75 thoughts on “The Memes Are Lit and Don’t Need Help!

      1. Paul (Drak Bibliophile) Howard managed to post an excellent Bee article while I was being silly and posting 1st!

        1. I swear trying to post first will almost always end in embarrassment, but I couldn’t resist


      1. <Backs away very slowly> Nice Kitty, good kitty <looks for stasis sword…>

    1. Or the dogs wound each other no matter which “wins”, all die of sepsis, and the scavenger dog that hides best ends up as the last, well fed, dog standing.

  1. Regarding the “waking up between 2 and 4am” meme, no my bladder is not a “higher power”. 😛

      1. Its sense of humor is certainly low enough to not qualify for “high”, going by when it decides it’s ready to unload.

        (Yay blood pressure meds. 😛 )

    1. Between my bladder and my back, getting up at 3:30 is sleeping in. OTOH, hitting the bed before 9PM is a good idea.

      8 hours sleep. I’ve heard of such, and have done it occasionally. Not in the past decade, though. 🙂

      (Written at 2:45…)

      1. I do sleep in. However any new sleep study would be “interesting”. Not just the micro wakeup because of having to roll on to one side or another, flip or switch out the pillow, but at minimum 2 or 3 bladder calls. Since I do dream, sleep apena is not the problem, now. This does not count the dog deciding a midnight outside excursion is required, although I can double those with a quick bladder trip between letting her out and back in (urban enough and fenced so no monitoring is generally required). Also does not count the various cats who see that the dog and mom is up, so it is time for attention. Melitonin for the win. Do not need it to go to sleep (usually) need it to insure being able to go back to sleep.

        I giggled at the “higher power” middle of the OMG hour meme too.

      1. Madam I suspect Mr. Bragg is a size 000 soul. Heck The Grinch started out with a heart several orders of magnitude larger than Braggs.

  2. I detect a theme, I think.

    When we were in France a couple years ago, we were on our own for dinner in Rouen, and of course went to look for Joan’s immolation site.

    Probably the right market square, but unlikely to be the exact spot.

    Collect Pond Park, across the street from the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse, might be a good place for a memorial of yesterday. I wonder what the text there might say.


    1. Assume the government is lying

    Most of the other steps are situation dependent, or optional, but if you don’t start with that one you’re just wasting your time.

    1. I’d change the first step to “Assume the government does not know the Truth”.

      “Is lying” assumes that the speaker “knows that he’s not telling the truth”.

      I’m not going to assume that “they know that they are lying”.

      Mind you, with some I wouldn’t bother to attempt to convince them of the Truth.

      1. If they know the truth, they lie about it.

        If they don’t know, they pretend they do, and then lie.

        I suppose they could inadvertently tell the truth when lying about something they don’t have a clue about. See also: stopped clock, blind squirrel, etc.

        1. Sigh.

          Plenty of people in History have Believed Something that turns out to be False.

          And I suspect that everybody here has believed something (big or small) that turned out to be false.

          Once upon a time, this little boy on a road-trip thought the Moon was following his parents’ car. Was that True? 😉

          1. Know a little child who believed dad broke the moon because dad (or mom) took a bite out of it …. Every small child anywhere.

      2. Lying because you have deluded yourself into thinking you are telling the truth is lying, and indeed lying of the worst sort.

        1. Nod.

          But it’s easier to show “what you believe is True is actually False” than to show “you are lying to yourself about this.”

    1. Bleh, wp is not letting me embed tweets. Anyway, Reclaim the Month!

      June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

  4. St. Augustine hypothesized that all rational creatures on Earth, regardless of appearance, were human in ancestry. If, that is, they existed.

    1. I’m not so sure about some of those politicians. Especially the ex-mayor of Chicago. 😛


      VOTE FOR CTHULHU — We’ve had it with all these lesser evils.

      1. Foreswearing the use of the faculty does not mean you do not possess it.

        (And I’m more of a SMOD girl.)

      2. Vote for Cthulhu because you’re tired of settling for the lesser evil?

        We’ve got a t-shirt with that theme. (And our van is repaired, and we’re looking forward to two cons in two weeks that may soon become three cons in three weeks).

    2. That’s probably St. Muirgheann the mermaid, who was a human girl named Li Ban. Her entire family drowned, except for her and her dog, and the two of them were swept into the middle of Lough Neagh and couldn’t get out again. After a long time and much praying to God, Li Ban was transformed into a mermaid and her dog into an otter.

      Various stuff happened, she lived in the lake for 300 years, she sang beautifully, a bunch of monks got her out of Lough Neagh by getting her into a net and drawing her into their boat, and then divine guidance sent her to St. Comgall to be baptized and Confirmed and hear Mass, receiving her First Communion.

      And then either she transformed into a human again or she didn’t, but she did die and get buried there. I don’t know what happened to her faithful dog/otter.

        1. St. Christopher is often depicted as a giant, or a dog-headed man, or both.

        1. The story is “The Death of Eochaid” from the Book of the Dun Cow, Lebor na hUidre, and the whole story is translated in volume I of Silva Gadelica.

          Li Ban’s lower half was that of a salmon, which is not surprising in an Irish story. Also one of the monks fell in love with her, which is also not surprising.

          When she was brought to land, the chief of the Ui Conaing was there, and offered her his cloak when he noticed her looking at it, for which courtesy she blessed him and his descendants. (She didn’t want the cloak, but she said it reminded her of what her dad had been wearing when he died.)

          And then another man, a warrior of another tribe, killed her otter lapdog who had been with her for 300 years, and had followed her onto shore.

          And she cursed his tribe never to win in battle, and never to be able to get vengeance for their wrongs, unless they came to her grave and fasted. So he knelt and asked her forgiveness, but his tribe was still cursed.

          So yeah, that makes the story sadder.

    3. And with respect to the Catholicity of Mermaids at the time Brendan the Navigator (Late 5th to early 6th) century there was ONLY 1 church, even the orthodox split is 500 Years into the future and Protestants were 500 years beyond that. There’d be something fishy if that Mermaid wasn’t catholic 🙂 .

  5. The libertarian dragon. And individualists failing to organize.

    Some years ago I read a book by a Catholic priest who for a while served at a parish in the West that was dedicated to St. Joan of Arc. The big annual fundraiser was a BBQ. Yes, the community had an Odd sense of humor.

    1. Run of the mill backyard BBQs do tend to produce Burnt Offerings.

      Especially if the cook might be drinking Burgundy wine.

    2. There was a parish named St Lawrence in central Illinois that used to mark his feast day with an annual steak fry. (Look up St Lawrence if you don’t get why this is funny)

  6. I miss those days too, only you forgot to add: “…and I didn’t have to take out a second mortgage to fill the gas tank.”

    Watched the Atlas Shrugged movies again recently. The scene where Dagny fills up her pickup truck and the bill is over $860 really hits home.

  7. “They brainwashed you!”

    “They can’t wash yours, you hydrocephalic moron.”

  8. After the election, I want Biden tried for four years in every red state in the union, so all that money he stole gets paid to lawyers and he is bankrupt living in the gutter along with his crack head son. Then the rest of the scum sucking demonic Liberal congress critters are next. Then we go after their children and grandchildren. You want law-fare bitches, we’ll show you law-fare.

  9. We need a few rednecks to come up with mobile Guillotines, you know they can.

    1. Speaking of hydraulics, wouldn’t take much to convert a log splitter. Already has a trailer hitch, and some|most|maybe all can be swiveled to be vertical for that classic look.

  10. Dear Algebra, stop having us find your X for you, get over it dude, she’s gone and by your attitude you only have yourself to blame…

  11. Anyone looking for story inspiration, just google the weirdest thing you can think of and read the results.

    Try Jeffery Epstein was an Alien CIA agent.

    What is most amazing is it goes on for pages.

    1. I’m sure you could make something out of Time Cube, although I don’t know if it’s worth the SAN hit.

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