but 90% of them were the climate. I think some people at headquarters delighted in sending people from lands without snow to places where snow remained on the ground for six months. Eh.)

But now picture that with often illiterate and very much pre-modern people flown across the world to be smuggled over the border, with promises of everything free, and more wealth flowing to them than they can imagine. (Yes, sure, some people still come here to work. But we all know that since Obama, there has been a campaign to convince people to come to the US for the things they are “entitled” to. Like all the health, welfare, education, etc. programs.)

And… it’s not going according to plan. Even in the best of times, with limited immigration, it won’t. Look, exchange students took umbrage at dinner being too early by Portuguese standards. And later, when I was with my host family I was surprised they — early 80 — were struggling paycheck to paycheck, and expenditures carefully controlled. Because that wasn’t the image of America in my mind.

Now, in a situation of mass immigration? Logistics becomes a nightmare. Even if we tried to give them everything the left has promised — and we weren’t broke as heck — it would be impossible. You can’t feed/care for/look after these many people perfectly.

I’d think by now any number of groups among those who came in, are working up a fine froth of anger at America. This is made worse by a lot of them having been recruited by/from communist orgs, for whom America is and has always been the enemy. And by the fact a lot of them are recruited from those who consider themselves at war with America and we’ve mostly ignored, like Iranians. Or, you know, Chinese. Or Afghans. Or–

Oh, and let’s not forget the climate hysterics, who are sometimes distinguished from the outright communists (but there’s a slide.)

The usual two step are going to convince all of these that they’re safe to act. And, oh, they want blood. They want revenge on Americans, who have the nerve to live their lives and pay these people very little mind.

And the two-steppers are going to convince them that they’re safe; that we’re soft; that it’s a great time to act.

Will it be as bad as Israel? Well, no. There’s a lot more of us. The country is very large. There will be no coordination between the various groups. There’s unlikely to be (but I wouldn’t bet against some) a barrage of rockets and covering fire to create confusion. It will be, as I’ve been telling you, isolated. Some places will be very bad indeed; some will read about it on the news. Which honestly is what a lot of people even in Israel are doing.

What will be as bad? All these idiots will be convinced they’re winning. There will be a barrage of pictures of the atrocities they commit. They will be doing selfies with the raped and murdered. And they will be PROUD. Just like the monsters of Hamas, they will be giddy with blood and wanting to show off.

And then things are going to get very weird, very fast.

And there will be a crisis. Because something shifted in the night between Saturday and Sunday. I expected to be angry. I didn’t expect how angry other people would be, nor the reason of their anger.

It wasn’t so much the surprise attack on Israel. I’m sixty, and some of my earliest memories of the Olympic games involved the massacring of Jewish athletes by terrorists. And I remember the Yum Kippur war. And I remember the Iranian hostage crisis. And I remember — Most of us are inured to Islamic terrorism. We’ve seen too much of it to be shocked. And I don’t know about people who grew up here, but I grew up in Europe, so communist terrorism is also a known. From the lunatics who’d take whole planeloads to Cuba, to the lunatics who planted bombs. You guys saw your bit with the likes of Weather Underground, though our media, then and now would not report much of it.

But that’s the thing. The reporting has changed. The media has been protecting the monsters, by not telling us the full measure of their blood-insanity. Even now they’re keeping quiet on a lot of killing, and either not revealing the motive or back pedalling the identity of the killers, or the insane evil of the killings.

This won’t happen this time. Like the Hamas savages, these people think their ability to hurt others is a super-power. They think violence makes them super-human and somehow justified. They’re going to take selfies. They’re going to tweet. They’re going to post on facebook.

And there will be a lot of them, from a lot of organizations, cascading, because once one starts the others will also want to brag and show how important they are. There are probably some in planning, right now. When it will hit, no one knows, but my feeling is probably not long. Because they saw. And they want. And they’ll be driven by the feeling the war is already won, all they have to do is join the victors or be left out.

Our official response will be weak and vacillating. Our media will do its best to cover it up.

It won’t work.

Because something shifted overnight between Saturday and Sunday. Something in the zeitgeist. The quiet, private men and women who just want to be left alone woke up.

What comes next? I don’t know. I know it won’t be pretty. And it’s not something I’m looking forward to, no. Because when the majority gets upset, all those who stick out are at risk. My liability is an accent and a vague “Latin” look, though honestly it could be Italian. Or any other Mediterranean sub-race. (You are allowed to spot the issue.)

But it doesn’t take that. It takes “Odd” and “sticks out.” Now America has more of a tolerance for that than practically anywhere else on the globe. (And my guess is the whole globe will go froggy if/when provocations happen in America. Why? I don’t know, but people, they had BLM demonstrations the world over. And demonstrations against Trump with “not my president.” It’s like they can’t help themselves.)

So most of us might be okay? Probably. Just not a good time to make too many waves, I guess.

Be aware. Be alert. Plot your routes. (Ask me how happy I am to be traveling this week. OTOH maybe some of you will come to Son of Silvercon in Vegas, yes?) Watch your six. Be prepared to defend yourself and those around who need protecting. Before, during and after.

Mass insanity is very hard on individuals. And must be prevented from devouring everything.

And you are to keep yourself alive and well. Because we have a republic to rebuild.

Be not afraid. Something has shifted and the common man is awake. And angry.

It is our duty to control the fire, lets it consumes us and everything we value.

309 thoughts on “Deep Shifting

  1. This seems like an international equivalent of the domestic idiots who commit abusive crimes and post footage of themselves on social media to brag. It all comes from people who can’t imagine that they are subject to retribution.

    1. Which is kind of funny because I do find myself wondering how long before one of those pickup tricks full of people celebrating Hamas finds themselves with a first hand experience of certain comrade’s tipple of choice.

    2. Those two idiots in Vegas who ran into cars and then murdered a man. When the driver was hauled in he was insisting that ‘this isn’t any big deal, I’ll be out in an hour’, etc. Because he’d never been held to account before.

      Saddest thing I’ve ever seen was from Chicago, years ago. Kid had started with petty theft, and slowly built up. Every time caught, slap on the hand and went home. He finally graduated to murdering a clerk during a robbery, and this time the judge ordered him to be held as an adult. He was screaming and crying as two bailiffs carried him away- ‘carried’ because his legs had collapsed- because, all of a sudden, “You’re in big trouble and no, you’re not going home, you’re going to jail.” Little bastard, as I recall, was 12 or 13.

      The people who’ve given us all these idiots who’ve never paid a price because “We must be understanding and nice”, they REALLY need to pay a price for the harm they’ve done.

        1. A sociology professor I used to know, who did studies on criminality, found that incarcerated felons score quite high on measures of self-esteem. He was rather unimpressed by the idea that it was any kind of force for good.

          1. Peter Grant has written about discussions he’s had with inmates. It is invariably “They had it coming. If they’d left me alone to (steal their stuff/screw the bi&*h/whatever) they’d be fine.” It’s NEVER self-esteem. It’s always entitlement.

            1. Its a culture of entitlement that the left has been pushing for decades starting as small children with “everyone gets a trophy” and getting worse from there.

            2. I have to disagree with you there. The entitlement is part of their inflated self-esteem. They think they’re great, and the problem lies with all those other people.

              1. There seems to be an inverse relationship between the amount someone thinks the problem is other people and the morality of their behavior.

            3. Theodore Dalrymple has observed the same thing among prison inmates he treated. He noted their self-esteem and their ability to divorce themselves from any responsibility or even involvement in their actions.

              The classic was a prisoner who stabbed someone describing the knife just sliding in, not being pushed in by him at all.

            4. relative of mine, then in Jackson MI Fed Pen to his dad one day, during a visitation – “I just realized something . . . I’m the only guilty person in this place.”

          2. I remember thinking what BS it was when I heard Sociology types pontificating that Bullies “suffered from low self-esteem”

            My experience with them is they had too much self-esteem, and none of it earned.

            1. That’s the crucial distinction. Nathaniel Branden, who was Ayn Rand’s principal disciple until their love affair ended, wrote an entire book about self-esteem, which probably helped start the whole self-esteem movement. But he was clear that self-esteem had to be achieved; it couldn’t simply be given, as the self-esteem movement now tries to do. And Rand drew an explicit parallel between the unearned in spirit (self-esteem without integrity) and the unearned in wealth; in her view, unearned self-esteem was an analog of socialism.

          3. I literally saw someone deny it on the grounds that he had high enough self-esteem to realize they were lying. . . .

            He didn’t realize he was backing it up.

      1. Only a lad!
        You really can’t blame him.
        Only a lad!
        Society made him.
        Only a lad!
        He’s our responsibility.

        — Oingo Bingo

        1. Yep. IIRC, “That’s the craziest way to raise a dog I’ve ever heard of!” “Yes, it is.”

    3. On 9/11, I was working in a retail store. I was one of the few people who processed the tragedy quickly and went on to the implications (while many of my coworkers were still in the “how could they murder children?” mode.)

      I remember saying to one of them that 1. this meant war, and 2. terrorist organizations would stop taking credit for things they hadn’t caused. Remember that? Back when something horrific would happen and a bunch of groups would step up and say “That was us”? They stopped that cold in the wake of 9/11. Because they realized that taking credit was a way of bringing down MUCH heat upon your own head.

      Now we’re a couple of decades out, and that lesson was forgotten. I suspect the reckoning is not going to be pretty when people learn that lesson again.

      1. Not entirely. As I mentioned in the previous post, when a couple of gunmen slipped into Israel from Lebanon, Hezbollah quickly announced, “Not us!”

        Islamic Jihad subsequently claimed responsibility.

          1. They’re busy trying to score points in the anti-Israel game. And they’re probably calculating (correctly, I fear) that within a couple of weeks, Israel will be under heavy international pressure to back off.

              1. Unfortunately, there are a lot of variables involved. Arabs typically suck at war (I’ve got a big book on that very topic), and the Strip isn’t all that big. In theory, it shouldn’t take long. But there are a lot of people living in the Strip, which will make clearing it time consuming, and likely painful despite how small it is. The Israelis generally won’t shoot non-combatants, so anyone that they come across who doesn’t immediately resist will need to be vetted, and anyone deemed “somewhat safe” will need to be placed in a camp where they can be watched and kept out of the way until this thing is over. The siege will make things easier as it goes on, but that will take time that will end up allowing pressure to gather against Israel – particularly if videos start to circulate of obviously starving Palestinians.

                1. I specified “get serious”

                  Start the bulldozers. Go from one end of the Strip to the other, shooting anyone who pokes his head out.

                2. The only way this can ever be ended is by permanently eliminating the Palestinian presence in Gaza. Shoot all that need shooting, remove the rest, get them the F*K out of Israel and keep them out FOREVER. Raze Gaza and turn it into a giant olive orchard.

                  And that’s better than they deserve.

                  They have chosen to reject the standards of civilization and placed themselves outside the bounds of civilized behavior. The Israelis are no longer obligated to treat them as civilized, but as the horde of savages they have proven themselves to be.

                  1. “get them the F*K out of Israel”

                    And send them where, exactly? No one, and I mean NO ONE, wants them. The people who don’t want them to remain in place and cause trouble for Israel aren’t stupid enough to take in a large number of fanatical, rabidly anti-semite Islamic zealots. A country might be able to absorb a few of them. But taking a large number of them in is pretty much guaranteeing trouble.

                    1. Whose fault is it no one wants them? Perhaps “hey, I might be truly homeless if I dance on a dead woman’s body” should have crossed their mind.

                      Pay some country that is largely the Sahara to take them and settle them in the sand.

                  2. Let the settlers in Gaza the Israeli government forced out 20 years ago back on the land.

                    Some of them had been forced out of Sinai 30 years before that. That generation is gone, but their kids and grand kids are still around.

            1. Oh, yes, the Pally Pity Party kicked in within days. I just don’t know how much traction it will get in places other than tony college campuses now. Ordinary people are so disgusted that entertainers, academics, and personalities are getting fired, or roundly chastised for virtue-signaling their support for Hamas going all Einsatzgruppen in Israeli civilians, and milliionaire donors are withdrawing gifts to their colleges, and big businesses swearing never to hire graduates of them — and I haven’t seen that before, ever.

              1. If they’re paying attention at all a lot of people are going to be stunned at the massive, “Blame the Victim!” rallies popping up across the US.

              2. so disgusted that entertainers, academics, and personalities are getting fired, or roundly chastised for virtue-signaling their support for Hamas going all Einsatzgruppen in Israeli civilians, and milliionaire donors are withdrawing gifts to their colleges, and big businesses swearing never to hire graduates of them — and I haven’t seen that before, ever.

                Straw that broke the camels back.

                One step too far.

                Pick one. Pick both.

                Personally? Couldn’t happen to a better crowd. Finally consequences. Just waiting for the open border related to Hamas terrorists already here, consequences to hit the Biden, Kamala, and their supporters. (It will be bad. Do not want this. But who cares what I want?)

              3. We’re already hearing talk from our government about arranging for supplies to get through the siege. We’re told that those supplies will only go to the civilians, but… Yeah, I’m skeptical. I expect the cries to “save the innocent Gaza residents!” will start to increase rapidly from the international community.

                1. “save the innocent Gaza residents!” will start to increase rapidly from the international community.

                  Bet on it. An Israeli rocket hit a hospital earlier. Scene as expected with anyone with two or more brain cells to rub together is horrific. Never mind that Israel has been stating repeatably to evacuate non-combatants. Sure, knowing Hamas, who stages on top of hospitals, schools, religious buildings (except Mosques) with hostage civilians and children, a pipe dream at best. This is war of survival. Hamas is betting on world outcry. Idiots will try to let them get away with it. I really hope Israel shows the idiots both middle fingers (not that anyone, let alone Israel cares what I hope or think).

                2. I suspect the first thing Israel does is slice to the Sea south of gaza. Forces in gaza will be cut off from supplies from the limited Egypt access. It will be moot rapidly. Also, since stolen supplies would need to be trucked above ground, it just makes more handy targets.

                  Hamas may have taken a larger hit than people seem to realize. At least 1500+ killed or captured in Israel. Many more in gzaa. Those will have been the best trained evil ones, so this will have damaged their ability to fight, more than most realize. Easier to kill above ground than down in their tunnels. Have not seen how many trained fighters Hamas has. This may make the hard task of evil removal easier. Empty tunnels are easier to capture. It will not be easy.

      2. Even Iran is disclaiming this one, and without the nudge nudge wink wink we totally did that that they usually do.

        1. Where did you hear that? Iran has already admitted that they gave arms to Hamas and green-lighted the attack.

          Hamas has also admitted that they have sleeper cells in the US — part of the “diversity” Biden has brought us by leaving the Mexican border wide open.

          You need to be following some alt-media, I recommend (a podcast by two right-leaning attorneys, one of whom is involved with many health-freedom cases).

          1. There was a follow up from Iran today that “Nope, it was totally not us! Nothing to do with us! The previous statement was a mistake”

            Have to wonder if their intel picked up feelers that Israel was not playing by the old rules and bragging about this was not going to be healthy.

            Iranian leadership is all about the martyrs, as long as some one else is being the martyr.

            1. The Accords too are in part the Arabs deciding (or being convinced, for now) that leaving Israel alone is well worth it to keep the Persians in check. Once Qatar can be made to pay attention, things will get rather warm for Iran. the UAE coming out in the open and warning Syria not to pull a damned thing was why they and other are “Not US!” on that incursion from Syria. Iran might be also worried of clean and clear airspce between Israel and Iran again. It’s happened before, will again, they keep it up, possibly with support, not blind eyes.

          2. Hezbollah has had cells in the US for at least a decade. I remember jokes about it (black humor FTW) in the early 2000s when the Border Patrol was finding prayer rugs and Korans and all along the routes illegals used in AZ, TX and CA. I suspect Hamas wasn’t too far behind, once they had the resources to do so.

          3. There is far more than Hamas in the states now. We have Chinese, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, Syrians, Russian Spetznaz (bet you didn’t know Putin had a deal with the cartels to smuggle them in), and many others who are fit and of military age.

            Also recall, that China was caught smuggling infantry small arms into teh sates several years back. How much you wanna bet they never stopped and that there are large caches of those things scattered about just waiting to be claimed and used the people that are supposed to claim and use them?

            Even assuming they can’t coordinate, which is not the way to bet, they can still do an enormous amount of damage to the country before they are put down. And, when they are put down, it won’t be the military that does it. That group is far too small. It will the older guys with military backgrounds, and “Weapons of War” that get the work done. The casualties are going to be rather high, however. The US is also likely to be finished on the world stage as well.

            The US is not anywhere in end times prophecy.

            1. “Also recall, that China was caught smuggling infantry small arms into teh sates several years back. How much you wanna bet they never stopped ”

              Didn’t have to stop; CA and at least a couple more blue domains allow foreign nationals to become LEOs, so the equipment is pre-positioned. See also DoD 1033 program.

              Posted a link about it a while ago; was pooh-poohed. Ah well.

        2. Might have something to do with the fact that apparently we can refreeze that 6 billion in assets.

          1. That should have already happened!!!! Biden’s shit brained state department still thinks they can talk their way out of having to freeze that money again. Their stupidity is boundless.

            1. Not only is Team ObamaBiden not freezing the assets, they gave over $700 million to a group that openly calls for violence against Jews.


              Support for those who wish to massacre Jews is the POLICY of the ObamaBiden regime. Let’s be blunt. The people running the administration and their activist supporters are Jew haters just as much as the Nazis were. They even flash swastikas at their rallies supporting the mass-murderers of Hamas.

      3. I remember my wife telling me with astonishment that some woman on the street interviewee in New York was all, “How could this happen to us?”

        My wife’s take was, “Who told you, you had your ticket punched?”

        The leftists are in for a rude awakening when they reap what they’ve sewn. Sending busloads of illegal immigrants to NYC and other “sanctuary” cities was a good start.

        1. It’s worth remembering that on 9/11, the first terrorist organization to take credit/admit guilt was NOT Osama bin Laden. It was the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, who supposedly claimed responsibility before 2 WTC even collapsed. Now if that wasn’t some sort of erroneous report (of which there were a lot that day, of course), one can only wonder how puckered-up Yassir Arafat’s sphincter got when he heard that, and saw the pictures of people in Gaza (and the West Bank?) celebrating the attack. (And yes, they were celebrating, we all saw it on the news, no matter how hard our media tries to memory-hole that footage.) Notice that Arafat and ol’ Muammar in Libya both immediately found a camera and decried how awful this was and how terrible the civilian loss of life was. Because they feared that Uncle Sam was about to get straight medieval on SOMEBODY and they didn’t want it to be them. (Sadly, we didn’t. We didn’t even go Thirty Years War.)

          1. I believe the original claim was that Arabs in New Jersey were dancing and celebrating, which may or may not have been true. But then they used the dubiousness of that claim to give cover to the Arabs in Arab countries who were absolutely dancing and celebrating.

            By the way, there’s plenty of footage of Gazans in Gaza doing the classic “handing out sweets” from the last couple of days.

            1. It was true about NJ. I’ve talked to someone who was accidentally on the edges of one of the street parties. He left before he “did something stupid but justifiable.” (His words.)

              1. Yep, it absolutely happened, and when Trump pointed it out, he got slandered by the Democratic Party media arm.

            2. There was at least one complete moronforeign exchange student in my little flyover university town that ran across campus whooping and hollering and flying his home country’s flag that day.

              Dunno if anyone gave him an attitude adjustment or not.

          1. As may be, but we should still call them guilty every time they’re mentioned, rather than parroting their propaganda.

            Dean Ing’s 1996 novel ‘Soft Targets’ made that point — we must always condemn them, call out their cruelty and cowardice, deny them any form of recognition other than as the despicable degenerates they have shown themselves to be.

            It might not seem like much, but it’s important to withhold any shred of respect from them.

      4. I was in Italy when the OKC bombing happened. I remember multiple groups disclaiming responsibility within hours, groups know for taking credit ASAP.

        I’m also noticing Hezbollah have decided to keep their mouths shut this week.

      5. “…taking credit…”

        Wasn’t it the MSM that decided it was “creditable” to commit mass murder? WFT ever heppened to “taking responsibility”? Or even better, “admitting responsibility”?

        No hidden message there; oh, of course not. 😡

  2. I agree something has shifted but, I’m not sure what. I do know that I checked my “go bag” stuff just to be sure it’s staged properly. With that in mind – it has been often said to be sure you can find your clothing and weapons and one should have it all ready.

    When I worked cop/corrections environments we had a ‘duty belt’ set up with radio, baton, pepper spray, cuffs, side arm and reloads etc. The military has a like idea with ‘load bearing gear’ so someone had the essentials ready to strap on and go in an emergency. One idea (just to generate thinking):

    Everyone has their own needs, gear and preferences so use the concept to put together your own emergency kit that is strap on and go. Alaskan bush pilots, I’ve read, say that in a crash you can only guarantee to have what is on your person if you ditch – no fancy packs, kits or extra gear… just what you have on and in your pockets. Recent events have made me rethink my every day carry (EDC) as well and I’m beefing that up too.

      1. Increase practice.

        Even dry-fire practice (where firearm allows) is helpful.

        Speaking of which… back in a bit.

      2. EDC is going to get a lot more popular. It appears that every neighborhood is being infested with all varieties of mad dogs (heard about that at my HOA meeting last night), and it’s best to be prepared with a firm and vigorous response.

    1. “Keep your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark.”

      Emphasis on the weapons. If you’ve got your weapons, you can make time to find your clothes.

  3. Hmmm…while my state has been inundated by the open border, we’re also in a constitutional carry state, so I wonder too when those threads will cross like live wires arcing…

    1. Unfortunately our State, AZ, is run by Cartel-owned executive, judicial and legislative posers. China and Iran vie for influence of various cartels. Lawfare is waged against all who oppose. Even in Mohave County we have problems with the County Assessor/GOP County Chairman. It could turn into Maricopa County corruption very shortly. Most newspapers are owned, published and controlled by similar interests. I’m not optimistic.

  4. I woke up at 3 am Saturday morning after having had a horrendous nightmare that a worldwide tornado was swirling the globe. People were dying, bleeding, suffering and others were in the path of the storm and in mortal danger they could not see coming. Still others were standing right next to the dead were looking at plants, petting animals and shopping. No one could see the dead and dying but me and they wouldn’t listen about the danger we were all in. I prayed the St. Michael prayer when I woke up in a very distraught state.

    When I later saw the news about the atrocities, I was in shock and I really started praying and I don’t intend to stop.

    This could very well be the kickoff to some seriously dangerous times. I think we have a month or so before things get very ugly while the major combatants calculate world response and what they will be allowed to get away with or what measures will be most effective/destructive. The ayatollahs are intent upon bringing about the end of the world and the second coming and according to their prophecies, Israel must be completely destroyed first. This may not be the time of the prophecy but it won’t be because they didn’t try.

    Fill your autos with gas, because that is going to become very dear I’m afraid, and keep your loved ones as close as you can.

    May St. Michael and His angel armies protect us on the day of battle.

    1. I do wonder what ELSE is going on that is now “below the radar.”

      I woke up, Saturday afternoon/evening after a weird dream (why would I be in a ‘dorm’ in NYC with [rock?] musicians?) and had the unrelated(??) thought in that weird twilight condition of no longer being asleep but not truly awake of: “The newspapers set a symphony bomb.” I have NO idea what that means, or if it mean anything. But it bothers me.

      One reason is… well, I do NOT claim clairvoyance or prophecy or such. BUT… in January 1986 I had some weird dreams… of driving a pickup above Jupiter. And things being… OFF. And what was the ‘space pickup’ of the time? And what mission to Jupiter changed because of events later that month? Yeah. Not like I could DO anything even if it HAD made sense at the time…. but well, that was the first time. I am hoping this is NOT the third or fourth.

  5. Yes, BLM riots happened a lot of places, but there were plenty of places where they showed up and were very quiet and well-behaved, and other places where they didn’t show up at all, because they knew better.

    IIRC they threatened to show up in Sturgis, and everyone else planning to be there grinned widely, in a nasty sort of way, and said, “Yeah, you come on down here. We’ll give you a proper welcome.”

    We had BLM protestors in Boise. About a dozen, maybe two. They stood very quietly in front of the town hall and waved their signs and when the sun started to go down, they packed up and quietly left. It lasted about 3 days, and they gave up and moved on to somewhere they thought they’d have a better chance of intimidating the ‘man on the street’. They knew better than to pull the ‘mostly peaceful’ crap in a constitutional carry state.

    Large swaths of America are the next best thing to no-go-zones for that sort of behavior. A large percentage of American Citizenry will not tolerate that kind of goings-on. We don’t see it, because the media will not show it, but true Americans still live here, and we really don’t like what’s going on.

    The future is likely to be ugly, not least because those who think they deserve to rule us are bound and determined to be the dictionary definition of FAFO. They refuse to stop playing their stupid games and they are going to receive some epically stupid prizes for it.

    1. The pro-Pali demonstrations, disgusting as they are, have been remarkably tepid so far. Note that the media coverage hasn’t attempted to show the size of the crowds, because even in places like New York, it’s like BGE said about Toronto — a couple hundred mostly white socialists rehearsing the same old lines.

      And yeah, in most of the US, any kind of mass terror attack would be met with a rifle behind every blade of grass. Even in the cities, I kinda suspect that there would be a lot of rooftop Koreans and rooftop Indians and rooftop Sikhs and rooftop Vietnamese and even rooftop blacks and whites.

      1. Also note that even Obama — f**ing OBAMA — is saying “we’ll stand by Israel while they dismantle Hamas”. Sure, there are the usual weasel words about “the Palestinian people”, but he’s endorsing *dismantling Hamas, not negotiating with or appeasing them.

        1. I would suspect this is more because, with the descriptions and videos and photos of the atrocities the Hamas animals have committed, anything beyond the weasel words about the “Palestinian people” would get him crucified (figuratively) in the non-MSM press.

      2. “Rooftop Americans”

        I dislike addressing Americans by their “dead nations”.


        Sometimes the newcomer better understands “American” having made conscious reasoned choice to join the team, then expended much effort to complete the transition.

        Then again, some of my ancestors amounted to “fleeing felons”. Heh. I turned out ok.

        1. My ancestors have been in the now-US for ~390 and ~280 years on each side.

          My ethnicity IS American.

          1. And I actually shook my sandals at them. Long story. It involved airport personnel who saw place of birth on an American passport and were giving me crap. Dan dragged me away. My dad was outside the barrier laughing. He’d apparently heard “I shake my sandals of the sand of your stupid little land.” Eh. I was wound up.

          2. Some of mom’s kin were on the third boat to land at Jamestown.

            And some of her kin were watching from shore when the first boat arrived. Heh.

            1. Same here. Called Ancient Planters. Went on to explore and settle multiple frontiers. On the other side G’Mas family has a town named after them founded in 1803. So American through and through.

              Sarah, My daughter is traveling to Lisbon this week for ten days. Have to say Dad is very concerned. She knows how to keep her head on a swivel. Couch surfed through Israel for thirty days a couple of years ago. But still…

            2. Mom’s side: Grampa Pete left Denmark in the 19-teens and worked at an ordnance plant during WW-1. Granma Pete’s ancestors were in the US at least since the mid 1700s. Her family joke was that her ancestors greeted the Indians who settled in the Midwest.

              Family history says one of Dad’s ancestors left England before TPTB caught him for stealing grain from a country squire. (He was supposed to feed the animals. They couldn’t prove it at the time, but he sent family to the States on one boat, sold the rest of the stolen grain and caught the next available boat. OTOH, there’s a famous minister elsewhere in that family tree.)

            3. Great Gramps Smith came over the Jolly Ole, and Great Grampa Kalishek came over from the Czechlands. So I’m just 3rd gen there Now the DuRoys and Gagnon folks were lurking about the continent for a bit longer time, though some of it in Canuckistan. I’d have to find Dad’s files but I know a few of the Gagnons were married to “squaws”, but I’m fairly sure it wasn’t any in my direct lineage. Great Gran DuRoy was an Apt and her family had been in the US for some time. Standard American Mutt, even with so many recent arrivals.

          3. Yup. My father’s side traces in North America to 1695 or so. Mom’s side predates the Revolution, at least in part. THIS is my country, my ancestors fought to make it so.

          4. ancestors have been in the now-US for ~390 and ~280 years on each side.

            Ditto. Can’t be anymore native after *400-ish years than the people who greeted my ancestors to the eastern seaside. Heck dad’s family has been in Oregon since 1843. Inserted a few more lately comers, if only because, for great-grandma all the marriage aged males were siblings, or first and second cousins (great-grandpa came from Scotland via Nova Scotia, then across Canada). My grandmother stated that all her classmates, until she went to normal school for teaching, were related. Dad and mom met at HS. Mom was a recent transplant, from Montana. While more than a few relatives still live in that area, they’ve spread out a lot more, and there has been a lot of influx of, new blood.

            (*) At the May 2023 graveyard clean up, aunt brought up 2 things. 1) she needs a younger person who is interested in historical research to take up the family keeper of records. (Someone did express interest.) 2) The east coast branch was interested in a big family to do because approaching a huge “in America” milestone. Either 400 or 425 years. The private (much larger) historical cemetery on the east coast was mentioned.

      3. The pro-Pali demos in Toronto have been very small, very quiet, and very condemned by the Lefty politicians. Olivia Chow, the NDP mayor of Toronto, called them out as terrorists.

        When you look at the media pictures, the media is doing the old trick of bunching everybody together to make it look like a huge crowd. Toronto blogs have been very helpful, taking wide shots of the little knot of a-holes in the middle of Nathan Phillips Square. Also taking pictures of the many communist flags, which is who those demonstrators really are.

        Of particular note in the wider world is the following. Playboy Inc. [purveyors of rude pictures and video since 1960] officially fired Mia Khalifa and kicked her off their platform for supporting Hamas on Saturday. To date, September 10th, the Ivy League universities have fired -zero- people for supporting Hamas.

        Pornographers and peddlers of smut have more moral conviction and backbone than the Ivy League universities.

        I will further note at this time that the usual Chinese bot farmers and assorted camel dung salesmen have yet to notice anything untoward has occurred. Or yet to mention, at any rate. Always interesting, when the dogs don’t bark.d

      4. The NYU Law School’s student bar association president wrote a piece for the weekly periodical expressing support for Hamas.

        She has since had her offer of employment with a law firm revoked.

        1. had her offer of employment with a law firm revoked.

          What! There are consequences? Who’d thunk it? 😉 /sarcasm off

      5. Reports on Twitter of memorial services/protests for, “the martyrs of Palestine,” at multiple universities. Don’t know how big but disgusting at any size.

    2. IIRC, they DID show up in Sturgis… and refused to enter the town without a police escort. Which they needed… because one of their number deliberately kicked over someone’s bike. The cops managed to whisk them to safety before they could be torn limb from limb. Alas….

    3. Even is not so free states like Illinois. BLM in Chicago made noises about “we’re coming for you down state next!” The response “Come on down. We got plenty of pig farms”.

      Surprisingly, BLM stayed up in the Cook County area.

      1. Everyone knows what happened in a part of Portland. Not entirety of Portland. But happened. So then, what happened in Eugene? There was something downtown, got out of hand around Jefferson Street bridge and 6th. About that. The homeless took exception. Otherwise there was a march down River Road from Beltline. All of two people. Traffic was driving by pointing and cat calling. Not all HS students.

        1. Flyover Falls had a very peaceful St. George of Fentanyl march. The BLM crowd was seriously out numbered and overwhelmingly outgunned. They took the hint.

          (OTOH, Antifa and the like set several fires, one pretty bad. I suspect they won’t do that again–they really pissed off the local tribes, and these are people who know how to use fire as a weapon…)

          1. really pissed off the local tribes

            Ouch. Making the local reservation tribes pissed does not ensure a happy long life.

          2. our St. Fentanyl protest was 3 people, pastey white, one teenish-low20’s, tow older (the parents?). Standing at the corner of Roosevelt and US41, they got a lot of “universal hand gestures” from passing traffic. The low numbered, but typically hard working black community here, pretty much ignored the whole thing.

        2. Coeur d’Alene had an impromptu gun show and plate-carrier mutual-admiration event, wherein all two of the black residents of the place also showed off their guns and plate carriers, while the civilized BLM protesters held a nice little peaceful sit-in at Winco, and the two Antifa cosplayers they managed to scrounge up sat on somebody’s doorstep looking depressed.

          That’s the way to have a Fentanyl Floyd Memorial March

    4. A small group of those twits showed up in Sturgis a cuppla back. The Police had to protect them as they were not too gently herded out of town.

  6. Part of the wake-up has to be the media telling us HAMAS are ‘Pore Oppressed Victims’ so anything they do is Holy and Right and you only say they’re atrocities because you’re an Eeevul RAAACISSST!! so you deserve to be murdered too.

    The media have beclowned themselves for years but now it’s so plain nobody can deny it.

  7. I went to Mass on Sunday and prayed for Israel, and prayed for my family, and my friends. We are instructed by the Lord to “be not afraid,” and I’m trying hard to obey. This is not easy right now.

    1. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

    2. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

        1. Another good example why one should frequently read the Service Manual that He so thoughtfully provided.

          Calling that help line frequently is also productive.

  8. Saw a link over at Instapundit to a piece saying that the residents of the Gaza Strip have come to the belated realization that this time Hamas might have gone too far. Of course, that was only after the initial jubilation and celebration.

    But we’ll see. I’m certain that many in places of power are already considering how best to talk the Israeli government into pulling back.

    On a personal note, I’d been keeping my (California low capacity) magazines unloaded at home. That changed last night.

    And on a local note – the 9th Circuit En Banc panel just released its order granting an injunction pending appeal of the decision in Miller v. Bonta, which overturned California’s law banning normal capacity magazines. The order granting the injunction was sparse, particularly on details of why the state might be successful on its appeal. The dissent was the exact opposite, with lots of words explaining why the state’s argument is nonsense.

    But my favorite bit was the concurrence of the dissent, in which the author notes that five of the justices on the en banc panel (which is the same panel that originally heard the en banc appeal; and all five are anti-2A) are senior, and therefore not allowed to serve on an en banc panel. 😛

    1. Magazine springs wear out from flexing cycles, not static compression within normal limits.

      I have never, ever experienced a mag failure from normal loading left loaded.

      Special case 1:

      For 1980s vintage GI 30 round M-16 mags, I found 28 worked best “for sure”. Every once in a while I found one that showed signs of sticky feeding with 30. 20s, down 1 to 19.

      GI mags of that era are ok, but not great. Modern high-qual are much better.

      Special case 2:

      Browning designed the 1911 mag to hold 7. Modern folk manage to jam 8 in the same box. See above with normal compression.

      I would never carry a 1911 with 8 in a flush-base mag. Ever. This is based in large part on advice from Pop, who carried one for 60 years, and -wore out- several in various forms of competition.

      Wore out, as in “frame unsalvagthings.

      He easily burned 20k or more rounds a year when active in various things.

      He wouldn’t load 8 in a mag for street.

      . . . . .

      So, best leave them loaded, and guard against bashed feed lips (like mag change practice – use practice mags for comp/practice, not carry mags.)

      1. As a kid I remember my Dad and I cleaning stuff out of the garage and coming across his WWII foot locker. Inside a web belt, holster, double mag carrier (with two full mags) and the .45 along with other stuff. We took the pistol out in the country rural area nearby – this is about 1967 – and shot up the two mags from the belt. They had been loaded and in there since 1946 and we had no misfires or issues. I still have the .45 and shoot it now and then. Yeah, I got new magazines for it but the two old originals are still around and shoot just fine.

      2. iirc those 80’s vintage mags all too often worked best at 28 when new, old or in between.
        I recall someone in one of the old rags writing about finding some very old fully loaded 1911 mags, 20+ years old and the things worked fine, quipping he had less issue with the set than an equal number from some of the modern suppliers. This would be back when in the late 90’s.

    2. I’ve tried to find the opinion, and getting other parts of the case in the search results. Could you give me a link to the decision(s), and particularly the concurrence? My DDG-fu is failing me today.

      1. Always go to the forums at first for any information related to guns in California

        Here’s the link to the injunction pending appeal –

        Click to access gov.uscourts.ca9.345123.10.0.pdf

        Judge Nelson’s concurrence with the dissent (the fun bit I mentioned above) starts on page 7, and is fairly short. The dissent proper starts on page 9, and runs through page 43.

        The majority’s opinion is a joke, when all is said and done. And that’s not hyperbole. It basically amounts to, “A lot of districts are hearing cases on this matter, so therefore the state has a high chance of succeeding. And bad things will happen immediately if the injunction is lifted.” But that’s hardly a surprise. It’s pretty well understood right now that the reason why the en banc panel swooped in and grabbed the case before a three judge panel could hear it is because the three judge panel that would have heard it would have ruled against the state. Two of the three judges who would have been assigned have been figured out (their names have been spotted on orders issued last month), and both of them are known pro-2A judges (one of them, in fact, was apparently part of the original three judge panel that ruled against the state when this case went through its first appeal).

        Washington Gun Law has put up a short video on the majority “opinion” here –

        He hasn’t read through the dissents yet, so he’ll post videos on those tomorrow.

  9. One thing to remember, folks…take ANY reporting on this war right now with a grain of salt. Look at all the BS that’s come from both sides on the Ukraine-Russia war since that started, Snake Island, the “Ghost of Kiev,” the Moskva sinking due to “technical issues”…and on and on and on. Do I believe Israeli sources over Hamas? Yeah, generally. But atrocity propaganda is a time-honored tradition and was weaponized as far back as World War I where the yellow press loved to print stories about soldiers crucified on barn doors and such, the vast majority of which turned out to be false.

    I don’t believe for one second that Hamas isn’t committing terrible atrocities whenever they’re able. They are. It’s in their nature. It’s in their beliefs that it’s justified to do so. Just use your brain when reading some of the stories coming out of there now, note the source, and adjust accordingly.

      1. I know, which shows just how incredibly evil and stupid they are. They’re proud of what they’re doing. My note was more about sources like The Guardian and Al Jazeera that we know are going to spin things in a greatly pro-Hamas direction and downplay things like all the video of the music festival massacre.

        (Also, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, blah blah blah. But we’ve been taking those with entire licks of salt for decades.)

        1. ABC, CNN, et al., are the ones who have been reporting on the mass murders including children.

          On a substack I follow, the totally blackpilled, don’t-trust-anything, conspiracy types† are saying things like “why would the authorities be letting us see things like that, hm? what do they get out of it, hm?” [eyeroll]


          1. Oh yeah. They really did. The Guardian is filled with teddy-bear-in-the-rubble pics of Gaza where those meanie Jews killed the nice people.

            Meanwhile, I’m trying not to see any more pics of rape/murder victims from non-media blog posts, originally posted by Hamas no less, bragging how brave and noble their fighters are.

            This is not acceptable. This is now -personal-.

          2. MSDNC is aligning with the monsters too. This is gonna burn the Democrats and they deserve the damage.

          3. Al Jaz was formed to be aligned with the monsters. It’s been the Pravda for the Mid-East shite stains from day one, so them being on the side of Hamas, Hezbola (rhymes with ebola) et al, is expected. I’d be shocked if they were not on the side of evil on this. The Gruniad, on the other hand, Corbinized and using the Al Jaz stringers for their reporting know full well the evil they are siding with. Can’t say it is a surprise they’ve not gone ‘false neutral’ and toned it back, but they had the option. Too late now.

      2. Yes, but.

        Both sides lie.

        This is a certainty in war.

        So yes, be skeptical of anything sensational. We know the good guys. But since “all war is deception” even ours lie. Hollywood made shickelgruber appear to dance, yes?

        Wait a few days anyway, with any sensational news. You avoid a great deal of “whoops” that way.

    1. Look at all the BS that’s come from both sides on the Ukraine-Russia war since that started, Snake Island, the “Ghost of Kiev,”

      UA was the one who started debunking the pro-UA propaganda within the first few days of the war.

      As with Israel/Hamas, there is no moral equivalence here.

  10. When America was being ripped apart by riots in 2020 because a black man had died of fentanyl overdose in police custody, and blacks were looting and murdering, what support did Israel show for white Americans then?

    1. Why would Israel meddle in the BLM riots? That’d be like the US intervening in the riots in the Parisian banlieues.

          1. at a guess some place very delusional, where Israel is supposed to protect white Americans from the mostly white people in antifa and BLM who were mostly burning down poor black areas.
            I don’t know. Don’t ask me to explain it.

              1. The Reader intends on printing a couple of poster size versions of that and leaving them on certain porches. The message needs to be personal.

              2. So, BLM is standing with the terrorists who murdered at least 14 (at last count) Americans.

                That makes BLM a terrorist organization in my book, and subject to all anti-terror laws. I’m not going to hold my breath for the DHS or DoJ to do their job.

    2. I am sure that Israel assumed that we WANTED that to happen since WE, the American people, and OUR police, and OUR politicians did jack shyte about it. If the American people had wanted to stop those riots, it would have been over with in a week. Please take your Jew hatred to another forum. Is Stormfront still available? )Just kidding, really )

    3. What does one have to do with another?

      The BLM riots were by one group of citizens. What’s happening to Israel is an external attack.

      Now go back to Stormfront where you came from.

        1. Yep, turned around indeed. 360 degrees. Two faces of the same retarded coin, as different as Communist and National Socialist. IOW, damn near identical. A pox on both their houses.

    4. What were they supposed to do? Send troops to put down the riots our own police were forbidden to interfere with? Send us weapons? That’s a ridiculous comparison, trying to equate a military attack with civil unrest by paid agitators.

      Do you have any idea what the population difference between the US and Israel is? Do you know what the economic difference between the US and Israel is? Were you actually following the news out of Israel during the Summer of Burning Love to have the least clue whether or not they wished to show us ‘support’? If they had made an offer of help, do you think for a second the lefty media would have let us know about it?

    5. Er…. WHAT?
      The people being burned out of their neighborhoods were black Americans.
      And what support COULD Israel show?
      Are you demented or just fucking stupid, pardon my French.

    6. Free country, free. to express your opinion. Since you did so as a query the politest reply I can give is I do not think it’s germane and that the query is rather silly.

    7. Why would Israel need to show support for only white Americans then? It was black neighborhoods being destroyed.
      America wasn’t being “ripped apart.”

      Are you suggesting Gaza is in fact part of Israel, then?

      Your racism and barbarism isn’t welcome here. Or anywhere civilized.

    8. Well, I was wondering what the most braindead thing I’d see today would be, and you managed to clinch it.

      And understand, it was looking like a tight race today, but damned if you didn’t manage to blow them all away right at the end.

    9. If you run the same routine I have observed elsewhere under that handle, you are going to find the crowd here decidedly less … charming.

    10. Yep, you’re all about minding our own business. Strictly libertarian, right?

      Except… what about that $6 billion Iranian handout?

      You “America shouldn’t waste money supporting Israel” types never met a deal with Israel’s enemies you didn’t like. Give a paltry amount of foreign aid to Israel–which is less because Israel needs it, and more to show we have skin in the game–and it’s the gravest violation of freedom ever. Give money to their enemies for terrorism, and cancelling the deal means you have dual loyalty.

  11. My suggestions: 1. Nuke Hamas. Nuke Gaza, Nuke Iran. Leave not a blade of grass intact.
    The references from Deuteronomy 7 and Deuteronomy 20, and Joshua- in which God commanded the annihilation of those who hated and warred against His people – were a warning to the people of God that the existence of those, would pose a never ending threat to them; yet the other tribes were not, in fact, obliterated, and they had to be warred against numerous times in the years ahead. Israel has TRIED being The Nice Guy, the Compassionate and Understanding Guy, and appeasing pure evil, many times in the past. The fruits of their diplomacy may now be seen laying in the streets in messes of congealed blood, splinters of bone and bits of tissue.
    2. KEEP YOUR RIFLE / RIFLES clean, properly lubed and fully loaded, with extra magazines close at hand.. Pistols are OK for your car and carry on your person but the rifle is king when facing terrorists

    1. While I agree with the sentiment, having done nuclear weaponeering in a past life, not a practical solution Gaza. (Tehran on the other hand…)

    2. Sadly gun ownership in Israel is very low, except for ex-military. Yet another reason why the 2nd Amendment’s protection of the fundamental right to bear arms is so vital. It is also precisely why the 2nd Amendment does in fact protect the right to bear “weapons of war”. One suspects that one of the aftermaths of the Hamas attack will be more widespread gun ownership in Israel.

        1. There has been an order to expand personal gun ownership, releasing many limits (but the remaining limits are still quite strict)

      1. “…except for ex-military.” I may be mistaken, but IIRC nearly every adult in Israel is either military (currently serving) or ex-military (reserves).

    1. Yep. She organized the kibbutz version of “rooftop Koreans”, but made it kinetic. I salute her.

  12. On the topic of news sources, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is a good source of accurately translated Arabic social media and news sources. It’s always fun to see how the sources translate their own stuff into more pabulum-sounding things for English-speaking Western audiences…

      1. The waiting is always the worst part; ask any soldier or Marine. Until the waiting is over, that is…

  13. Yeah, I saw that one too. But “kill the men and the children, capture and/or rape the women” goes back to hunter-gatherer times.

    1. It appears in lots of other mammalian species. Lions in particular are known to kill all the cubs when they take over a pride, so the lionesses will come into heat. But ISTR reading something about male chimpanzees (humanity’s next of kin) doing something similar at the end of a war between two communities. So it’s possible it’s coming from something deeper than the cultural, and civilization has to work hard to force it to sink down.

  14. I do dearly hope that someone is capturing all the images of barbarians bragging about their atrocities on social media, cataloging them, for eventual…ah.. discussions. I don’t think they remember what happened to the planners of the 72 Olympics massacre over the following decade or so. I’m sure Mossad still has that playbook on the shelf.

    1. Several of the individual terrorists, including one with the body of the German girl, have been identified by name. And that’s just on Twitter; I’m sure the Mossad and Shin Bet are way ahead on that game.

      1. I saw that fat guy had been identified, still wearing the same frigging shirt and pants as in his farcebook page.

        They really don’t understand civilized men, these terrorists. Not a tiny bit.

    2. The biggest problem will be sourcing a decent .22 pocket pistol. The Mossad favored Beretta 70s or 71s with suppressors. In .22 LR. Five rounds in the chest, five in the head, then walk away.

      1. A simple .22 revolver, loaded with .22 Short rounds is fairly quiet. Over city traffic, it may go unnoticed.

        CCI sells .22LR rounds loaded to “short” velocity, with 3-piece prefragmented projectiles. Their label is “Quiet”.

        Suitable for control of small pests.

        1. They do; I had a brick of them for “special occasions” until the canoeing accident. But they aren’t especially quiet from a pistol; they’re quiet(er) from a rifle because the powder is consumed in the first 10-12″ (IIRC) of barrel, and there’s much less muzzle blast.

          1. Odd, they are markedly quieter than the cheap “high-velocity” stuff out of my revolver. Not sayng silent, just easily masked wiht traffi cnoise in urgan environments. Easily mistaken for backfire or other non-gun noise.

            Especially comapred to, say, a .357 Magnum.

            And yes, out of longer-brarreld rifles, the hammer fall is audible over the “POP”. I have also observed shorts getting stuck in 24″ barrels, so dont carry things too far.

            If you can arrange a non-threat loud noise, you can easily mask more useful sounds. Say, for squirrel eradication inside city limits.

            There are also various very powerful air rifles with built in mufflers. The .22 version approaches .22LR performance. Again, for pest control, say.

            1. Crosman makes those, as well as .25 and even .357.

              And they’re airguns, so you can have them shipped to your house.

              1. Yes, and they make even bigger ones; I believe .45 is the largest currently available, and some rival the .357 Mag for muzzle energy. The Lewis and Clark expedition carried, and used, air arms in “deer and obstreporous native” caliber, so it’s not exactly cutting-edge.

  15. I’m on my guard, but I live in a relatively rural area. But I think the most likely attack scenarios in the USA are terrorists shooting up large gatherings, and truck bombs. Wearing a sidearm whenever possible is highly advised. Shoot for the head…you cannot assume these punks aren’t wearing explosive vests.

        1. Spoiler to a 1989 book (also a movie merely bearing the same name and an occasional plot point), they succeeded in nuking the Super bowl in Denver (Though yield was NOT as high as intended). Indeed large gatherings (Football especially) have often been theorized as targets in a variety of media (e.g. Black Sunday from 1977). Given the Las Vegas shooting and this being in the zietgeist I’m surprised we haven’t seen something like the attack on the Rave that was part of this before.

  16. I have multiple thoughts about this.

    First I asked myself “What lead to this happening?”. A question most people are incapable of asking themselves. One tribe fighting another tribe in the Middle East has been going on for thousands of years, so I am not surprised. The brutality is also not surprising, trying to apply Western standards is foolish. Living in the Gaza Strip is a bad idea, it ranks right up there with the Free Staters who talked about getting Wyoming to secede. It put the people there under the thumb of a government that, at the very least, is not friendly. US foreign policy being so dysfunctional probably encouraged this to happen. And there is a lot of profit to be made on a war like this and on the reconstruction afterwards. While I don’t approve of this war, I can understand how it came to be.

    Second, there are a number of members of Congress who are Israeli citizens. This creates a huge conflict of interest. Ask yourselves how bad the outcry would have been if members of Congress had been Russian or Ukrainian citizens when the Russians invaded again. Also, don’t forget what ethnic group controls lots of the media. I have been noticing quite a few headlines that are flat out propaganda with a small kernel of truth and lots of linguistic manipulation.

    Third, I don’t think this was a surprise to certain people in power. Just like Pearl Harbor wasn’t a surprise to people high up in the US government. I think they let this happen to generate enough outrage that it becomes politically practical to wipe out and take over more of the territory currently held by the Palestinians. The reasons given for taking over territory in the past generally had to do with “national security”, which while not technically false, were excuses for expansionism. As a side note, this is a significant part of the reason Russia gave for taking over Crimea and why they are now invading Ukraine even more now.

    Fourth, putting the Gaza Strip under siege will likely kill a number of non-combatant civilians. Killing more women and children is a bad thing. Killing them from cholera and other other formerly common diseases will harden many people’s hearts against Israel, which may extend the conflict.

    Fifth, I’m worried about this escalating. If a nuke was smuggled into Israel and detonated by any power that is hostile to the US we could wind up in a much larger war that would, at the very minimum, reduce our peacekeeping capabilities in other parts of the world.

    It’s a real mess. I’m just trying to ask what happens “If This Goes On”. I think war is a bad thing, but I have also read the essay “Violence is Golden”. I don’t see any feasible solution that does not involve significantly more loss of life and destruction of property.

    1. “First I asked myself “What lead to this happening?””

      I used to wonder about stuff like that, because I believed that knowing what happened and why it happened could prevent it in the future.

      But I no longer believe that to be true. Knowing what happened to the spree killer and knowing why he kills WILL NOT STOP HIM. Even worse, knowing all that will not stop others from becoming spree killers in future.

      Gaza is a population that generates spree killers. It doesn’t matter why, anymore. Knowing that won’t change anything. They declared war on Israel. War to the knife. War of rape and pillage, war on civilians, war on their very religion. This is not a police action. This is War.

      So now, there is a war. It doesn’t matter why. Israel must fight it. They must win it. Or they’ll die.

      That’s it. So we, at our leisure, may ponder these things, but in fact none of it matters a damn.

      1. What led to this?

        We told them “If you give Iran $6 billion, they will fund terrorism.”

        They thumbed their noses at us. Then they said “it hasn’t been spent yet.” Of course then we had to teach them the word fungible because the new $6 billion freed up other money to fund the terrorism. And the idiot Biden regime still won’t freeze the $6 billion again.


        Their shitheaded arrogance of “being able to ‘work’ with Iran is repulsive.

        Oh and apparently Iran sympathizers have infiltrated our oh so glorious ‘intelligence’ agencies.

        I’m getting really sick of pointing out to the Demoncrats what will result from their actions, only to have them laugh it off, and then watch stunned as exactly what we predicted happens!!!!

        1. That is absolutely one of the things that enabled this fight at this time. Another factor is the hatred of one group for the other. That level of hatred when given the resources to do violence is a very ugly thing. Lots of dehumanization of one group by another group, which there are numerous examples of throughout history. It is bad and I hope more people can learn to recognize this sort of thing before violence breaks out.

            1. This time. I suppose I was trying to make the larger point that this has happened before between other groups and it is not just limited to Palestinian Arabs. There are multiple efforts in the West to dehumanize one group or another that has led to deaths. A fairly small number so far, but people are being killed. I really hope we can head some of these other efforts before thousands or tens of thousands of people are killed.

              1. As for Europe, sure. Whatever. But I don’t think the dehumanization led to deaths. Real issues led to deaths, the dehumanization was just part of the monkey dance.

              2. Yep. The left in America aren’t calling Trump supporters deplorable, irredeemable, and worthy of re-education for nothing.

                Hillary asked “what will it take to separate Trumps supporters from him”. This has been their desire all along, and they’re getting pissed off enough now to propose really interesting things that also happen to first require a heaping dish of dehumanization to pull off…

                1. Three examples?
                  Russians casting Ukrainians as Nazis
                  The Feds casting “white supremacists” as the greatest threat to America
                  Vaxxers casting anti-vaxxers as not being worthy of living.

          1. Because it is EASY, because it makes them look like they care when they don’t, and because they look like they’re Doing Something For Peace when in fact they are doing nothing for peace, but mostly because it gives them such golden opportunities to steal.

            That’s why. 😡

            I am so pissed this week, it is making my neck ache.

      2. I just have to say that I am heartily sick of the “wars start because the Military Industrial Complex wants to make money” theory and its correlates. Sometimes wars start due to accidents, or events that spiraled out of control, and sometimes they start because one group just hates another group and wants to kill them and take their land. Rarely, rarely, if ever, and I can’t think of an example at all, do wars start because of shadowy “malefactors of great wealth”, in FDR’s spectacularly dumb phrase.

        The joke in the History department at Williams was, “in high school you learn that the US joined WW1 because of unrestricted submarine warfare; in college you learn that it was due to economic forces and domestic political intrigues; and in grad school you learn that, nope, it was actually unrestricted submarine warfare after all.”

        People invoke the Illuminati Freemasons Papists interlocking trusts Joooos Military Industrial Complex because they want to feel sophisticated in their black-pill contrarian nihilism.

    2. I don’t even…

      I’ll just note that the “Pearl Harbor was intended by the US government” crap has been thoroughly and repeatedly debunked over the decades. My favorite comment on it was the one made by Gorden Prange (and referenced here by me just a few days ago, oddly enough) in a follow-up edition of his book, “At Dawn We Slept”. He stated that people had asked him why he didn’t include the theory in his book on the Pearl Harbor attack, and his response was that the claim was just so utterly and completely ridiculous that he didn’t realize anyone actually believed it.

      As for the rest… no.

      1. There’s a lot of people pushing that Pearl Harbor crap the last couple of days. It makes me wonder if they’re connected to the “The Holocaust Was A Lie” people.

        Those f*ckers are having a big fun time since Saturday. I’ve been keeping a list.

        1. At least it’s a change of pace from “9/11 was an inside job” and “the CIA/Mafia/LBJ killed JFK” conspiracy theories.

          1. As a connoisseur of conspiracy theory, I can out-hipster the standard ones:

            “You think the moon landing was fake, but still believe in the moon?”
            7/11 was an inside job.
            Or if you prefer something visual, Bubba Ho-Tep is a comedy movie whose premise is JFK and Elvis in a retirement home.

      2. The logic behind the “the government knew the Pearl Harbor attack was coming but didn’t warn them because FDR wanted to get us into the war” is completely bogus. There was no need to leave the base unprepared in order to get the US into the war. That the Japanese attacked was entirely sufficient. There was no need to deliberately lose the battle for that. Had the Japanese run into prepared defenses and the battle had been a bit less one-sided (The Japanese would probably have still accomplished a lot of their objectives, all things considered) we still would have had plenty of justification for a declaration of war.

        1. There’s also a claim that FDR stuck the fleet at Pearl Harbor specifically to bait the Japanese into attacking it. I also find that one absurd.

          1. Exactly. Given the prevailing theories of Naval brass at the time, had this been the case, the Carriers would have been in port and the BBs at sea.

      3. I recall someone, postwar, going over all the intercepts looking for ANY real hint of things. He didn’t find one. That is, Imperial Japan practiced good OPSEC. FDR had many failings, “knowingly allowing Pearl Harbor” was, however, not one of them.

      4. Get a copy of John Tolland’s “Infamy.” It is enlightening. No one has even attempted to debunk him.

        1. Maybe no one thought it worth the time to go over everything he claimed? But at least a partial debunking of him has taken place, as there’s a refutation of one of his claims on the Wikipedia page about the conspiracy theory.

          1. They knew he had the goods. He got the radio traffic from the Navy. The Navy was quite cooperative. He also interviewed the people in Naval Communications that saw and handled the traffic. He had the goods and people knew Tolland had the goods. They knew they would be wasting their time as a result. Tolland was no crank.

            1. /sigh

              So I tracked down info on what appears to be the radio traffic that you mention. IIRC, “Seaman Z” (who was later identified, but that’s not really germane to this discussion) stated that there was chatter suggesting that some unidentified ships were on an odd course, and later came to the conclusion that Hawaii was the most likely destination. He also stated that (contrary to the IJN’s own records) there was a radio burst from at least one of the mystery ships at one point, confirming that someone was out there. He informed his superior that ships appeared to be headed toward Hawaii, and said superior stated that he would notify a contact of his who was highly placed in the FDR administration (and whose name I can’t remember).

              Pearl Harbor didn’t get warned. Which means… what, exactly? Is there more evidence? Or is the plot jumping straight from “We passed along a warning, and nothing happened,” to “there was a conspiracy not to warn Pearl Harbor”?

              1. You are trying to make Tolland sound like an idiot. He wasn’t. He documented what he said with the message traffic and the people that handled it. That included the 14 point message which FDR discussed himself. He knew what it meant.

                1. No, I’m TRYING to find out what the evidence was. All you do is drop hints about it without bothering to explain anything. What 14 points? When were they discussed? What did FDR say? You keep mentioning topics as if I should know what you’re talking about.

                    1. I have much more pressing things to spend my money on. I’m not inclined to buy it just to satisfy my curiosity about a conspiracy theory that I find extremely absurd.

                    2. Then, you stick with the absurdity of what you have already swallowed. Thousands died because the people in DC did not order the Fleet to sea when they knew the Japs had already determined on war. You’re much too gullible.

                    3. Perhaps you have unlimited funds to spend on every last book in the Amazon catalogue. I, on the other hand, do not. If I were to tell you that a particular book proved that Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks beforehand, I suspect you would have a very similar attitude as the one that I’m displaying right now. I hope that at the very least, if you were open-minded enough to ask for the outline of the evidence, I would either be forth-coming, or could direct you toward a free source that could provide that information.

                      I have asked about the basic details of the evidence you claim Tolland provides, and have received nothing from you.

                      So yes, I will continue to call this Pearl Harbor conspiracy theory absurd. Why would I do otherwise, under the circumstances?

          2. There is much wrong with the Wiki article. Just one example was the claim that Turner forbade the 14th Naval District from doing cryptanalysis. Turner had no authority to give such an order. Much else in the article is simple BS. Tolland deals wit the issues in the book while Wiki just ignores most of the problems with their assertions.

            1. That’s generally true for Wikipedia and ANY politically charged topic — which these days is anything.

    3. Since you find yourself so uncertain, it’s a good thing that no one (so far as I know) is actually asking your advice about actions to be taken at this time.

    4. Non-combatants already catch the brunt of stuff. Too damn bad. Maybe Hamas and their backers should have thought of that before deciding to shoot babies in their carriers and attacking a “music festival for peace.”

      Nothing ever ends unless and until the aggressors decide that it’s no longer worth it.

      As for your little conspiracy theory BS, and your deep ignorance (and I mean this in the sense of lack of knowledge. Hamas adherents would argue with you about “two tribes in the Middles East,” for one thing), that’s too risible to even be worth addressing.

    5. You start with:

      A question most people are incapable of asking themselves.

      And then end with:

      I don’t see any feasible solution that does not involve significantly more loss of life and destruction of property.

      These bookends are the only parts of your post which actually matter, and are the root of your problem.

      What you interpret as people being incapable of considering, is actually that everyone has understood your conclusion for years and thus does not need to address it. That you have only just now gotten to that point is not their failing.

      Congratulations: the achievement of adulthood is something which should be celebrated, no matter how late in life it may occur.

    6. You think that Congresscritters having Israeli citizenship is the problem?

      Congresscritters having any foreign citizenship is the problem.

      We have an Azerbaijani caucus in the US Congress, for Pete’s sake.

      If you want to propose that no federal employee including Congresscritters be allowed to hold federal office if they have any foreign citizenship, I’m right there with you.

      If you want to limit that to just “holding Israeli citizenship”, you’re nuts and have absolutely no idea what the scope of the problem actually is.

      1. I’m afraid that would take a Constitutional amendment; it’s the only way to modify the rules regarding Congressional membership. How about doing just that, but make it, for Congress and for all Federal offices, “Must be a US citizen, and have been so for no less than 10 years”. That would also take care of the Omars and her ilk (is Tlaib a citizen?) who are cheering Hamas.

        If we had access to Piper’s “polyencephalographic veridicator” it would be a nice addition to the loyalty oath… 🙂

      2. One problem with that is that not all countries recognize citizenship repudiation. The individual might no longer consider himself a citizen of Pinelandia, but the Pineland government may disagree.

        1. In which case he should treat any instructions from the Pineland government as attempted espionage and report it as such.

      3. Whoa, I never said that I wanted it to only apply to citizens of Israel. It’s just that there are a number of them in Congress and Israel is currently in a war. Just imagine the outrage if there was a Russian or Ukrainian citizen in Congress when Russia invaded Ukraine again.

  17. I’ll add that what worries me the most is the Amphibious Ready Group centered around USS Bataan. They’re in the Persian Gulf…which is not a good place to be in a shooting war. There’s not much room to set up a defense in depth, and Iran might decide to take a shot at them.

    1. I’m still wondering about the two carrier groups being sent to the Eastern Med. Now hearing this I’ll add them as a third, or even more likely, bait.

      I don’t Xi Bi Den planned or knew about this, but I hear about US forces moving in with no yet defined mission and I’m reminded of FDR moving the fleet to Pearl.

      Ukraine isn’t the world war, but I can see them trying to turn this into it.

      And that’s not me saying “let them fight, we’ve got no dog in it.” It’s me worrying our response won’t be about protecting us but achieving a goal of general war it is clear the Cabal has wanted for some time.

      1. “I’m still wondering about the two carrier groups being sent to the Eastern Med. Now hearing this I’ll add them as a third, or even more likely, bait.”

        I suspect they will carry out the following scenarios in order:

        ELINT gathering / raid interdiction on any Israeli strike on Iran or it’s outside Gaza proxies. This will include tracking Israeli subs.
        Providing the gathered ELINT and sub tracking to Iran. Look for Iranian EW capabilities in jamming / spoofing Israeli sensors to get better.

        Somewhere along the way, expect the US / Iranian “leak” that let’s the world know what is happening. Netanyahu then either looks weak and ineffective, or he responds with a strike on Iran that the US ACTIVELY interdicts. There will probably be casualties on both sides.

        PS: I was out of town and away from e-mail.

  18. Re groups in the US going full stupid: “There will be no coordination between the various groups.”

    I dunno – I recall materializing pallets of bricks and suchlike mysteriously coordinated happenstances, all carefully ignored, not even debunked, by the media.

    I would presume it depends on how much time any brick-pallet-folks have to make contact with said hypothetically disgruntled barbarian groups, sufficiently convince them they are not Feds, and put in place any degree of coordination.

    Steep hill to climb, though, infiltrating insular family-connected hypothetically disgruntled Somalis in Minneapolis or Syrian Arabs in Detroit on a compressed schedule so one could help them “coordinate”, so likely Sarah is correct, the only coordination will be copycatting once the first ones fire off their social media “sharing”.

      1. I keep coming back to their belief that no matter what shape the revolution takes, they will be able to ride to their natural place at the top.

        Instead of their true destiny, as foretold by the prophet Douglas Adams, of being first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

        1. They always assume they will be a “top”, but they always find they are a “bottom”.

          1. Or they “do* end up at the top. The top of the pile of firewood, with the only thing higher being the top of the pole they’re tied to.

  19. The problem is they are coming for us, but I do not trust the current leadership in either party or the current senior brass to actually fight. Oh, throw some missiles and piss away 5-10k lives of soldiers who are deplorable anyway, sure.

    But engage in an existential war? They don’t believe in such things.

    They are more likely to go after those who defend themselves against the attacks by the guests they been begging to cross the open southern border.

    And that leaves us royally f**cked. I fear we’ll be fighting two enemies within when all is said and done.

    1. -their- problem is they are coming for us.


      Ours is sequence of response. Also, backhoe rental.

  20. Hoping things will remain calm here in the Midwest for the next four weeks. Conventions this weekend and next weekend, then a weekend off before the final one. When I finished loading our van this morning, I suddenly decided to grab our 7-watt and 13-watt solar arrays just in case of power disruptions, along with the small and mid-sized power banks that we always carry. Now I’m wishing I’d rearranged stuff until I could find space for the big power bank I just acquired and reconditioned, along with the three 20-watt arrays that literally arrived this morning.

    At this point, all I can do is hope for the best. At least we’re in smaller cities, most of which tend to conservative (KC is my biggest question mark). With luck the troublemakers will stay away.

  21. I think some people at headquarters delighted in sending people from lands without snow to places where snow remained on the ground for six months.

    This makes sense in an odd way, as was the opposite. The goal is to expand your horizons and that’s an easy way to do it.

  22. Reread Romans 1:18-32, which defines the wrath of God. He doesn’t destroy with earthquakes and lightning like in some morality play, he just stops defending those who reject Him from the consequences of their choices. Yes, there will be Divine “remodeling” done after the Judgement; but for now it seems He is showing mercy on those who may wake up and smell what is cooking.

    1. Exactly, and well-told in Ringo’s “Queen of Wands”; if you don’t support Him, He will abandon you. Your choice, as always.

  23. It seems the only thing the CIA, and FBI, can do is fix elections and spy and persecute their own citizens. Spot terror attacks and protect the people they are sworn to protect, not so much.

    1. Neither the CIA nor the FBI has jurisdiction in Israel, dude. Israel has a perfectly functional intelligence service of its own that tends to punch well above its nominal weight. In fact, it’s likely that this was a policy failure, not an intelligence failure. Most are.

      1. You’re right. They do. They also have a Deep State faction that hates Netanyahu just like ours does Trump. Would they deliberately refuse to deliver accurate intel no matter who dies? Yep. All of them.

  24. I saw that Fox News reporter nagging Tlaib (spit!) for a statement. I think she might have been trying to annoy the…Congresscritter into blurting out something like “They deserved it!”

    Seems some of them have juuussst enough awareness to not openly admit their support for Ham-Ass, while still not daring to say anything remotely critical. Jellyfish mock them for being spineless.

    1. Except that she still has a Pali flag hung outside her office; a visual statement of “They deserved it”.

      1. She also has a pride flag…bit of cognitive dissonance, or left-wing virtue signaling?
        And someone hung a poster showing one of the Jews missing and presumably a hostage right next to her Palestinian flag.

        1. Cognitive dissonance or leftist virtue signaling? As has been noted several; times here over the years, embrace the power of “and”. 🙂

  25. Here we go again…

    And what Biden had to say –

    “For those [Americans] who desire to leave [Israel], commercial flights and ground options are still available.”

    Of course, as Lauren Boebert pointed out in a tweet, nearly all commercial flights in Israel are cancelled right now due to the rather dangerous situation. And ground options? Where exactly are you supposed to go when you’re leaving Israel by ground!? The only neighboring country I’d even consider traveling through at the moment without being part of a heavily armed convoy is Egypt. And even that would be something I’d think very carefully about.

    1. Let Sloe Joe and Kam-ILL-a and the squad/gang/whatever all go and look for themselves up nice and close. The Secret Service should, of course, go on holiday for the Duration.

    2. I think you could get out through Jordan. Last I looked, the Jordanians were allowing travelers from Israel. You could get out through Egypt, but would not want to travel through the Sinai with a US passport in my possession.

      1. Jordan has a large Palestinian population. AFAIK, they’ve been fairly quiet for a while now. But any concentrated group of Palestinians should probably be avoided by Americans abroad at the moment.

    3. The cousins of an old friend of ours just left Israel via a flight to Turkey, and apparently are now back in California. Of course that’s kind of like going from Minas Tirith besieged by Sauron to the Shire under Saruman’s dominion . . .

    1. Oh heavens the Stupid it BURNS. To borrow from Bob Dylan “You’re an idiot babe its a wonder you still know how to breathe”.

      1. “L2 Tregonsee, there’s a delegation of Zabriskan fontema in the lobby; they object to being considered barely intelligent in a Cosmic All that contains…. THAT.”

        1. And the worst part is that she(they? it?) is apparently a teacher. Also, her profile reads like a what’s-what of incredibly idiotic free-association.

        2. The Fontema delegation’s issues are clearly justified. I’ll ask Mentor if there is a reason such stupidity should exist. I expect a bunch of guff about the Cosmic All…

    1. “Educators” or critics, perhaps, like the one who got, and deserved, this response from an author?

      “No, you fscking moron, I meant that the curtains are blue!”

  26. I share Sarah’s sense of growing dread. I tend to remember stuff, so all the little disconnected data points began to form a picture that I really didn’t understand until I heard Yuri. Since then every time something happens its, “Check. Check. Check.” I am surprised the Boogaloo hasn’t kicked off already.

    Then there’s Gil Bailie’s “Violence Unveiled” – beautifully written – that provided a deeper framework. The “rough beast slouching towards Bethlehem to be born” is always the spiritual brother of Herod’s bully boys. Always human sacrifice by another name with a ‘different’ but identical pretext, always a repudiation of the One Sacrifice.

    Leading in to the 2020 selection coup my prayer has been returning, “Its not going to turn out the way you expect.” Indeed it has not.

    I am scared spitless. Strength is perfected in weakness, the Good Book says. Good news, guys! We got weakness. My strength is a fart in the wind, but I will triumph so long as I remain situationally aware and faithful to Him who is my strength and salvation.

  27. More shifting, not all for the good.

    His comment about ethic cleansing is one I’m hearing a lot (and have made myself). That’s a shift.

    It’s probably a necessary on in this narrow circumstance.

    But at the tail end of at least 60 years of concentrated, conscious effort to create and amplify ethnic divisions throughout the West and importing massive populations already fine with ethnic conflict I worry if the seal is broken in Gaza there is no way that mindset won’t spread. If it does and any spark sets things off: immigrants wilding as Sarah suggested, another George Floyd, or even three racists dragging someone behind their pick-up the solution I think about when very angry may become the zietgiest.

  28. In Nevada you need a permit to concealed carry but Nevada has reciprocity with most of the western states including NM AZ and TX. Open carry does not require a permit.

  29. I expect the response from the Biden (Obama?) Administration will be to bomb the Militants with more pallets of cash to keep them quiet since its worked so well the last three times they did it.

    One quibble- The press is doing what it has always done. The New York Times did a fine job of hiding the slaughter of innocents, mostly Jews, in WWII. The stripes remain the same. In fact I perused their headlines this week and one would have thought Israel had attacked Hamas.

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