On Being An Imaginary Creature

I was born female in a country that was profoundly patriarchal and, back then, patriarchal without guilt. So, it was acceptable to make jokes about women being dumber than men. And it was acceptable for teachers to assume you were dumb because female.

Most of these things amused me. It was always fun in mixed classes after the first test to watch the teacher look at my test and at the boys in the class trying to figure out what parent was so cruel as to name their son a girl’s name.

I enjoyed breaking people’s minds. And once I was known in a group or place, I was not treated as inferior. The only things that truly annoyed me were the ones I thought were arbitrary restrictions, like not going out after 8 pm alone. Took flaunting them a few times to find out they weren’t arbitrary. Or rather, they were arbitrary but since culture-wide flaunting was dangerous, and I was lucky not to pay for the flaunting with life or limb.

Yes, I went through a phase of screaming that I was just as good as any man. Then realized it was true and stopped screaming it.

Then got married and had kids, and realized I was just as good but different. I could do things men couldn’t do. Parenthood is different as a woman. And none of it mattered to my worth, just like being short and having brown hair doesn’t make me inferior to tall blonds. Just different.

And even though I’m a highly atypical woman, at the beginning of my sixth decade, I find myself completely at peace with the fact I am a woman and not apologetic at all for it.

Imagine my surprise when I found out women don’t exist. There’s only man and non-man.

This nonsense, from here, has got to stop. When you get so “inclusive” you’re excluding an entire biological sex (but curiously not the other) you might want to re-evaluate your principles. Also, your sanity.

Yes, I know, saying this makes me a TERF, which is nonsense. Maybe a TERNF, since I’ve not called myself a feminist since I was 18 and realized feminism aimed for making women “win” at men’s expense. It wasn’t aiming for equality but for “equity” and since I never needed a movement to outcompete males, I decided it was spinach and to h*ll with it.

Also I’m not trans-exclusionary. If women don’t exist, what the heck are men who are trans trans TO? Non-man? Uh… what? What are drag queens imitating? Is it just non-man?

Dylan Mulvaney is a TERF, since he keeps referring to his “days of girlhood.”

Look, Portugal was sexist and patriarchal. It assumed I was less because I lacked a penis. It told me there were professions and fields of knowledge I shouldn’t try because I was born female. It told me that men would always outcompete me.

This was annoying — and they were largely wrong — but I could overcome it.

I’m not sure I can overcome this idea that I’m imaginary. Because when people get to the point of denying that women exist or are a sex of humanity, they might be too far gone to realize what they’ve become: Rank misogynists.

So, at the risk of shocking them: I exist. I’m a woman. My experience in life, and my experience in this body is bound up with being — in fact — a woman: a being born with female sexual organs and genetics, who experienced periods since the age of 11 and who could and did conceive and give birth.

I’m sorry if that’s terribly hurtful. I have nothing against adults who think they were born into the wrong body. If changing their body into a broad facsimile of a female’s brings them relief, so be it.

But what are they changing into if females don’t exist? And why must I pretend that I don’t exist so they feel better?

Sorry, but just as the rules I was born to, I don’t feel like pretending to be lesser so you feel better.

Your delusions don’t obligate me to be delusional.

I’m a woman. I’m not no-man. That’s a joke from the Odyssey. And even the ancient Greeks in their machistic glory didn’t imagine it applied to women.

WOMAN — say it. Get used to it. The female half of humanity.

I’m a WOMAN. I exist. Lots of us exist. We’re a majority of humanity. You might convince those of us who are soft headed Marxists to deny themselves. Heaven knows they have been trained to believe a million impossible things before breakfast, poor kiddies.

But most of us have had just about enough of this. This has gone too stupidly far.

Now it stops. We’re your mothers, your grandmothers, your wives, your sisters, your daughters. And we’re not going to be erased.

202 thoughts on “On Being An Imaginary Creature

    1. Freedom is slavery, war is peace, ignorance is truth, man and non-man, Buck Finen’s in the White House and all’s right with the world.

      I can deal with it, the sun’s over the yardarm somewhere….

    2. Yep. Talk about a bunch that is, to be as charitable as I can manage, become so open-minded their brains fell out (and splattered).

  1. Superb! How delusional to deny over half of humanity exists, and already has a definition. Growing up in the dark ages of the US, all the cool role models were men and that was fine – didn’t want to be a man, just wanted to do those things. Then the 70s arrived and said we women could do them, and quite happily continue being women. That women could work outside the home, or not, could have children, or not, could be married, or not, and that all those were valid choices where we were still women. We could wear frilly frocks, or comfy flannel and jeans, or both as we chose, and still be women. It wasn’t about being more, or less, than men but about having the opportunity to make choices and earn our spots in universities or businesses or sports if we chose.
    And now we’re being erased and replaced by men pretending to be something called “women” which we no longer are allowed to be.
    Bah and fie upon this stuff and nonsense!

      1. I prefer Mythical, but I can deal. It’s seriously weird how I seem to have a better connection to or concept of this Reality thing than some of the alleged natives. One would expect they’d be FAR better adapted to it.

      2. And as he frequently reminds us, “Ox slow. Ox not damn fool.” Which is applicable in many, many situations!

  2. WOMAN, just like a man, only with two more letters.

    Oh, and the term, “TERNF”, sounds far too much like turnip.

    Any organization that has an official Diversity, Inclusion, Equity department is wasting their resources.

  3. The misogyny runs deep in the woke movement- everything from second wave feminism onward. The denigrating of “women’s work” …. if that stuff isn’t done, society doesn’t happen. Period.

    1. Earlier.

      “The only position for women in the movement is ‘prone'” — Stokely Carmichael, 1964

    2. The woke movement hates women. It also hates Non Whites seeing it assumes they are lesser and need a hand up (except for Asians who they hate for their competence if they are not Chicoms who they assume are in some way lesser and are buddies). They also hate White Males particularly those who are of normal sexual proclivities (The gays, lesbians and transsexuals they tolerate as yet another set of lesser species). Are you confused yet? This makes O’Briens
      2+2=5 look like a minor exercise in rightthink. This is the Red Queens behavior

      “Alice laughed. ‘There’s no use trying,’ she said. ‘One can’t believe impossible things.’

      I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said the Queen. ‘When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.’ ”

      except these people make the Red Queen look sane…

      1. Well, if they’re fans of the Red Queen — off with their heads! 😛
        “A slow sort of country!” said the Queen. “Now here, you see, it takes all the running you can do just to stay in the same place. If you want to go someplace else, you have to run twice as fast as that.”

    3. I want exactly nothing to do with “woke” but I fear extreme times call extreme sacrifices. Therefore, feel free to en-meme and spread far and wide this:

      “Woke” == BULLSH_T

      Though, really, I’ve flushed far better than “woke” can aspire to.

  4. What I’m finding “interesting” is that I remember that “toxic masculinity” garbage.

    Of course, that “thing” was related to men should be “more like women” because femininity was “obviously” superior to masculinity.

    Now the idiots appear to want to erase femininity while allowing “non-males” to have masculinity! 😈

    Oh, did anybody read about the “liberal” woman who wanted to be involved with masculine men but hated that the masculine men were all conservatives? 😆

    1. Their ideal (at least for us peasants) is Cetagandian Ba – sexless, and engineered and conditioned for service and obedience.

      1. …but that didn’t work out so well for the Cetagandans when one of them went rogue and stole the year’s crop of Haut-fetuses in their uterine replicators.

        I doubt that programming people will ever work out well. For anybody.
        Only idiots believe they know how other people should live their lives. The stupider they are, the more blindly they believe it.

  5. OK, I call sexist. If woman are now imaginary, I demand that men be imaginary, as well! I am just as imaginary as any other non-man OR non-woman !

    1. Just put a – sign in front of you and jump under a radical sign. Voila, you’re imaginary…

      1. So ‘Wokeness’ == ‘Negative Radicalism’?

        I can detect no flaw in your derivation.

        1. An interesting viewpoint! Consider you are a 4 (not formed by summing 2 and 2 that yields 5 in their world). Negating that we get -4, taking the square root √-4 = 2i , voila you are imaginary. Given Women (pardon me NotMen) are in many ways orthogonal to Men and we often treat/plot the imaginary numbers as orthogonal to the real numbers this is somehow a working analogy. I hadn’t planned that.

          Our brahmandarin friends on the other hand are irrational. Sadly they are not numbers. If they were we MIGHT have some hope of yielding rationality from them for via euler’s theorem e^pi*i + 1 = 0.

          And with that I’m heading for the carp proof shelter with the other nerds…

  6. …I want to think that we’ve hit peak delusion and at some point, even the normals will realize this.

    Dear God, let this be it. This is some perverse and disturbing reduction of people to be things. And it is so easy to abuse things, because they aren’t people…

    …and there’s also a terrible dystopian story idea in this. After all, if women are “non-men,” they don’t deserve the rights of men. Very YA-ish where the cast has to be secret heterosexuals and lesbians in a world where only male-on-male (and for some reason, “older” males on younger men) contact is considered “appropriate.”

    (Rumors that you can read some of the new family support bills in a few states that give money for surrogate support to registered partners/same-sex male marriages… It’s not that far of a logical leap to suggest that maybe we need to assign some women for the task, women(sorry, not-men) who have “made mistakes” that need to be “resolved”…

    (And it doesn’t help that a lot of lesbians back in the day were afraid that “gay normalization” would get them pushed off the ice floe first…)

    When did I fall through the gateway into the Bizzaro Timeline? Because I want to go back home.

    1. …aaannnnddd, there’s the Handmaid’s Tale scenario folk claim they’re afraid of.

      1. I’ve long thought that if the Handmaiden’s Tale type thing happens, it’ll be the Left who does it, and isn’t it wonderful. Only evil right wingers could possibly oppose it. Which shows how evil they are.

        1. The alphabet clown car brigade would absolutely do this. Keep a few cis-non-men around for breeding purposes and doing the cleaning up, washing and sweeping that their trans-bretheren and sisteren consider to be beneath them. Oh and probably a swarthy gardener or two to do the outside nasty work

          1. The left has long sought to destroy families, because the existence of families by their nature diminishes the power of the state. They are quite open in their desire to destroy families, and all the lunacy going on now is simply part and parcel of that effort.

            This is the same reason they target religion or try to co-opt it into being an instrument of the state, and why they do that with businesses. Anything that stands separate from the state must be destroyed or absorbed. “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state”.

            Once this is understand, the reason their craziness keeps getting ramped up makes sense. They are desperate to grab absolute power and impose their will on others.

      2. …long story short-the people that scream the most about their particular “nightmares”…are the ones that want to live that particular dream the most.

        If they had any courage.

        (Interesting talk with a porn producer, who pointed out that a lot of the borderline rape videos with very hung and handsome men involved that he made were bought by women, a’la bad romance novels.)

        1. There are all sorts of things that are wicked cool in fiction or as make-believe, but utterly horrid in reality. Not just porny sex things, either. Consider wargames, or violent video games, or just about any action-adventure novel. (Adventure: Someone else, long ago and far away, having a miserable and terrifying time.)

          1. Absolutely, but the point is that these people were screaming so very loudly about the things…that they had the biggest fantasies about.

            Not sure if that’s a human thing or a Karen/Chad thing, but I just find it facinating.

  7. In my, waiting for coffee to brew, morning perusal of all the news that causes fits, I saw, passed without reading a piece on non-men. I also saw (& quickly clicked away.) the topless man at the LGBTQIA^10 pride party on the White House lawn.

    Oh well, interesting times.

    1. A topless “man” with “breasts”. The world is just getting to fricking weird (and I didn’t say fricking)

      1. Not all that long ago, that would have meant man-boobs, which would have caused cringing for entirely different reasons.

        1. Yeah understood. At slightly over 250lbs and 5’6″ I am familiar with the issue. I would not be parading topless at the Whitehouse as I have some vague dignity. Whatever the hell that was they were NOT moobs. The incongruity of that appearance was just offputting in the extreme. Frankly the odds of my appearing at the Biden Whitehouse in any state of dress are slightly less than my odds of my winning megabucks, and I do not play the lottery…

  8. They’re trying to define “Women” out of existence.
    Repeat after me : “A Woman is an Adult Human Female. End of Discussion.”
    You might want to watch “What Is a Woman?” It’s a video by Matt Walsh and the team at the Daily Wire. I don’t agree with everything Matt Walsh says, but the movie packs a punch.

    1. Yup there are three biological issues here
      a) what is the gene signature XX or XY this is the genotype XX is genotypically female XY is genotypically male. Yes there are OTHER genotypes, C.F. XXY (Klienfelters Syndrome in the old days), X0 (only one X chromsome) and a few others. They are all rare, not fertile. and present as one phenotype or the other
      b) what are the reproductive organs? Uterus and ovaries, phenotypically female, Testicles phenotypically male. Generally the phenotype is directly determined by the genotype. There are rare exceptions which are birth defects that may be caused by exposure in utero exposure to chemicals or unexpected hormones. Occasionally things just don’t form right. Nature is NOT perfect.
      c) Gametes, determined by the reproductive gear. In Humans (and all Mammals, and most of Chordata) the large sparse gametes is an egg and produced by a genotypically (and phenotypically, no ovaries, no egg) female. Small abundant gametes are sperm and are produced in testes by genotypically and phenotypically male.

      As noted there are rare exceptions, often these are assigned to one or other phenotype by surgical processes. In general if the genotype contains ANY Y chromosome it will in 99.99+ percent of the time be phenotypically male, similarly any genotype NOT containing a Y chromosome will be phenotypcally female at similar percentages. The other 6 Billion “genders” are nonsense and wish-casting.

      At present it is possible to make some crude vaguely functional phenotypical changes through extreme surgical and medical effort. Perhaps down the road we will be able to do something more but don’t hold your breath warp drive is more likely. It is not (and will not be for the foreseeable future) possible to do anything about genotype. When the Bud Light spokesbeast is dead and gone for a 1000 years exhume the body. Take the pulp of a tooth and extract the DNA and voila XY pair for the 23 chromosome. Genotypically male.

  9. I don’t have to agree with the choices you make as an adult.
    I don’t have to support the choices you make as an adult.
    I just have to agree you as an adult have the right to make that choice.

    I am Six feet Four inches 250+ pounds and look much like a Viking warrior of old Norse myth. Yes Blue eyes as well. To comply with the left’s wishes I now Identify as a petite Asian Lesbian Named Miko. I am now a minority with minority rights and the only thing you can do to me is be prejudiced against me in academic admission to schools of higher learning. I also demand to be included in any settlement against said schools of higher learning. If and when reparations become legal I will then self identify as a slave descendant on my mothers side. Has to be my mothers side my fathers side didn’t come to this country until after the civil war. Not lefties here is the hard part, you are required to believe and support everything I say, even if I change it in the next five minutes.

    Simply put the left has become Sybil, a woman/non woman with sixteen different personalities that change at the drop of a hat. And they must recognize each and every one of them. They truly are insane.

    1. One question though;
      How can you be Bisexual, if there are more than two sexes?

      1. I expect bisexuals to end up under the wheels of the rainbow bus at some point.

        1. It appears that has happened to male homosexuals and of course female homosexuals appear to be heading that way.

          1. What does that make Julie Andrews who played a woman playing a man playing a woman? 1982 movie with Julie Andrews, Victor Victoria.

            1. Brilliant and hysterically funny? 😀

              Toddy [holds up a wine glass]: “The last time I saw a specimen like this, they had to shoot the horse.”

              [Looks up at the scandalized waiter] “Oh, they didn’t shoot a real horse — just a horse costume with two waiters in it.”

              1. Some of the people in The Movement™ have been trying to take lessons from Toddy:

                Toddy: ‘Count Grazinski is our plausible diversion.’

                Victoria: ‘Toddy, no audience is that gullible. They’ll know he’s a phony.’

                Toddy: ‘They’ll know HE’S a phony.’

                Unfortunately for them, they have a very poor grasp of plausibility, and their diversions don’t divert. They’re not smart enough to pull it off, and the rest of us weren’t scripted to be dumb enough to fall for it.

      2. On another side note. You already had reparations, if 50 odd years of affirmative action wasn’t reparations to already fix past bad behavior than affirmative action in all forms must go.

      3. You act like this is new, but most men have wanted to be try-sexual since puberty, clear back into pre-history.

        “Trans people have always existed!”
        They’re immortal? That might be worth sterility. And explain it, come to think of it.
        If no one dies, over-population could really become a concern.
        More so if you’re an agoraphobe or a misanthrope.

      4. Here come the duodecasexuals…
        …who’ll bang any{-one,-thing) that is still for it.

        …and with the right ‘accessories’ some that wouldn’t[1].

        I do NOT condone this.
        I am also not a Democrat.
        This is NOT a coincidence.

  10. Much like jiminalaska I was doing my version of breakfast post little dog walk and the wife sat down and told me I had to look at the crazy video clip from the news… Yes, the White House “Pride Party” and the insane fools who were posing topless to make some kind of point or get attention or, or, well something. She asked and I wondered just what the –

    For me it has hit the top of depravity and also insanity. I can’t think of anything else to do beyond what I’ve already done so I’m going to watch the whole thing unravel and try to make do. If this ain’t the end of the road, it’s sure in sight.

      1. Agree! I’m still afraid that there will be collateral damage when they do implode. I hope to keep that at bay and will work on mitigation of any “crazy” spill over when they crash on the dead end road. I may also plant some metaphorical mines and wire at the dead end…. 😉

        1. Prompt Stupid-Criticality will be a very interesting implosion. And like all Prompt Criticality incidents, best observed at a great distance.

        2. Smart enough to build a rocket engine into their car, not smart enough to think of brakes.

      1. Is it possible that Stupid is the cause of the expanding universe? The Reader wonders

    1. The White House has belatedly released a tweet to the effect of “we don’t condone that kind of behavior at an official event” as if they had no idea what Pride parades and especially trans activists at Pride parades are like.

      1. Like they didn’t condone it by making it an ‘official event’ in the first place. They knew what was going to happen with that lot.

        “The Mop-Head doth protest too much, methinks.”

        1. White House: ‘Hey! You’re making us look foolish. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.’

          Alphabet-soupers: ‘It always worked before. Why stop now?’

  11. It probably all ties back to the New Yorker cartoon “On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.”
    (checks name)

      1. And kittens, cuddly adorable kittens.
        Who need mommy to feed them and rub their bellies.
        Or so they tell me.

  12. SAH, would you please remind me of what you speak when you refer to the joke of no-men in the Odyssey?

    1. When Ulysses blinds Polyphemus and Polyphemus asks for his name, Ulysses says he’s “No-Man” so that when Polyphemus screams “No man blinded me,” the other cyclops go “Well, okay then.”

      1. One day, ONE DAY, I will use ‘Outis’ as a name/common pseudonym for a D&D character. (‘No man’ in Greek.) ONE DAY! shakes fist at sky

        Oh, wait. I’m the DM. I have a near-infinite number of NPCs at my disposal.

        maniacal laughter

        1. Sketched out a minotaur for a campaign who went by that. The things was, he was an adventurer because he had been stripped of his name and expelled to wander for reasons I hadn’t worked through the the time.

          1. Could always go with ‘Feywild reasons.’ Freaking fairies…

            Adventurers: “Wow. This place is beautiful!”
            Satyr (holding clipboard): “Thank you! Could I have your names for the record, please?”
            Adventurers: “Sure!” (introduce selves) “Hey, by the way, why does your name tag say ‘The Record’?”
            Satyr: “Be seeing you!” (poof)
            Adventurers: “… Hey, why can’t we remember our names?”

        2. My friend Peter Floriani’s book, Joe the Control Room Guy, has a main character named Joe Outis. 🙂

          I keep trying to get him to start dropping in here, but no luck yet. His fandom is G.K. Chesterton, although he reads lots of sf.

        3. And in the world of non-D&D characters, if you translate “Outis” into Latin, you get the name of a mildly famous hero / anti-hero / antagonist from a 19th-century SF writer.

          Captain “Nemo”..!

          The link with the Odysseus / Ulysses vs. Polyphemus incident is even mentioned in the Weaky Peedia (yeah, but it’s often right) article on that mysterious personage.

          1. I was looking at ‘Nemo’ for a first name/possibly last name if I swapped the order. Because ‘No One – No Man’ is just perfect for spy/trickster/other disguise-type fellow. (Especially if one goes with the Changeling race.)

        4. Or Niemands.

          If you want to get fancy, there are also Niemantsverdriet (No man’s trouble) and Niemandsvriend (No man’s friend), which are also genuine Dutch surnames.

    2. Odysseus in the Iliad told the giant that he was “No Man” so after Odysseus blinded the giant, the giant told the other giants that “No Man” blinded him. The other giants believed that a “god” had blinded him and didn’t want anything to do with whoever blinded the first giant. 😉

      1. Interesting. The story I remembered was that said giant ended up shouting: ‘No man blinded me! No man is hurting me!’

        And the other giants largely responded: ‘Umm… Good? Good for you? Not sure why you think we need to know that. That’s just normal.’

          1. These are also myths. There’s about as many different versions of the stories as there are Arabian Nights.

            1. What we think of as “the Greek myths” are a retcon of a retcon of a retcon. Homer, at least, is mostly intact and un-reinterpreted, although we don’t know how true the first written version was to the ever-changing oral version(s).

              1. Interestingly, Homer’s “Catalogue Of Ships” reflects Bronze Age City-States known to us but likely not known when he wrote his story of the Trojan War.

                But yes, Greek Mythology was a mismatch of various older stories which poets attempted to mold into a whole.

                1. About the only poet who ever tried to mold it into a whole was Hesiod. The others just took whatever motifs they liked and ran with them… which meant even more conflicting versions of the stories. And each version seemed to include more of the human authors’ preferred sins and fetishes, excused because it was ‘the gods’ doing it.

                  Which brings us down to the time of Ovid, whose Metamorphoses could be described fairly accurately as ‘Zeus porn’. No wonder people with working consciences walked away from all that and flocked to the new religions.

                  1. Yeah, I count Hesiod as the first retcon, Ovid as the second, and Edith Hamilton and/or Robert Graves as the third, depending on whether you want the popularized version or the pseudo-historicizing version.

                  2. Gee, sounds a lot like today’s alphabet-jumble exhibitionists, imposing their fetishes on everybody. Straight folks don’t carry on in the street, why should you lot?

                    1. Because Pride means believing in one’s own superiority. Belonging to the alphabet-soup brigade means you are above the rules those silly straight peons have to follow.

                      The Latin word for pride is superbia. Those Romans knew exactly what they were on about.

        1. My copy of the Odessey has the following

          ‘If no man hurt thee, but the hand divine
          Inflict disease, it fits thee to resign:
          To Jove or to thy father Neptune pray.’
          The brethren cried, and instant strode away

          1. Yup, but when he did pray to Poseidon… at that point, Odysseus had just committed the unforced error of doing a heroic brag of his real name, and therefore Poseidon knew who to curse.

  13. On a tangent, I’ve been reading bits about one of the major limousine liberals handing over control of his political empire to his son. I think a lot of folks are seeing this as the establishment of a political dynasty, but I find myself wondering if it is really the beginning of the real dilution of his influence?

    It just seems like, no matter how groomed for it people are, promotion by inheritance never seems to go that well.

    1. The son claims that he will be even “more Woke” than his sire. Which would take some doing, but apparently he will shift some foundation funding from focusing on political change to cultural change.

      1. I’m not surprised, but I’ll counter that more political does not mean more competent.

        There may be a lot of ruin available in a foundation, but that does not mean that there is not an equal amount of ruin stalking it too.

      1. Given that daddy’s money put most of the woke district attorneys in office to utterly destroy the legal systems of major blue US cities, we can only imagine what further harm junior will manage to pull off.

  14. We’ve gone all the way back around to the classical Greek theory that women are inferior parts of otherwise complete entity, with “male” being the fully-realized form. (Aristotle being the foremost surviving source, but there are others.)

    1. Any society that is held together on purely physical force will gravitate towards a society where the only true citizens are adult males of fighting fitness.

    2. Yep. Women don’t seem to realize homophilic cultures (e.g., classical Greek) are basically hostile to women.

      1. Most Liberal Women don’t realize how anti-women Islamic societies are so why would they be “clear-headed” about Ancient Greece?

      2. And that’s another problem with not teaching people the classics.

        If todays women had been properly classically educated, they’d know that.

  15. I’m old enough to remember a jingle (if not the product advertised)
    “I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never, ever let you forget you’re a man. Cos’ I’m a woman”.
    I’ve never given thought to being proud of something I’ve never had much control over in the first place…sex, racial characteristics, etc. But I’ll be hanged if I’m going to allow myself to be erased. Why non-man? If you’re going to co-opt language, at least be creative enough to come up with a new word to describe this lunacy (well, there you go…lunacy works quite well). Having a very gut-wrenching and painful first-hand experience with the trans agenda, I am quickly reaching the end of my sanity rope. We can no longer ignore what is happening. I only pray we can survive it as a species.

  16. Behold the genius of people who think “duh patriarchy” is the worstest of all possible worlds, but who also define humans as “man” and “non-man”.

  17. “I’m sorry Mr. Hoyt, but according to the opposition research at Vile 666, you are a white Mormon male…”


    How long were Heinlein’s “Crazy Years” supposed to last?

  18. The commie playbook is to erase the individual, leaving only the collective.

    They aren’t just coming after women. They’re coming after men as well. And once there are no men and no women, and no family, then the children belong to them too.

    I hope the defenestration comes sooner rather than later.

    1. I think more accurately the Commie playbook is to eliminate all kinds of collectivity except that of the State. That’s why they’re so intent on destroying the family, volunteer organizations, men’s clubs, women’s clubs, etc., and co-opting that which they can’t destroy (yet) like trade unions.

        1. So did the Nazis, except they went less after the nuclear family (at least as they considered it) but instead after everything else. All organizations were co-opted into “National Socialist (fill-in-the-blank)” and aimed toward spewing Hitlerian ideology. Not even a local village book club or chess club could exist outside their control.

          1. Absolutely, Hence ‘every form of totalitarianism’.

            To butcher a Scriptural tag: ‘By their stolen fruits shall ye know them, for they bear no fruit of their own.’

          2. That’s pretty much the definition of totalitarianism. As the founder of Fascism put it: “All within the State. Nothing outside the State. Nothing against the State.”

            (And, incidentally, that’s why anybody calling those of us who want less government intervention in people’s lives are a special kind of stupid.)

                1. Of course it can. The source code in the human brain has its own version.

                  1. Nah, the thing about blaming That Dude (or similar critters) is “Making It Not Our Fault”.

                    If it’s caused by something in Our Brain, then it’s Still Our Fault! 😉

                2. But of course, we can blame Otto Corrupt for things like that!

                  It’d be a lie but we can still blame Otto Corrupt. [Very Big Crazy Grin]

  19. “Yes, I went through a phase of screaming that I was just as good as any man. Then realized it was true and stopped screaming it.”

    You definitely need to sell a plaque with that on it.

    I’m so old I remember the huge “revolution” when girls in high school were allowed to wear slacks. I also remember in college when the feminists took over the college paper and changed “woman” to “wimmin” because they thought that wo-man just made them just a pre-pendage to men. And yes “history” became “herstory” despite the word being derived from the Greek “histos” which had nothing to do with either sex.

    Yes, I went to work in the bad old days, when my boss’ boss complimented me on wrangling “that hen party,” because I had 5 women working for me. That it never occurred to me to think of my team that way, apparently was my big secret. Duh!

    My wife encountered lots of discrimination on the way to becoming a chemist in the 70s, but when the female grad students decided to get together to air their grievances, she suggested they invite the men, so they could enlighten them. She was hooted down, and decided if all they wanted to was bitch to each other, it was a waste of everybody’s time.

    So, my question is, is it obvious enough now that J. K. Rowling is right, as they eliminate the whole concept of womanhood? Really? Are there any sane women out there who think this is good for them? It becomes increasingly obvious that “the movement” is of gay men eliminating women from everything because, guess what? A gay man needs a woman like a horse needs a bicycle, as the absurd old “witticism” said.

    1. No, it’s not gay men eliminating women. It’s women who believe in Marxism eliminating women. By mistake. They didn’t realize what the end stage of women == men was going to be, especially when they defined everything uniquely feminine as inferior. This was inevitable, and they’re just upset now because some men are taking it to its logical conclusion.

      And by the way, none of them gave a dang when a little boy was mutilated on “I’m Jazz” so they can just shut right up. (yep, I’m mad)

      I honestly believe that this is women doing this to women, primarily. Because they bought into Marxism. ymmv

      1. It’s also straight men with a sex kink of imagining themselves as women. The fantasy woman in their narcissistic little heads is more important than actual living breathing women, who after all are just constructs and tools in the way of what they want.

        1. THIS THIS THIS
          Straight men with a fetish pretending to be women.
          The more I read about it, the more I think a large number of adult onset MTF are actually not Transgender, but are Autogynophilia.
          (Trying very hard to not go off on a rant…)

          1. If you ask them, many of the older adult onset ones will agree with you. Debbie Hayton, who is one, has written explicitly about this at either the Speccie or Unherd (or possibly both)

        2. Yes, of course part of the malicious attacks on women are men with a sex kink of imagining themselves as women. But we have to distinguish between the predatory men that are being ENABLED by the feminist Marxist ideology and the feminist Marxist idealogy that is the reason they are enabled. There are ALWAYS predatory men, just as there are ALWAYS predatory women (although their attacks tend to take other routes). Feminist Marxist rhetoric defines all sex differences as SOCIALLY determined, and as based on power ONLY. This is the rhetoric that is GIVING these particular predatory males their POWER.

          The main problem I see with the leftist approach to the trans issue is that all it does is DOUBLE DOWN on masculine BAD. And by the way, this affects real masculinity in women, too. Not the “pretend masculinity” that’s on display all over the place in the trans movement, especially among girls. And all over the place in GRRRL power entertainment media. Not to be confused with actual strong masculine women, or actual strong feminine women who sometimes take on male roles. Or actual strong feminine women who are strong THROUGH their feminine roles.

          No, Lia Williams was NOT created by old fashioned stereotypes. He was created because “no difference” rhetoric ENABLED him. And the male rapist put in women’s prison has NOTHING to do with “feeling like a woman.” And neither of them are the result of stereotypes or toxic masculinity. They do it because it WORKS.

          And in the meantime, I’m still waiting for FEMINISTS or JK Rowling to come out and say that masculinity itself is NOT toxic. (To be fair, women like Naomi Wolf seem to be doing that. But a lot of woman, I think, are just dropping the “feminist” label altogether. It’s gotten too contaminated and has nothing to do with “women’s rights” anymore. If it ever did.)
          The teens and young men who are trying to recover from “transitioning” are STILL being told there’s something wrong with being male. STILL! And no, telling boys it’s okay to have feminine traits doesn’t cut it. THAT’S NOT THE PROBLEM! They need to be telling boys that it’s okay to have MASCULINE traits.

          1. The studies in the UK show that many teens who start thinking they are trans have other mental problems (often autism/aspergers but others too) and are bullied by classmates, have a poor relationship with parents etc. etc.

            They get lied to that going trans will fix their problems when all it will actually do is make them have worse ones.

    2. Slacks as opposed to dresses coincided with a long sub-zero cold snap the winter of 1969-70. Apparently TPTB started to calculate liability claims if the girls got frostbite. The students were pretty restive, so bending there was hoped to alleviate problems. Waggles hand at the success level…

  20. The continual attempts to define and redefine what a woman is or isn’t sounds like the style of intellectual contortionism which leaves people exactly where they were before except confused about it. Sort of like that old childhood game of spinning in a circle until you are too dizzy to stand. Grump.

  21. It’s an Ephesians 6:12 world. I am a woman, a daughter of Eve. I won’t be erased by them.

  22. Ooo-kay. Hmmm. Is this better or worse than yesterday when the antenna were quivering? (Makes me still a day behind; c’est la vie.)

      1. Saw deer try to stop an F-250 once. That didn’t work either. Well, the truck did stop for a moment; think the deer is ahead.

  23. This is the problem with the insufferably woke.

    Think about how small the fringe is that writes something like “non-men” to define lesbians. How little of the general population would that be? 5%? 2%? 1%? Less? The vast majority of the American population, even on the Democratic side of things, would look at them and say, “Uh-huh, sure Jan.”

    AND YET THEY LOOK LIKE THEY’RE DRIVING. This is the frustration that drives me batty. These are the people that are amplified and given a massive voice in our culture. Trans activists. Crazed socialists. Dumbass actors. Radical leftists so far to the left that Mao Tse-Tung is sitting in Hell going, “Hmm, I never thought of that.” The kind of people that make AOC look both moderate and intelligent.

    They’re a teeny-tiny minority. But they’ve gotten into positions where not only are they able to rampage nearly unopposed over the culture, they’re indoctrinating the next generations.

    The majority is vast, and it is silent, and it is opposed to these morons. But it is silent. For now.

      1. Given the total proportion of the population that are gay / lesbian is about 2%, rounding up, then add another 2-3% for bi and that’s a pretty good guess, but still likely massively too high. The real number of trans is likely 10ths of a percent, if that. This is one of the most overestimated percentages in the US. People tend to estimate gay / lesbian at 30% of the population.

        FWIW Declared atheists are around 3% and vegan/vegetarians around 5%. Again people wrongly guess these are much higher proportions. people estimate that 41% of the population is black when the real number is around 12%

        We can laugh at media, but the distortions they promote are quite real.

        1. It’s like all the national-market commercials (and I do mean all) have mixed-race couples or all minority members, and more and more include the “obligatory obviously gay couple.” Always male, because lesbians no longer exist. Or something. Completely out of proportion to the actual demographics of the US.

          1. If you look at the medical research studies on HIV/AIDS, they effectively debunk the “10% of the population is Teh Gay” myth.
            According to these studies, the percent of the population that are Men having Sex with Men is around 2%.
            Unless a very large percentage of women are lesbians, there is NO WAY that 10% of the population is gay.
            Every time I hear that 10% figure, I laugh. I laugh and then disregard everything else said by that source.

      2. To the power hungry politicians who cater them, they are a useful 1%, because they serve as yet another pretext to expand government power over people’s lives and to try to justify censorship.

    1. The being that came up with “non-man,” is trans. He/she/it says “he’s ” “always,” been a woman. (And an ugly broad he is, too).

    2. That makes two of us frustrated as hell by this, and probably a lot more than that. It’s just hard to see where they are sometimes and how many.

  24. The Cult and the Tyrrany require the victims to adhere to, to shout adherence to, utter nonsense. Truth is what they say it is, and you had better agree affirmatively, Comrade, or else. The absurdly crackpot stuff is a loyalty check.

    And a bunch of folks surprisingly are good with that, because group approval is their only esteem. Gladly they don the brown shirt, wave the strange flag, and “reeeeeeeeeeee!” And when they are freed of the insane leader, they gleefully turn their disapproval on the “collaborators”.

    Never did the Resistance have so many members as when safely liberated.

    1. One day I fully expect the following revisionism:

      “Wokeism was actually right-wing. The parties switched places. The left always opposed wokeism, you know.”

        1. Yep. Its as if they are using 1984 as a “how to” guide. They even have their own add on, “conformity is diversity” .

      1. OK that’s it, I want him and Winsome Sears as a ticket for President/Vice President. Just to see the Brahmandarins heads explode…

        1. That ticket would get my vote, especially if you reversed the order.
          Flip a coin, just to be fair?

          1. I’m good either way. Winsome first would probably blow their minds more for president. First Woman and first woman of color as president.

  25. “Your delusions don’t obligate me to be delusional.”

    No way could I have expressed better. And it applies to the entire gamut of current insanity.

  26. Because I had to see it for myself, I went looking. I did not see anything that looked like the screen cap on the page. I kept looking then I found this on a fox news page.

    “Johns Hopkins defines women as ‘non-men’ in LGBTQ glossary, drawing misogyny accusations: ‘Stop erasing us’

    Johns Hopkins removes glossary from website after backlash”

    “At some point on Tuesday, the university took down its glossary in response to the online criticism. The page currently reads, “Johns Hopkins strives to create a campus culture that is inclusive and welcoming for all gender identities, sexual orientations, experiences and viewpoints, and we are committed to ensuring Johns Hopkins is a place where LGBTQ people feel supported.”

    I am laughing.

    1. The founders of the Johns Hopkins Medical School are rolling in their graves, and wondering if they can excise the malignant growth. Compared with what my parents told me about the skills and wisdom of the second generation of faculty at that once-great institution … Ugh.

      1. I graduate from Hopkins’ Whiting School of Engineering in ’86; every year (sometimes 2 or 3 times a year) they send letters requesting money. They have never gotten any, and now they definitely never will. 😦

  27. If I was a drinking man I think the current state of the nation would be less troubling. I hope very much the phrase “This too shall pass” turns out to be as true as it has been for most of history.

      1. Oh, well put (and yuck because it reminds me of something you’d see on videos about really dirty jobs).

  28. @ Sarah > “It’s a thin crust of scummy elites.”
    And has been for a very long time.

    Harvard–A View From 1835
    June 8, 2023 by David Foster
    “Harriet Martineau was a British writer who has been called ‘the first female sociologist’ and even ‘the mother of sociology.’ (No fair blaming her for the activities of sociologists today!) From 1834-1836, she paid a long visit to the United States and traveled and observed extensively. Her comments about Harvard University are interesting:”

    And Harvard elites have gone downhill from then.

  29. As starkly staring nut-wackers as the origin of “Non-man” might be (is), in the spirit of Poul Anderson’s “UN-man” (but hopefully far less globalistic), I find the name by itself to be somewhat inspiring as a potential story title.

    Told first person, by the title character.

    ((1)) She’s about 1/8 non-human, but human-resembling alien (another star system?).
    ((2)) She’s roughly quadroon-Fae, say, some of the high-level Seelie / Unseelie Court.

    Special abilities / “super powers” / secret contacts would seem to be implied.

    Of course, not being crazy or “drunk with talk” either one, she’s… highly unreceptive to the whole de-womanizing, “othering” intent of the original political… ploy.

    (Not going to do this anytime soon myself; that “urban fantasy” or really country-magic / faith-based magic story is by now approaching 30 K words…)

    1. Some of the opposition can best be described as

      Bitching Persons


      You are welcome!

  30. I HATE THIS CRAP! Thank you for providing this place, Sarah. I can’t say anything IRL but the collateral damage of “inclusion” is driving me crazy. I’m taking an online class in Spanish. One of the male attendees was using @ in place of O for “inclusion.” (I know he’s male because he frequently makes “mistakes” when refering to himself. insert eyeroll)

    Using text-to-speech makes it magnitudes worse, but such is life. I skipped the dude’s comments.

    Now the profesora is using it whenever she sends a whole-class message. El Señor Nonbinario is a super-special individual who negates all grammar rules.

    1. Activists have been trying to impose that on German. Thus far, the response has been over-the-glasses glares and reminders that German grammar is different from American activism. (Personally, I like seeing the sex-indication for people in their official title, because it makes it easier to use the right form of address with otherwise neutral names.)

    2. If the profesora would actually use “El Señor Nonbinario” to refer to the, er, non-conforming student, in your class emails, I feel like she would be treating this situation with the respect it deserves.

  31. The Reader believes not. You have adopted a ‘White Patriarchal’ approach to the problem. Mathematics is NOT allowed!

  32. I am somewhat wondering if when asked what a woman was, anyone answered “A plucked hen.” Or maybe that’s just my sense of humor.

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