All is Well-Ish

This is a post from the Assistant, Holly. All is quite well with Sarah, she is off doing stuff with family and friends.

Yesterday: “Holly, can you put up a guest post?” “Oh, sure.”

Today: Tech hates me, and I hate it right back. There will be a quite interesting guest post at some point from our own David Bock, but it won’t happen until I solve tech.

Other than that, please wash your hands extra, there’s a stomach virus going around and I don’t want you all to catch it. I’m not quite clear how the virus transmission over the internet thing works, but I’m suspicious.

32 thoughts on “All is Well-Ish

  1. Crazy Thought.

    Remember a cartoon where this night-watchman was crying “All is Well” then he bumps into a giant shoe.

    He runs to a high place and sees a giant on the beach.

    Oh, the giant is named Gulliver. 😉

  2. I saw a young boy (around 5) at the mall today, standing over a pile of barf in a posture that just screamed, “Incoming!” Or maybe,”Outgoing!” I surely hope he wasn’t contagious and I wasn’t close enough to catch anything.

  3. Viruses don’t spread over the Internet; they spread via telepathic infection.

    No One Is Safe!!! 😜

  4. Feel better Holly.

    I have all the internet & telepathic protections invoked.

    Sis thinks she might have covid. So much for those shots.

          1. Yes, or not so suddenly, but “unexpectedly”. I suspect my nephew’s cancer fatal cancer return was shot related, and we know that late BIL’s pneumonia was just after he got the deadly duo of Booster+Flu shot.

            I have thoughts, but I’m on enough lists two write them out.

  5. An author off doing real people stuff? Good grief. Next you’ll tell us that she’s been finishing a novel and not blogging. Tsk Tsk.

    Slinks off to get some rest after an epic writing slog.

  6. I had *something* a few nights ago. And slept much of the remaining night and next day. Felt better after. This night… it felt sort of like it was trying to return. Not sure of things, but I dumped what I had been drinking, and the supplies involved have gotten a thorough cleaning. Well, most. The rest will get that before the day is out, though. I am considering burning through some cells just to bathe some things in UV for a while.

  7. Quick note to wish Dan, and all the other dads out there, an early Happy Father’s Day. If I’m online at all tomorrow, it will be to sit down and finally watch the Godzilla movie on our big screen.

  8. Today I learned the pregnant woman George Floyd robbed and brutalized suffered a miscarriage. I now want to take all the money his worthless parasite family is got and give it to her.

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