And Yet Thankful

Well, we got our butts in a bear trap and no mistake. Which is a funny thing to post about when I want to do a post on thankfullness.

But we’ve got our butts in a bear trap. And I don’t see any point lying about it. It certainly won’t make things easier, and it will make you distrust me, at which point my talking is useless.

So — we got our butts in a bear trap. And we must escape, even if it means chewing our tails off. Right now, still looking for solutions that free our tails. And having no clue how to do it. Still hopeful of a miracle, but the miracle needed is bigger than the miracle we needed this month, which didn’t happen. So not hopeful.

And yet thankful. Why thankful, you daft woman, when you have your butt in a bear trap, and are likely to have to leave your tail behind?

Ah. Well, first of all, it’s not just our bear trap. To an extent the rest of the world is in this bear trap. It was set by early twenty first century utopians, and reinforced by propaganda before, after, during and post the two world wars.

It’s a beaut of a bear trap, too, you know?

It came from the increasing ease of mass production and concentration of power in certain nodes in the early twentieth century. Mass production was faster and more efficient, so mass everything has to be the same.

And thus we came to hyper-centralized governments and orders issued from above for increasingly minutia and details to be carried out in the hinterlands.

Which of course got into the problem of knowledge. Because humans aren’t machines. And how things are done and what works are different district to district/county to county, let alone across the country.

Only the people giving directions and telling us how things are going to be done don’t know that. It’s an unknown-unknown.

And since the media went the same way, to the same level of centralization, and embraced the same bigger-more centralized-more-topdown philosophy, the media covered up the failures of the model — the more I read the more I think it started failing almost immediately — and made it seem viable and honky dory. And it entrenched more.

But there’s a limit on what you can run on what we’ll call the “Marxlite” model, though in practice it’s more corporatists-fascist, but the excuses are the same until you reach a critical level of failure, all over the world.

It’s reaching that now. And of course the Marxlitians are blaming “capitalism” and “nationalism” when the opposite is pretty much true. Because that’s what they’ll do, of course.

So — what is there to be thankful for?

We’re still us. No, please, shut up. The Doom Brigade on the right is bad as the left for not realizing how unique the US is.

Yes, yes, the founding fathers would already be shooting. Yes, but then again no. They put up with just as great or greater abuses for going on two decades, until it became obvious it couldn’t go on. And then they had to fight: from a position of weakness, with their butts in bear traps.

Americans don’t like war. Partly because we’re so good at it. So we’re slow to engage, because heaven help our foes when we do. Partly because we’re people who make and create things: art, yes, but new ways to make a widget, new ways to farm, a better gadget to do x when it’s needed.

We like our little lives. “Petit bourgeois” the French would call it with a sneer, but petit bourgeois is where the soul of America lives. We want to do work we by and large enjoy and are good at, while having families and raising fat babies who grow taller and bigger and more capable than us, and raiser fat babies, in turn, while doing the daily, unglamorous work of making the world a better place. Look, it’s nothing much. It’s just who we are.

We know that once things go kinectic that option is gone. It might not come back in our life times. Worse, it might not come back during our children’s lifetimes, and that’s much worse.

So we hold off.

Are we holding off too long? It’s always a danger, isn’t it? But so is going hot too fast. And you know it. And we all know it.

So, here in, the balance, we have our butts in a bear trap, and it doesn’t seem possible to get out of it without shooting our way out.

That’s probably true for the rest of the world. And what comes after for them might very well be worse than what they got. But– We are still America.

Yes, I should stop saying that, except I don’t think any of you individually or collectively have any idea what it means. Oh, maybe some. It takes living abroad. It takes living abroad as one of them. Then you see the differences starkly.

The entire world is in this position. And I can very well see the rest of the world defaulting to their historical position of getting in a king by any other name, and defaulting to being subjects.

Frankly, I’m not sure that most of them should ever have gone non-monarchical. Because, yes, it leads to abuses. But in cultures where the only loyalty is personal loyalty, you really can’t do the same with an impersonal “state” entity. You need the personal loyalty.

But that’s neither here nor there. Monarchy is not in any way shape or form an ideal state for mankind. Though perhaps better than the impersonal “international” state.

Fortunately for us, our country is too big, too populous and too diverse (in ways of living/landscape/wealth) to fit well with central control. And that’s become increasingly obvious to everyone for decades. Expressions like “Good enough for government work” didn’t come out of nowhere.

Secondly, fortunately for us we’re armed to the teeth. No, not those teeth. The back teeth too.

Look, I like guns, and I’m okay with one — something I’d never thought I’d say — though I need practice. It’s been. Busy.

But y’all outright scare me when you start gun talk. Dear Lord. I don’t think gun experts in Portugal know as much about guns as someone here, just pulled off the street. And y’all LIKE them. I mean, it’s like a mother talking about her newborn, or me talking about cats. Your eyes lit up, and you discuss mayhem dealing weapons like they’re your pride and joy.

And I love you for it, even when I sit there, gaping going “uh. How?”

Because even if no one on our side — thank Heavens — has yet started shooting, there is that knowledge that if they send people to round us up for the cattle trains, they can’t be sure we WON’T. And that if the shooting starts it will be visible from orbit.

Yes, they’re trespassing, increasingly openly and daring us. But they’re not doing half of what even Canada did openly and in our faces, let alone what places like China do. Because they can’t know where it would be safe, and where it would — literally — blow up in their faces.

And that has kept us relatively safe in the middle of the central state going rabid-badger-nuts.

Also fortunately here is where the internet and the commentary of the political kind took deeper and more irreverent root. I don’t know why even in the rest of the Anglosphere it’s somewhat stunted, and in the rest of world it’s rare as hen’s teeth: but here, online, you can find independent news reporting, commentary and political yelling as nowhere else in the world.

And that’s a good thing because that gives us perspectives the rest of the world lacks into what’s really going on. (Though the sources of information are so corrupted no one can know for sure.)

This is both because of and feeds into: we have different hardware in the head. There is no king of America and there never was. Yeah, yeah, English kings, but it doesn’t fit right atop of our matrix.

So there is no family we default to “just do what they say and we’ll go back to the best of us.”

Oh, the left tries — the Obamas, really? Get over yourselves racist lefties. Being black doesn’t make them special, and they’re such a depository of rabid evil and vapid — but it doesn’t take, because Americans don’t really have the concept to slot into.

And yeah, they project, and think we want Trump as an emperor. It doesn’t help we joke about it, but hey, liability of having a sense of humor. But he’s not, really in any sense. He’s our battle standard, our flag of dissent waved in their faces. They take it down we raise a new one they hate even more.

Because we don’t have a natural “we’ll obey this person.” But we do have a boatload of “No.” And “hell no.” And “You and whose army?”

And we’ll stand by that. And the more we’re pushed, the more we put both feet in the ground and become mule-like.

Yeah, yeah, the covidiocy got under our armor. Partly because people trusted Trump. But it’s a trick they can play once. Here. In the rest of the world they’re going for a reprise, this time with feeling.

But not here. It won’t work here.

Because we are a mule-like people, resentful of anyone ordering us, proud of being able to defend ourselves. We’re ornery and already thumbing our noses at the self proclaimed aristos in myriad ways.

And the more they push, the more my mule-like people will get a boatload of “no” up their noses.

For this if nothing else, I’m thankful.

We have our butts in a bear trap, but we are willing and able to chew our own tails off to get free. We’re trying other things now, in tiny, obnoxious ways. But — well, if it comes to blood, it comes to blood.

It’s an awkard as heck moment, poised here, hoping for the best, expecting the worst.

But still better than any other time and place.

And for this we’re grateful.

Ça irá!

214 thoughts on “And Yet Thankful

  1. “…we are a mule-like people, resentful of anyone ordering us, proud of being able to defend ourselves. We’re ornery and already thumbing our noses at the self proclaimed aristos in myriad ways.”
    So much this … and thinking back on it, it was my own innate stubbornness which made me not get the Covid vax. The more that it was pushed on us all, the harder I dug in my heels and said “No.” And that was even before we began hearing rumors of all the side effects, and the fact that it didn’t actually prevent people from catching Covid again, or spreading it.

    1. Ayup. I mean, being asthmatic and wary of untested not-a-vaccine with no warning of what side effects may happen was a factor, too…

      But somewhere along the way, just digging in my heels and going to the gym (via backdoor, because they were officially shut by fiat) and living my life without a mask became an act of defiant rebellion as well as being normal.

      I dunno. I just stood here, did what I always have done, and told the world, “No, YOU move.” Nothing special.

      1. I wasn’t overly concerned about the vaxx, as it was an extension of the work on SARS\MERS, but then I found how poorly the work was going beforehand, and they showed no sign of overcoming those issues. The other thing was it never worked and came with bad side effects before, and showed no sign of working this time. And they acted like there’s no side effects, suddenly. Now you can’t find the data I found on the research. Poof, it’s gone.

        1. I was following the Diamond Princess, petri dish, folks for quite a while. Their post covid mortality and morbidity was tracking as one would expect in the pre-covid world. Now it seems that data’s poof, gone.

        2. Plenty of people have saved massive amounts of data.

          There’s also individuals and groups analyzing anything connected to bio-research, Covid, the clot shot, population control, The Great Misstep, etc. A buddy of mine has a steady steam of income setting up NAS devices for these folks to save data. I’ve help people with Python scripts to read the SAS documents from the Pfizer disclosure .

          Plus I know multiple people tracking the networks of elites and documenting their meetings, organizations, family, investments. Many share these findings. It’s become a second job for some and another hobby for the rest of us.

          This is in addition to teams tracking the election fraud. And there are also people who are not as visible.

          So if you see something, save it and archive it. If you have a few hours, go digging for more info and share it.

          1. I learned years ago that it’s best not to trust government organizations and the Cloud to keep things for us — that the notion “The Internet never forgets” is false (unless it’s something embarrassing) — and that this is true, even if what you wish to see preserved is innocuous.

            Case in point: The Salt Lake City Main Library used to have a book called “Starting Forth” by Leo Brodie. I had checked it out several times, and unfortunately, it was one of those paperback books with poor binding, and pages started falling out. When I left a note pointing it out, and leaving my phone number that I wanted to buy it if they decided to replace it … but it just disappeared.

            Up to that point, I was a firm believer in “I don’t need to own any books, I can always just check them out from the library!” When I managed to find that book online several years later, I purchased it. (Incidentally, this one incident is a HUGE reason I don’t buy “If it’s taken out of schools and libraries it’s BANNED” outcries: libraries and schools only have so much time and space, so they HAVE to make judgments on what they carry and teach.)

            Another case in point: When I became enamored with BEAM robotics, I found a lot of material on the web. I tried to revisit some of my material via bookmark that was found on obscure websites after just a few months … and it was gone! I ended up trying to print out on paper a lot of the other material I could find.

            Yeah, the Cloud is just other people’s computers … and the Library is just other people’s books.

            And if the “Internet never forgets”, it’s only because we put effort into remembering!

            1. Why I copy everything (after removing DRM) all my ePub, and Kindle books. Then that library is backed up onto two other devices. Without exception. When I die, I will leave instructions to my sisters on how to access. There isn’t a lot of overlap in our reading … some, but those they buy the hardback (Outlander) versions, where I don’t.

        3. More proof they lied about it. Frankly, if it doesn’t come with an MSDS, then it’s not a valid product. And even then, better read the sheet carefully.

    2. The Washinton Post apparently admitted today that 58% of the last batch of covid deaths were among the vaccinated. Hmm.
      And even folks who naturally fall into the, “We wouldn’t lie, so of course the media doesn’t lie,” group have noticed, “a lot of people have been dying lately.” So we’ll see.

      1. On a similar-if-not-quite-as-bad note:

        Fox mentioned recently that women who took the shot are still able to have children, which is good. But I remember reading recently (can’t remember where) that premature births are up, which is… not catastrophic, but also not so good.

    3. Don’t even call it a “vaccine.” It’s experimental gene therapy of novel type, never before attempted on human beings, pushed out with zero (0) testing of any kind. Normally in the pharmaceutical industry, anybody with, say, a new blood pressure medication, is required by the FDA to test it first on animals for years. Then the FDA analyzes the animal test data and may, or may not, give permission to go to trials on human volunteers. These trials on human volunteers take ten years, minimum, after which the FDA may take another decade to decide whether or not to approve it. This process can take a quarter of a century, and often does. Big Pharma wouldn’t touch this project with a hundred-foot pole until Congress wrote a new special law just for them exempting them from all liability.

      The process takes decades. Unless we’re talking about radical, never-before-tried gene therapy shots that claim to give protection against a virus that may actually exist, or which may be the flu rebranded to turn it into a political cudgel. If it facilitates a power grab by people with (D)s after their names, then all that boring, expensive science stuff can be skipped. Then it’s out the door and on its way to your local pharmacy while the ink is still drying on the patent application. Then your employer gets unrestricted access to all of your medical records, HIPPA be damned. Then they get to hold you at gunpoint and say “either you submit and let us shoot you up with this morning’s batch of Government Mystery Juice from the bright boys at Pfizer,” or maybe Monsanto, or Raytheon, “or else you’re fired. To protect you. Meemaw will die if you don’t. If you don’t do what you’re told, you’re killing Meemaw, and that’s murder. This is for your own good. Is the widdle baby scared of a widdle needle? Tee hee! Now shut up and obey, you selfish deplorable. Do what we tell you. Or else.”

      These same people, forty years ago, were on television sputtering with outrage at the suggestion of quarantine for AIDS carriers, who had a 100% lethal blood disease that was known to be contagious. That would have been a violation of their civil rights and human dignity, and if little kids were rotting alive after getting transfusions of tainted blood, well, deal with it, bigot, that’s the price you breeders are just going to have to pay. In 2014 these exact same people demanded that the US government allow people infected with 85% lethal, extremely contagious Ebola hemorrhagic fever to enter the US for medical treatment, and called all of us “hysterical” and “racist” and “xenophobic” for asking whether these people were going to be put in any kind of quarantine. Many of these same people worked very hard in California to bring about the new laws in which it is now legal to give people AIDS there, instead of attempted murder.

      But they want us to believe that the reason they wanted to shut down the economy forever, put us all on house arrest forever, force us all to join in their contrived hypochondriac fear ritual, and wear worthless paper muzzles made in China as a public sign of obedience and assent, is because they care so very much about public health. No, it wasn’t a pretext made up out of whole cloth to justify ramming through mail-in voting with no ID required so that people like Ruby Freeman and Dale “Bigchoppadoe” Harrison would be able to stuff all the ballot boxes without having to worry about witnesses. No, it wasn’t about giving all the normies a firmware update for unthinking reflexive obedience of any arbitrary order, no matter how surreal, barked out by “the Authorities.” No, it was because they really, really care about you and they know best. Right? Right.

      1. It’s early versions had been through testing. Very unsuccessful testing. It follows former versions considered too dangerous for further testing. Myocarditis, Perecarditis, and dangerous clotting too prevalent for even at risk people to take. If the ability to class-action the makers hadn’t been removed, we would maybe have the J&J and Novovax.

        1. The novel mRNA treatment had been tested on animals in 2012..The animals all died, primarily because the mRNA destroyed their immune systems…That’s why they evaded animal trials this time, and that idiot Trump still endorsed them…

          1. iirc it has only once gotten to monkey levels of testing and failed there, too. Myo- & Pericarditis and blood issues (clots) nixxed the last one I saw testing for (Baylor, and Pfizer, I think)

          2. The pharmaceutical companies really, really wanted to test those mRNA inoculations on people, but the rules didn’t allow it. Suddenly, miraculously, a ‘pandemic crisis’ was declared and they not only got permission, they were given billions of dollars for development AND shielded from liability for killing thousands of people.

            Purely by coincidence, a bunch of rich Democrats got richer.
            I used to live on a farm. I know what bullshit smells like.

        2. Check out the documentary: Died Suddenly. Most of those interviewed are embalmers who discuss the clots they are finding; it’s terrible. And yet TBTB are still pushing the shot.

          1. And of course, the instant response is “those are embalmers, not doctors! What would they know?”

            Someone is forgetting the history of medicine.

          2. I could tell when I hit Illinois by the billboards pushing the poke for kids and getting boosters, and they continue into WI and MI (though I have to go through town to get to the Michigan ones. I live yards from the WI border) KY and TN just had “Get Vaccinated” ads that were more aimed to the childhood vax shots, that one could take for WuFlu pokes if one wished.

      2. > outrage at the suggestion of quarantine for AIDS carriers

        Don’t forget the Red Cross, which cheerfully mixed contaminated blood into their supply, and vehemently resisted any idea of screening their donors.

      3. > “or which may be the flu rebranded to turn it into a political cudgel.”

        Speaking of which… Remember how we scoffed at the notion that the flu had disappeared? We might have been wrong about that. It’s possible the flu really has vanished on account of COVID killing it off and replacing it. I did get this link from The Blogger Who Shall Not Be Named, though, so take it with the customary fistful of salt:

        1. Problem being, we did have the flu the winter before COVID was recognized and lockdowns put in place.

          …we had much, much lower flu after people weren’t going to work, school, and day care, with the flu.

        2. I can’t figure out how that would work. Is he saying that COVID19 is eating the smaller, weaker influenza viruses, I do not see how it could be reducing the levels of influenza. Human beings are prone to many respiratory viruses and they neither compete with one another for hosts nor interact directly. It seems vastly more believable that official statistics for respiratory disease–written up by the CDC, who have every motivation to magnify the number and muddy the waters, who have been telling pathologists for two years now “just check the box for COVID19 if the deceased ever had the sniffles in his life, no testing required”–are lumping all respiratory viruses together in the total, in order to keep the fear porn machine running and keep all the Boomers and the Karens terrified and clamoring to be led to safety.

          This is giving them the benefit of the doubt on their claims that the virus exists at all. All these same people have a track record of claiming “global warming” is real, but the Great Replacement is fake, so they have absolutely zero credibility with their stories of bat soup.

          More disturbing, because it is a bit more plausible, is the suggestion I’ve seen in some quarters that the Chinese “virology lab” in Wuhan was one of the Chinese government’s illegal biowar labs, and that the Wuhan-19 virus, which we are told looks like it was cobbled together out of bits of genetic material from HIV, SARS, MERS, influenza, and the common cold, was an experimental Chinese bioweapon intended for use against Taiwan or possibly us. It fits the pattern of known behavior. The arrogant Chicoms, playing deadly games with stolen foreign technology they do not fully understand, while groping about blindly in the dark for a dagger to hold at the throat of the world accidentally loosed an experimental virus on the world by having the workers at the Wuhan lab hose out the used petri dishes in the parking lot instead of opening a new crate because that would have cost a nickel. We’re all only still alive because it wasn’t Captain Trips this time. The Chicoms have forgotten nothing and learned nothing, and it will happen again. It’s so plausible, in fact, and so perfectly on-the-nose that I question it and double-doubt myself. Would the Chicoms really have put a biological warfare lab in the middle of a major city? Actually they probably would. That’s just how they roll in the PRC, because they don’t share our priorities when it comes to risk, or the value of human life. It’s too perfect. I know it’s more credible than what CNN and MSNBC have been feeding us, but that’s not a high bar to pass. I don’t know what the truth is, but I know we’re being lied to.

          1. The Wuhan virology lab was built as a joint French-Chinese enterprise — but as soon as the lab was completed, they booted the French out and picked the general in charge of the Chinese biological weapons programs to run the place. The lab was used for ‘gain of function’ experiments, where an animal virus is modified to make it contagious to humans. Such experiments were banned in 2014 but the Chinese didn’t sign the treaty.

            Fauxi funneled U.S. taxpayer money to that lab, trying to conceal the violation of U.S. federal law by laundering the money through a British company called Eco Health Alliance. Technically, Eco Health Alliance was funding the lab, rather than the NIH. An awfully flimsy fig-leaf.

            COVID19 is more than 95% identical to a bat virus the Wuhan lab was experimenting on, which originated more than 1,000 miles from the lab. The first cases appeared among workers in the Wuhan lab as early as July 2019. Fauxi helped the Chinese cover up the outbreak until February 2020 when it became too widespread to conceal any longer.

            When the outbreak was reported, the communist Chinese banned travel from Wuhan to other parts of China while at the same time deliberately shipping thousands of disease carriers from Wuhan to other countries all around the world. The communist Chinese have committed the most egregious act of biological warfare in all of history. Will they ever be held to account?

            Fauxi’s blunders, malfeasance and lies are all matters of public record which can be verified with a little effort — but the government, social media companies and left-wing media have all put far more effort into covering them up.
            “The Science Is Settled!!” we are told, again and again — but then ‘The Science!’ changes every week, and somehow it’s always exactly what the politicians need it to be.

            1. Remember when tinkering with a virus to make it more virulent and lethal was called “biological warfare r&d” instead of this mealy-mouthed “gain-of-function” euphemism?

    4. being aware of previous attempts at any sort of effective treatment for coronaviruses I was skeptical of the efficacy of these new treatments.

      being aware of previous attempts to use mRNA to treat other diseases I wanted nothing at all to do with these “vaccines”.

      I went to a new doctor recently and my emphatic “NO!” when she asked if I was interested in getting a covid-19 shot elicited a chuckled with, “I figured.” Either my wife had spoken to her about my views on it, or one of our mutual friends did.

      1. Dr. visit lately: Him: Have you had a COVID booster shot?
        Me: No, and I don’t want one
        Him: Okay.

        Left me with the distinct feeling that he knows exactly why but feels it’s dangerous to talk about it.

        Then, even though this is Austin, it’s still also Texas. He may have been getting a lot of responses like “H–l no! And I’m not f–king having one!”

  2. Freedom seed dispensers, the ability to recognize edible stuff that doesn’t come in a fancy package labeled “Food!!”, curiosity, the ability to red-neck engineer “interesting “ stuff . . . Yep, that’s us!

    attempted innocent kitty expression

    1. Plants are hard to tell if they’re edible or not, and even harder to tell if they’re nutritious. Now animals, just about every damn one of them is edible and nutritious.
      Which just makes me laugh all the harder at vegetarians.

      1. Very, very good point. You can eat eat any varmint at all.

        But plants, mushrooms, etc. Be wary

        Be wary.

          1. That’s what makes it challenging.

            Now turkeys, not so much now. 65 million years ago might have been a different story, by another author. 😉

        1. Well, everything is edible…once. After you eat it, it’s gone. Can you think of anything you can eat more than once? 😛

          Now, as for what happens to you after you eat the wrong thing… 😮

  3. Coyote Ugly: (definition) Waking up from a drunken stupor to find that your sexual partner of the previous night is not only ghastly, but is sleeping with his/her head resting on your arm. The only way to escape, without waking the beast, is to chew off your arm and flee. (Urban Dictionary)

    The term ‘Coyote Ugly’ came to mind as I began to read the ‘bear trap’ analogy. The ugly Marxians refuse to leave us alone, and they not only want us to share in their misery they insist that we pay for it too!

    However, ‘elephant trap’ may be an even better analogy. We’re stuck in a big man-made hole and we may have no-way-out, no escape from the their attempts to enslave us.

    1. What we have here is less an elephant trap than an ill made Burmese tiger trap. The stakes ate the bottom of pit have merely enraged the tiger rather than killed it. Now the Brahmandarins have pits full of peeved tigers and are realizing they may have made a horrible mistake

        1. Which then allows the tigers to climb out. Brahmandarin planning at its insane best. An insane inability or unwillingness to understand the root cause, and taking one problem and making a new one to keep the solution (in this case the tiger trap construction teams) employed and active.

          1. Normally, I’d say the solution is to shoot the tigers from the edge of the pit, but in this case the tigers can shoot back.

    2. I keep waiting for the Democrat voters to wake up and see what they’ve been sleeping with, but they’re still passed out.
      Why do so many idiots believe that our problems will be solved by the same shitheads that caused them?

      1. How many Democrat voters are there in reality? There’s certainly many, but I’m thinking that a not insignificant portion, possibly a majority, are imaginary and only exist at election time.

  4. “You and whose army?” The idiots think they have the army. This shows how out of touch they are. “Go shoot those civilians over there!” “F*** you. Sir.”

  5. You can see the left now absolutely chomping at the bit to re-instate mask mandates and lockdowns. They’re absolutely shaking they are jonesing for it so bad. During the campaign they scoffed at any idea that if the were elected that they’d back lockdowns again. They were lying their damn asses off.

    They have no clue, not one iota of a clue the absolute RAGE that will fall down around their ears if they lock us down again. There will be contemptuous RAGE as well if they try to double down on mandates for the harmful, useless, “vaccines”. But the idiot blue states are gonna try. It’s going to utterly explode on them when they try.

    1. Actually, they are far, far less afraid of our “rage”. Some of them have elaborate plans to exploit “rage” to gain even more power. What terrifies them, what fills them with dread, what keeps them awake at night in abject misery, is that we might simply

      Say “no”.

      Ignore and defy them.

      Demonstrate that they cannot actually force -anything-, without our cooperation. That they might not actually have the power to compel a nation.

      -That- terrifies them.

      That -terrifies- them.


      Exploit it.

      1. Half of NEW YORK didn’t comply this last time. NEW YORK. Including a lot of downstate!
        (and that’s just counties agreeing to enforce at all, I suspect that actual enforcement was a great deal spottier.)
        There’s an awful lot of no around.

      2. That’s why Trump both enrages and terrifies them.
        They have no hold over him, and haven’t been able to invent one that sticks in over a decade.

    2. Masking laws in my state were dropped in April of 2021.

      At the grocery store yesterday, probably 60% were wearing the face-diaper. And I still see a lot of people wearing them while driving or walking on the sidewalks.

    3. They were lying their damn asses off.

      “Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confound, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish and are generally perfectly capable of contriving to give one an utterly unambiguous impression of their future course of action while in fact intending to do exactly the opposite, but they never lie. Perish the thought.”

      — Iain M. Banks, Look to Windward

  6. Canadian here, my experience of the USA is similar to Sarah’s. Americans don’t do Feudalism very well. They make really bad servants, as anyone who’s ever been in an American restaurant knows. (The staff is cheerful, but you better tip them and you BETTER not piss them off.)

    Y’all are also rowdy when you think somebody is pulling a fast one. Political meetings in the USA are LOUD.

    In Canada things are not like that. People don’t yell and swear at politicians here. Everything is done with a measure of decorum. You don’t cut into the line, right? You wait your turn like everybody else.

    Also, there is a class-system in Canada and never let anyone tell you there’s not. There are blue-blood families that run things, and then there is the rest of us that get run.

    But on the other hand, there is the fact that hockey is the national sport here for a reason, and the reason ain’t 6 months of winter. That’s how we are.

    So in Canada, things are much further along down the path of NeoFeudalism. Not as bad as Europe, but not good. This will continue until one day the authorities break a Rule. They will do something stupid. Then it’ll stop.

    I expect Americans will be ahead of us. But I guess we’ll see.

    1. There’s a class system in nearly every country in the world except the US. And the main reason why it hasn’t been imposed in the US is because no family lasts long enough without beclowning itself (despite the attempts by the press to play up the Kennedys) too much for the American public to look up to them beyond a generation or two. At the same time, the leaders of every country that doesn’t have a publicly designated aristocracy will loudly and vocally deny that there is any such thing, even as they reap the benefits of it.

      1. “…play up the Kennedys”

        “But Teddy, what if I’m pregnant?”
        “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

        …and the classic from the ’70s: “If Teddy drove a Volkswagen he’s be president today.” 😉

        1. Even with Teddy, they still could have pulled it off… if the subsequent generations hadn’t been such a mess. JFK and RFK cast a big enough shadow in the popular imagination that Teddy could be safely ignored. But the second generation ultimately didn’t amount to much. And the third might as well not even exist.

          1. Roosevelts, Rockefellers, and Bushes also come to mind. Two generations seem to be about as much as the US will let any one family hold major influence it seems.

    2. They make really bad servants, as anyone who’s ever been in an American restaurant knows. (The staff is cheerful, but you better tip them and you BETTER not piss them off.)

      Key there is that they are the STAFF, professionals hired to do a job, and they’ll do that job, but they expect to be treated with respect. If you start acting like they’re your SERVANTS, you deserve whatever they do to your food.

    3. > “I expect Americans will be ahead of us.”

      I dunno, it was Canada that gave us The Great Honking. My money would have been on Americans beings the first to rebel on that scale. And Sri Lanka beat us to armed rebellion.

      In other words, don’t sell your country short. 🙂

  7. Ma’am, You must be more flexible than this old body. I couldn’t reach my tail with both hands, much less with my teeth. So I guess I’ll have to wait until they open the trap to take me and then lunge. Human eye teeth are quite sharp. Especially on soft parts. I think the Army would probably disintegrate if the balloon ever went up. There are to be sure, a class of youngings who, nourished on Fell Meats, would turn on the populace, but just as many would not. I was talking to the erstwife about this on the drive the other day.
    We have spent 20+ years fighting insurgencies in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and other places we don’t even know about. There is a cadre of vets in this country aged 25 to 50 who are experts at this. I pray to my Lord this never happens. all I want to do is live my life in peace. I wish these others had the sense to just let it alone.

    1. The thing about bears with their butts in a trap is that they only have a few options. Gnaw their tail off, die trapped, or wait for someone with hands to let them out. They are solitary animals who don’t know how to help each other.

      We, OTOH, do know how to help fellow trapped individuals. We can open each other’s traps.

      And we have been doing that pretty much as fast as a trap has sprung. Which is why we haven’t had to resort to hunting down the trappers.

      Should said trappers get their fondest wish and trap enough butts to make rescue impossible, well it will be on like Donkey Kong.

      That would be my guess anyway.

      1. Kind of fits with what I was just thinking. Somebody will have to check the traps at some point, and whoever those poor bastards are, they’re going to learn the hard way that trapped and helpless aren’t the same thing.

      2. And some (sadly few) of our political types have clearly passed the test of the Gom Jabbar and are patiently using their trapped state against the trappers as Humans should. Most of our political class would not be judged human under that test. And we will ignore the vegetative ones the Democrats now seem to favor.

    2. The US Military might not have been able to “win” the war(s) in Asia, but it certainly trained a bunch of folks in useful skills in case the balloon ever does go up. I’d be willing to be that the former military using their own supplies would beat the current US Military. And not because I think the US Military is incompetent, but because the former military understands how to exploit the weak spots.

      1. Also, the rebels would have a lot of help from within. While some of the rank-and-file would turn on us, far from all of them would.

  8. There will be blood…can’t be avoided it would seem, but like Tom Paine, I hope it will be finished before our grandchildren grow up…I would bet that my ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War had the same thoughts in their minds when they faced the British and Tories in that fratricidal and terrible war…

  9. I’m thinking of Gandalf’s description of Bilbo a being “fierce as a dragon in a pinch” (which, if you’ve ever seen a dragon in a pinch, you know is a great hyperbole). But it still might apply to us as well.

      1. Especially if you are a dragon. Blue mice and very small pink elephants have been known to escape with their lives by hiding.

    1. The way I interpret that phrase is that Gandalf is normally a nice guy, but if you corner him — watch out.

      I think a major mistake our Ruling Class is making, is assuming that because we’re generally nice guys, we’re pushovers — so they thing they can push us around all they want, without a clue of what would happen if we get pushed too far.

      1. Because we just want to get back to our lives, and the most efficient way to do that is eliminate the problem-makers.

      2. Leftroids are progressively doing things that piss off more and more people. Ban guns — piss off maybe 60 million. Ban cars — piss off 150 million. Ban coal, oil and gas — piss off 200 million or more.

        They’re not going for a second Civil War; they’re headed for the second Revolutionary War.
        Nobody has so little that some asshole doesn’t want to take it. And the government is full of assholes.

    2. The Lord of the Rings quote I think of is Pippin’s “There might be all the difference between an old cow sitting and thoughtfully chewing, and a bull charging; and the change might come suddenly.”

  10. A song from that disastrous event when the French killed their lawful king. I’m shocked, truly shocked.

    Ah well, better hung for a sheep than a lamb. Aristos a la lanterne!

    Suivant les maximes de l’évangile
    Du législateur tout s’accomplira.
    Celui qui s’élève on l’abaissera
    Celui qui s’abaisse on l’élèvera.
    Le vrai catéchisme nous instruira
    Et l’affreux fanatisme s’éteindra.
    Pour être à la loi docile
    Tout Americains s’exercera.
    Ah ! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira

    The old 14th of foot took this as their March after their colonel, Colonel Doyle, called out at the Battle of Famars in 1793: “Come along, my lads; let’s break the scoundrels to their own damned tune. Drummers, strike up Ça Ira.” They did.

    At least it’s a happy sort of tune unlike those mournful dirges the left seem to enjoy. Napoleon’s troops marched to a tune about onions and the French Foreign Legion to a tune about blood pudding.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  11. Things will go kinetic, briefly. They they will go cyclic. And then, I expect, ballistic. And if cooler heads do not prevail, nuclear.

      1. Worse, it’s been rewritten a bunch of times, often by committee. So there are a lot of different versions of the lyrics.
        And the later versions stray pretty darned far from the “cooler heads and the good of all” theme it started as.

        (I obsessed a bit when I looped part of the song into a ringtone. I’m pretty sure I’ve made it available before, but I can put a link up again if anyone wants it.)

    1. I recommend to you google translate. My study of French is 45 years in the past, so a lot of that song was gobbledy gook to me (what tense is that? how does that reflexive verb use even work?) but I think Google translate did OK (my tweaks in ()’s

      According to(following) the maxims of the gospel
      From(by?) the legislator everything will be accomplished.
      Whoever rises will be brought down
      He who lowers himself will be lifted up.
      (these look like gospel “The first shall be last and the last shall be first”)
      The true catechism will teach us
      And the awful fanaticism will die out.
      To be obedient to the law
      All Americans will practice. (Note: I presume these lines are sarcastic 🙂 )
      Ah! it will be fine, it will be fine, it will be fine

        1. As our dear hostess noted, we American/USAin types have little respect for the letter of the law, thus this

          To be obedient to the law
          All Americans will practice.

          Reads as sarcasm (or perhaps wishful thinking) to me. More true of the French than us. The British seem to be the most cooperative (until they re not…) in that way, maybe our northern neighbors inherited that tendency from them?

        1. I realized a long time ago that spoken French is a lot easier to conjugate than written French!

  12. Rephrasing Descartes’ Cogito, ergo sum, I think, therefore I am, I can say Ergo sum. Ergo gratias ago, I am. Therefore I’m thankful.

    I must add, my family, Ergo gratias ago, my friends, Ergo gratias ago, that we are up here atop the world, Ergo gratias ago, that there are the likes of many of you guys around, Ergo gratias ago, that there is a darn good chance the sun will rise tomorrow, Ergo gratias ago!

    Me, I don’t see my butt in a bear trap, but of course you can disagree. Tomorrow I’ll count my blessings, so much, so many, so amazing, in spite of…, I’ll thank the Powers that be, not the powers some think they see, and wish the best for all men of good will!

    1. Personally, I prefer Nordom’s version of Descartes – “I think, therefore I am… I think.”


      Though I’m guessing that it doesn’t work as well in the original Latin.

      1. Of course you are my bright little star,
        I’ve miles
        And miles
        Of files
        Pretty files of your forefather’s fruit
        and now to suit our
        great computer,
        You’re magnetic ink.

        1. Moody Blues for the win – continuing…

          I’m more than that
          I know I am
          At least, I think I must be

          There you go man
          Keep as cool as you can
          Face piles of trials with smiles
          It riles them to believe
          That you perceive the web they weave
          And keep on thinking free

          Let us try for a calm and relaxing Thanksgiving Day.

  13. Very good points one and all!

    I am very slow at typing this as I just came from the Doc’s office and had my hand fixed for “trigger finger” in (irony) my actual trigger finger! During the fix, the Doc and PA assisting were both were quizzing me on firearms training as they knew I was retired from doing corrections/law enforcement training – I gave them some good ideas and places to look for good instruction beyond the basics. Funny thing, all three of us have/carry a five shot snub revolver.

    Ms Hoyt is right – Americans are a different breed and my above discussion at the clinic is only one small example – the seasoned Doctor and young PA were both very welcoming to my idea of shoot center mass and then go head and hips to defeat basic body armor. They had not considered body armor and have now adjusted their shoot someone philosophy to include “hips and lips” in a deadly encounter. Americans are not to be trifled with and if you do so there will be a terrible price to pay.

  14. The post is fabulous, and the comments have me roaring with laughter.

    I watch/listen to Real America’s Voice during the day while I work. The current commentator led off with Schoolhouse Rock’s “Rockin’ and a Rollin’ Splishin’ and a Splashin’, over the horizon what do I see? I think it’s gonna be… A FREE COUNTREEEE!” Today it made me a little weepy because I’m so thankful to be an American. So thankful.

    No one understands how different we are. It’s really helpful to have Sarah here with her born-elsewhere-eyes, and the Canadian up above that said American political meetings are LOUD. Scary loud, in fact, if you’re not an American. Nigel Farage was the first person I ever heard mention it, and it surprised me. “What? Loud? This is tame compared to….”

    Yep, things are ugly and getting worse. The globalists are going to take America down to the bare metal because we are the teat that the rest of the world sucks on. It has to be us because we’re the only ones that can resist the onslaught, and recover. I think it was Sarah who said we would return more American than we ever were.

    Yep. 🙂 Joyous Thanksgiving to all here.

    p.s. Weapons really are beautiful, and are fun to shoot, share, and obsess over. In college I used to let off steam by sitting on the front porch and shooting the musk melons off the stump 25 yards away. With every weapon we had, which at the time was about 40. You can never have too many.

    1. The Reader had a grandmother who would stack soda cans up and shoot them off the stack one at a time from about 10 yards with a 12 gauge. I was about 6 when I witnessed this. The Reader’s dad laughed – he’d seen it before. The Reader hadn’t done any shooting between his youth and retirement. He enjoys it now although wishes he was better. As to enough freedom seed projectors…

      1. BOSS Grandma.
        We had a hand held skeet thrower and a 410 shotgun that was pretty fun, again from the porch. Easier that way.

      2. A Marlin Model 60, a couple of bricks of .22, and all the empty Lone Star beer bottles in the family dump.

        Set up a board with lined with bottles. Three shots per bottle, first took off the top, second the body, and the last scoots the bottom off without hitting the board.

        1. My dad used to practice on starlings, which he calls ‘rats of the sky’; he could get cash for every one he brought in to the county courthouse. He said that if he hit them just right, they’d clinch onto the tree branches and swing upside down – which is great entertainment when you don’t own a TV, I guess, but my grandma hated it because she’d look out the window and see all these dead birds hanging in her trees like gruesome Christmas tree ornaments.

            1. Starlings are an invasive species in the Americas. Imported I believe by some looney that wanted all the birds mentioned in Shakespeare in the U.S. It’s a shame really their feathers have a pretty sheen kind of like oil on water makes them at least interesting, though not as nice as the birds they’ve displaced.

              1. Across the street neighbors have starlings nest in their eves. For years our cat would take the parents. Nineteen of his 20 years. Not his fault they’d dive bomb him, in his own front yard. Neighbors hated it, but they didn’t complain. 1) Invasive species. 2) He didn’t have to leave his own yard to catch them. Dumbest birds ever.

                Had another, next street over, neighbor that said he hunted their backyard. We, and the neighbors across the street directly behind them, told them to “quit feeding the wildlife”, or install ground motion water sprinklers. Below bird feeders so birds wouldn’t set them off, but cats and squirrels would. Also informed them since they threatened the cats any disappearances they would see police … another neighbor did daycare for a couple of local officers kids. No more problems about the cats (ours or other neighbors cats).

                Funny. We have 4 cats now (3 indoors only right now), have had up to 5 indoor/outdoor cats. We have smaller local birds, crows/ravens, turkeys, humming birds, and squirrels, all the time. We’d see the starlings dead, but nothing else, ever. Well occasionally, recently, a garter snake … all the snakes have to do is stay out of the closed garage! Well until we let Tj start roaming. But the 4 that have gotten caught came in the gap under the garage door.

    2. “A cultural obsession with things that go boom.” Or slice, or phwap, or whatever. If it has momentum, a point, a blade, or explosive capability, we’re all over it.

          1. Good thing he was behind that tree. That looks like it would have been a stay in the hospital at the very least.

    1. Subscription only article, unfortunately.

      I don’t know whether the article mentions it, but also worth noting is that the Arizona AG is demanding that Maricopa County hand over a bunch of stuff relating to the election before the 28th (when the results are to be certified).

  15. Thankful here, too. The Marxists despise our Thanksgiving. They don’t want us well fed, happy, and enjoying a feast with our family. They don’t want babies bounced on knees and stories told by old Grandpa, and the clean up crew in the kitchen laughing so hard that dishtowels have to be waved in front of faces to cool off.

    They want us quiet, and silent, and grim. God, they hate our laughter. They’re not going to win. It might even get kinetic (please not), but they won’t win. We’re incapable of being serfs.

      1. They hate all holidays that celebrate family, liberty and/or God. Make them angry by celebrating and then celebrating some more. Nothing is more pleasurable than angry Marxists not getting their way.

        1. “Do you not fear?”
          “Would that be wise? Because I am not . . . What can you do, dragon, to erase the life and the laughter I’ve already lived and already laughed? . . . What can you do to frighten one as foolish as me?”
          – thus Cyrus, from N.D. Wilson’s Ashtown Burials series.
          Practice defiance by joy. They don’t understand it, and they can’t take it away from you.

          1. When people ask me how i am, I say Joyful. It is a secret sign( like the fish), for those who know the One who is infinite Joy. I often explain that Joy is one of the four infinities of Advent, to those who think it is only mere happiness.

            Joy and gratitude are two of the secrets of life.

  16. We need some more brave immigrant Patriots like Sarah and the boys of the old 69th:

    My name is Tim McDonald, I’m a native of the Isle
    I was born among old Erin’s bogs when I was but a child
    My father fought in ‘Ninety-Eight, for liberty so dear;
    He fell upon old Vinegar Hill, like an Irish volunteer

    Then raise the harp of Erin, boys, the flag we all revere
    We’ll fight and fall beneath its folds, like Irish volunteers!
    Then raise the harp of Erin, boys, the flag we all revere
    We’ll fight and fall beneath its folds, like Irish volunteers!

    When I was driven form my home by an oppressor’s hand
    I cut my sticks and greased my brogues, and came o’er to this land
    I found a home an many friends, and some that I love dear;
    Be jabbers! I’ll stick to them like bricks and an Irish volunteer

    Then fill your glasses up, my boys, and drink a hearty cheer
    To the land of our adoption and the Irish volunteer!
    Then fill your glasses up, my boys, and drink a hearty cheer
    To the land of our adoption and the Irish volunteer!

    Now when the traitors in the south commenced a warlike raid
    I quickly then laid down my hod, to the devil went my spade!
    To a recruiting office then I went, that happened to be near
    And joined the good old Sixty-Ninth, like an Irish volunteer

    Then fill the ranks and march away!–no traitors do we fear;
    We’ll drive them all to blazes, says the Irish volunteer
    Then fill the ranks and march away!–no traitors do we fear;
    We’ll drive them all to blazes, says the Irish volunteer

    Now when the Prince of Wales came over here, and made a hubbaboo
    Oh, everybody turned out, you know, in gold and tinsel too;
    But then the good old Sixty-Ninth didn’t like these lords or peers
    They wouldn’t give a damn for kings, the Irish volunteers!

    We love the land of Liberty, its laws we will revere
    “But the devil take the nobility!” says the Irish volunteer!
    We love the land of Liberty, its laws we will revere
    “But the devil take the nobility!” says the Irish volunteer!

    Now if the traitors in the South should ever cross our roads
    We’ll drive them to the devil, as Saint Patrick did the toads;
    We’ll give them all short nooses that come just below the ears
    Made strong and good of Irish hemp by Irish volunteers

    Then here’s to brave McClellan whom the army now reveres
    He’ll lead us on to victory, the Irish volunteers
    Then here’s to brave McClellan, whom the army now reveres
    He’ll lead us on to victory, the Irish volunteers

    Now fill your glasses up, my boys, a toast come drink with me
    May Erin’s Harp and the Starry Flag united ever be;
    May traitors quake, and rebels shake, and tremble in their fears
    When next they meet the Yankee boys and Irish volunteers!

    God bless the name of Washington! that name this land reveres;
    Success to Meagher and Nugent, and their Irish volunteers!
    God bless the name of Washington! that name this land reveres;
    Success to Meagher and Nugent, and their Irish volunteers!

    The dumb bastards are trying even my legendary patience.

    1. This one got me too:

      Thank God I’m not so senile I think I could do more than first aid or cooking. Stuff like this gets the blood heated up:

      No, no, with their life’s blood they’ll guard the rich treasure;
      See how they respond to the call “shoulder arms”
      Though endeared by their sacred ties, with love beyond measure
      Of bosom-friends, children and beauty’s sweet charms
      Yet, they leave all behind, and equip for the battle
      Between freedom and rapine, like true sons of Mars
      They’ll conquer through traitors their cannon may rattle
      And bring back triumphant the Banner of Stars,

  17. “But y’all outright scare me when you start gun talk. Dear Lord. I don’t think gun experts in Portugal know as much about guns as someone here, just pulled off the street. And y’all LIKE them. I mean, it’s like a mother talking about her newborn, or me talking about cats. Your eyes lit up, and you discuss mayhem dealing weapons like they’re your pride and joy.”

    This! This is what the left doesn’t understand and is what they fear. We USAians should do this everywhere.

  18. “you’ve heard of animals chewing off a leg to escape a trap. there’s an animal kind of trick. a human would remain in the trap endure the pain feigning death that he might kill the trapper and remove a threat to his kind.”

    ― Frank Herbert, Dune

    1. Here’s to feigning death, that others may live.!

      And may God have mercy on the souls of those who made it necessary.

  19. On the Eve of Thanksgiving, let us practice this most American of holidays, and give thanks for the abundance of our blessings. Despite some recent unpleasantness, we live in a time and place of plenty unknown and unimaginable to kings of old.

    Truly, we are blessed. For which I am thankful to the Almighty, daily.

    Stuck at home, fighting off a nasty bug, yet still looking forward to eating my microwaveable turkey and dressing, and being thankful for much.

    Including this lunatic grey tabby that keeps acting uppity to yank me out of any grumblebog.


      1. The Mobile Infantry reminds you, the only good bug is a dead bug. Do your part!

        Would you like to know more?

        Enlist now!

        1. I taught that to my children. But I used to send back teacher’s notes and flyers with mis-spellings and grammar errors corrected, so there’s that.

          Also, the answer to ‘why did you drop your pencil?’ is ‘local gravitational anomaly’.

          It’s a beautiful day in Oregon, and soon we will be with friends for dinner. I hope the weather and company are lovely for all of you.

            1. > “Gravity still works. Good thing, right?”

              That depends on whether it’s working for or against you:

              1. Gravity exists in its own right and doesn’t work for or against, any more than you work for or against it. — you just do you.

  20. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    We have so very much to be thankful for: not the least of which that we are true American patriots and citizens of the greatest country to ever grace the face of God’s earth.
    Love to all and may you all enjoy friends and family this weekend!

  21. Long before “doctor” “SCIENCE!” Fauci become a household name, annual flu vaccines were developed. I never took them, but I know several people who did. Oddly, they almost always caught some flu variant each season anyway, and didn’t understand why I thought it was a waste of time.

    1. That’s exactly why I quit getting the flu shot. I HATE needles, and I realized that every time I got the shot, I’d inevitably get the flu when it swept through my area, but if I didn’t get the shot, odds were maybe 50/50 that I wouldn’t get the flu when it hit.

      NOTE: I AM NOT SAYING THAT THE FLU SHOT GIVES YOU THE FLU!!!!! And if you decide to be another idiot that tries to tell me that’s what I mean, I swear by all that you hold good and dear in this universe that I will reach through the internet and smack you over the head with a wet pool noddle! Just saying that that’s been my experience.

      1. Point to remember is that half the feeling bad is from your body reacting to the virus, no the virus itself. Well, giving a weakened/killed virus makes your body do the same thing.

        1. True, but what I mean is that if I got the shot in September, and then the flu came through in November, I’d always get sick in November.

        2. Since I’ve never had any reaction (beyond, hours later, “What’s that.. oh, bandage over injection site.”) to the flu vaccine, does that mean I never had a “good take”?

      2. I rarely get the flu shot. Have. But hit and miss. Usually the years I do get the flu shot, it comes out ….”Oops we guessed wrong.” And, I get the flu. Thus I’ve taken to waiting until I know they at least guessed the variants coming through correctly. If not, don’t bother.

        I generally get really sick every 3 – 5 years. Until the last two years. Late 2019, then early 2022 … Dang I was Sick. 2019 was “before CCPFlu”, and 2021, well son tested positive with a slight fever, then dad briefly, for a nano second or two, was sick … Then I caught whatever … And in between I had had both the flu and clot shots … No I am not getting either this winter.

  22. In the book of Daniel, Daniel’s three friends refuse to bow down to the idol. This is what i have been contemplating. How to not bow down? Is this to overtly refuse, or simply to not be complicit? How many fingers is the other metaphor.

    I have decided I will NOT bow down. I choose to disobey. Yet also do this smartly, not simply being offensive, but knowing when I am asked to bow down.

    Remember, not bowing down lead to the fiery furnace. There are consequences. God was with the three in the fiery furnace, may He be with us. Be Not afraid.

  23. Happy Thanksgiving, my friends. I hope you all have a good time with friends, family, food, and fun.

  24. Anyone else see that pic at the top and immediately think of Bugs Bunny as “Tasmanian She-Devil”?


  25. RE: Kinetics

    I’m reminded of an essay by Marko Kloos (erronously credited to the mythical “Major Caudill”) titles “Why the Gun is Civilization.”

    In it Kloos points out that there are two,and only two, ways of gaining compliance from another: strength of argument or threat of force. If one possesses the ability to successfully resist the threat of force coercion must rely on strength of argument.

    What I’m seeing is “strength of argument” by the Powers That Be is not just declining severely, it’s become practically nonexistent; the lies upon which they have achieved compliance have been proved false, and only the wilfully ignorant are unaware of it.

    Those blissful people are, however, not The People Who Get Things Done.

    We are.

    As life progresses, and things accomplished, I anticipate resistance from those whose fortunes, of all types, have been constructed on the myths and fables of Knowledge and Impervious Expertise; we’re on the cusp of simply leaving them behind and when we do, and they realize it, a tantrum will occur. Quite understandable, as no one save the mentally ill wishes unpleasant change upon oneself, and grief over a loss can easily turn into anger, anger seeking placement of blame and retribution.

    For that reason I expect some amount of kinetics to occur; how expansive it becomes remains to be seen. One hopes that it will be sufficiently intense to accomplish its goals and sufficiently brief to not cripple what remains. Devolution by itself, while welcomed, is inadequate, it must be accompanied by reconstruction, aided by a certain amount of compassion; what comes next must be better than what was before.

    Mel Gibson’s character in The Patriot encouraged his sons to “aim small, miss small” in preparation for their confrontation; worthy thought, that. When the time comes we should take it to heart in all matters.

    1. Useful to consider in that scene of recovering his son: he didn’t just shoot one, or shoot the officer, or hope a few casualties would change their minds.

      He wiped them out: Utterly, savagely, quickly, without mercy or pity.

      And from then on, it was war, war to the bloody end.

      Don’t think that one big expensive pushback event will turn them from their path of Dominion. They will just use it to excuse greater violations and barbarity.

      Once it’s on, it’s to the knife. Winner take all, unconditional surrender the objective.

      Ugly to contemplate, eh? Let’s try to solve this in the system. Because the first fatality of a real war will be the system we want to preserve.

      Let us be adroit and relentless in our civilized reasoned persuasions of those not yet committed to insanity and evil.

  26. We like our little lives. “Petit bourgeois” the French would call it with a sneer, but petit bourgeois is where the soul of America lives. We want to do work we by and large enjoy and are good at, while having families and raising fat babies who grow taller and bigger and more capable than us, and raiser fat babies, in turn, while doing the daily, unglamorous work of making the world a better place. Look, it’s nothing much. It’s just who we are.

    This old hymn captures what you describe …

    Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do,
    Do not wait to shed your light afar;
    To the many duties ever near you now be true,
    Brighten the corner where you are.

    Brighten the corner where you are!
    Brighten the corner where you are!
    Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar;
    Brighten the corner where you are!

    Just above are clouded skies that you may help to clear,
    Let not narrow self your way debar;
    Though into one heart alone may fall your song of cheer,
    Brighten the corner where you are.

    Here for all your talent you may surely find a need,
    Here reflect the bright and Morning Star;
    Even from your humble hand the Bread of Life may feed,
    Brighten the corner where you are.

    Which also points us to a different approach to the bear trap, aka social technocracy,

    DC is now occupied territory. The front lines of conflict between us ordinary souls and the Pedestaled Elite social technocrats are now in our states, counties, and towns … where we still have more influence and authority if we choose to exercise it,

    Let us find ways to leverage federalism, to brighten the corners where we are and render DC more and more irrelevant to our daily, unglamorous construction of lives – even if that means more risk and less outside “help” for us. That’s how we can break the teeth of the bear trap.

    1. They won’t allow us to make them irrelevant; they will make their intrusions into our lives ever more odious and burdensome. They seek to take total control of our homes, our transportation, our food, our money, our access to energy and medical treatment — every aspect of our lives.

      They believe they are ‘Elite Technocrats’ but they do not understand technology. They believe they are ushering in some ‘New Economy’ but they do not understand economics. They have to rule over us, because they are incapable of doing anything useful. They are blind and deaf and stupid, and they insist that they are the best qualified to fly the plane.
      There is no shortage of people convinced they can create the Perfect World. They just have to eliminate all those imperfect people who don’t fit in it.

      1. They will try to remain relevant to us … and expose more and more why they should be irrelevant to us. Eventually we will show them the the door … like Terry McAuliffe was shown the door last year in Virginia.

  27. And now, it looks like it’s all over in Alaska. Tshibaka got the most votes, but that ancient RINO Murkowski has been declared the ‘winner’. Yet another crime Vichy Mitchy will never have to answer for.

    Ivanova was right. “I do not like this Santiago. I’ve always thought a leader should have a strong chin. Santiago has no chin, and his vice president has several. This to me is not a good combination.”

    Vichy Mitchy has the weakest chin in the Senate.
    Elections are far too important to be left up to a bunch of uncontrolled voters. The Party MUST exercise oversight and management to prevent mere voters from electing the wrong candidates!

  28. “But y’all outright scare me when you start gun talk. Dear Lord. I don’t think gun experts in Portugal know as much about guns as someone here, just pulled off the street. And y’all LIKE them. I mean, it’s like a mother talking about her newborn, or me talking about cats. Your eyes lit up, and you discuss mayhem dealing weapons like they’re your pride and joy.”

    Hell, some of us approach the topic with a near-religious fervor. One author’s Facebook group(s) I’m part of has declared that such topics as 1911 vs. Glock, AR vs. AK, 9mm vs. .45 ACP, etc. fall under the “no religious debates” rule. Because such “debates” invariably devolve into screaming matches to the ultra-zealot members of each camp.

        1. Not by a long shot. I have a 10mm-size hole in my collection that’s the same shape as the new SIG P320 XTEN. Soon…. soon…

          1. And yes, I realize going with the P320 over a 1911 makes me a raging hypocrite. But I don’t care!!!!!! [insert evil cackling here]

          2. RE: The XTEN. Very much worth it. The G20 is, well, much like grasping a 2X4, and while the Tangfoglio in 10 fits the hand better (it’s an up-sized CZ-75 clone) parts are “difficult” and odd things exist, like the front sight on the stainless model being part of the (rather hard alloy) slide which requires fairly specialized machining to modify; the XTEN? Like holding a favorite tool, just what one would expect from the P320 family. Galco recently (finally !) added one OWB for the XTEN (they already had the hunter’s chest rig), with, I hope, more on the way (I’m hoping for one for the SSII/Miami Classic rig, but a 5-inch barrel will probably preclude horizontal carry, and finding any shoulder rigs, vertical or horizontal, that accommodate RDSes is a Holy Grail project) there’s a Kydex from Comp-Tac available through Sig, and I assume, also through C-T. Factory mags (all made by Mec-Gar) are now plentiful. My contacts at Sig say parts are on hand, and a spring kit is due shortly (I always up-poundage recoil springs, my G20 has a Wolff 22 lb for the Buff Heavy load).

            So far, 600+ rounds in, it hasn’t destroyed my Holosun 407, good non-practice fodder is expensive (what isn’t, anymore?) but increasing in availability. BTW, the XTEN comes with a slide already cut for an RDS, having it done to the G20 was $200 for the surgery and cold bluing.

            You mentioned ‘1911,” If you’re still committed to JMB’s Favorite Caliber you might take a look at the SAR K2. Like the Italian EAA Tangfoglio, it’s an up-sized Turkish CZ-75 clone that’s stunningly accurate and a surprisingly good DA/SA trigger out of the box (and like all CZ-75s and their clones, can also be carried cocked-and-locked, just as Mr. Browning intended). CZ has long had the Model 97 – an all-steel 40 ouncer – upon which the SAR K2 is based (the 97, as far as I know, never came with more than 10-round capacity, the K2 carries 14+1) Recoil is practically nonexistent, mostly because it’s all-steel and 40 ounces (as an FYI, the steel frame 1911 Govt Model is 39 ounces). Holsters are rare so far (The Big River People carry one from an outfit in Istanbul, made probably right down the street from SAR, that’s inexpensive and a good fit). There are reports some CZ-75 holsters are also good fits but I can’t testify to that.

            Huh. I just proofed the above for typos and realized I may have just proved the truth of our hostess’ statement (above) about Americans and guns.

      1. The correct answers are – what are you able to afford, what do you have, and can you keep it fed?

        I have two little ArmaLites. And a handgun. And by God and his saints who reign with him above, I have all I need. Assuredly, not all I want.

        I heard there was an old West maxim: beware the man with one gun, for he knows how to use it. That has always been my approach.

        1. Same. Two little Armalites and two pistols. Neither pistol is particularly suitable for concealment, so I don’t quite have all I need just yet, but I’m working on it.

  29. The USA is exceptional in many ways. Just a few that come to mind that make our country so distinct, and likely extremely foreign to others.

    The USA is a concept rather than a set piece of land/geography.
    The Country could more accurately be described as a collection of smaller countries that we refer to as states and which have a common overall concept of rights.
    The population as a whole is very open to new ideas.
    The population of the country is extremely diverse in terms of race and also viewpoint.
    The population is very mobile and willing to move at the drop of a hat.
    The geography spans a continent, running from Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean (~2500 miles)
    The geography of the country is so large and diverse that nearly every type of climate can be found here.
    Because of unique geography, over half the country is less than 200 miles from a water based shipping port

  30. Dressing or stuffing: discuss.

    [Full disclosure – RedQuarters Nord inclines toward dressing, but with rice instead of cornbread.]

  31. But y’all outright scare me when you start gun talk. Dear Lord. I don’t think gun experts in Portugal know as much about guns as someone here, just pulled off the street. And y’all LIKE them. I mean, it’s like a mother talking about her newborn, or me talking about cats. Your eyes lit up, and you discuss mayhem dealing weapons like they’re your pride and joy.

    And I love you for it, even when I sit there, gaping going “uh. How?”


    And it’s down along the Falls Road is where I long to be
    Lying in the dark with the provo company
    A comrade on me left and another one on me right
    A clip of ammunition for me little Armalite

    I was stopped by a soldier, he said “You are a swine”
    He hit me with his rifle and he kicked me in the groin
    I begged and I pleaded, all my manners were polite
    But all the time I’m thinking of me little Armalite

    And it’s down in the Bogside is where I long to be
    Lying in the dark with the provo company
    A comrade on me left and another one on me right
    A clip of ammunition for me little Armalite

    Well this brave RUC man came marching up our street
    Six hundred British soldiers he had lined up at his feet
    “Come out you cowardly fenians, come on out and fight”
    He cried “I’m only joking” when he heard the Armalite

    And it’s down in Bellaghy is where I long to be
    Lying in the dark with the provo company
    A comrade on me left and another one on me right
    A clip of ammunition for me little Armalite

    Well the army came to visit me, it was in the early hours
    With Saracens and Saladins and Ferret armoured cars
    They thought they had me cornered, but I gave them all a fright
    With the armour piercing bullets of me little Armalite

    And it’s down in the New Lodge is where I long to be
    Lying in the dark with the provo company
    A comrade on me left and another one on me right
    A clip of ammunition for me little Armalite

    Well when Prior came to Belfast to see the battles won
    The generals they had told him “We’ve got them on the run”
    But corporals and privates while on patrol at night
    Say “Remember Narrow Water and the bloody Armalite”

    And it’s down in Crossmaglen is where I long to be
    Lying in the dark with the provo company
    A comrade on me left and another one on me right
    And a clip of ammunition for me little Armalite

  32. At the moment I am thankful for the ancestors from Sicily, Germany, Russia, Ireland, Scotland, and Spain, who had the guts to get out and handed down to me each their little bit of muleish “NO.”

    Yes, I’m a mutt.

  33. “Petit bourgeois” the French would call it with a sneer,

    I’ll admit that I’ve never understood this sneering. Why sneer at those who do things that are necessary for life to continue? Even if, perhaps especially if, these are things you wouldn’t like to do yourself, why not just say, “Thank you,” and go on your way?

    I know this is a thing. I remember in Pride and Prejudice where Bingley’s sisters sneered at the Bennet uncles for working for a living, and it was an attitude that Elizabeth didn’t condemn, even if she clearly thought they were being rude bringing it up. Even in more recent novels, I remember in Towards Zero where Mary Aldin was distressed at the possibility she might have to work for a living after her cousin died. So I know the attitude exists. But I don’t get it. Maybe I don’t want to get it.

    1. Status anxiety. Same thing you see nowadays with tatted, pierced purple-hairs with Master’s degrees that require nothing more than a 90IQ, sheeplike compliance, and a willingness to burn the cost of a comfortable home in the suburbs (but that HAVE a Master’s degree, peasant) mocking the -ists and -phobes.

      Personally I am firmly of the opinion that grandiousity is a sign of mental illness.

  34. ❤ 100%

    We do not follow a person. We follow concepts. That is what Trump is. Someone who had of list of accomplishments he wanted. We could follow him to give him a chance to follow through. Because he is know for actually trying to follow through.

    Despite everything the left has and does try, I do not think they can trigger kinetic reaction. I think it is going to be an obvious outside force. One the left cannot deny. One they can’t deny they caused (they will try … duh … they will fail). One that puts everyone on the same side. I don’t want to see this happen either.

  35. Just found this post.

    We’re too well armed for them to try a Shoah, which is why we’re currently in the early stages of a slow-motion Holodomor.

    Going to have to do something about that at some point.

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