89 thoughts on “Meme Me Awake

    1. We were those parents. Dad did this with son. I took the pictures. (“Selfies” were possible. Just difficult to setup.”) Son was right age ’90 and ’91. I thought these pictures were required in the auto age.

  1. The Sowell quote reminds me of this great one:

    “In nothing did the founders of this country so demonstrate their essential naivete than in attempting to constrain government from all its favorite abuses, and entrusting the enforcement of those protections to judges; that is to say, men who had been lawyers; that is to say, men professionally trained in finding plausible excuses for dishonest and dishonorable acts.” — H. L. Mencken

    1. If I ever end up needing a colostomy bag, I’ll name it Adam, because its reason for existence is to become full of Schiff.

      1. I used to have a hen named Janet Yellin. Because she was always yellin, and not a word of it made any sense.

  2. “The best flap” got me. Dang it.

    Green tea in the morning? Hard nope, unless that is truly all there is to drink, not even plain tap water.

    1. We do green tea every other day ouside of sun tea season (starts when seedlings leave the sunroom, ends when too cold), but tea for breakfast, no way.

      Doesn’t help that tea with milk and sugar was what I got as a kid when I was sick. That and 7UP. I was sick a lot, and acn’t stand either. Lemon in iced tea, OK, otherwise straight.

      1. Cousins visited The Golden State from Indiana a few years ago and we went out to eat. The blank look on the servers face when they tried to order “sweet tea” was great, but the “What do you mean they don’t have that here” look of pure astonishment on my cousin’s face was priceless.

  3. Meme stealing tip I just discovered. If you don’t want to save in the dreaded “WebP” format, these steps work in Firefox, and if you have similar options in other Browsers, fine.

    First, right click on the meme, and choose open in new tab. You’ll get a new tab that LOOKS like it’s just the image, but it’s not (Nerds can open up Page info and see that it’s got a background image and the main image, still in webp).

    Go to the URL, and cut off everything from the ? on. It should be something like ?W=800 or some number. That’s the signal to WordPress to send out a webP image in a viewport page. Cut that off and hit return to load the new URL.

    It LOOKS like nothing’s changed, but Page Info will tell you that the image type is now what it was originally. You can right click on the image now and save it in it’s original file type.

    And Remember, WordPress Delenda Est.

  4. I don’t believe Sir Terry Pratchett jousted, but he did make his own sword. Then he thought it prudent to hide it.

    “It annoys me that knights aren’t allowed to carry their swords. That would be knife crime.”

    1. The pronoun thing is a case of…

      1. Take a respected custom, reasonable policy, or desirable reform
      2. Poison it
      3. Weaponize it
      4. Wave its stiffened carcass in the air as a banner, while demanding compliance

      Because not being wrong was a matter of common courtesy in the Old Days. Thus Kip in Have Spacesuit, Will Travel asking if Peewee was a boy or a girl on their first encounter, and deliberately calling a man “an old woman” being an ancient insult. That’s the “respected custom” part, with parts 2-4 being added by the Usual Suspects to produce that pronoun thing.

  5. Launch! Launch! Launch! was my favorite, though Brendan Fraser also made a good point. “Maybe you’ll consider every single conceivable circumstance…etc” dude was less funny than some because more true, if you know what I mean.

  6. Okay, so:

    1. Putting pants on frogs is a thing?
    2. The problem is so serious they spent money putting up a sign?
    3. The small print at the bottom, what language even is that? Cajun?
    1. That small print at the bottom is the gibberish you get when the image generator program you’re using fails to parse actual words into the image.

      So, no. Putting pants on frogs is not a thing.


      …Until the right people see that image.

  7. Who knew “Christian Metal” was a thing?


    Recommended: ChristianRock.net

    (several musical forms, one Savior)

      1. I am a latecomer to JC’s swim team.

        My tastes previously ran to Rush and some Metallica. Plus Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms. Pre Disco ELO to confuse folks.

    1. No offense meant to fans, some is fine, but the more formulaic earns the term “Jeezac” – and once I hear “in the name of…” about a gazillion times my inner pedant starts into “you know, that wasn’t even his name in Aramaic” crabbing.

      1. Boring pop music is boring, no matter the message or purpose. Somewhere on my blog I had a rant about the song “Awesome G-d,” and how it got turned from a reminder of the absolute power of the Most High to a trite praise chorus.

        1. OTOH, the higher your purpose the higher the demands on your art.

          “In art intentions are not sufficient and, as we say in Spanish, love must be proved by deeds and not by reasons. What one does is what counts and not what one had the intention of doing.” ― Pablo Picasso

        2. A lot of current “praise music,” drives me up the wall. So do the ’70s songs that sound like advertising jingles (“….it’s fresh like spring, you want to pass it on,”).

  8. The Red Lefttroids look at a big hammer and think “Revolution!”


    Conservatives remember “Killdozer” and think “amateur”.


  9. Regarding the “we’re all in this together” meme: I see the trash cans. My issue is the trash cans are not on fire. That, to me, is the salient point.

    1. It’s tough to get a really good conflagration in those poly bins – they melt before the blaze can get up to the good dumpster fire level.

  10. It’s music, thus entertainment, not theology or scripture. (Grin)

    “Make a joyful noise…”

    And most of my singing, charitable, is joyful noise….

    Ok. I can do a decent rendition of The Star Spangled Banner. And fellow soldiers who did not like me at all liked my cadence calling. I got -pipes-. But the rest…. ouch.

      1. Apparently the Hebrew word means something like “break it,” with the meaning being “split their ears by shouting.”

        I’m kinda disappointed… because if I’d known this as a kid, I’m pretty sure the “scream real loud Psalm” would have been a favorite.

        Possibly this is why the KJV translated it as “make a joyful noise,” even though people were shouting around the walls of Jericho.

        The Greek translation is “alalazate,” which means “Yell Alala, like soldiers do before battle.”

        So I guess Arabs ululate, and ancient Greeks alala-late.

      2. You got the same invitation I got? To sing “solow tenor”? That is, so low I could not be heard, and ten or eleven miles away just to be sure.

  11. A predominately Black neighbor hood in Hartford has started Armed Citizen patrols to deter crime. The Democrat Mayor doesn’t like it.
    I wonder why?
    Could it be that it proves all the taxes you pay are for shit?
    Could it be that if it solves the problem, then democrat pieces of communist shit can’t offer phony solutions that don’t work?
    The Mayor is a democrat that means he is a criminal waiting to be tried.
    The City government doesn’t like the competition?

    1. It proves that their expected foot soldiers are actually on the side of law and order.

    2. Going -way- back, the Donkeycrats have real problems accepting “armed black folks”.

      Thus Jim Crow laws, aka “gun control”

      Hard to “keep up the skeer” when good folks keep blasting kluckers out of the saddle.

  12. And in good news, the Israeli Defense Force sent in special forces and rescued four hostages who were being held in two apartment buildings. One IDF officer killed, several wounded. Uncertain number of Palestinians sent to Allah.

    In infuriating news, large pro-Hamas demonstration taking place outside the White House, with lots of flags, banners, people culturally appropriating keffiyehs and someone holding up a mask of Joe Biden smeared with (presumably) fake blood. Assumption is these guys will, of course, get a free pass for far worse behavior than Jan 6 protesters.

    1. TehBeeb interviewer asked her on-air expert why the Israelis didn’t warn the Gazan “civilians” in advance that they were going to rescue those hostages held in “civilian” houses by “civilian“ families beforehand to reduce casualties, apparently from the twenty three gazillion casualties claimed by HamAss to just those four hostages.

      Once again proving no matter how much you hate the media, you don’t hate them enough.

        1. I think the only thing that will ever cause pause to the media reflexively taking the enemy side is what happened to them in Ringo’s Centurion.

        2. why the Israelis didn’t warn the Gazan “civilians

          “So we should let our own people die so more of the enemy can live”

          What reality are these people living that basic obvious shit has to be utterly ignored because the Palestinians are such oppressed poor little dears that they need extra help and consideration in a war to the death like a woman needs a box to climb a wall a man can climb on his own? I remember how outraged they were that Israel cut off the power and water they were supplying to Gaza. How dare they, how heartless to deprive the poor oppressed little dears of Gaza with essential utilities? And everyone who wasn’t an liberal was like “Um, duh?”

          Also the Joker comic above reminds me of Palestine. The Joker cannot exist without Batman, because he is the antithesis of Batman. Paradoxically though, his raison d’etre is to destroy Batman. In stories where Batman died or stopped being Batman the Joker usually becomes deeply depressed, and usually stops being the Joker. Palestine only exists because of Israel. Palestine’s whole raisin d’etre is to destroy Israel. I think if Israel magically disappeared or decided to move itself to a colony on the moon or whatever Palestinians would immediately move in, trash and steal whatever was left and immediately sink into squalor and in- fighting. At best they’ll create an utterly worthless hole of a failed country, more likely their more powerful neighbors conquer them, either out of greed or annoyance that they’re bothering them so much, or both.

      1. The Israelis remembered “Victory”. They have set their hearts and minds to it, and I would be shocked if they turn away from their stated goal, the obliteration of Hamas as a meaningful threat. Because they can and should achieve it.

        And -that- is what is so alarming to so many. If dinky little Israel can actually win a war, a real Victory,

        what the f(HONK!)ng (HONK!)k is the excuse of a superpower to not even -plan- for Victory? To even speak of it?


        -That- terrifies the five sided puzzle palace, foggy bottom, and Square Joe Squishpants. Because they are about to get shamed, -bigly-.

      1. He picks up up a bus and throws it back down as he wades through the center of town.

        1. Oh no, there goes Tokyo, go go Godzilla.

          Saw BOC in the early 1980s on the Fire of Unknown Origin tour. Foghat was the opener.

          Fun show.

    1. Well, they got that one right. I’m handier with my birth armament, even if I’d prefer a simple spear for most out of doors occasions, should melee combat be needful.

    1. There was a comic in Dragon Magazine and one of the characters was Boredflak the Boltlobber, and his Wand of Automatic Missile Fire.

  13. As to the pronoun memes:

    There’s gold in they/them/there hills.

    How do you console a trans person?

    “They’re, they’re”

  14. Off-topic but hopefully on-brand: In The Color of Magic, is there a known “translation” for the name Twoflower? The best I’ve come up with is “Ambrose” (“amb” = “both”, “rose” = “flower”), but I couldn’t find anything that worked for Ninereeds.

  15. It’s really not fair that the IDF gets to kill lying partisan Journalists and we don’t.

    1. oh, you so need to read A Desert Called Peace, then Carnifex.

      oh yes….

  16. If we want to send you memes for next week’s post, it’s still the mail of heat address, correct?

  17. “What about this very specific subset of people…” What, like those who are allergic to pea protein and chitin?

  18. Regarding, especially AGW:

    Mowrey’s Law:

    Funded research tends to drive out unfunded research in the marketplace of ideas.”

    1. A dishonest scientist is a failure and a fraud.


      Scientists report what those doling out the funds want to hear, or they don’t get any more funding. The process inexorably weeds out those scientists too honest and/or stubborn to tell the approved lies.

      Leaving only the failures and the frauds.

      1. }}} Scientists report what those doling out the funds want to hear, or they don’t get any more funding.

        That’s not science, that’s prostitution.

          1. as long as there are multiple, competing sources of finding, it will even out over time.

            But when the sources of funding narrow down, then there are problems.

            David Lang

            1. Which is why the Leftroids are so determined to centralize all science funding in the government under their control.


              “Did you really say you don’t trust the government to manage this technology?”

              “Hell, I don’t trust the government with anything.”

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