Spit Out The Black Pill

Okay, so, here is where we are: No, I don’t think Trump will “win” in November. I mean I think he will win, if you count voters who are actually alive and can vote. But I don’t think there is a chance to beat the fraud. I will say I will be pleasantly surprised if we do, but I don’t think there’s a chance in a million of its working out.

BUT the other side isn’t sure. They keep panicking at the thought that Trump will win.

Now this might be because the enormity of what they’ve done under their color revolution, of stealing the election and then sitting on it and refusing to even let people question it, is terrifying them.

Sometimes the magnitude of the crime itself is enough to scare the criminal. And frankly, they should be scared. Because what she’s done cries to the heavens for vengeance, really.

They are terrified. Every day I read another article that amounts to the FBI or some other institution gibbering in fear that Trump will win, and thinking that telling us how scared they are means we won’t vote for Trump. (Laughs in “And I did nothing because I was refueling the helicopters.)

But that’s not to say they’re really in danger. “The wicked flee where no man pursues.”

However, I won’t lie, their very panic is working on our side. Yes, it means they will do some truly horrible things, but it also highly magnifies their chance of blowing the whole thing wide open.

More importantly, whether they steal the next election or not, every month they’re in power they’re losing adherents and losing the culture war. Yeah, it doesn’t mean they’re not going to hurt us horribly every month they are in power, because they are. And I hate that. BUT– BUT– They are losing. Incrementally. And much faster than I could expect.

The truth is that holding the institutions while the enemy holds everything else means they’ll lose. And faster than you expect.

What is very important: even if they seemingly seamlessly steal the election so it appears to be fully honest: DO NOT TURN ON YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS AND ASSUME THEY’RE SOCIALIST MORONS.

The fraud is deep. The fraud might be unbeatable. But the amount of socialist morons is negligible, at least once they’re ten years out from graduating from any educational establishment.

The reasons their elected officials are morons or senile is because that is the bulk of the electorate voting for them. Yes, there are also nice, smart people who just don’t pay much attention to politics, don’t understand economics, and believe the MSM.

But that’s it. The bulk of the country is okay. It’s just the fraud.

And that we can deal with, one way or another. Hopefully peacefully.

Americans are okay. The culture is going our way. Every day more masks drop and more people recoil from the horrors beneath.

We’ve got this. Don’t pin all your hopes on a rigged election. And don’t believed rigged results.

Keep calm and build under, build over, build around. We got this.

107 thoughts on “Spit Out The Black Pill


    The more I pay attention, the less I believe that even supposedly crazy-left states like California and New York are anywhere near as far left as the vote totals imply. Last year Los Angeles County alone was forced by Judicial Watch to remove 1.2 million ineligible voters. No idea, of course, how many of those were generating fraudulent votes, but that’s over 10% of their population, let alone of eligible voters, and from only one fix.

    “You cannot be sure of a good harvest whatever you do to a field. But you can be sure that if you pull up one weed that one weed will no longer be there.”—C.S. Lewis, Work and Prayer

    1. I live in LA County. Every election, state issued voting guides would arrive for me, and for some very left-wing (the Code Pink stuff was a hint) woman who had lived there before me. This went on for several years.

      I didn’t vote on her behalf, though it would have been easy. I hope no one else was voting on her behalf, though I had no way of knowing. No one from Law Enforcement was ever sent to check on the jury summons sent to her at my address.

      And then in 2018, there was an election and nothing was sent to her. And I haven’t seen anything in her name since. I assume it’s from the work by Judicial Watch.

      Notecthat my name *also* got removed from the voter rolls. But after discovering this during the 2018 primaries, I called the County Registrar’s Office and got the issue sorted out.

      1. Wouldn’t surprise me that when they removed the former resident, they removed ANYONE at that resident.

  2. Biden just denied a pay raise for the troops, and those are the troops that drive the tanks that are going to defend him. I see an interesting scenario setting up, where Biden calls up the Troops and they say ya “10 % first, Bitch” .

    1. It’s almost like the Biden Administration is in a field surrounded by Rakes. No matter where they go or where they turn, they step on another damn rake that smacks them in the face. You can’t fraud 37% approval, and that is taken with a heavily democrat influenced sample, so it should read better if he had any support at all. He doesn’t, if they don’t kill Trump, they can’t fraud like they did last time, that will definitely cause many to Boog. And once the Boog starts, no one knows where it will end.

      1. The audit of the 2020 Maricopa county gave a strong indication that a full third of votes were fraudulent.

        Just to lay the marker out there.

    2. If they steal another election they will have to do it so flagrantly that they can’t hide the fact that they did so.
      And at that point the US Constitution is effectively no longer valid and it’s up to each state to decide whether or not to accept the results.

      If even one state decides to leave then others will follow. If none do, and I suspect none will, then the Biden Obama Regime will continue to flood the country with malleable replacements who will be the new serfs of their dictatorship

      the people who won’t go along with the Regime will be othered debarked and eventually eliminated.

      1. If they steal another election they will have to do it so flagrantly that they can’t hide the fact that they did so. 

        They did just that in 2020 and so far, nothing has been done about it. Anybody pointing at the Emperor’s bare tookus gets canceled. Some are sued for $billions, others are thrown in the Gulag. As far as practical consequences are concerned, they got away with it. Why wouldn’t they do it again?

        1. exactly. And that election was stolen when Trump was supposedly in charge of the DOJ and federal election commission.

          we had a Marxist color revolution in 2020, and it’s still ongoing. Once the Regime can get a Marxist majority on the Supreme Court it’s game over. Then the gloves will come off.

        2. A little bit of backlash in the alternative media, and some Strongly-Worded Letters from the Republicans in Congress. That’s it. Nothing they can’t shrug off. They’ll do it again. We just have to hope that what they do this time is so stinking obvious that even “normies” and low-information voters will see and understand it. I’m not optimistic, but we’ll see.

        1. Then madam, I suspect they will do so again, and this time the push back is not going to be a mostly peaceful protest walk in of the Capital.

        2. I know far too much about computers to ever, EVER trust an election to them.

          And that’s if everybody involved is doing their honest best to ensure that the machines work properly, tabulate the votes accurately and are as secure as possible against manipulation.

          With machines that were designed from the beginning to rig elections? That would be a hard HELL NO!!! you can hear around the world.

      2. Start sending letters to your state governors. And if necessary, threaten your State Secretary of State (who is usually the head of elections for a state.) Make damn sure they understand that, “It would be a bad thing for you personally if any election hanky-panky went on.”

        1. If I ever win a huge lottery … there will be signs. Because a huge chunk will insure mail-by-vote disappears out of Oregon, and will not be replaced by vote by computer, or centralized state or county vote count. Precinct vote count, verification required, and public reporting. So that tallying can be done by anyone in the state.

        2. They’re in on it.
          Do you really think all those Republican Governors who embraced their inner authoritarian during Covid legitimately win their REPUBLICAN primaries with supermajorities?

          I’m specifically looking at Brad Little, but he’s far from the only example.

        3. Sentence three needs some work to avoid the easy interpretation of “physical violence”.

          1. Meh. Let them interpret it any way they like, since they’re going to anyway. If they ask, just say, “think of the worst maximum fines and incarceration that go with that.” Taking their money and sticking them with common criminals is often worse than any other punishment.

    3. “The track just won’t start, Sergeant. No idea why. Well, we had to open things up to troubleshoot… “

      “Sir, the armorer says someone pushed a crapload of birdshot pellets into the arms room locks. He can’t get the doors open to issue weapons. No, sir. Those locks are darn near cut proof. They are picking the pellets out with dental picks….”

      “…every fuel tank, Colonel, every single one is contaminated. Smells like someone peed in some of them. Plus the empty chemical bottles lying around. We don’t dare use any of it….”

      “General, you can order whatever you like. Those are -grenade- pins taped to the hatches of the tanks. -No one- is going to get in until EOD sweeps them. One high-speed LT is in ICU, from trying to force his crew at pistol point…”

      Heh. Wait until the -clever- folks start shamming downtime.

  3. “I mean I think he will win, if you count voters who are actually alive and can vote. But I don’t think there is a chance to beat the fraud. I will say I will be pleasantly surprised if we do, but I don’t think there’s a chance in a million of its working out.”

    SCOTUS says “Make that 1 in 10 million”


    “The Supreme Court announced on June 12 that it will not consider whether to take up a Republican challenge to President Joe Biden’s controversial executive order that escalates government involvement in the voter registration and voter mobilization process until Sept. 30.

    The presidential and congressional elections are scheduled for Nov. 5, so the Supreme Court will probably not take any action in time to affect the elections.”

  4. “Every day more masks drop and more people recoil from the horrors beneath.”

    Yep. And as you note, their answer is to continue to double down, increasing the revelations. Do what you (peacefully) can when and as you can, but in the meantime just sit back and watch: “Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.”. And their panicked actions are a mistake. 😈

  5. One of the things that was driving me up the wall after the 2020 fraud was the number of the Commentariat who assumed that the miracle vote bumps at 3AM were somehow real, that that real people actually voted the potted plant and Kneepads into office.

    I sort of expected such from some people (names redacted to protect the guilty/idiots), but people who I would have guessed to have known better were drinking that koolaid. Mercifully, some of those actually figured it out.

    1. For some Never Trump types, the count *must * have been true. It *MUST*. Because if it wasn’t, they were wrong to Vote Their Principles in order to keep that horrible, horrible man out of the White House. Their sense of personal integrity and self-esteem depends on the election being fair.

    2. when the overseas military votes came in to Georgia and it turned out that many of them were from service members who were born before 1960 I asked a retired military officer how that’s possible. Basically because they MIAs voted. And no one seemed interested

    3. When I was doing voter roll analysis, it was the Australians that never had Texas or US residency that were voting by mail. Or the trash dumpster at a transformer site where 46 people were registered. Or maybe the same exact group of homeless that voted 100% in the primary and the main race. Or the nursing home where the same dead had been voting for years.

    4. STILL drives me up the wall. TBF Salem Media’s editorial policy is to assume the election was fair. Which is why I don’t write for PJM anymore.

      1. I suspect some of that is that the tech monopolies aggressively demonetize any sites that publish anything which questions the election results (as well as things like climate hysteria) and that leaves a choice to basically risk going out of business or avoid stuff that it is known will result in tech oligarchies imposing a corporate death sentence.

        1. “I suspect some of that is that the tech monopolies aggressively demonetize any sites that publish anything”

          Which is what all the Salem sites use to ask for more VIP memberships. J6, election fraud, COVID, and anything “gender hostile” will get you demonetized and filtered from searches.

          1. Also TBF bloggers my size and smaller have got arrested for inciting insurrection for saying the election was stolen. I figure what saves me is J6. But let’s say there’s weird enough stuff going on.

          1. Sarah, it helps some of us, who tend to get focused on the wrong things, to be reminded that, as black pills are concerned, I never even liked licorice as a kid…

            So thank you very much!

      2. I can’t remember who said it first, but “if your financial wellbeing depends on the narrative being true, you are going to embrace the narrative”. I can’t roll that way, though my mouth has gotten me some enemies.

        OTOH, in the local case, “they” wanted the position. I stepped aside and they got what they wanted. Good and Hard. On the gripping hand, after several years, they actually learned.

        Final mode: I don’t hassle them, they don’t hassle me. And, now they have some reliable supervision, so that really helps.

    5. They went along because either:

      They don’t care as long as the “winner” doesn’t scare them.

      They are terrified of “and then” if folks don’t go along.

    6. Not to mention that those 3am bumps happened hours after the counting of votes suddenly (and unprecedently) stopped.

  6. All I know is, my mother is still registered to vote at the house we lived in till 2022. Despite the fact that a) she hasn’t lived there since 2006, and b) she’s been dead since January 2023, and c) we have communicated point a) to the County Clerk any number of times.

    I guess I will write to the Secretary of State next. But my county has been refusing to purge the voter rolls for years (which is a violation of federal law if I remember correctly). One guess which party holds the Clerk’s office. And you’re not wrong.

    1. I was registered in CO till last year, despite having PERSONALLY gone to townhall to cancel my registration. AND being assured it was done.
      Last year I got an email about my vote and raised an ALMIGHTY stink. At least they haven’t emailed me again….

  7. No, I don’t think Trump will “win” in November. I mean I think he will win, if you count voters who are actually alive and can vote. But I don’t think there is a chance to beat the fraud.


    I’m hoping the people who helped cheat last time are so pissed off at Biden that they refuse to help this time. Won’t bet on it. Won’t hold my breath over it. But a tiny bit of hope. I mean even if they cheat, but cheat in favor of RFKJr., RFKJr is better than Biden. I think all that will do is split the votes on Biden so Trump wins anyway. The rank and file of democrats are pissed. What I don’t want to happen is an deadly act in the US with terrorists that thanks to the Biden border policies have let in. That could almost get Biden lynched by the LGBQ crowd, let alone anyone less left of center.

    1. I suspect that’s just what they’re hoping for. And no matter what left-wing kooks commit atrocities, all will be blamed on ‘far-right extremists’ to justify a crackdown on ‘Ultra-MAGA’.

      1. They’ll try to blame it on ‘far-right extremists’. They’ve tried that repeatably. Hasn’t made it pass the first news cycle. Then the incident magically goes away from the news cycles.

    2. Anything short of landing troops in Gaza to actively fight the IDF will leave the left still furious at Joe.

      1. Anything less than landing troops to destroy Israel in its entirety and eliminate its Jewish population will leave the left furious.

  8. The idiots on the Left are making all sorts of plans if the wrong people get elected including a possible military junta, false flags, WWIII, yada, yada, yada… (Like they can get the underpaid enlisted to go along with the former.)

    Prep the best you can, plan to vote, but take a good break and smell the roses while things are easy. Do something fun!

      1. There’s no fun at either side of the barrel. BTDT, GTT

        There is a part of me that is very good at destruction, but I’d like to keep that under control and meet St. Peter without it coming out.

  9. If we fire up the way way back machine to the late sixties early seventies, a black pill was generally called a ‘Black Betty’ and was a form of amphetamine. It is unclear in my mind if the name came from the old rock song ‘Black Betty’ or if ‘Black Betty’ the song was a reference to the drug. Just one of the weird things about my mind that I remember minor trivia like that.

    1. Still can’t remember why I waked into the room, and now I have to pee, again.


    Unfortunately, I happen to KNOW a considerable amount of people who ARE socialist morons. They’re the types who huddle in their homes, and turn their heads, when the agents of government round up the homosexuals, the unionists, the communists, and then the Jews, and cart them off to extermination camps.

    Don’t count them as allies, friends, or people you can rely on when they come for you.

    That said, you want to have a list of those you can “turn on” with ethical and moral justification; get yourself a list of the top 1000 Democrat Party leaders and representatives in this country. You can add the top 100 in your state while you are at it. I’m not going to make any suggestions for how you turn on them. For one, I KNOW the Feds have me on their filters, and they’d love an excuse to go Round 2 with me. (Yes, I’ve already had a Round 1 with them, which is how I know I’m on their monitor list.) And two, most of you are more imaginative and practical than I am when it comes to ways to clean up your country.

  11. Don’t turn on them and assume they are socialist morons.

    Luckily for me, after COVID I know exactly who I can trust.

    The rest will need to prove they have actually changed.

    How they can do that based on what I know of them remains to be seen. But that will be their problem. I am very, very blessed to be surrounded by trustworthy people so I don’t need to worry too much about the others. I will just keep living my best life and pray for everyone.

    1. This. I do what I can, where I can, pray hard, and work hard. I’m not wildly optimistic about the November election, but … As Orphangeorge put it, the other side keeps stepping on rakes. When they get whapped, their solution it to step harder on the rake next time, because it will work differently.

      Be one of those gardeners leaving rakes out, tines up. Evil kitty grin.

      1. Basks in the glory of a mention, Meh even a broke clock is right once or twice a day, depending on the clock. Analog or digital. 😎

      2. Meanwhile, back in the garden ….

        Oh, dear?! Did I leave the rake out?

        Oh my!

        Are you okay?

        Better rub some dirt on that.

        1. Not sure where WP is going to leave this one, but the Weather Disservice managed to tick us off. “Forecast low is 41 degrees overnight.” OK, so I don’t need frost cloth.

          Get up in the morning (early–around 2:30 because reasons), temp 39 degrees. OK.

          Go to take compost at 7AM, take a look at the outside temp. Low overnight? 33 degrees. WTAF!!!??? Usually, they’re within 3 degrees with the point forecast. The one for Flyover Falls tends to run 10 degrees hotter than us, but the ‘net version is (now “was”) reliable.

          We just lost a third (at least) of our baby zucchini, and that was after buying seedlings, restarting seeds after we got clobbered by the Miracle-Don’t-Grow and the overly hot fertilizer mix. So now, we can’t trust the weather service. Motherfarging Iceholes!

          So now, frost cloth and getting the hard-freeze plastic out when they forecast a “near freeze”.

          1. OK WordPress. If I comment somewhere, you won’t let me generate a top level comment. WPDE!

          2. I used to rely more on Accuweather than the others until very recently I looked to see what to wear in Marquette, for a tribute to my cousin’s dearly departed wife . . . Accu- Currently 58 forecast Hi of 57, lows around 48. brrr . . . just for giggles, lets look at Weather Underground . . . Forecast Hi of 78 currently 80 (Gwinn/K.I. Sawyer AFB inland from town) current at the park where event is a lovely 72. Wait. TV6, shows 72 so go with them, and yep. hit 80. Since May Accu has been consistently well off both current temps and forecast that I am getting elsewhere.

            1. Accu isn’t as far off right now, though the fact that they don’t show where the report is actually valid is troublesome. I usually use Nat’l Weather service, though I do have to remember that Flyover Falls weather has a substantial lake effect (not a huge lake, but it’s upwind of the airport, and 10 degrees more moderate than $TINY_TOWN).

              They used to have a decent model that would be within 3 degrees of our temps, but it’s been flaky. Absolute worst forecasting is on holiday weekends. I think it’s the D team doing those.

              $SPOUSE got sick of The Weather Channel after NBC got their grubby tentacles on them. Dish had a previous dispute with TWC and went to Weather Nation. They’re considerably better, and the web site is tolerable. https://www.weathernationtv.com/

              1. I have used a site that just uses the NWS, which is fine for current and next day or so (forget which one it is) and Used to use WU then they stopped working well with my browsers. A benefit of them is they use a temp sensor here at work, so I know what it is like here. Most use the NWS site that is out on the Lake, so my house only being a bit over a mile away can be 3 or more degrees different. I can set WU to use work or the airport a few blocks from my house, though often that one is not broadcasting.

      3. I learned this while in Puerto Rico helping out FEMA with Hurricane Michael stuff.

        The PRs put big nails in 2x4s and place them in their yards around the house. Then, they let the grass grow really tall so you can’t see the boards.

        They don’t have electricity reliably enough to protect anything, so I guess this and the glass bottle tops cemented to the tops of the concrete walls around their places were the next best thing. Reliable in any weather.

        1. if you can tack-weld, caltrops are easy.

          Get long nails, or similar rod stock. Clip off heads. Use a grinder to sharpen both ends. Make a cross. Tack together. Bend opposites to opposing curve.. Result, the tetrahedral mayhem named “caltrop”.

          You can also improvise with an unrolled and flattened steel can. Cut out the pattern and twist.

          To stop goblin charges. For that story folks are writing.

          1. Reminds me of Fort Sill, OK. Caltrops everywhere, which is nice because I have an image of the storybook items you’ve described.

            1. Smaller, more pointy versions of the tank traps they used to use in rivers to slow erosion. Great for stopping eldrich things and the fae, because of the iron. Really good anti-fae caltrops use cold iron. Yes, it rusts, but hey, you’re supposed to be checking on your defenses from time to time.

              Ya know, maybe they just said those were for erosion. Maybe they were really to keep the kelpies on the other side of the river/state line. Hmmmm….. Wanders off, lost in thought. Or just lost.

  12. 2020 was easy to steal thanks to the large number of mail-in ballots.

    2022, Trump wasn’t on the ballot.

    Part of why the Dems are panicking is because they haven’t managed to persuade everyone that bird flu = must have mail-in ballots for safety, and the vote-stealing techniques that don’t involve mail-in ballots are a lot harder to pull off and/or hide successfully. They can only do so much, and they’re worried that Trump will beat the margin of fraud on 2024. Because the voter enthusiasm, whether for Trump or against Biden, is scaring them.

    1. I sure hope the left has many sleepless sweaty nights filled with terror.

      Depression and hormones have teamed up to ride my ass lately. I hope they’re feeling a fraction of what I’m feeling.

  13. In a short satirical book I just published – Destroying America (for fun and profit) – I tell a parody of the “Aristocrats” joke, except the offensive bits are various left-wing figures describing their ever-more-blatant attempts to manipulate elections, from ballot harvesting to rigged primaries, concluding with Joe Biden declaring that they throw their opponents in jail.
    The ironic punch line when the talent agent asks what they call themselves is, of course, “The Democrats.”

  14. Here are a few White Pills for y’all.

    1. SPLC just fired 60 of its staff. Bonus, their union is breathing fire. Suuuper upset that their iron rice bowl broke.


    2) Global TV Network News in Canada, despite millions of dollars in federal funds, is having big, big layoffs this week.

    3) The Canadian Post Office has refused to accept guns from the Federal Gun Buyback Program, leaving the Liberals scrambling to find any shipper who will touch it.

    4) It has been revealed that (at least) 11 high ranking MPs in Canadian parliament have been -knowingly- (the term used was “wittingly” as opposed to unwittingly) working with hostile foreign governments to interfere with Canadian elections.

    Why is that good news? Well, we knew they were doing it, but now it is Official, and now there are names to be named. Also, the Liberals are currently -freaking-out- trying to conceal those names. Visibly freaking out. You can see it when they’re on TV.

    5) The Leader of the Free World has been seen taking a dump in his depends on international TV, as I prophesied during the 2020 election campaign. Bending over, making the Dump Face and everything. At the D-Day 80th Memorial ceremony no less. “My butt’s been wiped!” quoth he. Bro ain’t going to make it to November, my friends.

    That’s the Socialist’s candidate. Who are they going to replace #Let’sGoBrandon with at this point in the game? How are they going to conceal the level of fraud required to get either Dump Boi or some currently unknown goon into the big chair by November? Who can they get? Heels-up? Drag Robot Pantsuit out of retirement for Round Two against #OrangeManBad? It’s impossible, is what it is. They can’t do it.

    6) The Black vote has finally, finally started to turn. Prominent rappers, influencers like Amber Rose are saying they’re going #TeamOrangeMan and talking trash about #Brandon.

    When the socialists have Black voters streaming off their plantation, that makes it extremely difficult to hide the fraud. Just remember that the day before the Berlin Wall got knocked down by p1ssed off teenagers, we all thought the Iron Curtain would last a thousand years.

    So there you go. Six juicy, shiny reasons to put down the black pill and strap on a smile. It’ll be OK.

    1. I’m not sure how they’re going to get rid of Kneepads, but if I had to lay a bet, I’d go for Hairgel Newsom as the designated Oberfuhrer.

      “…His hair was perfect.” Apologies to the spirit of Warren Zevon.

      1. I agree.

        But then they have the problem of trying to pretend #HairjellBoi beat #OrangeManBad by a landslide, given the well-publicized condition of California, and given nobody knows who #HairjellBoi is right now.

        In this environment where -everybody- knows #OrangeManBad and #HairJell is famous only for wrecking Cali, I very much doubt they can make it believable.

        And if nobody believes it, it isn’t going to work.

        1. If they were able to successfully present Slow Joe as getting millions more votes than the Light Bringer, no doubt, Hair Gel will get even more, because he has cuter hair than Trump. Or some even more ridiculous reason.

        2. And he got demolished by DeSantis, so a competent campaign could pull the clips.

          We were discussing this earlier today. Obama really did a number on their “farm teams,” perhaps because his, “Asian strongman,” cultural programming went into autopilot.

          My beloved suggested Pete Buttegieg – he clicks the, “First (openly) Gay President,” box and he would, presumably, be as malleable as Joe.

          Or does Joe leave office before the convention, leaving Kamala to nominate a VP so that a “moderate technocrat,” who would never run for office can be put in as a “caretaker”? You know, someone with a nothing title like General Secretary of the Party?

          1. Alfred E Buttegieg? He who couldn’t be bothered to fix potholes as mayor of South Bend? (Rubs hands in anticipation…)

  15. I’ve been seeing more stories about our decreased military readiness, particularly our lack of shipyards.

    For all of FDR’s faults (and they are many), this wasn’t one of them. He started a naval build-up the moment the inter-war naval treaties collapsed. And when Wilkie started to campaign successfully in 1940 on the threat represented by the Axis, FDR immediately pivoted to building up the Army, and continued to do so even after the election was completed. It took some prodding, but he came around to recognizing the problem, and stuck with it.

    Now we’ve got the possibility of blundering into a war with either Russia or China, and the Democrats in power appear to be more than happy to allow our military to undergo another Carter-era fiasco. For those who don’t know what that means, remember that John McCain got a commendation during that era because he was able to get all of the planes in his unit flight-worthy at the same time.

    1. The Reader believes FDR was as eager to get into WW II as the current bunch appears to be willing to get into a war somewhere. He just had better sense (and better advice from the War Department) then what we have today as to what it was going to take. And in 1940, Wilkie was tame opposition. He didn’t disagree with FDR all that much, especially on foreign affairs

      1. Yeah, Wilkie started out as a Democrat. The reason to bring him up is that it was Wilkie making a successful campaign issue over the state of readiness of the Army that got FDR to start the build-up. But while the current administration would likely drop any such build-up like a hot potato once the election ended, FDR continued with it, building up the assembly lines that would provide the materials needed for the war.

      2. I’m not sure how much of that was BS from Admiral Kimmel’s crowd, but it helped that some of the USA was ready. (Recalls the Brewster Buffalo for a shining counterexample. OTOH, the P51 was pretty close to the right stuff, and right away.)

  16. Oh, and by the way:

    Sarah said: “Every day more masks drop and more people recoil from the horrors beneath.”

    About that, a couple of things.

    First, the American College of Pediatricians has blatantly called out the Trans Mafia. The gauntlet was cast into their teeth. So far, not much reaction except on TikTok where the fruits-and-nuts congregate. To my point, for external evidence, have you noticed the very subdued Rainbow Mafia displays this month? Not many rainbows around, just sayin’.

    Second, #RachelMadCow has been saying she’s afraid #OrangeManBad is going to put her in a prison camp if he wins.


    “I’m worried about the country broadly if we put someone in power who is openly avowing that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people, and to ‘root out’ what he’s described in subhuman terms as his ‘enemy from within.’ Again, history is helpful here. He’s not joking when he says this stuff, and we’ve seen what happens when people take power proclaiming that kind of agenda,” MadCow told CNN, adding that Trump would also go after his political rivals. 

    “For that matter, what convinces you that these massive camps he’s planning are only for migrants?,” MadCow continued. “I’m worried about me — but only as much as I’m worried about all of us.” 

    Yeah, remember those FEMA camps that the #Obummer administration was totally not building, and how idiotic the very notion was, and how Repooblicanz were all CRAZY for thinking it? Everybody remember that? Well, they’re back on, baby. The big media is proclaiming #OrangeManBad is going to have political prison camps.

    Meanwhile the J6 people are in a #LetsGoBrandon political prison camp, and so is the internet. You can’t say “stolen” and “election” in the same sentence or they cancel your account. And everybody knows it.

    Panic. They’re afraid we’re going to do to them what they’ve been doing to us all these years, and they are terrified. As they should be, I would think.

    Something else that has -not- been getting talked about at all that I mentioned above is Chinese interference with elections and various things in the USA. The Canadian Liberal government has been so incredibly sloppy and so obviously wallowing in the pig trough that the mayors of our largest cities are Commie plants, we know that 11 federal MPs are Commie plants, and we know that all our provincial governments signed on to the Covid lockdown scam and the jab-scam.

    But you notice that the word “Chinese” never seems to appear in the same sentence as “election” or “interference” or “money laundering” or “immigration” in the media? Canada is infested, ladies and gentlemen. Mexico is infested too, given who they just elected President. Anybody think the USA escaped? But nobody is saying jack.

    Which means the socialists are sitting on a huge time bomb. Remember when Chengdu City -bought- WorldCon for the price of a few hundred memberships, and had themselves a big ol’ propaganda party? And after a brief uproar about the technical details of voting, we haven’t heard a word about it since?

    Now imagine what they might have been doing with huge American companies that make computers, or airplanes, or cars, or software. Imagine how many middle/upper management schmucks they corrupted with free booze-and-hookers on visits to China. The answer is probably -millions- of them. From all over the West.

    Anybody think it is an accident that a famous search company’s big AI rollout was trained on DEI and started making pictures of black Nazis? Somebody paid money for that. And when the Normies find out where the money came from, and they will, some guys are going to jail.

    #GoOrangeMan. >:D

      1. It’ll be announced that a vote worker failed to install a patch, and that’s why the results weren’t counted properly.

        Just like they did in Michigan, when one county in Michigan had none of the votes for a particular candidate counted.

      2. Gee, the Puerto Rico election commission did an audit of the election. An actual investigation. What a concept! Why didn’t anybody think to do such a thing here in the U.S.? Instead of, say, screeching hysterically about ‘Undermining Our Democracy!’ every time somebody mentioned election fraud?

    1. Yeah, the PRC thing was pretty evident from at least as far back as 2016.

    2. TikTok where the fruits-and-nuts congregate

      Fruits-nuts-and-flakes. Don’t forget the flakes. 😀

      We know that Ilhan Omar is a Qatar asset. Every time the traitor visits Qatar for a little sitdown with their head of security, Qatar sells another batch of our diplomatic and political secrets to Iran. Fortunately Omar is not privy to most of our military secrets or they’d be getting those too.

      Joe “Boom-Boom” Biden belongs to the communist Chinese, as much as that wind-up zombie belongs to anything any more. The mainspring is wearing out, which is why the Biden keeps running down sooner and sooner. The Democrats are praying (to Marx, I presume) that the spring doesn’t snap before November.

  17. Honestly, I think the panic is the realization that they cannot fraud this one. They can try, but the groundswell is so large that they’re going to be swamped.

      1. I’m not saying it’s certain, or that they won’t try something else like Martial Law, but the panic tells me they know the same old thing won’t work this time.

  18. Well, maybe they’ll have a fight on their hands.


    “The RNC announced Monday their “Protect the Vote” tour, which will “rally voters for President Trump and train volunteers” as members of the party travel to Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia.

    “We want to make sure that we can credential as many people as want to be credentialed and get as many people on the shift, as many have time and availability to do it. So that that’s the main focus from the RNC, is making sure that people are going to protect the vote to make sure they’re going through the RNC process,” Bobb told the Caller.”

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