We Are Not ALone

Because the left controls all the institutions and has seized all the mechanisms by which “government by the people, for the people” was supposed to take place, it’s trivially easy to get despondent about it and to become “black pilled.”

We all have moments. Even I. Which is why I have developed checks to apply to my thought process to keep it from spiraling.

The first check is: Yes, they’re very loud, but they’re not very effective. Recently a friend reminded me that all through these four years, (because let’s face it, they seized power by sneaky means in 2020) they haven’t managed to do the things we feared for the FIRST year of their control.

Trump is still alive, and the suits brought against him are more and more obviously absurd. Yes, there are some people unjustly arrested, and even one is bad, but let’s face it there haven’t been massive arrests.

Remember how we felt the day after the election, all of us arranging for electronic boltholes. I literally expected to wake up and be barred from online. And that is with me being fully aware I’m a very small fish in a very large pond. I expected, at the very least, to be kicked off FB and Twitter, and all platforms outside this blog. And perhaps have to have this blog independently hosted elsewhere. Years ago.

That didn’t happen. In fact, Twitter went the other way, because Elon Musk is he supervillain we didn’t deserve, but got anyway. (Supervillain by his modus operandi. His positions are… a bit all over the place. He’s not my libertarian ideal. But then neither am I. Or anyone.)

And they keep ranting about bringing us “under control” and making us eat the bugs, but to be fair, the more they push the more we run the other way. Even the car companies which fell into place with the EV BS are now running the other way because “the dogs don’t like it.”

No, there hasn’t been a massive revolution/uprising. But there have been millions of people saying “No. Also go fish.” On everything really. They keep trying new versions of feeding us bugs, or whatever, and it falls flatter and flatter everyday.

They have tried to follow the communist playbook, because it’s all they have, but it’s not… working, because America is not an Early 21st Century hierarchical nation. So making wealthy people partition their houses with 3 poor families doesn’t work. They’re trying to bring in the poor of the world to play that role, except the ones they bring in aren’t exactly early 20th century poor. They range from their own countries commie and entitled (the majority) to people who have never SEEN civilization and who are more or less kidnapped for the project.

As is, I have no more than a vague impression that almost as many people are running the other way, because of course they don’t publicize that, but it’s very much the sense I have. Yes, sure, we have a lot more indigents, and some cities like NYC and Denver are drowning in them. And the border, all of it, is a disaster zone, because, just the churn there would make it so. BUT… but….

Look, there are things that break through. I’ve now seen two law enforcement type of posts about families — entire families — that “disappeared” and when you look it turns out it was illegal families, and they were headed South of the Border and dropped out of phone contact with family here, and no one has heard of them. Did they wisely put themselves in the equivalent of witness protection, or did the cartels who originally trafficked them get them? Needless to say, I don’t know. But in the posts there is this sense of “they were trying to go back home like so many people who came in are.” Yeah, two families is not much but look… It’s families. I’d expected the disillusioned going back would be mostly single males, because it’s a hellish journey and they would have less to hold them here.

And then there’s the fact that despite all of the left’s push for illegal immigration, I haven’t seen the magazines on the checkout stands change, not even in my visits to Colorado. And during the immigration under Bush they already had.

And there’s the interviews you hear. “I don’t like the way they’re treating us. We were told we would be treated like kings/queens. We didn’t come here to work. We’re going back, because at least back home we have a network.”

Then there’s the fact that they’re bringing in people from farther afield, like Chinese and Africans and yes, keeping them in paramilitary camps with military discipline. And yes, part of the reason they are doing it is to use them against us, when we raise a fuss over the fraud this November. But why do you think this would go better for them than their other plans have? Yes, sure, they’ve gutted our military. But the biggest military force in this country is not the active military, but the retired military. No third world rag-tag army can be trained to oppose them, because American superiority is in the software in the head.

Anyway, if they could draw more from South America, they would. And if they could disperse people among the population throughout the country, they would. It’s just not working out their way.

Also, they keep trying to gin up the new BLM… but they can’t understand why their attempts at making Palestine the thing aren’t working. Which is both sad and hilarious, to be fair.

Their attempts at ginning up the new disease panic, too, are only hitting the same 10% or so of severely ill mental health patients who are still double-and-triple masking and burning Fauci candles.

Their impotent fury at us keeps circling around trying to get us to give up their guns, because they know if they send the stasi out to round us up for… anything — and note they might think this is possible, because they have no idea of the scale of the country — most won’t come home. But that also isn’t working.

Sure, they’re putting a lot of bad stuff into place — Net Neutrality. Open borders. — but none of it is working the way they want to. Mostly because ALL OF THEM suck at seeing second order consequences, and most of all at seeing that laws aren’t magical and don’t create instant outcomes.

Part of it is that their pet theory makes them really bad at humaning. When you believe all humans are widgets, you cope very badly with real humans.

Most of it though is that their time has passed.

In many ways, and due to the way tech influenced life, the late nineteenth and most of the 20th century were ideal for collectivism. The mass-everything from manufacturing to means of knowledge diffusion made it easy for collectivists and statists to seize power even in countries that were explicitly against them (such as ours.)

They could control the flow of information so that even their more or less glaring incompetence and inefficiency could be made to look as “government by the best people.”

I suspect that communism, on a country wide scale, couldn’t have been pushed into power in any other time, with any other tech. Even in France, the proto-communism of the revolution lasted less than a generation.

But this centralized everything time has passed. There are things which it is still better to mass produce and distribute centrally, but fewer and fewer every year. And mass communication while useful for storm warning and such is giving way to more efficient, and largely more accurate, distributed information (including entertainment.)

Which is why they’re acting like their world is melting, despite all their advantages.

And the thing is: it’s all over the world. All over the world they’re cheating, screaming and sticking elbows in the machinery of state trying to force things back to the 20th century.

It won’t work.

You are not alone. The revolution against centralization and the war on Marxism are world wide.

And the other side is losing.

It’s going to hurt like a mother, because they still have a lot of control. But it’s not going their way.

It’s much slower than we’d like, but history is. It’s “very slowly, then suddenly.”

Yeah, I’m old and I might not see the end of the fight. But we are not alone. And we’re fighting the good fight. And in the end, the good guys win.

You’re not alone. What you do, however small, matters.

Be not afraid and be of good cheer.

You got this.

107 thoughts on “We Are Not ALone

        1. I agree Sarah. We win in the end. Even if it’s in the afterlife for us older folks. The final chapter has been written; and the left is not related to the Author or Judge.

  1. There needs to be a superhero comedy about a team of super heroes trying to stop a super villain who wants to take over the world and leave it ruthlessly alone.

    This needs to be a thing. I don’t know how, but it does.

    1. The Reader thinks that is how leftists read Atlas Shrugged.

          1. Biff was a real moronic villain in Back to the Future. But he definitely wasn’t someone to leave anything ruthlessly alone.

            1. There has been a series of Biff’s that were inept as the Villain. You know it’s a comedy if the villain’s name is Biff.

                1. BIFF, Kibo… a dive into the past.

                  Before the days of “Enternal September” (September, when the freshmen got access to usenet at school and didn’t know the customs).

                  I also remember the rants of Archmeides Plutonium.

          2. I prefer “B1FF.” >;-D

            Assuming that several base-16 to base-10 online conversion Web sites are correct, “B1FF” as a hexadecimal number equals 45,567 in decimal notation.

    2. There was a DC story a little while back. I don’t know exactly when. Superman’s doing his thing saving people in a burning house. Guy in a cape races in, tells Superman to get the people to safety. Supes leaves with the people, house collapses with the new guy inside. Turns out new guy wasn’t fireproof. Oops.

      Justice League attends funeral, Supes apologizes to his wife. She says she doesn’t want to talk about it. That’s the end of it.

      Or not. A week or two later, dead guy’s son is being teased at school. He puts on a cape to confront his harassers. Turns out kid has powers. Kid doesn’t hurt anyone, but the JL still shows up to investigate. Mom tells them to go away. JL keeps snooping, Mom keeps telling them to leave her family alone. Eventually it turns out that the entire family – Dad, Mom, and kids – got powers through one of those weird events that only happen in comic books. Mom just wants to be left alone to raise her family in peace, but the JL keeps doing more and more digging, as well as questioning Mom,trying to find out what’s going on with the family. This is despite the fact that no one in the family has done anything wrong, and Mom keeps telling them to leave her and her family alone.

        1. I got the evil right here, Congress gets involved and makes all those with super powers register with the Government. I claim the Moniker ‘Sarcasm Man’. But then the only people who register are the crazy people and they start fighting over who is who. As I said dibs on ‘Sarcasm Man’. Ooh, ‘Mighty Morphing Maga Rangers’. Their rallying cry would be ‘All Taxation is Theft’ .

          1. Already been done — see Spellbound by Larry Correia. The Active Registration Act, championed and signed by none other than FDR, portrayed as a thoroughly nasty fascist.

            1. “Wearing the Cape” had that as a continual “background threat”. Apparently the climax of that series led to something like that being implemented in the follow-on series, “Capes”.

                1. Also done in Marvel’s “Squadron Supreme” mini-series. The Squadron is basically near-copies of the Justice League, and members show up from time to time in mainline Marvel stories (without being too prominent; DC has its own set of Avengers knock-offs, though they show up less often). Back in the ’80s, Marvel decided to write a twelve issue mini-series with a version of the Squadron that was in an alternate universe from the usual Marvel setting, and have some of them (led by not-Superman – Hyperion) attempt to remake the world for its own good. Some (led by not-Batman – Nighthawk) resisted, and attempted to stop the first group.

                  1. (Particle Man, a classic by They Might Be Giants)

                    Particle man, particle man
                    Doing the things a particle can
                    What’s he like? It’s not important
                    Particle man

                    Is he a dot, or is he a speck?
                    When he’s underwater does he get wet?
                    Or does the water get him instead?
                    Nobody knows, Particle man

                    Triangle man, Triangle man
                    Triangle man hates particle man
                    They have a fight, Triangle wins
                    Triangle man

                    Universe man, Universe man
                    Size of the entire universe man
                    Usually kind to smaller man
                    Universe man

                    He’s got a watch with a minute hand,
                    Millennium hand and an eon hand
                    When they meet it’s a happy land
                    Powerful man, universe man

                    Person man, person man
                    Hit on the head with a frying pan
                    Lives his life in a garbage can
                    Person man

                    Is he depressed or is he a mess?
                    Does he feel totally worthless?
                    Who came up with person man?
                    Degraded man, person man

                    Triangle man, triangle man
                    Triangle man hates person man
                    They have a fight, triangle wins
                    Triangle man

          1. I’m suddenly flashing back to improv practice, where the game was called “Superheroes.” You have four people, you get a suggestion for a setting. Two people set up a conflict and the other two jump in as appropriate superheroes.

            It started in a library, with the other guy listening to music too loud. I protested, and in jumps the villain, Decibel Man, who started blasting the music louder and damaging our hearing.

            And in a moment that made this game, which is normally kind of tepid, into a thing of beauty, the quiet and reserved fourth player steps out and says, “Excuse me, I’m the librarian.”

            Victory was eventually assured with a book upside the head of Decibel Man. I don’t think we ever bothered playing that one again because it’s usually, as I said, kind of blah. That one, though…

            1. What? No “Purple Pancakes?” Scout outing skit. “Wooith, Wooith, he’s deadth” gets new audience members every time. You’d think “rrrWoo, rrrWoo, he’rrs, rrrdead”, and “Woo, eh? Woo, eh? Dead, eh?” would give a clue, but somehow doesn’t.

              (* Banned for a bit, as it got done every time there were skits. Oh, they’d shake up the middle two styles from Scottish and Canadian, but the last one was always Shakespeare. Don’t know if the troop still do this skit as we’ve been out now for a decade.)

              1. You’re going to need to introduce me to that skit, because I collect them and have literally never heard of that one.

                1. Remember you asked.

                  Purple pancakes.

                  Setup. Kitchen, fake fire/stove (campout tools on hand).

                  Two people in “kitchen”.

                  One asks “What’s for breakfast?”

                  Other responds “Purple Pancakes”

                  Action of making pancakes.

                  Cook says to other on stage. “Here try one.”

                  Other takes a bite, grabs throat, gasps, and collapse.

                  “Call 911”

                  “Woo Woo Woo Woo”

                  Collapsed is checked “He’s dead”

                  Off stage someone runs in saying “Cut! Cut! It’s not right! Start over. Like in …”

                  Repeat in accent of what is asked for:




                  Star Trek (“He’s dead Jim”)

                  Middle two or three vary. Last …

                  Elizabethan/Shakespeare, where every word ends in “th”, thus “wooth”, “deadth, or diedth”.

                  After last one the cast takes off after the “director”.

                  Who knows? Your crew may come up with a funnier last one to pull.

                  1. Yep, that’s the one. Variants I’ve seen are more genres than accents. Like Western, Romantic, Action, and so forth. Ending is usually “That’s it! That one’s perfect!” at which the camera guy says he’s been out of film.

                    1. Yep. Variants are what most do. Just depends on their imagination. The patrols of son’s troop always had to do “Wooth” last. Being boys, the romantic comedy versions were no go. They never seemed to get to the “film is out tag line.”

              2. Though come to think of it, I may know it under a different name. Does it involve filming a scene multiple times and the punchline is that the camera operator—who keeps getting told to shut up—reveals he’s out of film? Because if it is, it’s called “Beans” around here.

                1. Could be? The out of film portion never showed in any of the ones they put on. That would be an option. So would beans VS purple pancakes.

            2. Mister Physics –

              “You cannot do that. It violates the Laws of Physics.” (Ominous notes…)

              “Fool! You think you can stop Doctor Insane? … wait… how? My Kill-O-Zap ray isn’t firing!”

              “Boss! The antigrav suits failed! We cant move the gold! We’re -powerless-!”

              (Ominous notes…)

          2. “This is a job for Legal Eagle!”

            Note, in Marion Harmon’s Wearing the Cape series, one of the characters is a Lawyer dealing with Super-Hero Law.

            He’s not a super-hero but he is a super-being with the power of flight and he got the nick-name of Legal Eagle.

            Oh, he was studying law and while engaging in his hobby of sky-diving, he had a major problem with his parachute which triggered his “break-though” power of flight.

            1. He uses the power as a gimmick to advertise and specializes in breakthrough related cases.

            2. Harmon’s modus operandi for breakthroughs almost all require the person to be in a situation of either die or develop a superpower. In that universe, a lot of people end up killing themselves each year trying and failing. That’s a driver for several of his stories and side plots.

                1. BOOM! “Blue jaunte!”

                  As I recall, Larry Niven addressed the idea from “The Stars My Destination” (or “Tiger, Tiger”) that in extremity, powers will manifest in his essay “Theory and Practice of Teleportation”. One of the better ones, along with “Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex”. 😆

            3. There is a “Champions” supplement book “Normals Unbound”. Highly recommend.

    3. So write it. The motivation of the superheroes is the same as any bureaucracy–if there are no more super villians, the heroes are out of a job.

      1. Villains, rue the day any Supers decide they need a quiet retirement…..

        “But, but, Noooo! You have a Total Code Versus Killing!”


        “Lobotomizing you isn’t ‘killing’…”

        “buhbuhbuh… (drool)

      2. I’d have to do them as well meaning idiots paving their paths with good intentions. I’m not sure I could live in that headspace for all that long. I mean I’m having enough trouble with an NPC so yeah, need to sort that one first.

        1. Go find online:

          Impotent Rage!

          The Liberal Superhero!


          He’s from the Grand Theft Auto franchise, and he and his nemesis Uberman are TV shows in-game.

          NSFW. Put beverages down, first. Heck, you might want to take a bio-break first. Heh. Seriously-NSFW.

          The same crew also created “Kung Fu Rainbow Lazerforce” for spoofing the right wing. Ditto-NSFW it’s frelling GTA.

      3. DC has pulled that schtick twice. Once with Batman and the Joker, and once with Superman and Lex Luthor. President Lex Luthor.

        Supes thought about it for a minute, then said something along the lines of “You know, you might be right.” And performs open heart surgery with his heat vision.

        I don’t remember what Batman did.

  2. I have always thought that the mere size of America and the huge population of people from everywhere is a strength that TPTB don’t get. They think “widgets” and the average American (even many who have simply come here) reply: “Nah… We’re the Smiths, Johansson, Abergine, and/or whatever family.” They then go on, for the most part, to ignore the official fools and live their life. Communities form and relationships develop which totally defy what “they” want and ain’t nothing “they” can do about it.

    On a totally unrelated note…

    I’ve discovered video evidence of someone being carped! Beware all unbelievers and remember, we win – they loose!


  3. But this centralized everything time has passed.

    What I find both amusing and frustrating is that our formal governing structures were built for decentralization – if only the Feds wouldn’t keep pulling more and more power unto themselves.

    What worked in 1824 is perfectly suited for 2024 – if only we could get back to it.

    1. FDR derided the US Constitution as a horse and buggy constitution, but it’s actually a lightning rod constitution – something even more necessary and desirable today than a couple of centuries ago.

      1. Leftists have always derided the Constitution because they loathe its limitation on government power and its focus on the protection of the inherent fundamental rights that people have.

        1. 0bama and his “Negative Rights” and it “only” saying what gov’t CAN’T do to you (though he used “for you” often enough)

  4. May every Lawfare case go as well as Bragg’s case is going. May they try and lock him up after that trial, go ahead we double dog dare you.

  5. One of the rules of thumb in history is that when you keep reading about laws restricting or prohibiting [thing], over, and over, and over, every year or two, or decade or two, and the experts or sages decrying [thing], you can be sure people are doing [thing] and thumbing their noses at the authorities. Sumptuary laws, for example, had to repeat every few years, “You can’t wear this, only people worth X amount can wear that, servants must not look like free businessmen, women can’t wear more than Y amount of lace of Z quality…” Over, and over, and over.

    So when I keep reading the EU and British new saying over and over “People don’t want populism, the populists are about to lose, no one votes for populists, Victor Orban is a terrible creature and will be out of office this year,” I smile. Because I know what the unwashed masses are NOT doing.

    1. A quote – I cannot remember where I originally read it – ran something like “For every government bureaucrat putting a law into place, there are 10 people working just as hard to find a way to work around the law”.

      The more people that are impacted by the laws, the more people that will be working on ways around it.

      1. But what do you do when the “law” is a prospiracy, of people you HAVE to trust? This is the New England Journal of Medicine, not Witch Doctor’s Quarterly.


        “Make no mistake: considering the carbon footprint of medical interventions means those interventions will be restricted, rationed, and otherwise limited. The priority will not be whether or not the intervention is effective and will save your life, the priority will be its impact on Gaia.

        And if that impact is deemed too big or detrimental, guess who isn’t getting that treatment.”

        Do you know why you were denied care? Are you sure?

    2. One of the few good lines I remember from Han Solo at Star’s End by Brian Daley was that for every bureaucrat putting a law in place, there were ten people working feverishly to find a way around that law.

      (Apologies, this may be in comments twice. Word Press was not kind yesterday.)

    1. Good to see you here. The Reader hasn’t had to duck in a while.

      1. College tends to pile on me, sorry I haven’t been by! I’ll try to keep up where I can.

  6. oft evil will shall evil mar and all that. The puppet masters installed these DA clowns, and now these DA clowns are flubbing just about every case. Twitter flipping was key, it’s difficult to overestimate just how important Elon talking it over is.

    1. And their blue Cities are exploding with crime and store closures. They jumped the shark with this.

    2. Re the erstwhile Twitter: I wish I could be around to see history classes of the future explaining how the Babylon Bee saved the world with sarcasm, at least in a “Connections” sort of way.

      Republica restituendae, et, Hamas delenda est.

        1. Saw a story (Epoch Times, so maybe take with a grain of salt) that Henan province was laying off a *lot* of bureaucrats. Seems important.

  7. The preferences, they are cascading.

    However, NPCs don’t know what is going on, they just sense a storm on the horizon.

    Once they start to stampede…

    It’s Niagra Falls in NPC form.

        1. OT – but this is actually a day that I can say WordPress servare est! It’s actually letting me like comments that AREN’T replies to one of mine. (Probably won’t last, though…)

    1. Wait until Red States start charging people in masks just like they did the Klan, the other Democrat institution.

      1. They’d better do it with some discretion.

        Some overzealous prosecutor comes after me for doing masked yardwork, and I will have no problem turning the weed-whacker on it.

        At least until I am incapacitated by sneezing.

  8. The other reason the Left and the Bolsheviques (BIRM) act like their world is melting (and only the prompt addition of moar gummint naow! can save it, is because they must believe it. It’s as core a doctrine to Leftism as is (to Christianity) the Virgin Birth. And if Moar Gummint isn’t forthcoming, the catechism (Marx’s Unificating Catechesis) demands that The Revolution must be conducted, post-haste.

  9. The issue is that the memes that the Left loves so much are…appealing to the weaker-minded. Things have to be organized and controlled, after all. And if this is the case, why shouldn’t they be in control?

  10. IIRC, I’m a touch older than Sarah – but from a similarly long-lived line.

    Some of what I am seeing in the last few weeks has been encouraging me to think that I will see the restoration of the Republic.

    1. Me too.

      Not only that. But the way things are speeding up, mom might see it too. And I would not bet against BIL’s wife’s mother, either. Mom will be 90 this fall. BIL’s, MIL will be 94. Won’t be this year or even next. But won’t bet on neither of them seeing it happen.

  11. The big thing is that at least a third of the population recognizes what they are doing, and our Founding Fathers gave us the Senate, even though SCOTUS took away our right to have that in the states and below.

    Worse for them, pundits like Maher are seeing it too.

  12. We managed to get to the big Trump rally in New Jersey. I’m not a ‘huge’ fan, but my wife really wanted to go. I am glad we made it; it WAS amazing. Nearly 100,000 supporters for Trump in freaking New Jersey!! Met a lot of wonderful, friendly people; practically the whole hotel we were staying at were ALL Trump supporters! No rioters, no nasty protesters ( there was an obviously Democrat paid for banner plane flying overhead for a while. But there was ALSO a ‘God Bless Donald J Trump’ plane flying overhead for a while, as well! ) and crowd control went very smoothly. And all the brazenly ‘trumped up’ charges in NYC seem to be only HELPING his support in that area, as well.

  13. Off topic – Sarah, your next post (Masquerade) showed up in the Reader’s email but the link yields a ‘page not found error’. The Reader assumes WordPress is up to its usual antics.

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