102 thoughts on “Meme me tender, meme me slow….

          1. I have a brain for languages. The problem is the 33% deafness which makes hearing and speaking them difficult. I was taking the DOD course in French and had to give it up when I was halfway through because my wife, who does speak French fluently, was laughing so hard she kept getting hiccups at my pronunciation. Think of the worst possible cross between a New York and German accent mangling French. I had French, and French speaking Belgians, beg me within seconds to use English whenever I tried to speak to them.

            1. I had similar reaction from my ROK military counterparts when I tried to speak Korean. They asked me to help them with their English instead.

    1. I got a kick out of that one, although I am lazy and if confronted with a French vampire would probably just buy two baguettes, cross them, and march the beastie into sunlight…

  1. Your tax meme…

    Driving back home from south Charlotte today along Interstate 485 and I noticed they’re doing a lot of construction on the southeast side of that loop. Adding desperately-needed lanes, yay! Except…they’re ALL going to be HOT lanes. High-occupancy toll. If you’re in a 3+ person carpool you can use them for free. Otherwise, you’ll pay high tolls to a private concern that’s building the lanes and has the concession to handle it on behalf of NCDOT or whoever is the controlling authority. They put those up along I-77 north of Uptown heading out toward Lake Norman and at peak, it’s literally $3.00+ to use those lanes for A MILE AND A HALF…and that’s if you’ve got a transponder. If you don’t, they bill you by plate reader and mail and the tolls are 50% higher. The non-toll lanes are always jammed up, the HOT lanes are almost always empty.

    So we already pay the highest state fuel taxes in the southeastern United States…just so the new traffic lanes on the most crowded highways in the area will be reserved for car-poolers and people willing to pay the toll? Could we maybe, I dunno, get fewer damn transplants down here instead? Or properly budget the state so we can cancel enough useless programs to actually pay for the roads we pay for every time we pump gas?

  2. Question: “What do you call a person who annoyed a Dragon?”

    Answer: “Ashes.”

      1. Most humans would be a “snack” to a hungry dragon not a meal. [Big Evil Grin]

  3. Don’t mind me. HVAC is on the fritz and it’s 90 degrees. Can’t keep this thing running through one stinking summer after paying $8k for it. Sigh.

    1. Sorry to hear that. Of course with the Green Leap Forward reducing power generation capability, I suspect that a lot of people are going to be dealing with rolling brownouts and blackouts as the ability to generate sufficient electricity has been wiped out by the commies.

    1. For ultimate irony: Lucasfilm HQ, in what was previously The Presidio Army Base in San Francisco.

      Extra points as collateral damage, depending on power setting, would zap much of The City By The Bay, with Nancy Pelosi’s Pacific Heights home quite close indeed.

  4. a popular meme right now, “The US defeated the Soviet Union only to become a gay, retarded version of it!” So I realized all we have to do is wait for it to collapse under the weight of its own stupidity.

      1. THIS we are ruled -sorta-by the gay retarded left but they are not America. Real America is just being itself, not buying whatever shit they’re selling. Trying to mitigate the damages and waiting for them to collapse.

    1. They’re not even gay. I’m not sure what they are. As soon as they get the lunatic fringe to parading about one taboo, they make up some new form of perversion. Nothing will ever be enough for them.

      1. They don’t even enjoy transgression. They keep trying to go further and further in an attempt to wak something in themselves. And they can’t. They’re dead inside.

        1. I think a lot of it is simply destroying the societal norms of western civilization simply to destroy western civilization, because they think doing so results in them gaining and keeping power.

          There’s no bread let them eat cake
          There’s no end to what they’ll take
          Flaunt the fruits of noble birth
          Wash the salt into the earth
          But they’re marching to Bastille Day
          La guillotine will claim her bloody prize
          Free the dungeons of the innocent
          The king will kneel, and let his kingdom rise

          Bloodstained velvet, dirty lace
          Naked fear on every face
          See them bow their heads to die
          As we would bow as they rode by

          And we’re marching to Bastille Day
          La guillotine will claim her bloody prize
          Sing, o choirs of cacophony
          The king has kneeled, to let his kingdom rise.

          Lessons taught, but never learned
          All around us anger burns
          Guide the future by the past
          Long ago the mould was cast

          For they marched up to Bastille Day
          La guillotine – claimed her bloody prize
          Hear the echoes of the centuries
          Power isn’t all that money buys

          -Rush, Bastille Day, Lyrics: Peart,

  5. You can’t escape Preston Garvey.

    (You can load a mod that lets you chose when to get radiant quests. Who’s The General?)

  6. I am telling all my grandkids about the blinker fluid one, now to get one for a Bucket of Ball Tabs, and some True/Relative Bearing Grease then my quest for satisfaction is complete, take that Petty Officer Smith.

      1. You know how you grease a bearing, right?

        Big glob of grease in your palm, and you work a bit of it at a time into the bearing. It unfortunately occurs to me that it’s very similar to, hmm, how shall I put it, the motion of self-gratification?

    1. I made a prop box of “grid squares”, complete with impressive label, my first week at my unit. The MSG who sent me out for it was incredulous at the sight of it.


      “… and get me some Chem Light batteries.”

      “Right or left handed sir?”

      “… uh… nevermind.”

      1. When I was in the MI unit in the corner of the Infantry base, one of our guys got stuck in the Infantry motorpool waiting on his clearance to unsnarl. They sent him for a box of grid squares.

        They didn’t realize he collected military maps.

        He took one he had extras of and cut it on the grid lines and presented them with a box of grid squares. This was about noon.

        The NCO in charge basically went ‘Very funny’. Then told him he couldn’t leave until he put them back together.

        “So I can leave when I put these back together.”

        “You can go when you hand me the complete map.”

        The smartass pulled the spare copy out of his cargo pocket and handed it to said NCO and walked out. He was not followed and they didn’t give him any more grief after that.

        Note: I only heard the cool stories. I was never interesting enough to make them. Secondary note: I’m pretty sure the tale has grown a bit in the telling, but that’s the version I heard.

    2. Where my dad worked at a form printing company they would send a noob to get some ink removal solution with a styrofoam cup. The Ink removal solution was acetone. The bottom of the cup would drop out about halfway back as the styrofoam cup melted…

  7. Sackett and the signs. Priceless.

    Also priceless. The numbers not seeing. I need a new president.

    Rest are good too.

        1. In any case, it is a still from Quigley Down Under, and I called him Roy because Laura San Giacomo’s character keeps calling him Roy throughout the film (for, it turns out, tragic reasons, yet it still manages to be funny after you find out). Having the aspie brigade ignore the humor and assume I need correction every time I make a joke gets wearisome. But that’s not on you.

          1. I haven’t seen the movie, and even after reading all this commentary I STILL don’t get the joke. But hey, life goes on.

        2. Oh. I made the comment in response to someone observing something about Sackett, and it somehow ended up a reply to yours. WordPress Delenda Est.

          (Also, I tend not to read Chesterton, as his opinion of himself, as overinflated as his actual self, grates on me. Should try his fiction, but…)

      1. From AoSHQ today:

        <blockquote>If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom – go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!</blockquote>

        — Samuel Adams

    1. Nah, they’re just faking new data to cover up the fact that Voyager 1 discovered that the heliosphere vastly distorts telescope readings somehow and Alpha Centauri’s only about half a light-year away. 😉

      No seriously, glad to hear that Voyager is still truckin’.

      1. Sir, having in my lifetime owned not one but two British Sportscars, I must object.

        Disney cannot ruin Lucas Electric.

        You can’t wet a river.

          1. Au contraire, mon ami!

            In the early 2000’s, some thought the Prequels had ruined Star Wars. How naïve we were.

            Clearly, Disney is capable of advanced levels of ruin, beyond those we knew to be possible.

            Now, to be fair, I hesitate to imagine how Disney would make British cars worse. They already can’t get the steering wheel on the right side.

            Why did computer manufacturing fail in the UK?

            They couldn’t figure out how to make them leak oil.

    1. The original Disney animation had a scene where the dalmatians used soot to disguise themselves as labs. But that’s blackface er… blackfur or something… anyway RAYCIST!

  8. Emotional support chicken? (I prefer a bucket of Kentucky Fried.)

    A $8 per 110 grain silver bullet, I can’t afford to shoot those. How about I just stuff a handful of aconite down the werewolf’s throat instead?

    Uh, no bagels in Germany because they killed off all the Jews? And then imported a crap ton of Muslims to take over their country?

    MSM = Leftist Propaganda Machines = Ministry of Truth

    You know the problem with finding an old flying saucer in a car junkyard? Trying to find another one of the same make and model to cannibalize parts from.

      1. Ah, but that’s because you’re one of those weird thrifty people who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty building something of utility and beauty. There’s something about a newly reassembled engine purring like a kitten than makes all the barked knuckles fade from notice.

  9. The Reader notes that the ‘Wise Latina’ pretty well sank any hope the left had of the Supreme Court upholding a semi automatic ban. From the opening paragraph of her dissent (joined by Kagan and Jackson) on the bump stock case. “Within a matter of minutes, using several hundred rounds of ammunition, the shooter killed 58 people and
    wounded over 500. He did so by affixing bump stocks to commonly available, semiautomatic rifles.” The Reader loves an own goal.

    From https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-976_e29g.pdf starting on page 42

    The opinion is interesting reading for another reading. The majority opinion has a pretty good explanation of the trigger mechanism of an AR.

    1. Dissenting opinions are not binding. So her use of the terms doesn’t mean that the Courts will agree with it in the future.

      There have been some magnificent dissents that later came back when the original ruling was overturned, or because they pointed to the actual intent of the law, which the Court at the time ignored/corrupted (The Slaughterhouse Cases being a classic teaching example). But they were never binding until the decision was overturned, and even they they were references, not part of the actual later decision.

      [Yup, I have read too many SCotUS cases and commentaries for various classes.]

      1. True. But Thomas and Alito can use it to keep Barrett and Kavanaugh on the on the reservation when one of the semi auto bans gets to the court.

      2. It all depends on whether Democrats can pack the Supreme Court with leftists. If they do, they will quickly overturn any precedent which protects fundamental individual rights and use the court to impose woke-leftist ideology and polices. Remember, the leftists already on the court are appalled that the First Amendment “hamstrings” government. Now add to that justices who are even farther to the left than the current leftists.

    2. She (well, her clerk minion writing the draft for her) was in a tough spot, required to justify how uniquely scary the piece of plastic in question was – if the base sporting rifle is soo uber scary all by itself, why then is this plastic configuration so plus-ultra-scary that unlike the rifle it required administrative backflip one-handed handstand banning outside of the legislative process?

      But yeah, her opinion stating they are “commonly available” is a nice other-side bit of Supremes text.

  10. OT, but if you know any fathers/father figures who are (unwillingly) separated from the kids in their lives, be extra nice to them today. My beloved was once there and our son is there, and it’s not a good place to be.

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